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本文基于解读新加坡店屋的历史渊源,分析近年来新加坡店屋改造典型优秀作品,归纳总结其设计方法,同时将其与闽南地区同类店屋街区改造进行对比。吸取其先进的设计理念,结合闽南地区实际,提出旧城更新及新镇建设的设计构想。 相似文献
Reconnecting the disconnected: The politics of infrastructure in the in-between city 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper explores the politics of infrastructure in the evolving socio-spatial landscape of what we call the “in-between city,” that part of the urban region that is perceived as not quite traditional city and not quite traditional suburb (Sieverts, 2003). We posit that this new urban landscape which surrounds urban regions in many parts of the world is the remarkable new urban morphology where a large part of metropolitan populations live, work and play. While much attention has been on the winning economic clusters of the world economy and the devastated industrial structures of the loser regions, little light has been shed on the urban zones in-between. This paper deals specifically with these zones from the perspective of accessibility issues around urban infrastructures, in particular transportation. It is argued that only a combined understanding of scaled and topological approaches allow us to capture the complexities of the politics of urban infrastructures in the in-between city. Conceptually, we outline the definitive characteristics of this new landscape with a particular view towards urban Canada. Applying these concepts to a North American city, Toronto, Canada, we look specifically at the 85 sq km around York University, an area that straddles the line between the traditional suburb and the inner city. 相似文献
城中村是中国快速城市化过程中,由于城乡二元体制环境作用而产生的为外来人口提供聚居地的独特地域空间。研究立足于常熟整个城市与主城区发展的高度,从城市整体发展和城中村自身发展两个层面展开讨论,力求从城市整体发展角度为城中村更新改造提出新的思路和方法,从而有效的指导常熟城中村更新改造。 相似文献
历史文化古城保护与更新的探索——以泉州古城为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
泉州是国家历史文化名城,在核心古城内历史遗存十分丰富。在古城的保护更新中泉州市坚持以规划为指导,在积极保护中摸索了一套古城保护更新的方法和经验。 相似文献
对安阳老城保护与更新的外部环境和内在特征进行了介绍,针对安阳古城的传统城市空间进行了物质空间形态和社会形态两方面的分析和研究,提出了保护与更新的对策和要处理的关系,以期对安阳的城市建设提供指导。 相似文献
在梳理绅士化运动的内涵、动力机制及其影响的基础上,以包头市东河区为实证,指出了包头市东河区绅士化进程与城市更新的互动关系,并针对其中存在的问题,提出加强政府引导,加强旧城与新城的联系,促进旧城在物质、环境、文化等各方面的全方位更新等发展策略。 相似文献
新加坡是一个岛国,历经40多年的改革发展,创造了发展奇迹,经济水平跻身于世界前列。在经济发展的同时,新加坡在绿化和保洁方面的效果显著,这种经济与环境建设并行的城市发展模式发人思考。福清市是一个人文底蕴丰厚的城市,在城市发展过程中应借鉴新加坡"规划先行、政府主导、彰显个性、注重保护、与民分享、高效管理"的城市发展经验。 相似文献
以重庆市石板坡历史地段为例,通过对其历史发展和现状各项问题的调研以及对该地区已有改造措施和预设更新策略的分析讨论,进一步研究了山地历史地段的城市更新问题,并提出了相应的建议,以促进城市更新、发展。 相似文献
Sujin Eom 《Planning Perspectives》2020,35(2):299-319
ABSTRACTBy examining South Korea’s urban renewal regime in the 1960s, this paper sheds light on hitherto underexplored transpacific connections in the history of urban renewal. The period in question is crucial in that both Washington and Seoul came to regard urban space as a means to maintain an anti-communist regional order, which prefigured major urban transformations in South Korea for the decades that followed. With a focus on the circulation of technologies of governing urban space through particular forms of urban renewal, this paper shows that urban renewal in the mid-twentieth century illuminates the function of three interrelated phenomena during the period: (1) the formation of the transpacific network of power and knowledge; (2) the establishment of legal, financial, and symbolic grounds on which the ideal of homeownership could operate; and (3) the transport of what I call infrastructures of displacement. In doing so, this paper suggests a way of looking at urban renewal in the mid-century as the geopolitical project of disseminating ideas, norms, and technologies of governing cities during the Cold War. 相似文献
提出以渐进式保留与更新的思想和方法进行老城区控规的编制,结合地块区位及使用性质、产权特征、用地性质的兼容性以及其他相关因素划分地块边界,使现状分析与规划的内容具有一定的连贯性与条理性,并根据不同类型的用地提出相应的系列规划控制指标,以便管理与实施。 相似文献
Urban renewal in the Netherlands has become a matter of ‘networking’. Housing associations, Dutch social landlords, became
financially independent in the 1990s and have a responsibility in urban renewal. It is a joint responsibility in which local
authority, social landlord and tenants are dependent on each other. This situation is rather new and needs some getting used
to, as the two case studies show. The paper concludes that taking account of the complexity of networks could improve the
chances of gaining support for problem definitions and solutions. This would result in agreement about goals and win–win package
deals for actors, and ultimately in ‘more’ progress in urban renewal.
Marja ElsingaEmail: |
以建水古城为例,对其历史文化价值和近年来在开发中所出现的问题做了简述与分析,并以此为基础对建水古城的保护与更新进行了一些探讨,试图以此获得古城保护与更新的启示。 相似文献
The term urban renewal was introduced in France in the Loi solidarité et renouvellement urbains (Loi SRU) of December 13th, 2000. Until then, terms like renovation, reconstruction, recycling or refurbishment were used to indicate similar phenomena. Is the introduction of a new term only an innovation in vocabulary, or does it imply new orientations, conceptions and practices? It appears that ever since its introduction in 2000, the notion of urban renewal has been subject to variations in its meaning and in its implementation. A double regime of urban renewal exists. On the one hand, there are the operations officially labelled as urban renewal, which benefit from central state subsidies. These operations aim at a social urban development, and almost exclusively concern the so-called quartiers sensibles, large high-rise housing estates in the banlieus. On the other hand, there are more market-driven, locally initiated and realised operations of regeneration of derelict and run-down areas of the city. 相似文献
对大连"全域城市化"的内涵进行了解读,简要分析了大连城市化实施途径,并提出了全域城市化进程中的规划应对策略,包括统一规划、分级管理、加强监督,为其他地区城乡统筹发展提供了参考。 相似文献
城市更新与历史文脉保护并行 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
针对目前国内城市旧城改造过程中出现的一些问题,提出城市更新与历史文脉保护并不矛盾,并对旧城改建工作提出了一些建议,指出城市更新应与历史文脉保护并行,从而创建富有中国特色的现代城市。 相似文献
指出旧城更新历来是一个复杂而又值得探讨的问题,从社会价值目标角度出发,通过南京城南钓鱼台地区的案例,分析了旧城更新中的景观改造问题,并提出一些建议和思考,引申了景观在社会维度上的作用和意义。 相似文献
刘敏 《青岛理工大学学报》2007,28(6):5-9,17
青岛是典型的近代殖民城市,也是国家级历史文化名城.在梳理其城市脉络与城市特色的基础上,深刻剖析其旧城保护中的矛盾与问题,包括指导思想的误导、居住环境的衰败、城市文脉的丧失、建设政策的偏差以及法规管理的滞后等.准确提出问题与深刻分析问题是解决问题的第一步,以此促进青岛旧城保护工作的正确开展. 相似文献