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The human neutrophil NADPH oxidase is a multi-component complex composed of membrane-bound and cytosolic proteins. During activation, cytosolic proteins p47(phox), p67(phox), Rac2, and possibly p40(phox) translocate to the plasma membrane and associate with flavocytochrome b to form the active superoxide-generating system. To further investigate the role of p67(phox) in this complex assembly process, experiments were performed to identify possible regions of interaction between p67(phox) and other NADPH oxidase proteins. Using random sequence peptide phage-display library analysis of p67(phox), we identified a novel region in p47(phox) encompassing residues 323-332 and a previously identified SH3 binding domain encompassing p47(phox) residues 361-370 as p67(phox) binding sites. Synthetic peptides mimicking p47(phox) residues 323-332 inhibited the p47(phox)-p67(phox) binding interaction in an affinity binding assay; however, peptides mimicking flanking regions were inactive. Surprisingly, this same region of p47(phox) was found previously to represent a site of binding interaction for flavocytochrome b (DeLeo, F. R., Nauseef, W. M., Jesaitis, A. J., Burritt, J. B., Clark, R. A., and Quinn, M. T.(1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 26246-26251), and this observation was confirmed in the present report using two different in vitro assays that were not evaluated previously. Using affinity binding assays, we also found that p67(phox) and flavocytochrome b competed for binding to p47(phox)after activation, suggesting that prior to full NADPH oxidase assembly the 323-332 region of p47(phox) is associated with p67(phox) and at some point in the activation process is transferred to flavocytochrome b. Thus, taken together our data demonstrate that both p67(phox) and flavocytochrome b utilize a common binding site in p47(phox), presumably at distinct stages during the activation process, and this p47(phox) region plays a key role in regulating NADPH oxidase assembly.  相似文献   

The superoxide-generating NADPH oxidase, dormant in resting phagocytes, is activated during phagocytosis following assembly of the membrane-integrated protein cytochrome b558 and cytosolic factors. Among the latter are the three proteins containing Src homology 3 (SH3) domains, p67phox, p47phox and p40phox. While the first two factors are indispensable for the activity, p40phox is tightly associated with p67phox in resting cells and is suggested to have some modulatory role. Here we describe a systematic analysis of the interaction between p40phox and p67phox using the yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro binding assays with recombinant proteins. Both methods unequivocally showed that the minimum requirements for stable interaction are the C-terminal region of p40phox and the region between the two SH3 domains of p67phox. This interaction is maintained even in the presence of anionic amphiphiles used for the activation of the NADPH oxidase, raising a possibility that it mediates constitutive association of the two factors in both resting and activated cells. The C-terminal region of p40phox responsible for the interaction contains a characteristic stretch of amino acids designated as the PC motif, that also exists in other signal-transducing proteins from yeast to human. Intensive site-directed mutagenesis to the motif in p40phox revealed that it plays a critical role in the binding to p67phox. Thus the PC motif appears to represent a novel module for protein-protein interaction used in a variety of signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Activation of superoxide-generating NADPH oxidase system of human neutrophils involves phosphorylation-dependent translocation of p47phox and other cytosolic components to the plasma membrane. In contrast to the stimulation of the NADPH oxidase in intact cells, however, the activation of cell-free system requires the addition of anionic amphiphiles such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and arachidonate. In this system, translocation of p47phox is also an essential step for activation, but phosphorylation is not required. The basis of this difference in oxidase activation is not yet clear. We now report that in a cell-free oxidase system, phosphorylated recombinant p47phox can be translocated to the membrane in the absence of SDS or arachidonate. These findings suggest that both phosphorylation and SDS could cause a common change in conformation or charge of p47phox that may result in the association of p47phox with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The leukocyte NADPH oxidase of neutrophils is a membrane-bound enzyme that catalyzes the production of O-2 from oxygen using NADPH as the electron donor. Dormant in resting neutrophils, the enzyme acquires catalytic activity when the cells are exposed to appropriate stimuli. During activation, the cytosolic oxidase components p47phox and p67phox migrate to the plasma membrane, where they associate with cytochrome b558, a membrane-integrated flavohemoprotein, to assemble the active oxidase. Oxidase activation can be mimicked in a cell-free system using an anionic amphiphile, such as sodium dodecyl sulfate or arachidonic acid, as an activating agent. In whole cells and under certain circumstances in the cell-free system the phosphorylation of p47phox mediates the activation process. It has been proposed that conformational changes in the protein structure of cytosolic factor p47phox may be an important part of the activation mechanism. We show here that the total protein steady-state intrinsic fluorescence (an emission maximum of 338 nm) exhibited by the tryptophan residues of p47phox substantially decreased when p47phox was treated with anionic amphiphiles. A similar decrease in fluorescence was also observed when p47phox was phosphorylated with protein kinase C. Furthermore, a red shift of emission maximum and an increase of quenching by ionic quenchers and acrylamide were observed in the presence of activators. These results indicate the occurrence of a conformational change in the protein structure of p47phox. We propose that this alteration in conformation results in the appearance of a binding site through which p47phox interacts with cytochrome b558 during the activation process.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid (AA) can trigger activation of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase in a cell-free assay. However, a role for AA in activation of the oxidase in intact cells has not been established, nor has the AA generating enzyme critical to this process been identified. The human myeloid cell line PLB-985 was transfected to express p85 cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) antisense mRNA and stable clones were selected that lack detectable cPLA2. cPLA2-deficient PLB-985 cells differentiate similarly to control PLB-985 cells in response to retinoic acid or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, indicating that cPLA2 is not involved in the differentiation process. Neither cPLA2 nor stimulated [3H]AA release were detectable in differentiated cPLA2-deficient PLB-985 cells, demonstrating that cPLA2 is the major type of PLA2 activated in phagocytic-like cells. Despite the normal synthesis of NADPH oxidase subunits during differentiation of cPLA2-deficient PLB-985 cells, these cells fail to activate NADPH oxidase in response to a variety of soluble and particulate stimuli, but the addition of exogenous AA fully restores oxidase activity. This establishes an essential requirement of cPLA2-generated AA for activation of phagocyte NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

The leukocyte NADPH oxidase catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to superoxide (O-2) at the expense of NADPH in phagocytes and B lymphocytes. The enzyme is dormant in resting cells but becomes active when the cells are exposed to appropriate stimuli. During oxidase activation, the highly basic cytosolic oxidase component p47(PHOX) becomes phosphorylated on several serines and migrates to the plasma membrane. We report here that p47(PHOX)-deficient B lymphoblasts expressing the p47(PHOX) S359A/S370A or p47(PHOX) S359K/S370K double mutation show dramatically reduced levels of enzyme activity and phosphorylation of p47(PHOX) as compared with the same cells expressing wild type p47(PHOX). In addition, these mutant p47(PHOX) proteins fails to translocate to the plasma membrane when the cells are stimulated. In contrast, normal phosphorylation and translocation are seen in mutants containing aspartate or glutamate at positions 359 and 370, but oxidase activity is still greatly reduced. These results imply that a negative charge at position 359 and/or 370 is sufficient to allow the phosphorylation and translocation of p47(PHOX) to take place but that features unique to a phosphorylated hydroxyamino acid are required to support O-2 production. These findings, plus those from an earlier study (Inanami, O., Johnson, J. L., McAdara, J. K., El Benna, J., Faust, L. P., Newburger, P. E., and Babior, B. M. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 9539-9543), suggest that oxidase activation requires 1) the sequential phosphorylation of at least two serines on p47(PHOX): Ser-359 or Ser-370, followed by Ser-303 or Ser-304; and 2) the translocation of p47(PHOX) to the membrane at some point after the first phosphorylation takes place.  相似文献   

The Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing protein Grb7 and the erbB2 receptor tyrosine kinase are overexpressed in a subset of human breast cancers. They also co-immunoprecipitate from cell lysates and associate directly in vitro. Whereas the Grb7 SH2 domain binds strongly to erbB2, the SH2 domain of Grb14, a protein closely related to Grb7, does not. We have investigated the preferred binding site of Grb7 within the erbB2 intracellular domain and the SH2 domain residues that determine the high affinity of Grb7 compared with Grb14 for this site. Phosphopeptide competition and site-directed mutagenesis revealed that Tyr-1139 of erbB2 is the major binding site for the Grb7 SH2 domain, indicating an overlap in binding specificity between the Grb7 and Grb2 SH2 domains. Substituting individual amino acids in the Grb14 SH2 domain with the corresponding residues from Grb7 demonstrated that a Gln to Leu change at the betaD6 position imparted high affinity erbB2 interaction, paralleled by a marked increase in affinity for the Tyr-1139 phosphopeptide. The reverse switch at the betaD6 position abrogated Grb7 binding to erbB2. This residue therefore represents an important determinant of SH2 domain specificity within the Grb7 family.  相似文献   

Integrin signaling is mediated by interaction of integrin cytoplasmic domains with intracellular signaling molecules. Recently, we identified a novel 111-amino acid polypeptide, termed beta3-endonexin, which interacts selectively with the integrin beta3 cytoplasmic domain. In the present study we conducted a systematic mutational analysis of both the integrin beta3 cytoplasmic domain and beta3-endonexin to map sites required for interaction. The interaction of the full-length beta3 integrin subunit with beta3-endonexin in vitro required the beta3 cytoplasmic domain. In a yeast two-hybrid system, both membrane-proximal and membrane-distal residues of the beta3 cytoplasmic domain were necessary for interaction with beta3-endonexin. In particular, the membrane-distal NITY motif at beta3 756-759 was critical for the interaction. Exchange of beta3 residues 756-759 (NITY) for the corresponding residues in beta1 (NPKY) endowed the beta1 cytoplasmic domain with the ability to interact with beta3-endonexin. Conversely, exchange of the NPKY motif at beta1 772-775 for the NITY motif in beta3 abolished interaction of this chimeric cytoplasmic domain with beta3-endonexin. Because the NITY motif is present in the beta3 but not the beta1 cytoplasmic domain, these results explain the selective interaction of this cytoplasmic domain with beta3-endonexin. In addition, deletional analysis suggested that a core 91-residue sequence of beta3-endonexin is sufficient for specific binding to the beta3 cytoplasmic domain. These studies have identified a cytoplasmic domain sequence motif that specifies an integrin-specific protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

The Rho family small GTP-binding proteins are subjected to regulation by Rho GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) in the course of transmitting diverse intracellular signals. To understand the mechanism of GAP-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis of Rho GTPases, we have studied the interaction between RhoA and p190, the RasGAP binding phosphoprotein which has been implicated as a Rho-specific GAP, by delineating the structural determinants of RhoA and p190 GAP domain (p190GD) that are involved in their functional coupling. Besides the conserved residues Tyr34, Thr37, and Phe39 in the switch I region of RhoA which are required for p190GD interaction, chimeras made between RhoA and Cdc42, a close relative of RhoA with which p190GD interacts 50-fold less efficiently, revealed that residues outside the switch I and neighboring regions of RhoA, residues 85-122 in particular, contain the major p190GD-specifying determinant(s). Mutation of the unique Asp90 of RhoA in this region mostly abolished p190GD stimulation, whereas the corresponding reverse mutation of Cdc42 (S88D) was able to respond to p190GD-catalysis similarly as RhoA. Further kinetic analysis of these mutants provided evidence that Asp90 of RhoA contributes primarily to the specific binding interaction with p190GD. On the other hand, two charged residues of p190GD, Arg1283 and Lys1321, which are located in the putative G-protein binding helix pocket of GAP domain, were found to be involved in different aspects of interaction with RhoA. The R1283L mutant of p190GD lost GAP activity but retained the ability to bind to RhoA, while K1321A failed to stimulate and to bind to RhoA. These results indicate that residue Asp90 constitutes the second GAP-interactive site in RhoA which is mostly responsible for conferring p190GD-specificity, and suggest that the role of p190GD in the GTPase reaction of RhoA is in part to supply active site residue Arg1283 for efficient catalysis.  相似文献   

Proteins containing the formin homology (FH) domains FH1 and FH2 are involved in cytokinesis or establishment of cell polarity in a variety of organisms. We have shown that the FH proteins Bni1p and Bnr1p are potential targets of the Rho family small GTP-binding proteins and bind to an actin-binding protein, profilin, at their proline-rich FH1 domains to regulate reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found here that a novel Src homology 3 (SH3) domain-containing protein, encoded by YMR032w, interacted with Bnr1p in a GTP-Rho4p-dependent manner through the FH1 domain of Bnr1p and the SH3 domain of Ymr032wp. Ymr032wp weakly bound to Bni1p. Ymr032wp was homologous to cdc15p, which is involved in cytokinesis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and we named this gene HOF1 (homolog of cdc 15). Both Bnr1p and Hof1p were localized at the bud neck, and both the bnr1 and hof1 mutations showed synthetic lethal interactions with the bni1 mutation. The hof1 mutant cells showed phenotypes similar to those of the septin mutants, indicating that HOF1 is involved in cytokinesis. These results indicate that Bnr1p directly interacts with Hof1p as well as with profilin to regulate cytoskeletal functions in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The adapter protein Shc has been implicated in mitogenic signaling via growth factor receptors, cytokine receptors, and antigen receptors on lymphocytes. Besides the well characterized interaction of Shc with molecules involved in Ras activation, Shc also associates with a 145-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein upon triggering via antigen receptors and many cytokine receptors. This 145-kDa protein has been recently identified as an SH2 domain containing 5'-inositol phosphatase (SHIP) and has been implicated in the regulation of growth and differentiation in hematopoietic cells. In this report, we have addressed the molecular details of the interaction between Shc and SHIP in vivo. During T cell receptor signaling, tyrosine phosphorylation of SHIP and its association with Shc occurred only upon activation. We demonstrate that the phosphotyrosine binding domain of Shc is necessary and sufficient for its association with tyrosine-phosphorylated SHIP. Through site-directed mutagenesis, we have identified two tyrosines on SHIP, Tyr-917, and Tyr-1020, as the principal contact sites for the Shc-phosphotyrosine binding domain. Our data also suggest a role for the tyrosine kinase Lck in phosphorylation of SHIP. We also show that the SH2 domain of SHIP is dispensable for the Shc-SHIP interaction in vivo. These data have implications for the localization of the Shc.SHIP complex and regulation of SHIP function during T cell receptor signaling.  相似文献   

BAD interacts with anti-apoptotic molecules BCL-2 and BCL-XL and promotes apoptosis. BAD is phosphorylated on serine residues in response to a survival factor, interleukin-3. Phosphorylated BAD cannot bind to BCL-XL or BCL-2 at membrane sites and is found in the cytosol bound to 14-3-3. We report here that deletion mapping and site-directed mutagenesis identified a BH3 domain within BAD that proved necessary for both its heterodimerization with BCL-XL and its death agonist activity. Substitution of the conserved Leu151 with Ala in the BH3 amphipathic alpha-helix abrogated both functions. The BAD Leu151 mutant was predominantly in the cytosol bound to 14-3-3. The BH3 domain of BCL-2 also proved important for BCL-2/BAD interaction. These results establish a critical role for a BH3 domain within BAD and provide evidence that BAD may function as a death ligand whose pro-apoptotic activity requires heterodimerization with BCL-XL.  相似文献   

Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), one of the most important natural antioxidants, is assumed to be beneficial in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. alpha-Tocopherol exhibits acyl-peroxyl-radical scavenger properties and exerts cell-mediated actions in the hemovascular compartment, such as inhibition of superoxide anion (O-2) production by leukocytes. The aim of this study was to examine the mechanism underlying the inhibitory effect of alpha-tocopherol on O-2 production by human monocytes. In activated monocytes O-2 is produced by the NADPH-oxidase enzyme complex. The oxidase activation elicited by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) requires membrane translocation of several cytosolic factors. We found that in human PMA-stimulated adherent monocytes, alpha-tocopherol (but not beta-tocopherol) inhibited O-2 production in intact cells but had no effect on a membrane preparation containing activated NADPH-oxidase, suggesting that alpha-tocopherol impairs the assembly process of the enzyme complex. We showed that translocation and phosphorylation of the cytosolic factor p47(phox) were reduced in monocytes preincubated with alpha-tocopherol. We verified that the tryptic phosphopeptide map of monocyte p47(phox) was similar to that of neutrophil p47(phox), indicating that several serine residues were phosphorylated. Peptides whose phosphorylation is dependent on protein kinase C (PKC) were phosphorylated to a lesser degree when p47(phox) was immunoprecipitated from alpha-tocopherol-treated monocytes. In vitro, the activity of PKC from monocytes was inhibited by alpha-tocopherol in a specific manner compared with that of beta-tocopherol or Trolox(R). Membrane translocation of PKC was not affected. These results show that alpha-tocopherol inhibits O-2 production by human adherent monocytes by impairing the assembly of the NADPH-oxidase and suggest that the inhibition of phosphorylation and translocation of the cytosolic factor p47(phox) results from a decrease in PKC activity.  相似文献   

The caspase-3 has been shown to be involved in mediating apoptosis induced by different stimuli. However, it is still unclear whether p53 is required for the ionizing radiation (IR)-induced caspase-3 activation. In the present study, we examined IR-induced apoptosis in three closely related human lymphoblast cell lines that differ in p53 status. Irradiation of TK6 cells (wild-type p53) with 4 Gy gamma-rays resulted in rapid apoptosis, whereas the apoptotic response was delayed and reduced in WTK1 cells (mutant p53) and the TK6 derivative line expressing HPV16 E6 (abrogated p53). The differential apoptotic responses in these cell lines correlated with caspase-3 activation. IR induced an early as well as a late phase of caspase-3 activation in TK6 but only a delayed onset in WTK1 and TK6-E6-5E cells. The early phase of caspase-3 activation coincided with an elevation of p53 and bax protein levels. Pretreatment of all three cell lines with a caspases inhibitor z-VAD-FMK inhibited apoptosis. These results suggest that IR-induced apoptosis is mediated by a mechanism involving the caspase-3 cascade, which is shared by both p53-dependent and -independent pathways. The activation of caspase-3 by IR may thus engage at least two separate mechanisms, one through the regulation of the bcl-2 family members by p53, whereas the other yet-to-be-identified one involves neither p53 nor bax.  相似文献   

The chromatin organization of eukaryotic telomeres is essential for telomeric function and is currently receiving great attention. In yeast, the structural organization of telomeres involves a complex interplay of telomeric proteins that results in the formation of heterochromatin. This telomeric heterochromatin involves homotypic and heterotypic protein interactions that have been summarized in a general model. Recent analyses have focused on the study of the structural complexity at yeast telomeres to the level of specific nucleosomes and of the distribution of protein complexes in a natural telomeric region (LIII). In this report, we further analyze the structural complexity of LIII and the implication of this structure on telomeric silencing. It is shown that the establishment of repressive heterochromatin structures at LIII requires the recruitment of Sir3p through interaction with the N terminus of histone H4. The establishment of such structures does not require acetylation of any of four lysines located in the H4 N terminus (lysines 5, 8, 12, and 16).  相似文献   

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