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结合二分法教学课件的设计与实现,主要应用动态几何技术,创建了教师主导和学生主体相结合的新型教学结构,不仅实现了信息技术与数学课程内容的整合,而且改善了教和学的方式。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential of a wiki (FlexWiki) to support collaborative authoring of web resources in authentic coursework by two different sets of education students at different stages of their professional development. Research questions included: (1) how the selected wiki could be blended with curriculum activities and existing technologies to complete collaborative tasks; (2) student and tutor expectations concerning collaborative learning and whether these expectations were met; (3) the barriers and enablers of using the wiki and perceptions of the task‐technology fit. Key findings included that tutors and students were able to use the wiki to complete tasks; tutors and students were positive about learning outcomes but collaboration was not as co‐constructive as hoped for; there were tensions between expectations of collaboration and assessment practices that affected how students collaborated; differences between participants in their group interaction, degree of co‐presence and familiarity with technology led to differences in perceptions of usefulness and actual wiki use; and version‐tracking data from the wiki proved unreliable on its own for gaining insights into actual collaborative processes. These findings suggest the importance of considering detailed local contexts of use when deciding to adopt new tools for supporting collaboration.  相似文献   

结合二分法教学课件的设计与实现,主要应用动态几何技术,创建了教师主导和学生主体相结合的新型教学结构,不仅实现了信息技术与数学课程内容的整合,而且改善了教和学的方式。  相似文献   

随着信息技术在中国的发展和普及,越来越多的职业院校开设起了《多媒体技术》这门专业课。由于该课程属于新兴课程,"如何选择合适的教学策略"便成了教学者们急待探索和解决的一个问题。通过教学实践,"合作学习"策略对于《多媒体技术》课的教学具有一定的推动作用,是个不错的选择。  相似文献   

检测率和检测速度是入侵检测系统最关心的两个技术指标。检测系统内部安全组件之间的互动性对于检测率和检测速度也有很大的影响,出此考虑,该文提出基于半监督主动学习和CORBA技术相结合的入侵检测技术。技术的多元性和系统的互动性,不但提高了检测率和检测速度,而且降低了误检率,经实验验证了该入侵检测技术的有效性。  相似文献   

设计的应用元素总会在某个时间段重返人们的视野之中,近年来中国本土元素被大量的运用,在室内设计中主题元素的运用更是层出不穷。这样就涉及到一个方法问题,元素是浩瀚的,但是如何使用,如何用好,如何在多人同时运用时又能达到不同凡响的效果。本文作者认为在本土元素运用中结合新的技术手段,不同于以往的思维方式,运用平面,绘画等其他艺术门类的创作方式可以在原有的基础上,对世人呈现不同的视觉感受和新奇效果。  相似文献   

系统分析了新阶段农业结构调整的特点、结构调整的深层次化、农产品优质化、生产的区域化、经营的产业化和竞争的国际化 ,论述了新阶段农牧渔业结构调整、区域结构调整、农产品优质化、农业产业化等对科技的呼唤。  相似文献   

针对多媒体技术及应用课程的特点,结合任务驱动教学法的特性,将任务驱动教学法有机切入多媒体技术及应用课程的实际教学,实现了以学定教的教学模式。教学实践证明,教学效果明显改善,学生的学习兴趣和实践能力得到了提升。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨计算机技术与传统数学教学的优化整合模式,研究如何充分利用现代教育资源,构思、设计出符合学生认知水平的计算机辅助教学,以达到充分调动学生学习积极性、提高高等数学课教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

新一代信息技术不仅引起人们生活方式的变革,也从深层次助推各产业的技术革命。从信息技术的发展历程分析,测控技术不仅是新一代信息技术的基础,更是新一代信息技术的智能化保障。同时,新一代信息技术也必将助推测控技术的变革和提升。在现状与分析的基础上,通过溯源CPS、LVC、AI及DI的根源和本质,提出测控技术与新一代信息技术深度融合发展的路径,给出了融合实例,表明了深度融合的科学性和有效性。  相似文献   

A study of part‐time student experience of university courses delivered using a range of technologies found that information and communication technology enabled students to move between study and work experience to the benefit of their learning in both contexts. Technology‐based study activities enabled students to participate in learning both as a student and as a member of a practice or work context. Given the increasingly pressured lives of all students in higher education and their aspirations for employment after graduation, this suggests that we would benefit from taking their relationship to work and professional practice into account more directly, in deciding how to integrate technology into their study experience. Teacher conceptions of technology as a tool primarily for information delivery and discussion need to expand to recognize that it can be used to construct learning experiences situated in roles, skills and interactive environments that enhance students' ability to make transitions across the boundaries between contexts of study and work.  相似文献   

在信息融合系统中引入多智能体技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论文简要介绍了多智能体技术和信息融合系统,将多智能体技术运用到信息融合系统中,对信息融合系统中的模型和方法进行改进,提出了多智能体信息融合模型,并研究了信息融合中的分布式强化学习。通过借鉴多智能体技术的研究成果,开辟信息融合理论和应用发展的另一条途径。  相似文献   

Building effective classifiers requires providing the modeling algorithms with information about the training data and modeling goals in order to create a model that makes proper tradeoffs. Machine learning algorithms allow for flexible specification of such meta-information through the design of the objective functions that they solve. However, such objective functions are hard for users to specify as they are a specific mathematical formulation of their intents. In this paper, we present an approach that allows users to generate objective functions for classification problems through an interactive visual interface. Our approach adopts a semantic interaction design in that user interactions over data elements in the visualization are translated into objective function terms. The generated objective functions are solved by a machine learning solver that provides candidate models, which can be inspected by the user, and used to suggest refinements to the specifications. We demonstrate a visual analytics system QUESTO for users to manipulate objective functions to define domain-specific constraints. Through a user study we show that QUESTO helps users create various objective functions that satisfy their goals.  相似文献   

本文在对高校《数字电子技术》教学现状和多媒体技术进行简要了解的基础上,对多媒体技术应用于《数字电 子技术》中的教学意义进行了分析,并从引导学生自主教学,增强课件交互性,采用“板书+多媒体”组合式教学,引入电路仿真 以及提高教师多媒体应用能力等方面对基于多媒体技术的《数字电子技术》课程教学改革进行了研究,以期调动学生学习自主 性,提高教学有效性。  相似文献   

通过课题研究,开展用Blog技术构建数字化学习社区的实践,文章对其可行性进行了分析,强调了构建的原则,阐明了构建的优势,并对系统的开发及试运行进行了说明。三年的实证研究认为Blog技术是建设数字化学习社区非常适用的一种新技术。  相似文献   

通过课题研究,开展用Blog技术构建数字化学习社区的实践,文章对其可行性进行了分析,强调了构建的原则,阐明了构建的优势,并对系统的开发及试运行进行了说明。三年的实证研究认为Blog技术是建设数字化学习社区非常适用的一种新技术。  相似文献   

随着计算机病毒种类和数量的快速增加,计算机病毒渗透到了信息社会的各个领域,给计算机系统和信息安全带来了巨大的破坏和潜在的威胁。目前常用的杀毒技术是利用病毒码扫描方法,检查文件是否含有病毒。但是这种传统的杀毒技术只能对已知病毒进行有效查杀,对未知病毒却毫无办法。文中介绍了计算机反病毒的主要技术并从计算机内部的文件特征入手,提出一种防御计算机未知病毒的新对策,在Windows XP和Windows 2000中的运行结果证明可以实现对未知病毒的防范并有着很好的发展前景。  相似文献   

In today's new economy characterized by industrial change, globalization, increased intensive competition, knowledge sharing and transfer, and information technology revolution, traditional classroom education or training does not always satisfy all the needs of the new world of lifelong learning. Learning is shifting from instructor-centered to learner-centered, and is undertaken anywhere, from classrooms to homes and offices. E-Learning, referring to learning via the Internet, provides people with a flexible and personalized way to learn. It offers learning-on-demand opportunities and reduces learning cost. This paper describes the demands for e-Learning and related research, and presents a variety of enabling technologies that can facilitate the design and implementation of e-Learning systems. Armed with the advanced information and communication technologies, e-Learning is having a far-reaching impact on learning in the new millennium.  相似文献   

任务驱动模式是一种优秀的计算机教学模式,采用基于任务驱动的教学模式实施《计算机文化基础》课程的教学,打破了传统教学方法中注重学习的循序渐进和积累的老套路,不再按照教学内容的从易到难的顺序,而是以完成一个"任务"作为驱动来进行教学,完成教学任务,在完成"任务"的过程中,培养了学生的自学能力、创新精神和合作意识。  相似文献   

着眼嵌入式发展的操作系统教学探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
着眼嵌入式技术的快速发展,分析嵌入式系统的特点以及嵌入式技术给操作系统课程带来的新启示,从操作系统课程的教学目标、教学方法、教学内容3个方面探讨操作系统课程教学组织方式和方法。  相似文献   

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