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当代国内的家具设计需要回答三个问题,一是家具设计的现代、二是家具设计的现代性、三是家具设计的现代化,本文讨论了其中之二“家具设计的现代性”。家具设计的现代性指的是它的世界观和价值观,即对世界所持的认知和态度。现代家具设计以现代主义作为主导思想,但是也对现代主义提出了质疑和批判,由此产生了一系列的风格流派,它们为现代家具设计增光添彩,丰富了现代家具设计的内容。现代家具设计是为大多数人服务的,二战后由于技术的进步,使现代主义的理念成为现实,现代家具为寻常百姓提供了美好的家园。现代家具设计的内容是为人、经济、市场和社会的服务;现代家具设计的目的是处理好人与物、人与环境、人与泛义的机器之间的关系,为了使现代人拥有良好的、安全的、舒适的、美观的工作及家居生活的环境与空间。随着后工业时代的到来,现代家具设计今后从事的设计必须是能集家具、灯具、家电、家饰、建材和家居用品于一体的综合设计,进入一个“大设计时代”。  相似文献   

许美琪 《家具》2016,(4):1-6
现代家具设计是现代设计的一个分支,遵循现代设计的一般规律。现代设计与传统设计的最大区别在于前者是服务大众的,采用工业化的大生产方式,后者是服务权贵阶层的,采用手工业生产方式;现代设计的内容必然是为人、经济、市场和社会的服务。现代设计的目的是处理好人与物、人与环境、人与泛义的机器之间的关系,为了使现代人拥有良好的、安全的、舒适的、美观的工作与生存环境与空间。1980年的冷战结束和1990年第二轮全球化兴起,世界格局出现了新的变化,面对深刻的经济和社会危机,现代设计出现了多种思潮和流派,诸如后现代主义、晚期现代主义、解构主义、新现代主义等等,但对这些纷纭复杂的各种设计思潮和流派的观念上的认识,必须从真正了解现代主义开始。现代主义是20世纪设计的核心。现代家具设计的发展经历了若干阶段,在当今时代,它将融入"大家居"的设计时代。  相似文献   

现代艺术首饰—人性情感交融的载体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种独特的艺术形式,现代艺术首饰不仅是人类美化自身的装饰的承载,而且是再现人们对于人、社会、自然等精神层面的关注与感受。现代艺术首饰从首饰的概念和功能出发,着重强调首饰与人及其精神的交融。作者通过运用现代艺术首饰独特的艺术语言,并结合自身对生活的感悟,论述了现代艺术首饰是人陛隋感交融的媒介与载体。  相似文献   

如今非主流文化已逐步演绎成另类时尚.作为一种意识形态,它不仅改变了现代人的生活方式,同时也改变了现代人的价值观与审美观。非常规的服装理念不断否定原有的传统设计观念,力求打破常规,尝试更多标新立异的设计.使服装焕发出无限活力,既迎合了现代人追求自由与个性的心理又对现代服装带来了革命性的影响。  相似文献   

本文以古代文献综述理论为基础,运用现代逻辑辩证分析的理论方法和现代唯物史观的理论原理,分析了健康的根源.在古代中医哲学和现代中医理论的科学指导下,要提高服务质量,促进人们身心健康,预防疾病,开展健身活动,延年益寿,融合中西方现代健康文化的不同精髓,结合保健的不同特殊性.在治疗方法上,强调人与人、人与自然、人与社会的和谐...  相似文献   

非主流文化如今已逐步演绎成另类时尚,作为一种意识形态,它不仅改变了现代人的生活方式,同时也改变了现代人的价值观与审美观。非常规的服装理念不断否定原有的传统设计观念,力求打破常规,尝试更多标新立异的设计,这使得当代服装焕发出无限活力,不仅迎合了现代人追求自由与个性的心理,而且对现代服装带来了革命性的影响。  相似文献   

现代经济迅速发展的主要动力取决于科学技术的发展,在这一发展过程中,现代社会对科学技术投入了过多的关注,而忽视了技术社会中人的存在与发展。法兰克福学派从人的存在与全面发展角度出发,对虚假意识形态理论进行了严厉地批判,揭开意识形态的虚伪的面纱,为使人得到全面解放而努力奋斗着。  相似文献   

现代漆艺家具以传统漆艺为基础,这一工艺技术的发展既传承了家具的漆艺装饰文化,又是时代进步的表现;通过融入现代的设计理念与审美思想,逐渐演化而来,其不仅是历史积淀的体现,同样也是一种现代审美的呈现,现代漆艺家具不仅仅能够满足现代人的审美需求,同时也有着浓厚的文化积淀,探讨现代漆艺家具在室内陈设中的开发与运用有利于进一步拓展室内陈设的视角,满足更多人的审美需求,为漆艺行业发展也有一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

河北武强年画的历史文化与艺术内涵十分具有研究价值。但是随着现代人类生活方式的转变与发展,武强年画与现代社会有些"脱节",变为了一种"符号"。基于这样的情况,笔者希望通过对武强年画的研究,论述武强年画需要再生性的紧迫性,让更多人关注中国这些急需再生的传统文化,使它可成为现代国人接受并喜爱的年画文化。  相似文献   

阐述了汉代刺绣的历史背景、基本形式与工艺要求,介绍了汉代刺绣在现代服饰中的应用。汉代刺绣在现代高级服装定制中的研究表明,许多高级服装品牌的设计灵感源于汉代刺绣的图案造型、工艺技法和色彩。传统的汉代刺绣与现代服装设计工艺相结合,可制作满足现代人审美需求的服饰。  相似文献   

“甲”“铠”作为护体防具解释时是军戎服饰重要的组成部分,本文采用认知语言学中“语义范畴理论”与“语义特征理论”对“甲”“铠”及其参构词的语义特征进行了定量统计分析。研究表明:“甲”与“铠”的语义范畴有大量重叠,“材质”不是“甲”“铠”的区分标准,它们的语义范畴亦有许多差异,但往往不足以将“甲”“铠”截然分开。  相似文献   

The only commercially available immunoassay for gliadin determination in gluten-free food which has been ring-tested and in use for many years, is a test kit based on monoclonal antibodies against -gliadins. Various studies of the literature have shown that different gliadin standards resulted in different calibration curves, and it has been proposed that the affinity of -gliadins to the monoclonal antibodies varied among wheat varieties. To clarify this fundamental problem, total gliadins and the -gliadins from a winter wheat ("Rektor"), a spring wheat ("CWRS"), a wheat rye hybrid ("Herzog") and varieties of spelt, durum wheat, emmer and einkorn, were isolated and analyzed by means of an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) kit based on antibodies against -gliadins. Additionally, single - and -gliadins of Rektor wheat were studied. The results demonstrated that the calibration curves derived for total gliadins differed, in parts, strongly from that of the kit gliadin standard; only the curves for the durum wheat and spelt gliadins were in congruence with the kit gliadin. Single -gliadins revealed strong differences between and within wheat species and ELISA equivalents had a range from 10 to 220% according to kit gliadin. The affinity of -gliadins was not correlated with the calibration curves of total gliadins. Some of the -gliadins of Rektor wheat showed ELISA equivalents similar to those of -gliadins. Because the proportions of -gliadins in total gliadins were significantly higher than those of -gliadins, the unspecific binding of -gliadins contributed much more to the total affinity of gliadins than the specific binding of -gliadins. -Gliadins, however, did not show any detectable affinity.  相似文献   

三种仿寿山“坑头冻”印材的宝石矿物学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寿山水坑石十分稀罕且昂贵,"坑头冻"乃其典型品种。采用XRD,FTIR,ICP-MS,SEM等测试仪器对目前市场上出现的仿寿山"坑头冻"的"青海白""丹东白""岩门晶"三种印材的矿物组成、化学成分以及微观结构进行了研究,并与寿山"坑头冻"进行了对比分析。结果表明,"坑头冻"由地开石组成,具特征的"萝卜丝纹",质量分数中较高的Fe可能由黄铁矿包裹体所致;"青海白"主要矿物组成为石膏,硬度较低;"丹东白"主要矿物组成为斜绿泥石,其灰蒙蒙状外观由墨绿色斑点状杂质所致;"岩门晶"主要由地开石组成,具较高质量分数的V,Cr元素可能是其总带有浅黄绿色调的原因。SEM的观察结果发现,"坑头冻"晶体的结晶程度好,呈假六方片状结构;"青海白"的板状石膏晶体粒度大、厚度大,堆积不紧密,易与其它三者区分;"丹东白"中的斜绿泥石片晶薄且堆积紧密,挠性发育,手感滑快;"岩门晶"与"坑头冻"的特征较为相似,但前者的结晶程度稍低。"坑头冻""青海白""丹东白""岩门晶"在矿物组成、化学成分及显微结构上的差异以及在颜色、光泽、密度、包裹体等方面存在的不少差异,可作为四者的鉴别特征。  相似文献   

The instrumental and sensory analysis of the texture and color of commercial potato chips were compared. The instrumental measurement was a puncture test with an Intron Universal Testing Machine, and the parameters used were fracture force, deformation and stiffness. The instrumental color quantification was a computerized video image analysis technique, and the color was expressed as L*a*b* values. Sensory evaluation of texture and color was performed by a sensory panel especially trained in evaluating potato chips. The sensory attributes were "hardness", "chewiness", "crunchiness", and "tenderness" for texture analysis, and "yellow color", "burnt aspect", "sugar colored aspect" and "transparency" for color analysis. The factor analysis of the sensory attributes indicated that texture can be divided into two principal components, one represented by "hardness", "crunchiness" and "chewiness", and the other by "tenderness" alone. The factor analysis of the color can be divided into two principal components, one including "yellow color" and "burnt aspect", and the other "sugar colored aspect" and "transparency". Discriminant analysis showed that "tenderness" and "crunchiness" could predict correctly over 90% of the data. Fracture force correlated well with all of the sensory attributes (R2 > 0.76), and L* with the sensory color attributes (R2 > 0.79). The "Tenderness" was the individual sensory attribute which had the highest correlation (R2= 0.95) with fracture force.  相似文献   

This study determined the relative importance of attributes of food safety improvement in the production chain of fluid pasteurized milk. The chain was divided into 4 blocks: "feed" (compound feed production and its transport), "farm" (dairy farm), "dairy processing" (transport and processing of raw milk, delivery of pasteurized milk), and "consumer" (retailer/catering establishment and pasteurized milk consumption). The concept of food safety improvement focused on 2 main groups of hazards: chemical (antibiotics and dioxin) and microbiological (Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, and Staphylococcus aureus). Adaptive conjoint analysis was used to investigate food safety experts' perceptions of the attributes' importance. Preference data from individual experts (n = 24) on 101 attributes along the chain were collected in a computer-interactive mode. Experts perceived the attributes from the "feed" and "farm" blocks as being more vital for controlling the chemical hazards; whereas the attributes from the "farm" and "dairy processing" were considered more vital for controlling the microbiological hazards. For the chemical hazards, "identification of treated cows" and "quality assurance system of compound feed manufacturers" were considered the most important attributes. For the microbiological hazards, these were "manure supply source" and "action in salmonellosis and M. paratuberculosis cases". The rather high importance of attributes relating to quality assurance and traceability systems of the chain participants indicates that participants look for food safety assurance from the preceding participants. This information has substantial decision-making implications for private businesses along the chain and for the government regarding the food safety improvement of fluid pasteurized milk.  相似文献   

Cadmium content was investigated in infant formulas by using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS). Formulas were distinguished as "beginner", "continuation" and "special infant formulas", the last ones were classified as subtypes "hypoallergenic", "without lactose", "vegetable base" and "others". The mean concentrations of cadmium were 1.97 +/- 0.84, 1.86 +/- 0.65 and 2.98 +/- 2.59 micrograms/kg for "beginner", "continuation" and "special infant formulas", respectively. Two-factor (types and subtypes) variance analyses were made and Turkey's mean homogeneity test (p < 0.05) was also carried out for the formation of homogeneous groups. Significant differences (p < 0.001) were observed between subtypes and 3 homogeneous groups were formed, one for "hypoallergenic" and "others", another group was constituted by "without lactose" and, finally another group, one with the highest cadmium content, was formed by subtype "vegetable". Their contribution to the provisional weekly intake (PWI) was calculated from the mean concentrations of each type and subtype of infant formulas, showing them to be food with a low toxicological risk.  相似文献   

高云兵  黄萍  骆王琴  刘力 《丝绸》2020,57(4):76-82
为了研究传统“徽式”服饰演变的客观规律,从社会学和设计学的角度,以古籍文献和部分藏品实样为研究对象,对不同时期“徽式”服饰在形制、色彩、材料、纹样等特征元素的演变进行了梳理和比较,发现不同时期的“礼制”规范和民间对服饰品“善用”需求的变化,促使了服饰各构成元素及组合方式的演变,并探索了上层建筑、人口结构、经济技术、自然环境等客观因素在“徽式”服饰演变中的作用机制。研究表明,传统“徽式”服饰演变的客观规律是:在“礼”的外部干预和限制下,达到“善”的内在要求,即“从礼求善”的中国传统造物思想。  相似文献   

To detect those fruits which have been subjected to low-dose irradiation (0.5-3 kGy), two methods of chromatography (GC-MS and LC-LC-GC-FID) were used to determine the radiolytic compounds of lipids formed after irradiation, such as alkanes and alkenes. Extraction of volatile hydrocarbon compounds from some parts of irradiated fruits, e. g. the flesh (avocado), seeds (papaya) and kernels (mango and apricot) was carried out. The analysis of hydrocarbons by GC-MS proved the suitability of using C171, C162, C150 and C141 as markers for avocados irradiated with a low dose (0.75 kGy). The same indicators appeared following the analysis of papayas and mangoes irradiated with 1.5, and 3.0 kGy. Also, C150, C141 and C163 can be used to identify apricots irradiated with a low dose (0.5 kGy). The detection of alkenes was only improved by a more selective isolation, e.g. of dienes or trienes by LC-LC-GC-FID. Within a few minutes, apricots and avocados irradiated at low doses (0.5 and 0.75 kGy) can be recognized by the indicators C162, C172 and C163, without interfering peaks. In all cases, C161, C162, C163 as well as significant amounts of C172 can be used as markers for fruit irradiation.  相似文献   

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