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市政生命线系统安全是特大城市防灾规划面临的一个重要课题.从城市安全和城市规划角度,在分析上海市政生命线系统灾害特点的基础上,探讨上海市政生命线系统防灾规划的关键因素,提出市政生命线系统防灾规划的基本策略,包括灾害预测、安全设防对策、非工程控制措施等,为市政生命线系统防灾专项规划的完善、深化提供一种思路.  相似文献   

随着中国城市土地资源的优化配置与存量利用成为趋势,城市垃圾填埋场越来越多地被改造为公园绿地、游乐场等公共活动用地,其中垃圾填埋堆体地形改造是垃圾填埋场改造中的难点和重点.垃圾填埋堆体的景观改造与一般景观地形建设相比,技术复杂性更高,设计限制条件更多.首先综述了堆体类型与景观改造目标,从堆体地形的特点、稳定性、填埋场区位...  相似文献   

The Ontario Municipal Board is a quasi-judicial tribunal that is responsible for adjudicating municipal land-use planning appeals. The Board exerts considerable influence over property development outcomes. Big box retail as a form of commercial development has often been subject to planning conflict and appeal. This paper examines 65 big box retail Board appeals filed between 1993 and 2012 by developers and stakeholders independently or jointly in response to applications submitted at the municipal level throughout the Greater Toronto Area, Canada's largest metropolitan market. Results indicate the presence of game playing strategies used by participants that involves leveraging the potential of proceeding with a potentially expensive, time-consuming and uncertain hearing as a means to negotiate a settlement.  相似文献   

浅谈市政道路工程质量问题及其控制策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨文森 《安徽建筑》2011,18(3):105-106
质量是所有工程建设的核心,如今市政道路工程又是建设现代化城市的重要标志。如何确保道路的工程质量以及所带来的社会效益和经济效益,显得至关重要。文章重点分析影响市政道路工程质量存在的问题,并提出了相关对策,以供参考。  相似文献   

前些天同几个朋友聊天,不经意间,大家的话题转到了我从事的空间摄影。有朋友问我:"空间摄影是不是容易些,只要镜头够广,用座机就没问题了?"听到这个问题我还真不好回答。随着国内室内设计行业的发展,室内空间摄影也逐步走入了人们的视野。所谓空间摄影,就是说摄影师通过自己的镜头,把三维的空间转变为二  相似文献   

上海“八次党代会”提出:“制定崇明岛总体开发规划,加快越江通道工程等基础设施建设,积极做好崇明开发工作”。未雨绸缎,市建委于去年6月就对崇明岛市政基础设施发展战略立题展开研究。通过分析研究崇明岛市政基础设施建设现状、整个上海市政基础设施发展背景、国家“西气东输”“西电东送”及沿海道路、铁路大通道等跨省市的市政基础设施未来发展方向等,提出了崇明岛市政基础设施发展“7+2”战略要点:  相似文献   

吕文博 《城市建筑》2014,(11):309-309
随着我国城市化水平的提升,城市道路下的市政管线也越来越复杂化。因此,加强对市政管线工程规划的有效管理,意义重大。本文分析了市政管线工程规划管理中所存在的问题,并提出有效的策略,以强化市政管线工程规划管理的效果。  相似文献   

谢什泉 《城市建筑》2013,(8):246-247
本文通过对我国工程测量技术发展现状的分析,总结了该技术在我国所获得的成就,并为该技术的发展提出了美好的展望。  相似文献   

英国弹性城市:实现防洪长期战略规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市发生各类灾害可能性的增加,世界各国近年来开展了提升城市抗灾能力的研究。采取文献回顾和实例分析方法,从讨论"弹性城市"概念入手,回顾了英国城市防灾相关法律法规,特别是防洪管理部门和体系。在解析了英国"国家安全策略"后,以伦敦泰晤士河口百年防洪规划为例,讨论了建设弹性城市的4个阶段:(1)明确潜在灾害;(2)设立弹性目标;(3)实施项目以达到目标;(4)定期评估并更新目标和实施新的项目。基于英国成功的防洪规划经验,最后建议我国建立长期防洪弹性目标。  相似文献   

At a time when the majority of world's population live in urban areas, the role of cities in addressing food system vulnerabilities is vital. One response has been a renewed focus by local governments in the global north on a host of individual food system issues. Still lacking are comprehensive municipal food strategies that take a coordinated approach to the food system as a whole. A municipal food strategy is an official plan or road map that helps city governments integrate a full spectrum of urban food system issues within a single policy framework including food production (typically referred to as urban agriculture (UA)), food processing, food distribution, food access and food waste management. This exploratory article examines factors that may affect the capacity of local governments in three global north cities to develop and implement their respective food strategies. It goes on to ask whether food strategies may enable UA, as the part of the food system that to date has garnered the most attention in both research and practice.  相似文献   

Urban food insecurity is partly the result of interactions between households and the broader food system. There is considerable discussion and debate on the most appropriate measures of household food insecurity but very little on how to quantify interactions between households and the system. One priority is to develop food security metrics that incorporate household interactions with the food retail environment. The Hungry Cities Food Purchases Matrix (HCFPM) is one such metric developed for relating household food sourcing behaviour to that environment. The matrix has been successfully used by the Hungry Cities Partnership to shed light on food sourcing and food system interactions in a number of cities in the Global South. Using Maputo as a case study, this paper discusses the objectives, structure and potential of the HCFPM for African cities and illustrates how in can provide important insights into household-food system interactions. The HCFPM therefore opens up a new way of understanding household purchasing behaviour and associated food insecurity.  相似文献   

本文简要回顾天安门广场--长安街的历史沿革和建设过程,调查研究了该地段的建筑和环境现状,并提出了新的规划设想.  相似文献   

综合管廊实施合--+对于减轻政府财政负担、拓宽投融资渠道,改进综合管廊的投资建设运营管理模式、充分发挥综合管廊的综合效益,实现综合管廊的可持续发展有着至关重要的作用。本文建立了综合管廊的收费过程中综合管廊管理者与管线单位的博弈模型,通过求解模型的均衡解,深入研究了综合管廊收费中博弈各方的决策机制,并结合求解结果分析了影响博弈的相关因素;最后在博弈分析的基础上提出了明确综合管廊的准公共物品定位、完善配套法规体系、建立与收费机制相协调的多元投融资模式、制定兼顾各方利益的收费定价机制等实施综合管廊收费的对策。  相似文献   

许业宏 《城市建筑》2013,(6):232-232
市政给排水工程是城市市政建设的重要组成部分,它的施工质量直接决定着一座城市能否实现正常运转。本文主要从管理现状、存在问题的角度出发,分析指出加强市政给排水工程管理的措施。  相似文献   

污水处理厂自动控制系统的全流程策略与方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
污水处理厂自动控制系统是污水处理工艺稳定运行的保障,必须适应进水负荷和生物反应的过程动态特征.分析了污水处理厂常见构筑物的运行特点和单元控制策略,提出了基于进水负荷动态变化的全流程控制策略,并讨论了全流程自控系统的实现途径.  相似文献   

Problem: Global warming has emerged as one of the new century's top planning challenges. But it is far from clear how state and local governments in the United States can best address climate change through planning.

Purpose: As of 2008, 29 states had prepared some sort of climate change plan, and more than 170 local governments had joined the Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) campaign that requires that a plan be developed. This article analyzes this first generation of climate change plans and seeks to assess the goals being set, the measures included or left out, issues surrounding implementation, and the basic strengths and weaknesses of state and local climate change planning to date.

Methods: I conducted this research by analyzing planning documents as well as interviewing state and local officials by telephone. I analyzed the plans of three types of governments: all states with planning documents on climate change; cities with populations of over 500,000 that are members of the CCP campaign; and selected smaller cities that are CCP members.

Results and conclusions: Most plans set emissions-reduction goals, establish emission inventories, green public sector operations, and recommend a range of other measures. Many recent plans have been developed through extensive stakeholder processes and present very detailed lists of recommendations with quantified emissions benefits. But emissions-reduction goals vary widely, many proposed actions are voluntary, few resources have been allocated, and implementation of most measures has not yet taken place. Most plans do not address adaptation to a changing climate. Officials see rapidly growing public awareness of the issue and general support for climate change planning, but reluctance to change personal behavior.

Takeaway for practice: Future climate change planning should (a) set goals that can adequately address the problem; (b) establish long-term planning frameworks in which progress toward these goals can be monitored on a regular basis and actions revised as needed; (c) include the full range of measures needed to reduce and adapt to climate change; (d) ensure implementation of recommended actions through commitment of resources, revised regulation, incentives for reducing emissions, and other means; and (e) develop strategies to deepen public awareness of the need for fundamental changes in behavior, for example regarding motor vehicle use.

Research support: This research was supported by the University of California, Davis Department of Environmental Design.  相似文献   

This article traces the history of Toronto's experience with metropolitan government. Toronto's experience holds discouraging lessons for those who look to senior governments to solve regional problems. The policy lessons derived from the Toronto case are identified and critically evaluated.  相似文献   

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