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截至2000年,我国已经开始真正步入到了老龄化社会,由于老龄化问题进一步加深,适宜老年人居住的住宅建筑需求量也大大提升,老年人作为社会的弱势人群,在居住与生活环境方面有着与普通住宅不同的要求,因而催生出了适宜老年人群居住与生活的养老型住宅需求。朝鲜族住宅是我国少数民族中具有民族特点的住宅建筑之一,现在仍有许多朝鲜族老年人生活在秉承着朝鲜族建筑特点的住宅当中,对当今朝鲜族住宅提出适老化改造策略,不仅可以使朝鲜族老人安享幸福晚年,而且能让他们的日常行为活动得到充分保障。  相似文献   

中国的朝鲜族在与汉族和其他民族长时间共同生活的过程中形成了独特文化,同时在语言、艺术、服装、饮食生活等方面还保留着本民族固有的文化传统特性。这样的文化特性影响着朝鲜族的居住文化,也反映在朝鲜族住宅的空间特性上。  相似文献   

公共住宅是伴随城市社会的发展而形成、发展的居住建筑。近年来,在现代化、城市化大道上迅跑的南朝鲜也同临国一样,大力发展公共住宅。本文在概括现代南朝鲜城市居住现状的基础上,介绍南朝鲜公共住宅的发展进程及其特点。  相似文献   

一、前言目前国外对旧住宅的利用和改造已普遍引起了重视,成为改变城市面貌、提高居住水平的重要一环。住宅楼的使用年限一般可在50年以上,由于住宅建筑本身及卫生设备的老化、随着社会发展生活水平的提高,以及家庭结构的变更,对不适应居住的住宅需进行改造。鉴于以上原因,改造旧住宅可分为以下  相似文献   

住宅中的卫生间是为被人们遗忘的角落。温饱型生活时期,人们只要有一间能遮风避雨的住房,有一张床能将就安寝就满足了。对于住宅的破旧、拥挤、卫生设施缺乏,都可以忍受。五六十年代,城市住宅内部几乎没有卫生设备,至今在旧城区内还有相当数量的马桶存在。随着人民生活水平的提高,人们已不满足于昔日的状况了。除了要求有较宽敞的住宅面积外,还要求有美观、安全、舒适的居住环境,要求有一个清洁、方便的卫生间。 近年来,笔者先后参加了福州市西营里、洋下、茶会、万里、东升等住宅小区解困房、安置房的设计工作。现就住宅卫生间设计有关问题谈一些看法。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末的改革开放政策使得中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。自20世纪中期以后,中国社会的现代化进程非常快速,当然在居住方面也不例外。本论文主要是针对中国北部的朝鲜族农村住宅做为主要研究对象,他们在现代化进程中发生了相对明显变化,本文主要在建筑元素方面加以分析和归类。包含以下几个方面:(1)新施工技术条件下装修以及结构变化;(2)主要用房的基址的变化;(3)加热系统和厨房在平面位置变化的影响;(4)卫生间的变化。通过分析,可使得朝鲜族农村住宅在现代化进程中的变化客观化,也有利于制定对朝鲜族传统农村住宅的未来改造计划。  相似文献   

本论文基于延边地区朝鲜族和汉族草屋的调研,主要对朝鲜族和汉族草屋屋顶、平面、立面进行测绘。通过对延边地区朝鲜族与汉族的草屋的平面特征,立面特征、屋顶特征及建筑材料等各方面的比较分析,总结出了朝鲜族与汉族草屋营造技术手法的相同点与不同点。最后阐述了对延边地区草屋的现存问题,提出了合理性保护措施。  相似文献   

朝鲜族人民的生产方式和风俗习惯对住宅的平面、空间、立面及构造等,均有很大的影响,形成了朝鲜族住宅所持有的建筑风格。朝鲜族住宅是我国建筑遗产的一部分,需要很好的加以分析整理。  相似文献   

正朝鲜族主要聚居地位于延边朝鲜族自治州,可持续发展是延边地区乡村建设的重要政策方针之一,朝鲜族居民在长期的生活中形成了极具特色的生活方式和居住模式。本研究主要从朝鲜族传统民居的特点、朝鲜族新建住宅、朝鲜族民居的建造技术特点及朝鲜族民居可持续设计策略等方面对论题进行了论述研究。当前人类面临的最重要的问题就是可持续发展,而其中较为重要的是资源、环境保护以及材料等。人们为了自身的发展与利益,消耗了大量的能源材料,对人类的生存环境造成了严重破坏。可持续发展战略体现在民居中则力使用现代化、环保  相似文献   

金超  王嘉 《规划师》2007,23(3):90-91
住宅本是供人们居住的地方,是人们工作之外的主要活动场所,但是近年来出现了一些奇怪的现象:很多人在住宅楼里办起了公司;一些开发商将建成待售的住宅楼稍加改造,使它们摇身一变成了写字楼.  相似文献   

This paper examines trends in house prices and affordability in Melbourne. Using previously unpublished, detailed data from the Victorian Valuer General's Office, we plot price movements by suburbs, and locate these changes in the context of broader economic and policy developments. We show that during the 1990s approximately one-third of Melbourne's suburbs experienced real price increases of up to 87 per cent, while another third experienced real falls of up to 29 per cent. Those suburbs whose residents experienced the fastest growth in after tax incomes also enjoyed the fastest growth in house prices. The price increases were concentrated in the inner city, while price falls occurred in the outer suburbs. We offer an explanation for these trends, and extrapolate from them to offer some thoughts on likely price and affordability developments in the coming decade. We conclude with a discussion of the policy implications.  相似文献   

It seems that many Belgian cities are doing well. Their population is increasing, numerous urban projects are under way, and masses of construction sites testify to effective realisations. And the inner cities are swamped with tourists and visitors attracted by the historical monuments and leisure activities. Is the 21st century indeed becoming the era of the city, as a White Book on urban policies predicts? Or is some modification of that prediction necessary? It would seem so, since the population growth is due to people coming from abroad (family reunification or formation; asylum-seekers), while at the same time the natives—as they have done since the 1960s—keep on leaving the city. So sub- and de-urbanisation has not stopped. There are even indications that it is accelerating again. In this contribution we consider why sub- and de-urbanisation, why sprawl is so obstinate, so persistent. We look at the structures behind the Belgian sprawl, seeing them as the consequence of a longstanding dialectical process of political choices and actions, cultural convictions and economic possibilities that reinforced each other in daily practice over and over again in the dominant direction.  相似文献   

The Bramley Report (ADC, 1988), made a detailed attempt to construct a resource allocation formula for social housing provision. In this paper we stand back from the debate over the detail of the models being proposed by Bramley to consider instead the principles which underlie the modelling of housing needs and resource allocation in this context.

The measurement of housing need depends on a few key concepts; the definition of acceptable standards of accommodation, the total numbers of households, and the supply of housing of at least the required standard. Questions then arise as to which indicator should be included in a needs model and how they should be measured. Overcrowding and homelessness are likely to be included whether these indicators are chosen by consumers or by social decision‐makers. Having chosen the indicators they have to be ‘normalised’ to take account of cyclical factors in the housing market, and of the efficiency and policy stances of local authorities. After this the indicators have to be ‘weighted’, otherwise they are all of equal value. Access to owner‐occupation should not be included in the model because ability to buy is an influence on the indicators, and if so included (a key feature of Bramley's proposals) in effect leads to a double‐counting of the problems of access to owner occupation.

In the final resource allocation process there is likely to be a trade‐off between the equitable and the efficient distribution of scarce funds.  相似文献   

都市快节奏的生活使人们开始认识到住宅对健康的影响,大众更加追求居住的品质,从节能环保、生态绿化,到人类生活基本条件的安全与舒适,都市人选择理想住宅的重心逐渐向健康而又生态的居住条件转移。  相似文献   

Mass housing     
Professor Vir Handa's abiding interest in low‐cost housing for the lower‐income earners is demonstrated in his paper from the University of Waterloo, Ontario. He draws experience from time spent at the Building Research Institute, Roorkee, under the United Nations TOKTEN Programme and illustrates his paper with pictures from Trinidad, where he is an External Examiner at the University of the West Indies. He argues that although shelter communities are being built without any government help and without any awareness of any codes and standards, the job of the expert should be to determine new affordable code requirements.  相似文献   

This article argues that a systematic feminist analysis of housing must analyse the processes within a housing system which serve to produce and reproduce patriarchal relations. Aspects of design, production and tenure in Australia and Britain are briefly examined to illustrate this approach.  相似文献   

Mass housing     
Professor Vir Handa's abiding interest in low-cost housing for the lower-income earners is demonstrated in his paper from the University of Waterloo, Ontario. He draws experience from time spent at the Building Research Institute, Roorkee, under the United Nations TOKTEN Programme and illustrates his paper with pictures from Trinidad, where he is an External Examiner at the University of the West Indies. He argues that although shelter communities are being built without any government help and without any awareness of any codes and standards, the job of the expert should be to determine new affordable code requirements.  相似文献   

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