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The main purpose of this paper is to capture the maximum output power of the wind turbine under various environmental conditions. To achieve this goal, the wind turbine model has been studied and analysed under both low-wind and high-wind circumstances and due to the noisy behaviour of the wind, type II fuzzy logic controller is used for this purpose. Simulations with MATLAB show that type II fuzzy logic controller has better performance than type I.  相似文献   

林震  田浩  周晓蓉  周斌 《消防科学与技术》2021,40(12):1793-1796
锂离子电池储能技术是储能领域最具应用前景的技术之一,但安全问题一直是其大规模推广应用所面临的主要挑战.笔者通过了解不同电池特性,重点研究锂离子电池的火灾特性,对锂离子电池电力储能系统消防安全研究的最新进展进行了概括,从灭火剂适用性、灭火装置的研制过程方面分析了锂电池储能系统的消防安全现状,为锂离子电池火灾事故预防及应急...  相似文献   

锂离子电池作为储能载体之一,为新能源并网、电网调峰与调频提供了重要支持。锂离子电池储能技术发展的同时,安全问题不能忽视。通过分析锂离子电池储能集装箱爆炸事故原因可知:锂离子电池热失控释放出的可燃烟气是爆炸的主要成因。根据燃烧三要素原理,设计了CO2气体保护式磷酸铁锂电池热失控阻燃对比试验。根据试验结果,初步规划设计了CO2惰化式锂离子电池储能集装箱,以期为锂离子电池储能电站的安全设计提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

为了提高集装箱式锂离子电池储能系统的整体安全性,在集装箱式锂离子储能系统的系统构成及工作原理的基础上,对储能系统消防需求进行了分析。搭建了集装箱式锂离子电池储能系统的热管理系统,并进行了仿真分析。针对集装箱式锂离子电池储能系统消防安全,提出了一种新型定点、定位、耦合型集装箱式锂离子电池储能系统消防装置。研究可提高该类储能系统消防装置性能,促进国家电网公司三型两网的建设。  相似文献   

太阳能光伏发电系统需要储能蓄电池。对于独立功放发电系统需要蓄电池是可以理解的;对于并网光伏发电系统,为了减少太阳能发电对电网稳定性的影响,对电网有功分量的补偿只有依靠蓄电池或者其他储能装置。什么是太阳能光伏蓄电池?在光伏界还没有一个统一的认识,于是各蓄电池生产厂家纷纷推出自己的所谓太阳能光伏蓄电池,这些蓄电池能够符合太阳能光伏储能的基本要求吗?究竟什么是太阳能光伏蓄电池?对于太阳能光伏发电系统,理想的储能元件应该具备什么技术要求?本文试图通过分析解答以上问题。  相似文献   

讨论储能用磷酸铁锂电池在过充条件下的电压、表面温度以及所释放特征气体浓度特征参数变化规律,分析热失控机理、发展过程和早期预警阈值。实验结果表明:过充可促发电池内部一系列放热化学反应,引起温度、电压升高并伴有大量可燃气体产生,其中H2 含量最高且最先被气体探测器感知;电池电压、表面温度和H2 质量浓度特征参数建议报警范围分别为:4.8~6.6V、60~116 ℃、20~50 mg/L。  相似文献   

基于某梯次电池储能系统实际工程项目需求,结合电池热失控机理,提出了基于VOC、可燃气体、温度、烟雾等的多级预警系统及分级预警策略,对电池进行全周期、连续性监测,确保快速有效地检测出电池热失控状态,实现灭火系统的早期介入。在传统的七氟丙烷灭火系统基础上,增加水喷淋灭火系统,确保能够有效扑灭火灾。以退役磷酸铁锂电芯热失控为例验证了该系统的有效性。  相似文献   

电力安全是国家能源安全的重要组成,储能是保证电力安全、低碳、高效供给的重要技术.储能电站近年来飞速发展,其中锂电池储能系统具有重量轻、能量密度高、循环寿命长等优势而被广泛使用,但是其火灾危险性也逐渐显现,引起了社会强烈关注.文章针对一起储能电站火灾事故调查分析,对其安全管理提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

细水雾可有效扑灭储能电站磷酸铁锂电池热失控火灾并抑制其复燃,但在灭火过程中细水雾喷放对处于非热失控状态的正常电池的影响尚未明确,一定程度上限制了其在储能电池消防安全领域的推广应用。以正常326 Ah磷酸铁锂储能电池模组为试验对象,系统研究了细水雾持续喷放对其充放电性能、安全性能及数据监测模块(BMU)功能的影响。结果表明:在15 min的细水雾持续喷放及后续观察期间,3组电池模组均未出现外壳形变、未产生可燃气体、未出现温度升高及电火花等异常现象,且各单体电压平稳,BMU数据采集功能正常,试验前后电池模组充放电性能未出现明显波动,验证了细水雾在磷酸铁锂储能电池模组火灾扑救过程中的可靠性。  相似文献   

针对电化学储能电站的火灾危险性,通过对国内外电化学储能领域相关文献资料的收集、查阅、分析,从锂离子电池热失控致灾机理、储能电站火灾扑救技术方法、储能领域安全标准等方面,对该领域的研究现状及发展趋势进行综述,为进一步促进储能行业的安全健康发展提供参考.  相似文献   

随着新能源汽车行业的迅速发展,动力锂电池的市场需求和产量不断增加,锂电池生产能耗受到关注。通过对某动力锂电池生产厂房的生产工艺、环境营造方法及生产能耗的实地调研,分析了重要生产工艺的用能特性及空调系统处理过程。调研发现,锂电池厂房总体能耗较高,生产过程中,涂布、合浆工艺能耗占工艺用能的50%以上;空调系统中,除湿空调机组能耗占空调系统用能的62%。给出了节能改造建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, fuzzy logic control is put forward in a parallel hybrid hydraulic excavator for the purposes of better energy distribution and higher fuel economy. A mathematical model of parallel hybrid hydraulic excavator is presented in detail, and the parameters of components and overall system are listed and analyzed. The fuzzy logic controller is then designed to cope with energy distribution and management. To achieve better equivalent fuel consumption, genetic algorithm is implemented to fine-tune the membership functions. The control effects are compared between different control strategies, e.g. rule-based control and fine-tuned fuzzy logic control. The results indicate that hybrids with the proposed strategy can improve fuel economy for the excavator without sacrificing any system performance.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated the interplay and the influence of lighting and blind control models on the heating, cooling, and lighting energy loads of an office room. By including different stochastic models for occupancy and appliances, we built a complete simulation environment based on the building simulation program IDA ICE. For control models, we implemented different strategies, including a simple on/off scheme, a realistic model of occupants, and an optimized control. In literature, the results are often compared with simple on/off schemes, which are not hard to beat in terms of performance. With an optimal control, the real saving potential is assessed, which can be used as benchmark case for comparison with other control models. Results based on annual simulations show that active occupants can reduce energy consumption by up to 50% from a worst-case scenario, whereas advanced controllers can further reduce the consumption by another 60%.  相似文献   

Prediction of tunnel boring machine performance is a critical key for successful tunnel excavations. Specific energy requirement of disc cutters, which is defined as the amount of energy required to excavate a unit volume of rock, is one of the important parameters used for performance prediction of these machines. Much research has been conducted to predict cutting parameters of disc cutters using analytical, empirical and numerical approaches. In recent years alternative methods, such as fuzzy logic, have been extensively used to deal with subjects having ambiguities and uncertainties. In this study, a model was established to predict specific energy requirement of constant cross-section disc cutters in the rock cutting process by using fuzzy logic method. This model is based on experience and the database which consists of linear cutting test results that were generated over for many years at the Earth Mechanics Institute of the Colorado School of Mines. The model predicts specific energy requirements of disc cutters using uniaxial compressive and tensile strength of rocks, disc diameter and tip width, penetration and spacing of cuts.  相似文献   

An adaptive approach to control a water valve for a cooling coil, called an adaptive fuzzy logic controller (AFLC), is developed and validated in this study. The AFLC calculates the error between the supply air temperature and the supply air temperature set point for air in an air handling unit (AHU) of a heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and continues to improve the fuzzy controller parameters to minimize the error. The AFLC uses genetic algorithms (GAs) to improve the fuzzy rule matrix and fuzzy membership functions for the AHU in HVAC systems. In this paper, the application of genetic algorithms for developing the AFLC is presented. After a brief background on fuzzy logic controllers and GA theory, the use of GAs is explained. Three methods of modifying the fuzzy rule matrix using the GAs are presented along with simulation and real-time experimental results. Experimental results indicate that GAs can be successfully applied to modify an AFLC rule matrix to achieve a better controller.  相似文献   

In this paper, an evolutionary strategy approach is presented for tuning an AFLC to control the outlet temperature of a cooling coil. Two different methods, modifying scaling factors and modifying fuzzy membership functions, are studied. The simulation and real-time tests showed that evolutionary strategy techniques work well for evolving these AFLC parameters.  相似文献   

从能量角度出发,在理想弹塑性土体模型下建立了拉力型锚杆的势能方程,在最小势能约束条件下推导出了锚杆拉拔荷载与锚固体长度的关系解析解,证明了锚杆极限锚固长度的存在,获得了不同土质环境下锚固长度的取值规律及其影响因素。引入模糊理论原理构建了锚杆失效的能量法模糊判别模型,并对模型中的失效隶属函数和临界模糊区间作了具体分析。通过算例,将本文方法与工程实际进行对比,结果表明:本文的计算模型可行有效,能量法模糊判别不仅能对锚杆可靠度做较合理分析,并能对大多数锚杆破坏失效的案例作出解释。  相似文献   

为确保磷酸铁锂储能电站安全可靠运行,降低磷酸铁锂储能电池的火灾风险,针对磷酸铁锂储能电站电池预制舱的火灾防火和灭火系统控制策略展开研究。以磷酸铁锂电池早期热失控及热扩散的特征气体参数为探测对象,对电池热失控状态进行预测预警,及早预测电池异常状态。采用与电池管理系统(BMS)智慧联动,提出多层次火灾报警控制策略,以控制电池舱爆炸风险隐患,保障储能系统安全。  相似文献   

储能电站安全和消防问题备受关注,采用磷酸铁锂电池热失控特征气体作为探测预警的方式已经广泛应用于储能电站.气体在储能集装箱部的扩散规律直接影响探测预警的准确性,对通风影响储能集装箱磷酸铁锂电池热失控特征气体扩散规律尚缺乏深入的认识.为了探究通风对储能集装箱特征气体扩散的影响,首先采用锂离子电池热失控实验平台探究了109 ...  相似文献   

李亚宾 《山西建筑》2010,36(21):177-179
研究了太阳能光伏发电系统的组成及光伏发电基本原理,简单概述了光伏发电的优点和局限性,结合实例对太阳能光伏发电工程进行了分析,得出现阶段太阳能发电系统可以并网运行,但不能倒送电的结论。  相似文献   

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