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The plastic flow of the commercial α-alloy Ti 5A1-2.5 Sn (0.5 at. pct Oeq) of 11 to 19 μm grain size was investigated in tension over the temperature range of 600 to 117.3 K (CPH structure) and strain rates of 3x10-5 to 3 per s employing both constant strain rate and strain rate cycling tests. Dynamic strain aging (due to substitutional solutes) occurred in the temperature range of 600 to 850 K (0.31 to 0.44T m)with an activation energy of 22.5 KcalJmole (94.1 KjJmol) derived from the start of serrations in the stress-strain curves. At temperatures above 850 K (0.46 to 0.60T m), the deformation could be described by Dorn’s general equation for diffusion controlled mechanisms with an activation energy of 50 KcalJmole (209 KJJmol).  相似文献   

The plastic flow of the commercial titanium material Ti-50A (0.5 at. pct Oeq) of 22 μm grain size was investigated over the temperature range of 600 to 1150 structure) and strain rates of 3 x 10-5 to 3 x 10-2 per s employing both constant strain rate and strain rate cycling tests. Dynamic strain aging occurred in the temperature range of 600 to 850 (0.31 to 0.44Tm) with an activation energy of 50 kcal per mole derived from the start of serrations in the stress-strain curves, maxima in strain hardening and minima in ductility. This value is in accord with that for the diffusion of oxygen in titanium. At temperatures above 850 (0.46 to 0.59Tm) the data were very well represented by Weertman’s glide and climb high temperature creep mechanism, giving εskT/Dμb= 1.1 x 106 (σ/μ)4.55 withD = 1.0 x exp (- 57,800/RT). The value of 57.8 kcal per mole is in accord with available self-diffusion data for titanium.  相似文献   

The effects of strain rate and temperature on the flow stress of commercial Ti-50A titanium (0.5 at. pct Oeq) wire of 2 and 22 μm grain size were investigated over the range of 4.2 to 700 K. Employing the thermally activated plastic flow concept, it was concluded that the rate-controlling mechanism in Ti-50A at low temperatures (T<≈600 K) is the thermally activated overcoming of interstitial solute atom obstacles (mainly oxygen) by dislocations moving on the first-order prism planes. The Gibbs free energy of activation for the process is ≈1.5 ev(≈0.2 μb3), the maximum force of interaction ≈8 X 10-5 dynes (≈0.2 smb2), and the activation distance at which the force first rises rapidly ≈ lb. The derived deformation kinetics parameters are in reasonable accord with the Fleischer-Friedel model of solid solution strengthening, the interaction energy being given by the combined effect of the tetragonal distortion and the modulus mismatch produced by the interstitials. Qualitative accord is also obtained for the breaking of chemical bonds between the interstitial solutes and the surrounding titanium atoms by the passage of dislocations.  相似文献   

Tensile and creep tests were conducted to characterize the deformation behavior of four dilute SnBi alloys: SnBi0.5 at. pct, SnBi1.5 at. pct, SnBi3 at. pct, and SnBi6 at. pct, the last two being supersaturated solid solutions at room temperature. The test temperatures were − 20 °C, 23 °C, 90 °C, and 150 °C, and the strain rates ranged from approximately 10−8 to 10−1 1/s. In the tensile tests, all the alloys showed strain-hardening behavior up to room temperature. At higher temperatures, only the higher-Bi-content alloys exhibited strain softening. The deformation behavior of the alloys can be divided into two stress regimes, and the change from the low-stress regime to the high-stress regime occurred at around 6 × 10−4<σ/E<7.5 × 10−4. The results suggest that, at the low-stress regime, the rate-controlling deformation mechanism changes from dislocation climb to viscous glide with the increasing Bi content of the alloy. At the high-stress regime, the activation energy of deformation is about equal in all the alloys (∼60 kJ/mol) and the stress exponents are high (10<n<12.5). Unlike in the other alloys, bismuth precipitated at room temperature from the solution-annealed and quenched SnBi6 at. pct alloy by the discontinuous mechanism. This strongly affects the mechanical properties and makes the alloy brittle at lower test temperatures. A comparison of the deformation behavior of the dilute SnBi alloys to that of the eutectic SnBi alloy suggests that the deformation of eutectic structure is controlled by the Sn-rich phase containing the equilibrium amount of dissolved Bi.  相似文献   

High temperature creep of Fe-1.8Mo alloy, the stress exponent,n, of which is about 4, has been studied to check whether then value can be a good indication of the creep mechanism or not. Creep tests were carried out at 1124 K under 5.9 to 39.2 MPa. After sudden stress increments during the steady-state creep, inverse-type transient creep curves were obtained with no instantaneous permanent strain. Mean internal stresses were determined by stress-transient dip-tests using a back extrapolation technique. The mean internal stress was obviously smaller than the applied stress. These results indicate that creep deformation of Fe-1.8Mo alloy under the present conditions is controlled by the viscous glide motion of dislocations, thoughn is not close to 3. Steady-state creep rates as well as the value ofn calculated from the Orowan-type equation using experimentally obtained values for every parameter, are in reasonable agreement with the observed ones. These findings suggest that classification of creep behavior according to then value is not appropriate in some cases for discussing mechanisms of high temperature creep. Formerly was a Graduate Student, Tohoku University.  相似文献   

The effect of reversion treatments on an Al-1.35 at. pct Mg2Si alloy fully age hardened for 24 h at 160°C was studied by electron microscopy and tension tests. This alloy aged to full strength at 160°C did not show true reversion when heated 15 min at 200 to 300°C. The G.P. zones did not dissolve rapidly at a particular temperature but instead were replaced by the more stable phase, β′ (the intermediate partially coherent form of Mg2Si). After reheating the fully age hardened alloy 15 min at 250°C, a slight increase in strength was obtained, but the ductility was slightly lowered. Reversion treatments at higher temperatures (275 to 300°C) gradually decreased the strength of the alloy. Two simultaneous reactions are believed to occur during the reversion treatments: 1) the growth of some of the G.P. zones and the dissolution of others and 2) the formation of needles of β′.  相似文献   

The microstructures and mechanical properties of a series of sand-cast Mg-Sm-Zn-Zr alloys under ascast, solution-treated and peak-aged states were thoroughly investigated. The OM, XRD, SEM and HRTEM were employed to characterize the microstructural evolution. The results indicate that substitution Nd in the conventional Mg-2.5 Nd-0.6 Zn-0.5 Zr alloy with different contents of Sm has comparative grain refinement effect and will fully change the dominant intermetallic phase. In addition, the substituted alloys perform clearly higher strength with comparative ductility at both as-cast and peakaged conditions and much greater aging hardening response than the referential alloy. It is obvious that the strength increments of this alloy are attributed to the changes of the eutectic intermetallic particles on grain boundaries.  相似文献   

The effect of the addition of 5 at. pct boron on the microstructure and creep behavior of a nominally Ti-22Al-26Nb (at. pct) alloy was investigated. The boron-modified alloy contained boride needles enriched in titanium and niobium, and because to these borides, this material was considered to be a discontinuously reinforced metal matrix composite. These needle-shaped borides made up to 2 pct of the volume and were up to 158-μm long and 22-μm wide. The effect of boron on the mechanical properties was evaluated through in-situ creep testing and tensile testing at room temperature (RT) and 650 °C. Overall, the addition of 5 at. pct boron proved to be detrimental to the tensile and creep behavior. The composite exhibited a brittle failure and lower elongations-to-failure than the monolithic material. The in-situ tensile and creep experiments revealed that the deformation process initiated in the boride needles, which cracked extensively, and significantly greater primary creep strains and creep rates were exhibited by the composite.
C.J. Cowen (Graduate Assistant)Email:

用固相反应法制备了(1 -x)La0.6Dy0.1Sr0.3MnO3/0.5x( Sb2 O3)系列样品,通过电阻率-温度(ρ-T)曲线以及ρ-T拟合曲线,研究了样品的电输运性质,电输运机制及低场磁电阻效应.结果表明:所有样品在高温区表现为绝缘体导电,在低温区表现为金属导电,产生绝缘体-金属相变;在金属导电区主要是单磁子散射起作用,可以用公式ρ=ρ0+AT拟合;所有样品在整个温区随温度降低MR持续增大,表现出低场磁电阻特征,复合样品的磁电阻(MR)与纯的La0.6Dy0.1Sr0.3 MnO3的MR相比,在低温区减小,在高温区增大,对x=0.15的样品在高温区的MR大幅度提高,当B=0.2 T,T=300 K时,MR达7.79%,比纯La0.6Dy0.1 Sr0.3 MnO3的MR增大2.6倍,有利于MR的实际应用.  相似文献   

The structure, hydrogen storage property, and electrochemical characteristics of the La0.7Mg0.3Ni5.5−x (Al0.5Mo0.5) x (x=0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) hydrogen storage alloys have been investigated systematically. It has been found by X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis that the alloys are multiphase and consist of impurity Ni phase and two main crystallographic phases, namely, the La(La, Mg)2Ni9 phase and the LaNi5 phase, and the lattice parameters and the cell volumes of both the La(La, Mg)2Ni9 phase and the LaNi5 phase increase with increasing Al and Mo content in the alloys. The P-C isotherm curves indicated that the hydrogen storage capacity of the alloy first increases and then decreases with increasing x, and the equilibrium pressure decreases with increasing x. The electrochemical measurements show that the maximum discharge capacity first increases from 298.5 (x=0) to 328.3 mAh/g (x=0.6) and then decreases to 304.7 mAh/g (x=0.8). The high rate dischargeability (HRD) of the alloy electrodes increases lineally from 65.4 pct (x=0) to 86.6 pct (x=0.8) at the discharge current density of 1200 mA/g. Moreover, the exchange current density of the alloy electrodes also increases monotonously with increasing x by the linear polarization curves. The hydrogen diffusion coefficient in the alloy bulk, D, increases with increasing Al and Mo content and thus enhances the low-temperature dischargeability (LTD) of the alloy electrodes.  相似文献   

The internal stressσ i at 300 K produced by deforming commercial Ti-50A titanium (0.5 at. pct O eq ) wire of 2 and 22μm grain size to 1 pet strain at temperatures of 78 to 650K was investigated employing the back-extrapolation and decrementai unloading techniques. Concurrent observations of the amount of twinning and the dislocation structure were made by transmission electron microscopy,σ i by the decrementai unloading method was higher, and was inferred to have a stronger temperature dependence, than that by back-extrapola tion, the difference inσ i being relatively independent of grain size.σ i by both methods was found to be relatively independent of the deformation temperature and neither twinning nor dynamic strain aging was found to have a noticeable influence on its value. Since no pro nounced changes in dislocation structure or slip mode were observed for the present material as a function of deformation temperature, the difference inσ i obtained here between the decremental unloading and the back-extrapolation methods could not be correlated with such changes as was possible by Williamset al. for titanium sheet material of higher in terstitial solute content. M. Doner was formerly affiliated.  相似文献   

通过氨气还原五氧化二钒(V2O5),在773~873 K下成功地制备V(O, N)粉体.利用X射线衍射(XRD),场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM),热重力分析(TGA),X射线光电子能谱(XPS),化学分析和比表面积(BET)等材料表征方法,分析了V2O5还原成V(O, N)过程中的物相和形貌演变.根据XRD,XPS和化学分析结果,最终产物应为V(O, N);钒源的物相转变顺序依次为:V2O5→VO2→V4O7→V2O3→V(O, N).另外,还研究了氨还原过程中的形态演变,发现除了VN颗粒看上去似乎是由无数个小的VN晶粒组成外,VN颗粒的尺寸和形状与V2O5几乎保持相同.   相似文献   

Tetragonally layered perovskite manganites of Nd2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7(x =0.25, 0.3, 0.4) were fabricated by using solid-state reaction technique. Structural characterization of the compounds was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and FT-IR absorption spectra. The XRD patterns revealed that all the samples were single phase. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) was used to investigate their electronic structures. It was found that manganese was in mixed states of Mn^3+ and Mn^4+ whereas lattice oxygen and chemical absorbed oxygen were existed in all the samples. The high temperature electrical properties of Nd2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7 (x = 0.3, 0.4) were measured by standard four-probe technique. The results showed that both compounds had semi-conductivity behavior in the temperature range of 300 - 1073 K, and the electrical conduction was dominated by thermally activated behavior above 500 K.  相似文献   

Experimental studies on phase equilibria in the multi-component system PbO-ZnO-CaO-SiO2-FeO-Fe2O3 in air have been conducted to characterize the phase relations of a complex slag system used in the oxidation smelting of lead and in typical lead blast furnace sinters. The liquidus in two pseudoternary sections ZnO-“Fe2O3”-(PbO + CaO + SiO2) with the CaO/SiO2 weight ratio of 0.1 and the PbO/(CaO + SiO2) weight ratio of 6.2, and with CaO/SiO2 weight ratio of 0.6 and the PbO/(CaO + SiO2) weight ratio of 4.3, have been constructed.  相似文献   

Agonists acting at the serotonin-1B receptor (5-HT?BR) and 5-HT?CR have been reported to potentiate and block, respectively, the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine. The present investigation reassessed the antagonistic effects of the mixed 5-HT?C/?BR agonist m-chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP) on the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine in the presence or absence of selective antagonism of the 5-HT?BR or 5-HT?CR. The stimulus effects of cocaine were attenuated by mCPP at doses that reduced response rates. The selective 5-HT?CR antagonist SB 242084, but not the selective 5-HT?BR antagonist GR 127935, reversed the mCPP-evoked attenuation of the cocaine cue and the suppression of response rates. These results demonstrate that the suppressive effects of mCPP on cocaine discrimination are related to stimulation of the HT?CR. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The acidity constant of protonated 2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-2(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (Bistris) has been measured. The influence of hydroxo groups on the basicity of Bistris and related bases is discussed. The interaction of Bistris with the metal ions (M2+) Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ was studied by potentiometry and spectrophotometry in aqueous solution (I = 1.0 M, KNO3; 25 degrees C) and the stability constants of the M(Bistris)2+ complexes were determined. Unexpectedly Ca(Bistris)2+ is the most stable among the alkaline earth ion complexes (log KCaCa(Bistris) = 2.25; the corresponding values for the Mg2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ complexes are 0.34, 1.44 and 0.85, respectively). The ions of the 3d series follow the Irving-Williams sequence: log KMnMn(Bistris) = 0.70, for Cu2+, 5.27 and Zn2+ 2.38. Ternary complexes containing ATP4- as a second ligand were also investigated: the values for delta log KM (= log KM(ATP)M(ATP)(Bistris) -log KMM(Bistris) are in general negative (e.g. delta log KCa = -0.40 or delta log KCu = -1.65), thus indicating that the interaction of Bistris with M(ATP)2- is somewhat less pronounced tan with M2+. However, even in mixed-ligand systems, complex formation may still be considerable, hence great reservations should be exercised in employing Bistris as a buffer in systems containing metal ions. Moreover, in several cases delta log KM is relatively high [for Mg2+-ATP4- -Bistris even positive], indicating some cooperativity between the coordinated ligands, possibly hydrogen-bond formation. Distributions of the complexes in dependence on pH are given, and the structures of the binary M(Bistris)2+ and the ternary M(ATP) (Bistris)2- complexes are discussed. The participation of Bistris hydroxo groups in complex formation is evident.  相似文献   

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