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本文基于实验和数值模拟方法研究了碳纤维-玻璃纤维混杂增强环氧树脂复合材料低速冲击性能.采用商业有限元软件ABAQUS建立了层间/层内两类混杂复合材料低速冲击模型,采用基于应变形式的Hashin失效准则模拟面内损伤;零厚度Cohesive内聚力单元预测层间分层;编写VUMAT子程序定义渐进失效过程,并结合C扫和Micro...  相似文献   

采用环状对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(CBT)预浸料,利用真空袋辅助热压工艺制备了玻璃纤维机织布-碳纤维机织布/聚环状对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(GF-CF/PCBT)混杂复合材料层合板。利用双悬臂梁(DCB)和三点端部开口弯曲(3ENF)试验对连续纤维增强PCBT复合材料层合板的层间强度做出评估。同时,利用低速冲击试验结合Abaqus/Explicit有限元仿真重点考察了混杂纤维增强PCBT复合材料层合板的低速冲击性能。试验结果表明:尽管CF/PCBT复合材料层合板具有优异的层间性能,当冲击能量为114.3J时,由于CF自身的脆性,CF/PCBT复合材料层合板被完全穿透,而GF-CF/PCBT混杂复合材料层合板只在表面形成凹痕。与纯CF增强PCBT复合材料层合板相比,铺层形式为[CF/GF/CF]25的GF-CF/PCBT混杂复合材料层合板的抗冲击损伤能力提高2倍。仿真得到的云图显示,冲击引起的应力在CF中的分布区域要明显大于在GF中的分布区域。  相似文献   

利用一级气炮发射半球形头弹冲击2 mm厚的编织复合材料层合板,冲击角度为0°、30°和45°,通过高速相机记录弹靶撞击过程并得到弹体速度数据。利用拟合公式处理试验数据,得到不同冲击角度时的弹道极限值,并和理论模型结果进行对比。分析了冲击角度对靶板弹道极限、能量吸收率和失效模式的影响。结果表明:45°斜冲击时的靶板弹道极限最高,正冲击次之,30°斜冲击最低。相同冲击能量时,45°斜冲击的能量吸收率最高,低能量(<80 J)冲击时,30°斜冲击比正冲击能量吸收率高,高能量(>80 J)时,正冲击更高。正冲击时,靶板正面因剪切失效而形成圆形凹坑,背面因纤维拉伸失效形成菱形鼓包,斜冲击形成椭圆形扩孔,且其面积随冲击角度增加而增加。  相似文献   

基于三维编织成型及真空辅助树脂传递成型技术,制备了编织纱和轴纱不同混杂方式(编织纱/轴纱:碳纤维-碳纤维(CF-CF)、碳纤维-玻璃纤维(CF-GF);玻璃纤维-碳纤维(GF-CF))增强环氧树脂(EP)的三类三维编织复合材料薄壁圆管,通过准静态轴向压溃及详细的破坏断面观察,研究了纤维混杂方式对薄壁圆管的能量吸收性能和破坏模式的影响。研究发现:CF-CF/EP样品的比能量吸收值分别比GF-CF/EP大36%,比CF-GF/EP大12%。编织纱为碳纤维时(CF-CF/EP及CF-GF/EP),圆管的破坏模式均为折叠破坏模式,编织纱采用碳纤维能有效地遏制中央裂纹的轴向扩展,折叠变形的三维结构内部发生了较多细小的微观破坏。而编织纱为玻璃纤维的GF-CF/EP,破坏模式则为开花内外弯曲式,中央裂纹产生,三维结构呈现分层并向圆管内外弯曲。   相似文献   

为研究铝合金三角形波纹夹芯板受到平头弹冲击后的损伤形式与抗冲击性能,利用一级气炮对铝合金三角形波纹夹芯板的两种冲击位置进行冲击试验。根据试验数据,对比分析三角形波纹夹芯板及等面密度单层板的弹道极限速度与耗能,并结合有限元仿真分析夹芯板的动态损伤过程、动态载荷响应及损伤机理。研究结果表明,三角形波纹夹芯板损伤形式为剪切破坏、撕裂破坏与弯曲变形。波纹板的抗冲击性能低于等面密度的单层板,并且波纹板节点位置的抗冲击性能高于基座位置。当弹体冲击速度较低时,波纹板的耗能低于单层板,随着冲击速度增加,波纹板节点位置的耗能高于单层板,基座位置的耗能与单层板相近。此外,波纹板的动态载荷响应与失效机理均受到冲击位置与弹体冲击速度的影响。  相似文献   

利用LS-DYNA有限元软件模拟了卵形弹倾斜冲击作用下平纹织物的动态响应,分析了织物的变形、纱线断裂以及能量吸收特性,讨论了边界约束条件对织物动态响应的影响。结果表明:在弹体贯穿织物过程中,纱线应变能和摩擦耗散能是弹体动能转变的主要形式。在给定的计算时间内,对于四边无约束、对边(经向和纬向)固定约束和四边固定约束的四种边界条件,两者之和占弹体动能损失量的比例不小于80.5%。模拟结果还表明,边界条件对织物的变形、纱线断裂以及能量吸收特性均有明显影响。边界条件不同,纱线断裂数目不同,弹体动能损失量转变成其它能量的比例也不同,导致织物的能量吸收特性也发生变化。  相似文献   

采用不同混杂比的碳纤维-玻璃纤维层内经向混编单轴向织物制备了混杂纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料, 研究了不同混杂结构和不同混杂比的碳纤维-玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料拉伸性能的变化及破坏形式。0°拉伸结果表明:同种混杂织物的不同混杂结构中, 碳纤维相对集中的完全对齐结构强度最高, 不同混杂比织物的完全对齐结构强度相当;碳纤维-玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的模量遵循混合定律。90°拉伸结果表明:纤维与树脂间的界面结合强度为碳纤维/树脂>玻璃纤维/树脂, 碳纤维-玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的强度、模量与材料厚度方向上界面的不同形式(单一或交替界面、碳纤维或玻璃纤维的分布位置等)有关, 与碳纤维的含量基本无关。   相似文献   

为了研究连续单向纤维的层间混杂方式对复合材料力学性能及破坏方式的影响,采用碳纤维-玻璃纤维体积比为1∶1,以拉-挤成型法制备了具有不同层间混杂结构的连续单向纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料,并研究了不同层间混杂结构的连续单向碳纤维-玻璃纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料的力学性能及破坏形式。结果表明:具有层间混杂结构的复合材料抗拉强度处于纯碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料和纯玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料之间,复合材料的拉伸断裂方式为劈裂;具有层间混杂结构的复合材料的层间剪切强度均优于纯碳纤维/环氧树脂复合材料和纯玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料,复合材料的剪切断裂方式为层间断裂。  相似文献   

利用一级气炮发射卵形头弹撞击2 mm厚度的编织复合材料层合板,撞击角度分别为0°、30°和45°,通过高速相机记录弹靶撞击过程,并获得弹体速度数据。基于拟合公式处理试验数据,计算获取弹道极限,分析撞击角度对弹道极限、靶板能量吸收率及其失效模式的影响规律及机制。结果表明:弹体撞击角度为45°时,靶板弹道极限最高,其次为0°,撞击角度为30°时最小。随着冲击角度增加,层合板损伤形状从菱形逐渐转变为椭球形,损伤面积随冲击速度增加而增大,且45°冲击时层合板损伤面积最大,0°和30°冲击时损伤面积近似相等。弹体初始撞击角度对靶体失效模式存在影响,弹体撞击角度为0°时,纤维断口主要是剪切应力导致的横截面。撞击角度为30°时,纤维断口主要是剪切应力和拉伸应力导致的斜截面。45°斜撞击时,纤维断口主要是拉伸应力导致的横截面。  相似文献   

为研究弹体头部形状对碳纤维层合板抗冲击性能的影响,利用一级气炮发射卵形头弹、半球形头弹和平头弹,对2 mm厚碳纤维层合板进行了冲击实验。利用公式拟合处理实验数据,揭示弹体头部形状对靶板弹道极限与能量吸收的影响,并且分析靶板冲击损伤形貌及机理特征。研究结果表明:平头弹弹道极限最高,半球形头弹次之,卵形头弹最低。弹体在低速度冲击时,弹体头部形状对靶板能量吸收率的影响更为显著。平头弹冲击时,靶板迎弹面受到均匀分布的环向剪切力,纤维同时被剪切,基体发生大面积剪切破坏。半球形头弹冲击时,靶板迎弹面受到非均匀分布的剪切力和挤压作用,纤维发生剪切断裂和拉伸断裂,基体发生剪切破坏和挤压破碎。卵形头弹冲击时,纤维发生单一的拉伸断裂,而基体则发生挤压破碎。弹体头部形状对靶板损伤的影响主要集中在迎弹面和中部纤维层。  相似文献   

Impact results of woven E-glass/epoxy composite laminates are presented in this paper. A gas gun was employed to launch 12.7 mm diameter hemispherically-tipped projectiles 35.5 g in weight. The developed laser Doppler anemometer (LDA) system was successfully employed to record the projectile velocity history, whose range was from several m/s to twice the ballistic limit of the target, and was converted into the force history by using both the optimization and the polynomial curve-fitting methods. It was found that, when the projectile initial velocity was lower than the ballistic limit, the delamination area was approximately proportional to the initial energy of the projectile, and the relationship between the absorbed energy and initial energy of the projectile followed a straight line of unit slope when it was expressed non-dimensionally. Also, the incremental rate of the peak impact force became gradually smaller and finally reached a constant value at the ballistic limit, and the impact force history became progessively asymmetric. Beyond the ballistic limit, the absorbed energy remained approximately constant regardless of the increase of the initial striking velocity of the projectile. The peak impact force, on the other hand, was surprisingly found to increase again.  相似文献   

Drilling studies were conducted on glass/epoxy composite laminates having two different lay-ups [(0/90)4s and (0/±45/90)2s]. Normal drills (2 flute with cone angle of 118°) made of high-speed steel (HSS), TiN-coated HSS, and TiC-coated HSS were used. Drilling parameters were optimized in terms of least thrust and torque. Parameters studied were thrust, torque, tool wear, form deviation, acoustic emission peak, and root mean square (RMS) of acoustic energy. It was observed that coated HSS drills perform little better than uncoated HSS for small number of holes, while their performance is inferior to uncoated HSS for larger number of holes. This is mainly due to peeling or chipping of the coating from base material (HSS). Also, the performance of TiN-coated HSS drill was observed to be better than TiC-coated HSS.  相似文献   

本文采用分离式Hopkinson压杆(SHPB)实验系统,研究了玻璃钢纤维增强塑料(GFRP)薄壁管在低速冲击载荷作用下的抗冲击性能,探讨了薄壁管的截面形状和壁厚对其冲击破坏模式、动态应力-应变曲线和比吸能值(SEA)的影响。实验结果表明:GFRP圆管的动态切线模量较方管的大,同壁厚的圆管的抗冲击性能较方管好;方管随壁厚的适当增加,抗冲击性能也增加。通过综合分析抗冲击性能评价参数,发现GFRP方管的吸能性能较圆管的好,且随壁厚的略微增加,吸能性能增强。与铝合金圆管相比,在相同实验条件下,GFRP圆管的动态压缩模量和冲击应力峰值较铝合金圆管大,峰值应变值较铝合金圆管小,比吸能值较铝合金圆管的大,GFRP管的抗冲击性能也较铝合金圆管好。其结果可为GFRP管类结构的优化设计及工程应用提供基础实验数据和给予理论指导。  相似文献   

对 3种炭纤维增强树脂基复合材料( T300/ N Y9200Z、T300/ Q Y8911和 T700S/ 5228)层合板进行了落锤冲击实验 , 并对冲击后试样进行了冲击后压缩性能测试。通过对凹坑深度2单位厚度冲击能量( d 2e)曲线 , 损伤面积2凹坑深度( S2d)曲线和冲击后压缩破坏应变2凹坑深度(ε 2d)曲线的对比分析 , 讨论了这 3 种复合材料层合板的低速冲击性能(即损伤阻抗和损伤容限) 。利用热揭层技术对拐点前后的复合材料损伤状态进行了观察 , 对损伤机制进行了讨论。实验结果表明 , 在 3种材料的 d 2e曲线 , S2d曲线和ε 2d曲线上均存在对应的拐点 , 该拐点同时也是不同损伤形式的转变点。凹坑深度在小于拐点时 , 损伤形式以基体裂纹和分层损伤为主 , 凹坑深度大于拐点时 , 分层损伤基本不再扩展 , 损伤的发展主要以纤维断裂的扩展为主。  相似文献   

利用自制的模拟弹体冲击装置对不同类型金属网增强混凝土试件进行低速冲击试验,发现在素混凝土中加入金属网可以有效改善它的变形和破坏形态.此外,设置不同工况分析弹体冲击次数和金属网层数的变化对试件抗冲击性能的影响.结果表明:对于同一种试件,随着冲击次数的增加,试件的抗冲击性能在下降;在一定范围内增加金属网层数,可以显著提高试...  相似文献   

This work presents the results of an experimental investigation concerning the low-velocity impact behavior of woven glass fiber epoxy matrix composite laminates. Experimental test were performed according to ASTM standards using an instrumented falling weight impact testing machine. Impact test were conducted to characterize the type and extent of the damage observed in laminate for range of thickness subjected to different impact velocities. Correlation of the residual indentation of the impacted specimens provides a criterion for the extent of the damage. As the impact energy was increased, the samples experienced one of two types of damages: a crack from the center of the laminate to the edge, or significant damage consisting of a dent localized in the region of impact. The history of relevant kinematical, dynamic and energetic quantities, both to synthesize the dependency of the energy parameters and force threshold values on the impact velocity are discussed.  相似文献   

Vacuum infusion (VI) is being considered as a viable alternative to more traditional hand lay-up (HL). Main reason in favor of the more costly technique is the cleaner and friendlier work environment. Moreover, VI potentially offers another important benefit over HL in that prepreg levels of resin may be achieved, resulting in stronger and lighter laminates. The present paper compares the two manufacturing techniques on the basis of the response to repeated impact loading. The laminate is a thick non-symmetric glass-fiber-reinforced plastics intended for nautical application. Four impact velocities (1.5, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.8 m/s) were considered, and a minimum of four specimens for any given velocity were subjected to 40 repeated impacts or up to perforation. The impact response was evaluated in terms of damage progression by visual observation of the impacted specimens, evolution of the peak force and of the bending stiffness with the number of impacts and by calculating the Damage Index (DI), a damage variable recently proposed by the authors to monitor the penetration process in thick laminates. Results point out that for impact velocities for which no perforation occurs within test duration, the experimental data essentially overlap. On the contrary, for perforation tests, HL specimens survived more impacts before perforating absorbing more total energy than VI specimens. Plots of the DI variable against the number of impacts were observed to exhibit an initial linear portion, owing to a stable process of damage accumulation within the laminate, and to undergo an unstable growth a few impacts before perforation. When comparing the VI and HL specimens it was observed that, given an impact energy, the level of damage at first impact as well as the rate of stable damage accumulation is alike for the two sets of specimens. On the contrary, it is the number of impacts of the stable damage accumulation region which is lower for VI specimens.  相似文献   

This study proposes a simple but efficient methodology based on the equivalent inclusion method and finite element analysis. Oblique impacting is considered to investigate the residual velocity and ricochet limit of an ogive-nose steel projectile with various impact velocities against a reinforced concrete slab. The computational results are compatible with Tate’s formula for the ricochet limit as a function of the impact velocity. The proposed methodology is useful for designing defense structures, and the ricochet limit is one of the important parameters that govern the performance of a weapon system. The methodology can be further developing for designing the protection of military structures and nuclear power plants against high velocity projectiles.  相似文献   

Flyash is incorporated in glass fibre reinforced epoxies to study their response to the filler addition. Low cost of flyash can reduce the overall cost of the component. Only very low volume fractions of filler are investigated in the present study. To obtain further clarification of the observed phenomenon, another abundantly available low cost material, calcium carbonate is incorporated in one set of the specimens. Compressive strength of the material is found to decrease, whereas steep increase in impact strength is observed by introduction of very small quantity of fillers. Specimens containing calcium carbonate are tested for impact properties only. Effect of specimen aspect ratio on the compressive strength values is also studied by testing specimens of three different aspect ratios. Scanning electron microscopic observations are taken to develop a better understanding of the phenomena taking place in the material system at microscopic level.  相似文献   

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