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超高频RFID标签一致性的近场检测技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
超高频RFID标签一致性直接影响RFID系统中采集数据的识别率和准确率。采用接收信号强度指示RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator)技术及数理统计,采集标签反射信号强度,设定标准差阈值,作为标签一致性检测参数。研制弯折偶极子近场天线,实现0.1 mm近距离标签识读。利用屏蔽效应,在全自动卷筒式RFID标签套装上设置打点标识机构,对标签批量标记,可实现对柔性超高频RFID标签的高速、批量一致性检测。 相似文献
A very small size radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna specifically designed for racing pigeon ring applications is proposed. The structure of this UHF tag is a closed‐loop type printed on a 30 × 8 mm2 polyimide film of thickness 0.063 mm. Thus, it can be wrapped into a double layer plastic cylindrical ring of size similar to those used for racing pigeon. By simply tuning the inner width of the loop, good conjugate matching between the tag chip input impedance and the tag antenna can be achieved. When mounted onto a real preserved dried pigeon feet specimen, the measured impedance bandwidth of the tag antenna was 901‐929 MHz. Further experimental results have also shown that the proposed antenna has a maximum reading range of up to 50 cm. 相似文献
This article presents a novel dual antenna structure for dual ultra high frequency bands (f1 = 866 MHz and f2 = 915 MHz) for radio frequency identification tags. The proposed structure consists of two dual band antennas, one acting as a receiving antenna and the other as a backscattering antenna at both the frequency bands. The receiving antenna is designed to have input impedance complex conjugate to the impedance of tag IC in order to maximize power transfer between the antenna and the microchip. The backscattered antenna is designed to have real‐valued input impedance at both the operating frequency bands to obtain maximum differential radar cross section leading to read range enhancement. The dual band receiving antenna is designed by embedding a pair of thin slits at a radiating edge of inset fed microstrip antenna. The backscattering antenna is comprised of two elements, one is a comb‐shaped open ring element, and the other is a meander line structure which is within the open ring element. Compared to conventional antennas, the proposed dual antenna structure provides a read range enhancement due to improved maximum differential RCS. The proposed dual antenna produced 4.3 m and 6.8 m read range at 866 MHz and 915 MHz, respectively. 相似文献
无源UHF频段RFID技术信号传输速度快,覆盖距离远,通过与互联网、通讯等技术相结合,可实现全球范围内物品的跟踪与信息共享。该技术由射频模拟前端电路、控制逻辑电路等组成的无源UHF超高频射频识别标签系统,由外接天线与读写器完成通信,天线既要与识别标签相匹配,又要与读写器较好地通信,天线决定了标签是否能正常工作,同时也决定了信号传输的距离。为此,通过研究天线的匹配阻抗、形状尺寸与大小,以及频带的设计,探索出了低成本、高可靠的天线设计方案。 相似文献
In this article, a new design of miniaturized split‐ring resonator antenna using a meander line technique with a simple impedance matching method applicable to UHF‐RFID tags is presented. The new approach is based on the integration of a meander line into the radiating element of SRR to reduce the electrical tag size and a theoretical demonstration to calculate the conjugate impedance matching and directly attach the antenna with the chip. The new SRR antenna, which is printed on the flexible substrate Arlon CuClad 250LX, is designed using Alien Higgs 3 RFID ASIC whose input impedance is 25‐j190. The prototype antenna has a low‐cost compact size (18.28 mm × 18.28 mm) with a read range higher than 4 m within the RFID UHF band and with a roughly 4.2‐m peak range at 915 MHz. As a proof of behavior, a tag prototype is fabricated and measured to operate at a UHF RFID band. Based on some works' results, an optimized design is obtained with a 48% size reduction compared with the classic split ring resonator antenna and with a good impedance matching the antenna with RFID ASIC without the need for any external matching network. 相似文献
An aperture coupled microstrip‐line fed antenna (circular patch) with CP radiation is initially investigated. To achieve good CP radiation at 925 MHz UHF RFID frequency, the technique of loading an inverted C‐shaped slit into the circular patch is initially proposed. By further loading an open eccentric‐ring shaped parasitic element around the circular patch, an additional CP frequency can be excited at 910 MHz, and by combining these two CP frequencies, broad CP bandwidth that can cover the entire 902‐928 MHz UHF RFID band is achieved. Because of the parasitic element, the total dimension of proposed antenna is modified to 170 × 170 × 11.4 mm3. From the measured results, the impedance and CP bandwidths of the proposed antenna were 9.4% (859‐944 MHz) and 3.1% (902‐930 MHz). Furthermore, its corresponding peak gain and efficiency are 5.9 dBic and 84.3%, respectively. Further analyses have shown that the proposed antenna can also achieve good CP frequency agility across the desired UHF RFID operating band (902‐928 MHz). 相似文献
A compact three-port tri-band circularly polarized (CP) antenna for radio-frequency identification (RFID) technique is introduced. Four inverted-F radiating elements fed with a 90° phase delay feeding network realize the CP radiation at the FCC UHF-RFID band (0.902–0.928 GHz). With the slot-coupled feeding technique, Corner-truncated slot and patch have been employed to achieve CP radiation at MW-RFID bands (2.4–2.485/5.725–5.875 GHz). Decoupling structures are implemented to obtain excellent 20 dB port isolations during all operating bands. The relative impedance bandwidths in the three bands are 6.6%, 5.3%, and 5.1%, respectively, with peak gains of 2, 5.1, and 5.7 dBic. 相似文献
A broadband circularly polarized (CP) circular patch antenna with an L‐shaped ground plane and parasitic element is studied. The use of this L‐shaped ground is to achieve short probe feed connection to the circular patch, while maintaining a certain height between the circular patch and ground plane, so that good impedance matching and bandwidth enhancement can be attained. To achieve CP radiation, two notches are initially loaded diagonally into the circular patch, and to further enhance the CP bandwidth, a novel technique of loading a small size moon‐shaped parasitic element into the notched circular patch is proposed. By doing so, the CP bandwidth of proposed antenna can be tremendously increased by approximately 10%. The experimental results show that the proposed CP antenna can yield impedance bandwidth and CP bandwidth of 835–1150 MHz and 839–968 MHz, respectively, with good gain level of 7.6 dBic. Therefore, this proposed wideband CP antenna can be used for UHF (ultrahigh frequency) RFID (radio frequency identification) reader antenna that operates within the universal RFID bands (840 ? 960 MHz). © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 26:387–395, 2016 相似文献
在对UHF RFID读写器工作原理进行分析的基础上,介绍一种工作在UHF频段下的读写器的射频接口电路,并确定读写器的解调方式,重点对正交零中频解调方式进行研究,并给出读写器的实现方案. 相似文献
A novel ultra‐high‐frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna has been proposed in this article, which can be mounted on the surfaces of the human body and water. The proposed antenna is realized by an elliptical structure, whose long and short axes are 72 and 30 mm, respectively. The tag antenna consists of an elliptical loop radiation element, microstrip feed lines, arc matching networks, and tuning patches. We have analyzed the antenna radiation characteristics influenced by the structural parameters of the antenna and the thicknesses of the human body and water. The simulation and measurement results show that the proposed antenna can operate steadily on the surfaces of the human body and water with good conjugate impedance matching. The maximum measured reading range of the tag antenna on the surfaces of the human body and water can reach 5 and 7 m, respectively. The novelties exhibited in the proposed antenna include an elliptical structure, the stable performance on the surfaces of the human body and water, small size, and long reading range. 相似文献
时域有限差分(FDTD)法中的时域近远场变换法计算天线远场辐射特性的优点是通过一次计算可以得到全频域的结果,缺点是数据存储量大、计算速度慢。文献R.Pascaud、S.Wang和G.Carat介绍了一种基于二维空间数据压缩的时域近远场变换方法,此方法可以大大减少数据存储量从而减少近远场变换时间。基于减少数据量的考虑,本文提出一种基于时域抽样法的近远场变换算法以提高近远场变换计算效率。为验证新算法的有效性,分别用经典算法和时域抽样法对七单元八木天线远场辐射特进行计算,结果表明本算法可有效减少数据存储量,提高近远场变换效率。 相似文献
针对标签天线在RFID系统中的重要性,基于微带天线设计和电磁场散射理论,设计和分析了一种具有感应反馈环的超高频段RFID标签天线。天线的谐振频率为915 MHz,尺寸为78 mm×23 mm,天线显示近线性相位特性,在电压驻波比小于2的条件下,天线的阻抗带宽为100 MHz。可以通过调整感应反馈环的长度来调整天线的谐振频率,天线的增益为2.5 dBi左右。通过仿真和测量可知,这种天线能较好地满足RFID超高频段标签的要求。 相似文献
An investigation to enhance the decoupling between the elements of a compact wide band multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna is presented in this communication. A microstrip neutralization line (NL) is designed on the top of antenna surface to enhance the port isolation. The geometry is embedded on a jeans material to be apposite for the on‐body wearable applications. The antenna covers the frequency spectra from 3.14 to 9.73 GHz (around 102.4%) and fulfills the bandwidth requirements of WiMAX (3.2‐3.8 GHz), WLAN (5.15‐5.35/5.72‐5.85 GHz), C band downlink‐uplink (3.7‐4.2/5.9‐6.425 GHz), downlink defense (7.2‐7.7 GHz), and ITU (8‐8.5 GHz) bands. The port isolation is found to be more than 32 dB over the whole application bands. The antenna is appraised in a rich scattering environment with very minimal envelope correlation coefficient (ECC < 0.12) and great amount of diversity gain (DG > 9.8). The proposed MIMO antenna system is able to achieve the channel capacity loss (CCL) of less than 0.2 BPS/Hz throughout the whole operating band. The proposed structure is etched on an area of 30 × 50 mm2. The simulated and measured performances of the proposed antenna are in well‐matched state. 相似文献
This research proposes a simple economical broadband circularly polarized antenna for universal ultra‐high frequency (UHF) RF identification (RFID) readers. The antenna utilizes a folded plate, a two‐corner truncated parasitic patch, and a ground plane. The folded plate, which is fabricated from one single plate, consists of a two‐corner truncated main patch, a wall patch, and a feed line, where the main patch is perpendicular to the wall patch, which is in turn perpendicular to the feed line. The folded plate enables currents to flow with a phase difference. The simulation results achieved an |S11| < ?15 dB of 805–966 MHz (18% bandwidth), a 3‐dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidth of 834–962 MHz (14% AR bandwidth), and a gain higher than 8.6 dBic. The measured results obtained an |S11| < ?15 dB of 806–970 MHz (18%), a 3‐dB AR bandwidth of 816–963 MHz (16%), and a gain greater than 7.8 dBic. The proposed antenna is applicable for universal UHF RFID readers as it covers the entire operating UHF RFID frequency range of 840–960 MHz. The parametric study and evolution of the proposed antenna are detailed in this research paper as well. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 26:575–587, 2016. 相似文献
该文是基于UHF频段的RFID技术在小区车辆管理系统中的应用,系统包括车载标签,读头,天线和相关指令软件等部分。使用本系统能够有效管理车辆进出小区门口并记录车辆的数据,比如进入时间,离开时间和每一辆车的标签编号等。得益于UHF频段长距离的读取能力,只要带有标签的车辆和读头天线间距离在10米范围以内,数据都能够被准确的探测到。相关指令软件不仅能够识别车主的身份而且可以经过判断后控制进出口横木的升降。经过现场测试显示,本系统完全可以用于小区进出车辆的管理。 相似文献