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Multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) suffers large bias in isotope amount ratio determinations which has to be properly accounted for. The choice of the proper discrimination model is crucial. Over the last few decades, the exponential mass-bias correction model (Russell's law) has become a standard curriculum in isotope amount ratio measurements. In nature, however, isotopic fractionation that deviates significantly from the exponential model has been known for a long time. Recently, such fractionation was also observed in MC-ICPMS. This phenomenon is termed mass-independent fractionation. In this study, significant departure from the mass-dependent fractionation model is reported for germanium and lead with the most dramatic occurring for germanium-73 and lead-204 isotopes wherein, on average, close to a half percent bias was evidenced from the Russell's law.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a method with which to calibrate a Shack-Hartmann sensor for absolute wavefront measurement of collimated laser beams. Nearly perfect spherical wavefronts originating from a single-mode fiber were used as references. After the calibration, the uncertainty of the wavefront was less than lambda/100 peak to valley across a diameter of 6 mm. For example, this method allowed us to balance aberrations and prepare collimated beams with wavefronts that are plane to lambda/500 across 1 mm.  相似文献   

Carbon fibre composites with an epoxy resin matrix were subjected to microwave-heating experiments in order to volatilise the polymer content and to produce clean fibres for potential reuse in high-grade applications. The composites were processed at 3 kW for 8 s in a multimode microwave applicator. The recovered fibres were characterised by tensile tests and electron microscopy. The results compare favourably with virgin fibre properties.  相似文献   

A filter radiometer was designed to use for the realization of optical radiometric scales with high accuracy at the Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü, Turkey. The primary aim in developing the new filter radiometer is to improve the traceability and accuracy of radiometric quantities of the Système International (d’unités) (SI units). This filter radiometer basically consists of a trap detector, a set of temperature-controlled filters and a precision aperture. Complete characterization of the radiometer is described in this paper. The absolute calibration of the filter radiometer is performed by using an electrical substitution cryogenic radiometer at discrete laser lines with a relative uncertainty of the order of 0.01%.  相似文献   

We have constructed a cavity ring-down spectrometer employing a near-IR external cavity diode laser capable of measuring 13C/12C isotopic ratios in CO2 in human breath. The system, which has a demonstrated minimum detectable absorption loss of 3.2 x 10(-11) cm(-1) Hz(-1/2), determines the isotopic ratio of 13C16O16O/12C16O16O by measuring the intensities of rotationally resolved absorption features of each species. As in isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), the isotopic ratio of a sample is compared to that of a standard CO2 sample calibrated to the Pee Dee Belemnite scale and reported as the sample's delta13C value. Measurements of eight replicate CO2 samples standardized by IRMS and consisting of 5% CO2 in N2 at atmospheric pressure demonstrated a precision of 0.22/1000 for the technique. Delta13C values were also obtained for breath samples from individuals testing positive and negative for the presence of Helicobacter pylori, the leading cause of peptic ulcers in humans. This study demonstrates the ability of the instrument to obtain delta13C values in breath samples with sufficient precision to serve as a useful medical diagnostic.  相似文献   

The complete calibration of a double six-port network analyzer includes constants for the measurement of wave ratios (S-parameters) as well as constants for absolute power level measurements for nonlinear device characterization. This paper describes how a complete set of constants can be obtained for on-wafer measurements from a complete calibration in a coaxial measurement plane and a subsequent on-wafer calibration with the minimum number of elements  相似文献   

Replacement of invasive monitoring of cerebral venous oxygenation with noninvasive techniques offers great promise in the management of life-threatening neurologic illnesses including traumatic brain injury. We developed and built an optoacoustic system to noninvasively monitor cerebral venous oxygenation; the system includes a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser and a specially designed optoacoustic probe. We tested the system in vitro in sheep blood with experimentally varied oxygenation. Our results demonstrated that (1) the amplitude and temporal profile of the optoacoustic waves increase with blood oxygenation in the range from 24% to 92%, (2) optoacoustic signals can be detected despite optical and acoustic attenuation by thick bone, and (3) the system is capable of real-time and continuous measurements. These results suggest that the optoacoustic technique is technically feasible for continuous, noninvasive monitoring of cerebral venous oxygenation.  相似文献   

Different noninvasive or minimally invasive therapeutic ablation procedures can produce tissue necrosis associated with local-stiffness increase. Although elastography has been proved as a potential evaluation tool for many kinds of ablation-induced lesions, the application of subtraction technique in elastography to enhance the visualization of the ablation lesions has rarely been reported. In this paper, subtraction elastography is proposed to evaluate the ablation-induced lesions. Three models are constructed to simulate different kinds of ablated inclusions. The simulation results showed that subtraction elastography is superior to conventional elastography in detecting the ablation-induced lesions with higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). The artifacts induced by elastographic signal processing algorithms can be largely reduced in subtraction elastography. In addition, subtraction elastography is less influenced by the stiff background and can provide more reliable boundary information about the lesion than conventional elastography. Furthermore, the feasibility of subtraction elastography is validated by an in vitro experiment of ethanol-induced hepatic lesions. The preliminary results of this work suggest that subtraction elastography may be a good option for the evaluation of ablationinduced lesions.  相似文献   

As carbon/carbon composites usually work at high temperature environments, material ablation inevitably occurs, which further affects the system stability and safety. In this paper, the thermal response of a thermoprotective four-directional carbon/carbon (4D C/C) composite is studied herein using a numerical model focusing on volume ablation. The model is based on energy- and mass-conservation principles as well as on the thermal decomposition equation of solid materials. The thermophysical properties of the C/C composite during the ablation process are calculated, and the thermal response during ablation, including temperature distribution, density, decomposition rate, char layer thickness, and mass loss, are quantitatively predicted. The present numerical study provides a fundamental understanding of the ablative mechanisms of a 4D C/C composite, serving as a reference and basis for further designs and optimizations of thermoprotective materials.  相似文献   

Fatty liver (steatosis) occurs in obese patients, among others, and is related to the development of diabetes type-2. Timely diagnosis of steatosis is therefore of great importance. Steatosis is also the most common liver disease of high-yielding dairy cattle during early lactation. This makes it a suitable animal model for studying liver steatosis. Furthermore, reference of derived ultrasound parameters against a "gold standard" is possible in cattle by taking a liver biopsy for the assessment of fat concentration. The authors undertook this pilot study to investigate the hypothesis that quantitative, computer-aided B-mode ultrasound enables the noninvasive detection of hepatic steatosis. Echographic images were obtained postpartum from dairy cows (n = 12) in transcutaneous and direct (intraoperative) applications using a convex array transducer at 4.2 MHz. During surgery, a biopsy was taken from the caudate lobe to assess the liver fat content (fat score). A custom-designed software package for computer-aided ultrasound diagnosis (CAUS) was developed. After linearizing the post-processing look-up-table (LUT), the image gray levels were transferred into echo levels in decibels relative to the mean echo level in a tissue-mimicking phantom. The quantitative comparison of transcutaneous and intraoperative images enabled the correction for the attenuation effect of skin and subcutaneous fat layer on the mean echo level in the liver, as well as for the effects of the beam formation and attenuation of liver tissue on the echo level vs. depth. The residual attenuation coefficient (dB/cm) in fatty liver vs. normal liver was estimated and compensated for. Finally, echo level was estimated relative to the phantom used for calibration, and echo texture was characterized by the mean axial and lateral speckle size within the regions of interest. In the no fat/low fat group (n = 5) skin plus fat layer attenuation was 3.4 dB/cm. A correlation of skin layer thickness vs. fat score of r = 0.48 was found. The mean transcutaneous liver tissue echo level correlated well with fat score: r = 0.80. A residual liver attenuation coefficient of 0.76 dB/cm and 1.19 dB/cm was found in medium and high fat liver, respectively. In transcutaneous images, correlation of residual attenuation coefficient with fat score was r = 0.69. Axial and lateral speckle sizes were on the order of 0.2 and 1.0 cm, respectively, and no correlation was found with liver fat content. Results for transcutaneous and intraoperative images were similar. The authors conclude that this pilot study shows the feasibility of calibrated, computer-aided ultrasound for noninvasively diagnosing, possibly even screening, steatosis of the liver.  相似文献   

In an effort to monitor leakage from underground CO(2) storage, a field-deployable analyzer capable of rapidly measuring the CO(2) mixing ratio and δ(13)C values (±0.05 ppm(v) ± 0.2‰, 60 s) was deployed to distinguish between biogenic and fossil CO(2) sources. The analyzer was interfaced with a multiport inlet unit to allow autonomous sampling from multiple locations. The instrument and inlet interface were deployed at the Zero Emissions Research and Technology (ZERT) site (Bozeman, Montana, July 14-22, 2009) during a controlled, subsurface release of CO(2) depleted in (13)C. A biogenic diurnal cycle was observed far from the release, and the associated Keeling plot suggested a CO(2) source (δ(13)C = -27.0 ± 0.5‰) consistent with local C(3) vegetation. Inlets near the leak showed large CO(2) mixing ratios (388/>40?000 ppm(v)) whose predominant source was the release CO(2) (inferred δ(13)C = -58.2 ± 0.7‰). Measurements 3 m from the source showed diurnal CO(2) cycles (382-2400 ppm(v)) influenced by leaked CO(2), possibly due to diel air mixing. Finally, the data from all of the sampling inlets was combined to spatially localize the leak position.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic ultrasound has seen increased use as a surgical aide in general, gynecological, and urological procedures. The application of real-time, three-dimensional (RT3D) ultrasound to these laparoscopic procedures may increase information available to the surgeon and serve as an additional intraoperative guidance tool. The integration of RT3D with recent advances in robotic surgery also can increase automation and ease of use. In this study, a 1-cm diameter probe for RT3D has been used laparoscopically for in vivo imaging of a canine. The probe, which operates at 5 MHz, was used to image the spleen, liver, and gall bladder as well as to guide surgical instruments. Furthermore, the three-dimensional (3-D) measurement system of the volumetric scanner used with this probe was tested as a guidance mechanism for a robotic linear motion system in order to simulate the feasibility of RT3D/robotic surgery integration. Using images acquired with the 3-D laparoscopic ultrasound device, coordinates were acquired by the scanner and used to direct a robotically controlled needle toward desired in vitro targets as well as targets in a post-mortem canine. The rms error for these measurements was 1.34 mm using optical alignment and 0.76 mm using ultrasound alignment.  相似文献   

We have used a PdSi focal-plane array detector to measure short-wave infrared Raman spectra of pure compounds and human tissue. Raman bands of the pure compounds are clearly visible in the spectra, and a calcification feature at 960 cm(-1) is readily identifiable in the spectra of diseased human aorta. The performance characteristics of our detection device were good; dark noise contributed approximately 60 (electrons/s)/pixel, and the read noise was ~50 rms electrons/pixel. The primary noise in the spectra was due to fixed-pattern noise, which is the variation in measured signal across a detector when it is uniformly illuminated.  相似文献   

A generic method is described that minimizes the acquisition time required for the determination of the (D/H)i ratios of all the resolved chemical sites of a molecule by quantitative 2H NMR. The method relies on the use as the reference of an electronically generated signal (ER-ETIC) that is calibrated from an acquisition with a greatly reduced number of scans. The measurement of the (D/ H)i ratios can then be performed on spectra obtained with a reduced repetition time. In the case of the molecules studied in this work (derivatives of long chain fatty acids), the total acquisition time was divided by 3.4 without loss of precision.  相似文献   

Frette O  Stamnes JJ  Stamnes K 《Applied optics》1998,37(36):8318-8326
Optical remote sensing of ocean color is a well-established technique for inferring ocean properties. However, most retrieval algorithms are based on the assumption that the radiance received by satellite instruments is affected only by the phytoplankton pigment concentration and correlated substances. This assumption works well for open ocean water but becomes questionable for coastal waters. To reduce uncertainties associated with this assumption, we developed a new algorithm for the retrieval of marine constituents in a coastal environment. We assumed that ocean color can be adequately described by a three-component model made up of chlorophyll a, suspended matter, and yellow substance. The simultaneous retrieval of these three marine constituents and of the atmospheric aerosol content was accomplished through an inverse-modeling scheme in which the difference between simulated radiances exiting the atmosphere and radiances measured with a satellite sensor was minimized. Simulated radiances were generated with a comprehensive radiative transfer model that is applicable to the coupled atmosphere-ocean system. The method of simulated annealing was used to minimize the difference between measured and simulated radiances. To evaluate the retrieval algorithm, we used simulated (instead of measured) satellite-received radiances that were generated for specified concentrations of aerosols and marine constituents, and we tested the ability of the algorithm to retrieve assumed concentrations. Our results require experimental validation but show that the retrieval of marine constituents in coastal waters is possible.  相似文献   

Active trailing edge flaps (TEFs) are one of the most promising devices for helicopter vibration reduction. Smart actuators such as the piezoelectric stack actuators (PEAs) are used for TEF actuation. PEAs possess high energy density and have large force in dynamic condition but are limited to small displacements. In this investigation, we study a linear to rotary motion amplification mechanism (AM-2) based on a pinned–pinned post-buckled beam to actuate trailing edge flaps. A linear motion amplification mechanism is developed and coupled with AM-2 to amplify angular flap deflections. Experiments are conducted on bench top-test setup, and maximum flap angle deflections of the order of 12° are achieved in the static case. An aeroelastic analysis is performed and 91 % reduction in helicopter vibration is obtained with multiharmonic control inputs.  相似文献   

Li F  Houk RS 《Applied spectroscopy》2004,58(7):776-783
Aqueous acid mixtures at room temperature are used to partially dissolve steel samples. The dissolved elements are washed off the surface, diluted, and then determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) using a magnetic sector mass analyzer. The amount of material removed is measured from the amount of Fe dissolved and increases linearly with HNO(3) concentration in the etch acid. Analyte concentrations in the solid are determined from the signal ratio of analyte ion/Fe(+). The shape of a plot of mass of element removed vs. nitric acid concentration yields information about the efficiency of the removal process and the likely chemical form of the element in the sample. For elements like Mn, Al, and W in steel, these plots have the same linear shape as that for the major element (Fe), and the measured concentrations agree well with the certified values. For problem elements like Nb and Ta, the plots have two linear regions with different slopes, and measured concentrations are lower than the certified values. Laser ablation ICP-MS and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements show these elements to be associated together in the solid in refractory grains that are not dissolved to the same extent as the Fe matrix. For steel, the amount of Fe dissolved corresponds to an average depth of at least 4 microm, or 20 000 atomic layers.  相似文献   

The present study reports on the skin dose measurements on patients undergoing diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology procedures. Grids of thermoluminescence dosemeters were attached on the head of the patient. The exposure parameters of the X-ray systems and the clinical procedures were fully documented. While for the diagnostic procedure, the dose threshold of 2 Gy for deterministic effects was not reached, this situation was much different for the embolisations. For angiography of the carotid arteries, no skin doses were measured >320 mGy. For the cerebral embolisations, maximum skin doses up to 5.4 Gy were measured. Doses to the patients varied largely between different hospitals and within the same hospital for similar procedures. On the one hand, the complexity of the pathology for interventional procedures was responsible for the large variability in dose. On the other hand, large differences in clinical protocol and technical parameters of the X-ray systems, explaining the dose variations, were also observed. A correlation was found between the maximum skin dose measured on a patient and the total dose-area product (DAP) value for cerebral embolisations. This correlation makes it possible to estimate the maximum skin dose from these DAP values and to determine a trigger level. In conclusion, management of patient doses in interventional radiology requires training, specialisation and well-documented procedure guidelines.  相似文献   

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