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归纳与整合——建筑设计基础课程教学内容及方法探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文总结了目前国内建筑学专业建筑设计基础课程的两条主要教学思路:即重基础训练的传统型教学,和以设计为主线的现代型教学。针对新形势人才培养目标,分别分析了这两种教学思路的利与弊,最终提出将两种教学思路进行归纳与整合,并与培养目标相适应的教学内容及方法的新思路。  相似文献   

冯静  丁蔓琪  庄程宇 《华中建筑》2011,29(6):179-180
建筑技术是建筑设计得以实现的物质技术条件,两者关系如同"器"与"事".该文针对当前建筑设计与技术教育相脱离的现状,提出将建筑设计与技术课程进行整合,构建课程结构框架,探索整合的实现手段与目标.通过整合,提高学生的实践应用能力,达到培养应用型人才的教育目标.  相似文献   

陈瑜 《华中建筑》2009,27(11):164-165
目前的建筑教育中构造课程和设计教学人为分裂,脱节严重 加之教学过程中普遍的重艺术轻技术想法,导致建筑设计脱离建筑本体和工程实际。因此结合本院构造课程教学的传统积弊和本科院校建筑设计的发展要求,从构造与设计整合、构造内容革新、教学实践手段等方面介绍了构造课程改革的思路、具体尝试以及成果和不足。  相似文献   

The demand to satisfy environmental and economic performance requirements of buildings highlights the application of the responsive skin facades in offering superior performance, as compared to conventional façades. With this respect, responsive skins have become a growing field of research during the recent decade while a thorough review of studies investigating their design and technology aspects is still missing. To fill the identified gap, this study aims to present a systematic literature review and state of the art in an untouched research area of the responsive skins, integrated with their geometric and mechanism design approaches. To this end, a total of 89 studies, collected from two major bibliographic databases of Scopus and Google Scholar from the first of 2010 to the mid of 2021, were reviewed and several classifications and analyses on the associated design thinking, skin systems and responsive mechanisms were presented. The gap analysis of the findings indicates that the lack of controllable substitution design for mechanical skins is one of the reasons preventing the application of responsive skins in construction industry. Furthermore, the gap between simulation and constructability and the relationship between the designed skin geometry with climatic analysis and performance provide basis for future studies.  相似文献   

模数多孔砖的建筑应用与工程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细介绍了模数、模数多孔砖的应用及其建筑设计与结构设计,并对其推广的社会、经济效益作了展望。  相似文献   

惠丝思 《华中建筑》2009,27(8):27-29
建筑评论是建筑理论与建筑实践之间的纽带。该文通过对艾伦·科洪的建筑评论集《建筑评论——现代建筑与历史嬗变》的阅读,探讨了现代建筑设计方法及其实践之间的关系,并针对国内建筑师忽视历史文化背景、直接采取"拿来主义"运用现代建筑设计方法的现象展开了反思。  相似文献   

以外文数据库Web of Science、Scopus收录的八大项目管理领域知名期刊为文献来源,以BIM为搜索关键词,对搜索到的研究文献进行分类。以内容分析法为研究方法,对收集到的BIM设计阶段应用研究的文献进行文献来源、研究内容、研究趋势等方面分析,并提出目前在BIM设计应用方面的研究热点和趋势。  相似文献   

赵秋阳  梅洪元  王征 《华中建筑》2010,28(11):17-19
在当前建筑设计蓬勃发展和全球化的背景下,过分关注形式与技术的建筑日益凸显其弊端。传统精神文化丧失,情感世界的空虚愈加严重。博览建筑的创作实践也普遍存在浮躁的心理。博览建筑不仅跳出了兼顾城市肌理的"桎梏",更成为了景象化的标志性建筑。该文试图阐释现象学方法与博览建筑设计之间的内在联系,从而使现象学方法得以介入博览建筑设计,使其摆脱形式和技术至上理念的影响,真正地创造出关注使用者感受,反映建筑功能、兼顾城市空间形态的博览建筑。  相似文献   

卫东风 《华中建筑》2010,28(10):84-88
该文从类型学出发进行建筑与室内设计的基本方法研究,以喀什地区博物馆建筑与室内类型设计为研究案例,在创作中把握维吾尔族传统民居和高台民居建筑与室内空间的内涵及其形式、功能或精神层面的母题"原型",对建筑与室内设计的创新有现实意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

Efficient management of water resources is an important task given the significance of water in daily lives and economic growth. Water resource management is a specific field of study which deals with the efficient management of water resources towards fulfilling the needs of society and preventing from water-related disasters. Many activities within this domain are getting benefitted with the recent technological advancements. Within many others, computer vision-based solutions have emerged as disruptive technologies to address complex real-world problems within the water resource management domain (e.g., flood detection and mapping, satellite-based water bodies monitoring, monitoring and inspection of hydraulic structures, blockage detection and assessment, drainage inspection and sewer monitoring). However, there are still many aspects within the water resource management domain which can be explored using computer vision technologies. Therefore, it is important to investigate the trends in current research related to these technologies to inform the new researchers in this domain. In this context, this paper presents the bibliometric analysis of the literature from the last two decades where computer vision technologies have been used for addressing problems within the water resource management domain. The analysis is presented in two categories: (a) performance analysis demonstrating highlighted trends in the number of publications, number of citations, top contributing countries, top publishing journals, top contributing institutions and top publishers and (b) science mapping to demonstrate the relation between the bibliographic records based on the co-occurrence of keywords, co-authorship analysis, co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling analysis. Bibliographic records (i.e., 1059) are exported from the Web of Science (WoS) core collection database using a comprehensive query of keywords. VOSviewer opensource tool is used to generate the network and overlay maps for the science mapping of bibliographic records. Results highlighted important trends and valuable insights related to the use of computer vision technologies in water resource management. An increasing trend in the number of publications and focus on deep learning/artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches has been reported from the analysis. Further, flood mapping, crack/fracture detection, coastal flood detection, blockage detection and drainage inspections are highlighted as active areas of research.  相似文献   

苏南文化与时代精神的融合——常熟市图书馆设计回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了常熟图书馆的设计过程,阐述了常熟图书馆整合多种现代图书馆功能性元素于一身,关注空间序列与院落体系的设计、将建筑与景现充分融为一体,在传统的语境中体现了时代的特色等设计理念.  相似文献   

刘飞 《城市建筑》2008,(1):28-29
本文介绍生态节能建筑设计的相关要点,并结合济南太阳树住宅小区实例对其生态节能理念进行分析。  相似文献   

Research in the field of construction management and economics (CME) can be characterized as a multidisciplinary design science. Results from the sciences and humanities are necessary inputs for this field of research that deals with design, production and operation of the built environment. The output of CME research as multidisciplinary design science consists of three types of solution concepts: empirical generalizations based on statistical data analysis (technological laws), concepts that specify what to do, if a certain result is to be attained under given circumstances (functional rules), and insights in the interrelationship between design, production and operation of the built environment and social practice (socio‐technological understanding). Scientific justification of these solution concepts is obtained through testing them in the specific context of the built environment.  相似文献   

建筑设计方案的评判是一个多目标、多层次的决策过程。在若干个可评判的方案中,设计方案的评判指标可能差异很大,往往具有不相容性、灰色性,如效率高、有创意、收益多、很合理等,这些都为评判带来困难。该文将灰色物元分析法用于建筑设计方案的评判,尝试建立一种新型的建筑设计方案评价模式。  相似文献   

This study investigates the evidence supporting the impact of the built environment on the health outcomes for patients within the hospital setting. Improving the hospital environment may potentially impact the lives of millions of patients, patients' family, and staff. Prior research has suggested that the built environment can contribute to positive health outcomes. Reporting the most recent evidence may assist designers in making informed decisions. In this study, a literature review was conducted using the PICO framework within scientific databases and additional hand-searched documents. A total number of 15 articles were included. Effects of each environmental factor on patients' health outcomes were discussed in detail. Environmental factors that affect patient outcomes are (1) form, (2) unit layout, (3) floor material, (4) room features, (5) medical equipment visibility, (6) nature, (7) lighting, and (8) music. Although several studies have provided a high level of evidence, other studies have lacked a robust research design. Thus, evidence regarding several environmental factors is not conclusive. Additional studies using experimental/quasi-experimental research design have been suggested. In some studies, several environmental factors were introduced simultaneously which obscured the separate effects of each environmental factor.  相似文献   

In recent years, we have witnessed an increased interest in the research on projects and project management. The aim of this article is to review, classify and analyze the recent contributions within the field. This paper is based on two sets of data: (1) project-related research published in major management and organization scientific journals, and (2) articles published between 1993 and 2002 in the International Journal of Project Management. The article offers a framework suitable for analyzing the developments made and the different perspectives launched. It is submitted that “project research” instead of project management research might be a better concept for capturing the current state of the field. We also show that papers in the International Journal of Project Management have devoted little attention to research on contexts of multi-projects and multi-firms, a context that is considered to be of great importance for the future of project studies. The recent developments illustrate the need to better integrate project management with the general developments in management and organization. Of special importance, we conclude, is the one that we label project ecologies. We also believe that this concept, and research focus, might be of value for practitioners as it describes the way many modern industries work. The paper contributes to the internal debate about the content and identity of project research.  相似文献   

潘明率  陈巧竹 《华中建筑》2009,27(8):111-113,143
从整体布局、建筑功能、空间设计和细部处理上,分析美国乔治敦大学法学院校园建筑的设计手法,从中感受到人本精神对使用者细致的关怀。  相似文献   

The coordination of work and expertise in construction projects is often treated in terms of models or formal rules. However, much is to be gained, if we are to understand it, by examining actual coordination practices. The objective in this article is to address practices of coordination of expertise in the context of design team meetings. The focus is specifically on conversational practices between the structural engineer and the landscape architect who are part of the design team in a healthcare infrastructure project. The central argument is that the coordination of expertise relied on and was organized by mundane and everyday methods, and not by formal and abstract ones. This argument is drawn from ethnomethodology, a form of sociological analysis that focuses on the situated methods by which activities are produced, but shares concerns found in the literature on actual project management practices. The ethnomethodological stance, however, offers a different perspective on the significance of the empirical reality of projects and a possibility to incorporate within this literature a concern with the ordinary methodical organization of project activities.  相似文献   

刘科 《建筑与文化》2016,(12):81-82
建筑描述语言中通过性别比喻的修辞将建筑之于男性与女性的特征类比,在建筑史中存在了数千年。随着现代主义建筑的产生与发展,性别化修辞描述建筑的语言越发不为人们所使用,在沙利文之后对于建筑的性别化描述更是骤然消失。这种语言描述的变化有着其时代发展的原因。通过对担保大厦和斯科特大楼的建筑描述研究,探究现代主义初期的性别化描述特点的本质以及时代意义。  相似文献   

殷子渊 《华中建筑》2010,28(6):62-64
该文着手于对和顺民居聚落外部空间的研究,并介绍利用空间类型分析的成果尝试在实际居住区设计实践中应用。讨论如何更多地从空间和内涵层面继承中国传统建筑的精神。  相似文献   

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