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The effects of nitrogen content and the cooling rate on the reformation of austenite in the Gleeble simulated heat-affected zone (HAZ) of 2205 duplex stainless steels (DSSs) were investigated. The variation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior in the HAZ of 40 wt% CaCl2 solution at 100 °C was also studied. Grain boundary austenite (GBA), Widmanstatten austenite (WA), intergranular austenite (IGA) and partially transformed austenite (PTA) were present in the HAZ. The types and amounts of these reformed austenites varied with the cooling rate and nitrogen content in the DSS. U-bend tests revealed that pitting corrosion and selective dissolution might assist the crack initiation, while the types and amounts of reformed austenite in the HAZ affected the mode of crack propagation. The presence of GBA was found to promote the occurrence of intergranular stress corrosion cracking. WA, IGA and PTA were found to exhibit a beneficial effect on SCC resistance by deviating the crack propagation path. 相似文献
The stress corrosion cracking behavior in caustic solutions (200 g/l sodium hydroxide, 10 g/l sodium chloride) of three austenitic (18Cr-10Ni-2.5Mo, 20Cr-25Ni-4.5Mo, 27Cr-31Ni-3.5Mo) and three duplex (23Cr-4Ni, 22Cr-5Ni-3Mo, 25Cr-7Ni-4Mo-N) stainless steels was examined. U-bend and Slow Strain Rate (SSR) tests were performed at 200–250°C. The negative influence of nickel in the lower range content for the 18Cr-10Ni-2.5Mo and 20Cr-25Ni-4.5Mo has been shown; when the nickel content is significantly increased (>30%), as in the case of the steel 27Cr-31Ni-3.5Mo, an increase of SCC resistance has been detected. The negative effect of molybdenum, mainly on the behaviour of duplex stainless steels, has also been evidenced. The duplex stainless steels show better caustic SCC resistance than austenitic stainless steels type 18Cr-10Ni-2.5Mo and 20Cr-25Ni-4.5Mo. The best behaviour has been found for the less-alloyed steel 23Cr-4Ni. 相似文献
P. Süry 《Corrosion Science》1980,20(2):281-292
The investigation of two different high strength stainless steels by the slow strain-rate technique has shown the existence of critical pH values (activation pH) for stress corrosion cracking in sulphate-containing media which depend on the steel composition. The slow strain-rate test indicates a sharp decrease of specimen ductility at the activation pH the value of which can also be determined by independent electrochemical methods. 相似文献
High voltage electron metallographic studies of stress corrosion cracks nucleated on miniature U-bend specimens of austenitic stainless steels support an anodic dissolution mechanism of cracking. For all the alloys examined crack nucleation occurs at slip traces and a characteristic slotted dissolution morphology is observed in crack tip regions. The crystallography of this attack as determined by stereo-microscopy and trace analysis, reveals the slots to be bounded by {110} planes whilst growing in 〈111〉 directions.Cracking occurs through the network of corrosion slots at the crack tip and the well known features of stress corrosion fracture surfaces can be interpreted by this mechanism. 相似文献
A. Cigada B. Mazza P. Pedeferri G. Salvago D. Sinigaglia G. Zanini 《Corrosion Science》1982,22(6):559-578
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of AISI 304L and AISI 316L stainless steels, cold-worked under various conditions (i.e. at different degrees of deformation obtained by drawing and rolling at room temperature and at liquid nitrogen temperature) has been carried out in H2O containing 1000 ppm Cl? at 250°C and in a boiling MgCl2 solution. The effect of heat treatments at 400 and 900°C on the SCC of previously cold-worked steels has also been studied. Particular attention was directed towards heat treatment at 400°C. In steels deformed at room temperature, it increases the SCC resistance. By contrast, for steels deformed at liquid nitrogen temperature, heat treatment at 400°C reduces the SCC resistance if carried out for short periods of time (1–6 h). Hardness measurements, structural analyses via X-rays, scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), as well as modified Strauss tests, seem to prove that reduced stress corrosion resistance is not to be related to the chromium-rich carbides precipitation which could have been accelerated by the presence of α′-martensite. Instead, they tend to suggest that perhaps this phenomenon is connected to an increase in the level of internal micro-stresses which are generated by a reciprocal re-ordering of the α′ and γ structural phases. 相似文献
The impact of a temperature excursion on the subsequent stress corrosion crack growth at the normal operating temperature has been investigated for 321 stainless steel (UNS32100) and 316L stainless steel (UNS31603) using precracked compact tension specimens. Although the data are preliminary the indication is that once crack growth has initiated in 321 SS at the elevated temperature, 130 °C in this study, the crack growth may be sustained at the lower temperature (40 °C), at least over the exposure time of about 700 h. However, the growth rate of 316L SS at the lower temperature was significantly lower than for 321 SS and tended to zero after 2000 h. For the 316 SS a temperature transient should not impact on structural integrity, provided it is short in duration. 相似文献
Prestressing steels can be exposed in prestressed concrete structures in construction stage (ungrouted duct) to environmental conditions causing formation and growth of hydrogen induced cracks with brittle fracture of the steel. The risk of this hydrogen induced stress corrosion cracking can be minimized by appropriate treatment, but there is a requirement for construction to approve only prestressing steel having no enhanced susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking. The paper describes the historical development of the different test methods proposed in the past and gives an overview on the general requirements for a suitable test method to assess the hydrogen‐induced stress corrosion susceptibility of prestressing steels. Since 1982, based on investigations on construction sites and transfer of the results into laboratory tests, a test method is available enabling realistic estimation of suitable application possibilities of prestressing steels. This so called DIBt‐test is approved to distinguish between prestressing steels susceptible to hydrogen induced stress corrosion cracking and those suitable and therefore approvable steels at practical environmental conditions. Furthermore the test enables estimation of corrosion risk for newly developed prestressing steels with higher strength. 相似文献
The stress corrosion cracking behavior of austenitic stainless steels in boiling magnesium chloride solutions 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The change in the mechanism of stress corrosion cracking with test temperature for Type 304, 310 and 316 austenitic stainless steels was investigated in boiling saturated magnesium chloride solutions using a constant load method. Three parameters (time to failure; tf, steady-state elongation rate; lss and transition time at which a linear increase in elongation starts to deviate; tss) obtained from the corrosion elongation curve showed clearly three regions; stress-dominated, stress corrosion cracking-dominated and corrosion-dominated regions. In the stress corrosion cracking-dominated region the fracture mode of type 304 and 316 steels was transgranular at higher temperatures of 416 and 428 K, respectively, but was intergranular at a lower temperature of 408 K. Type 310 steel showed no intergranular fracture but only transgranular fracture. The relationship between log lss and log tf for three steels became good straight lines irrespective of applied stress. The slope depended upon fracture mode; −2 for transgranular mode and −1 for intergranular mode. On the basis of the results obtained, it was estimated that intergranular cracking was resulted from hydrogen embrittlement due to strain-induced formation of martensite along the grain boundaries, while transgranular cracking took place by propagating cracks nucleated at slip steps by dissolution. 相似文献
The prediction of the lifetime of metal structures and equipment under conditions of stress corrosion is very complicated because of the complexity of this process of degradation. Recently a new method, based on the so‐called corrosion elongation curves, has been found, which can be used to predict the time to failure under these conditions. By upgrading of these curves (and thus obtaining Upgraded Corrosion Elongation Curves – UCEC's) it has been possible to obtain a precise definition of the time needed for the initiation of the corrosion crack, and for its stable growth. It is upon this basis that diagrams for the prediction of remaining lifetime (DPRL's) have been developed. DPRL's can also be used to predict the values of various critical parameters which have to be achieved if a stress corrosion crack is to occur. 相似文献
This paper presents the role of addition of nitrite ions in susceptibility of a super duplex stainless steel, SAF 2507 to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in chloride environment, which has a particular industrial relevance. Slow strain rate testing (SSRT) in 30 wt.% MgCl2 solution established SCC susceptibility, as evidenced by post-SSRT fractography. However, the addition of nitrite has interesting influence. At their lower concentrations, nitrite additions seem to decrease SCC susceptibility, whereas, at a higher concentration, it has an accelerating effect on SCC. Attempts have been made to understand this behaviour on the basis of the role of nitrite in passivation and pitting characteristics of SAF 2507 in chloride solution. 相似文献
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) induced by chlorides frequently causes problems in applications where standard austenitic stainless steels are being used. Often this problem can be solved by the use of duplex stainless steels. In this report the mechanisms for SCC have been surveyed, and the cause for the high SCC resistance of duplex stainless steels has been discussed and evaluation of test methods for SCC and how duplex stainless steels respond to them, as well as practical experience of duplex stainless steels. The study shows that no single mechanism can be attributed to the good resistance to SCC of duplex stainless steels. Probably a synergistic effect of electrochemical and/or mechanical effects is responsible for the good performance. Test methods for SCC often give relatively good correspondence with real applications, but ranking is often doubtful, and comparisons of different material types should be made with caution. Numerous cases with SCC on standard austenitic stainless steels have been solved by the use of duplex stainless steels. 相似文献
Extension measurements of exposed specimens of austenitic stainless steels in hot magnesium chloride solutions are interpreted with the potential-time curves. For austenitic stainless steels, it is very difficult to determine the yield point; it is necessary to study the stress-elongation curves at different elongation rates and to known the creep behaviour of the steels. In dead load stress corrosion tests the elongation-time curves allow the incubation time of stress corrosion cracks to be distinguished from the propagation time. The propagation time is more important than incubation time for the classification of the susceptibility of austenitic stainless steels to stress corrosion cracking, because the incubation time is more dependent on experimental procedure than is the propagation time. The stainless steel classification obtained was compared with a new test in which a load is applied and immediately taken off; after a rapid fall the potential-time behaviour provides information about the crack velocity. 相似文献
Constant elongation rate tests (CERTs) were carried out to investigate the effects of environmental factors of dissolved oxygen and temperature on the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) susceptibility of 3.5NiCrMoV turbine steels. Tests were conducted in pure water of various dissolved oxygen concentrations at temperatures of 50 °C-200 °C in the range of strain rates from 5 × 10−8/s to 1 × 10−6/s. Dissolved oxygen significantly affected the SCC susceptibility of turbine steels in water. The SCC susceptibility of the turbine steels increases as the dissolved oxygen concentration in water increases. The elongation of the turbine steels tested in aerated water at 150 °C at a strain rate of 1 × 10−7/s decreased to half of that of the steels tested in deaerated water in the same test condition. And the SCC susceptibility of the steels increased with decreasing strain rate, and with increasing temperature. The increase of the SCC susceptibility of the turbine steels in the higher dissolved oxygen environment is considered to be due to the higher content of dissolved oxygen enhancing the reduction reactions of oxygen on the metal surfaces (cathode) and accelerating the dissolution rate at the crack tips (anode) by galvanic attack of an aeration cell. 相似文献
D. N. Wasnik I. Samajdar V. Kain P. K. De B. Verlinden 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2003,12(4):402-407
Intergranular corrosion and intergranular stress corrosion cracking are the two localized corrosion mechanisms that are of
concern to the typical applications of austenitic stainless steels in industries. Until recently, the common understanding
was that a higher frequency of random boundaries increases the susceptibility, caused by a sensitization heat treatment or
by operating temperatures, of austenitic stainless steels to both intergranular corrosion and intergranular stress corrosion
cracking. A recent study demonstrated that extreme randomization of grain boundaries leads to a considerable improvement of
resistance to both sensitization and intergranular corrosion. This work is a continuation of Ref. 1 and relates the effects
of grain boundary randomization to intergranular stress corrosion cracking: the results show a trend consistent with earlier
observations on intergranular corrosion. It is shown that there is improvement in resistance to intergranular stress corrosion
cracking with extreme randomization of grain boundaries. 相似文献
Effects of surface preparation on pitting resistance, residual stress, and stress corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steels 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A. Ben Rhouma H. Sidhom C. Braham J. Lédion M. E. Fitzpatrick 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2001,10(5):507-514
Surface finishing treatments such as shot blasting and wire brushing can be beneficial in improving the integrity of machined
surfaces of austenitic stainless steels. These operations optimize in-service properties such as resistance to pitting corrosion
and stress corrosion cracking (SCC). In this study, ground steel surfaces were subjected to a series of sand blasting and
wire brushing treatments. The surfaces were then characterized by their hardness, surface residual stress state, and resistance
to stress corrosion and pitting corrosion. Some samples were selected for depth profiling of residual stress. It is found
that surface hardening and the generation of near-surface compressive residual stress are the benefits that can be introduced
by sand blasting and brushing operations. 相似文献
The present work aimed at defining optimal conditions using double loop electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation (DL-EPR) method for evaluating intergranular corrosion (IGC) susceptibility of lean duplex stainless steel (LDX2101) aged at 700 °C between 3 min and 300 h. The results demonstrated that the modified DL-EPR measurement (solution of 33% H2SO4 + 0.1% HCl at 20 °C and scan rate of 2.5 mV/s) could successfully characterize the interactions between precipitation, chromium depletion and IGC of LDX2101 with high sensitivity and reproducibility. In addition, there was no indication of healing because the effect of formation of chromium-enriched precipitates was more dominative than that of redistribution of chromium in depleted zones. 相似文献
In the present study, the effect of laser surface melting (LSM) on intergranular corrosion behaviour of aged austenitic stainless steels (UNS S30400, S31603, S32100 and S34700) and aged duplex stainless steels (UNS S31803 and S32950) were investigated. LSM of the aged stainless steels was carried out using a 2.5 kW CW Nd:YAG laser. The microstructure of the aged stainless steels after LSM depends on their compositions. After LSM, the aged austenitic stainless steels mainly contain austenite (γ) with some ferrite (δ) as the minor phase, but the carbide phases are completely eliminated. For the aged duplex stainless steels after LSM, δ becomes the major phase and the δ/γ phase balance is disturbed, whereas the sigma (σ) phase is eliminated. The degree of sensitization (DOS) and corrosion morphology of the aged stainless steels before and after LSM were determined by the double loop electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation (DL-EPR) using a potentiostat and SEM observation, respectively. Desensitization of the aged stainless steels has been successfully achieved by LSM and their intergranular corrosion resistance is found to be significantly enhanced as reflected by the decrease in DOS due to dissolution of the carbides or σ phase, which reduced Cr depletion or the possibility of solute segregation at the grain or phase boundaries, despite the presence of δ and disturbance of δ/γ phase balance. 相似文献
S. Lozano-Perez T. Yamada T. Terachi M. Schröder C.A. English G.D.W. Smith C.R.M. Grovenor B.L. Eyre 《Acta Materialia》2009,57(18):5361-5381
This paper describes a novel multi-scale study of stress corrosion cracking in cold-worked 304 type stainless steels, which are widely used in pressurized water reactors and boiling water reactors. The influence of cold work and Cr concentration on the stress corrosion cracking behaviour of the steel has been examined. A methodology has been developed in order to characterize the same crack tip region with nanoscale secondary ion mass spectroscopy, electron back-scattering diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. This has offered a unique insight into the chemistry and microstructure, showing that the right combination of techniques can provide much of the information needed to understand the processes involved in crack propagation. A model for crack propagation based on brittle fracture and localized oxidation and shearing near the crack tip has been proposed. 相似文献