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In adaptive channel allocation for secondary user (SU) of cognitive radio (CR) system, it is necessary to consider allocation process from the temporal perspective. In this article, a chain store game is modeled to achieve SU's equilibrium state. Due to the computational complexity of solving equilibrium states, the authors explore the correlated equilibrium (CE) by importing signal mechanisms based on time and sequence number. Also, correlated equilibrium based game algorithms are presented. Simulations show that these algorithms are superior to other allocation algorithms both in channel utilization and communication time. 相似文献
This article proposes a novel dynamic spectrum sharing scheme in distributed multi-band cognitive radio networks. A non-cooperative game has been utilized to model the spectrum sharing among secondary base stations (SBSs). A distributed joint spectrum detection and power allocation algorithm is designed for maximizing the downlink throughput of secondary networks. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm converges fast and achieves a better throughput performance than uniform threshold case. Meanwhile, the convergence of algorithm is proved by Nikaido-Isoda (N-I) function method. 相似文献
在认知小蜂窝网络框架下,对基于OFDMA技术的下行联合频谱资源块和功率分配问题进行了研究。小蜂窝基站在分布式结构下采用开放式接入方式共享空闲频谱资源以最大化其能量效率,基站间的竞争关系使系统资源的动态分配过程可建模为非合作博弈模型。由于最大化具有多个限制条件的分数形势的能量效用函数属于非凸最优问题,可通过将其转化为等价的减数形势,并从串行和并行迭代的角度进行求解。在给定资源块分配策略后,原有博弈模型可被重新建模为便于独立求解发射功率的等价子博弈模型。仿真结果表明,所提算法在干扰受限的通信环境下能收敛到纳什均衡,并有效提高了系统资源利用率和能量效率。 相似文献
The multi-cell uplink power allocation problem for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access (OFDMA) cellular networks is investigated with the uplink transmission power allocation on each co-frequency subchannel being defined as a multi-cell non-cooperative power allocation game (MNPG). The principle of the design oftbe utility function is given and a novel utility function is proposed for MNPG. By using this utility function, the minimum signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) requirement of a user can be guaranteed. It can be shown that MNPG will converge to the Nash equilibrium and that this Nash equilibrium is unique. In considering the simulation results, the effect of the algorithm parameters on the system performance is discussed, and the convergence of the MNPG is verified. The performance of MNPG is compared with that of traditional power allocation schemes, the simulation results showing that the proposed algorithm increases the cell-edge user throughput greatly with only a small decrease in cell total throughput; this gives a good tradeoff between the throughput of cell-edge users and the system spectrum efficiency. 相似文献
基于生存系统模型的认知无线电网络频谱管理自治系统设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对动态频谱接入和认知无线电技术对频谱管理的新要求,采用分层的频谱管理理念,基于生存系统模型(Viable System Model,VSM)设计适合认知无线电网络的频谱管理自治系统,该系统通过节点参与频谱管理,网络自我约束等措施,实现认知无线电网络对频谱的自治。最后,将该系统应用于一种异构网络共存的频管案例设计中,仿真分析表明:本文提出的基于VSM的频谱管理自治系统响应时间大幅度降低;认证效率为O(1),较传统方式性能有很大提升。 相似文献
Low-complexity joint beamforming and power allocation for SINR balancing in cognitive radio networks
We consider the Signal-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) balancing problem involving joint beamfoming and power allocation in the Cognitive Radio (CR) network, wherein the Single-Input Multi-Output Multiple Access Channels (SIMO-MAC) are assumed. Subject to two sets of constraints: the interference temperature constraints of Primary Users (PUs) and the peak power constraints of Cognitive Users (CUs), a low-complexity joint beamforming and power allocation algorithm called Semi-Decoupled Multi-Constraint Power Allocation with Constraints Preselection (SDMCPA-CP) for SINR balancing is proposed. Compared with the existing algorithm, the proposed SDMCPA-CP can reduce the number of matrix inversions and matrix eigen decompositions significantly, especially when large numbers of PUs and CUs are active, while still providing the optimal balanced SINR level for all the CUs. 相似文献
Null-space projection and waterfilling resource allocation in multi-antenna cognitive radio networks
Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising technique for the next generation mobile communication system for its capability to solve the conflicts between the scarcity and underutilization of spectrum. In this paper, aiming at maximizing the system capacity of a multi-antenna CR system on the premise that avoid interference to the primary system in the same band simultaneously, a resource allocation method which is able to avoid interference between PRimary (PR) and CR users by projecting the transmit signals of CR users on the null space of the PR users’ channels is proposed. CR users with better channel condition are selected, and the interference from CR system to PR users can be removed completely by projecting the transmit signals of CR system on the null-space of PR users’ channels. Parallel sub-channels are constructed for CR users through Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). At last, waterfilling is also adopted to increase the CR users’ capacity. Simulation result demonstrates that compared with existing methods, our method can improve the achievable sum rate of CR users as well as reduce the outage probability of PR users. 相似文献
Lei Chen 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2010,27(5):618-624
In Cognitive Radio (CR) Networks, especially in Cellular-based CR networks, in order to obtain the precise spectrum state which is available in the whole coverage, the spectrum sensing function need to be accomplished by the cooperation of multi-sensing nodes, i.e., cooperative spectrum sensing. This paper mainly focuses on the key question of the cooperative spectrum sensing: How many sensing nodes are required and how to allocate the sensing tasks to these sensing nodes in an effective way? In this paper, we classify the spectrum bands into three categories by a pre-sensing mechanism, in order to firstly exclude unavailable channels and select candidate channels for fine sensing in the next stage. Then the required number of sensing node for each candidate channel is determined by the proposed scheme. Through the scheme proposed in this paper, the sensing tasks allocation in cellular-based CR network can be accomplished in a high effective way and the sensing overhead could keep a low level. 相似文献
基于非理想感知的认知无线电系统感知时间与频谱分配联合优化算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对非理想感知情况下感知时间与频谱分配联合优化问题,同时考虑漏检与主用户重新占用频谱两种场景所造成的主次用户碰撞,并通过量化主用户对认知用户的干扰,给出有无主用户存在时认知系统可获得的吞吐量。在总传输功率约束以及对主用户的最大干扰功率约束两个限制条件下,以最大化系统平均吞吐量为优化目标,给出感知时间与频谱分配联合优化算法。算法首先通过折半法搜索最优感知时间,在既定的感知时间下,将子信道分配给能获得最大平均吞吐量的认知用户,在此基础上,利用凸优化相关理论求得最优功率分配。仿真结果表明,本文所提算法相比于传统频谱分配算法系统平均吞吐量性能提升了10%左右。 相似文献
In this paper,we present a non-transferable utility coalition graph game(NTU-CGG) based resource allocation scheme with relay selection for a downlink orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDMA) based cognitive radio networks to maximize both system throughput and system fairness.In this algorithm,with the assistance of others SUs,SUs with less available channels to improve their throughput and fairness by forming a directed tree graph according to spectrum availability and traffic demands of SUs.So this scheme can effectively exploit both space and frequency diversity of the system.Performance results show that,NTU-CGG significantly improves system fairness level while not reducing the throughput comparing with other existing algorithms. 相似文献
为了提高认知无线网络中频谱共享所产生的效益,研究了认知网络的频谱管理技术,提出了一种基于代理的频谱交易算法。该方法以代理商作为频谱交易和分配的中介,减轻了多主用户、多次用户频谱交易过程中的系统开销;在各主用户服务提供商之间采取相互竞争或相互合作的模式以最大化自身利益或总体利益为目标与代理商达成最终的频谱交易价格和频谱出售量量,代理商把交易得来的频谱在次用户之间进行拍卖,各次用户向代理商投标,代理商根据其投标分配相应的频谱,次用户自适应地调整投标以使自身利益最大化。主用户服务提供商之间的竞争或合作和次用户之间的竞拍均采用纳什均衡作为最终的结果。基于MATLAB对所提算法的性能进行了仿真,仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性。 相似文献
将认知无线电中的动态频谱分配技术应用在无线传感网中,针对工作在ISM(industrial,scientific and medical)频段的无线传感网面临的频谱资源紧缺问题,提出一种基于改进自适应遗传算法的动态频谱分配方案.该算法以图论着色模型为基础,以最大带宽收益和最小切换频率为目标函数,在交叉和变异过程中采用自适应交叉概率和变异概率代替固定的交叉概率和变异概率.仿真结果表明,与传统遗传算法和颜色敏感图论着色算法相比,该算法可以实现提高频谱利用率、降低能量消耗的预期目标. 相似文献
IaaS云计算平台采用虚拟机实时迁移技术进行资源动态调度和管理。在实际应用场景下,需要并行实时迁移多个虚拟机。由于实时迁移算法本身以最大利用带宽的方式进行数据传输,存在着迁移进程间竞争带宽的问题,无法保证带宽全局最优分配,影响整体迁移的性能。提出一种基于合作博弈的多虚拟机实时迁移带宽分配机制,将带宽分配问题建模为一个纳什议价,通过求解纳什议价解得到帕累托最优的带宽分配方案,并在实际的虚拟化平台上进行了实现。实验结果表明,相比标准的并行实时迁移,所提出的带宽分配机制能够公平有效地分配带宽,提高了并行实时迁移的性能。 相似文献
当具备不同利益的多个主网络竞争为单个次级网络提供频谱接入机会时,它们可以通过基于重复博弈模型的频谱共享机制实现对授权通信频段的合作垄断,从而最大化它们的整体数据传输效用。然而当某个主网络对未来传输效用不够重视时,它会为了获得比垄断效用更高的传输效用而偏离当前的合作垄断,从而降低了其他主网络的当前和未来数据传输效用。为此,2种新的频谱共享策略被提出以促使所有主网络形成更为灵活和可靠的频谱共享合作垄断。数值仿真表明,相比现有的触发策略,这2种新策略能够为所有主网络获得更优的整体数据传输效用。 相似文献