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用水平集方法建立了碲镉汞的离子束刻蚀轮廓的数值模型,模型的输入参数包括掩膜厚度、掩膜侧壁倾角、掩膜沟槽宽度、离子束散角、刻蚀速度等参数.对碲镉汞的刻蚀轮廓和刻蚀速度减缓现象进行了模拟和实验验证,结果表明,在沟槽宽度为4~10μm的范围内,计算得到的刻蚀深度和SEM测量结果相差6~20%.对掩膜的轮廓演变进行了模拟,给出了一个优化设计掩膜厚度来提高深宽比的实例.  相似文献   

模式识别技术在社会生活和科学研究的许多方面有着巨大的现实意义,己经在许多领域得到了广泛应用。文中就其理论基础与主要方法作了详细的介绍与阐述。分别介绍了统计模式识别、句法结构模式识别、模糊模式识别、人工神经网络模式识别、模板匹配模式识别、支持向量机的模式识别。  相似文献   

啸叫是扩声系统中经常出现的一种不正常现象,广大专业音响工作者为了消除它,做了大量的工作但仍不可能将声反馈完全消除掉。笔者认为,消除声反馈应采取综合防治的方法,从研究声反馈发生机理入手,探索消除声反馈方法,只有这样才能逐步提高对声反馈的抑制水平。  相似文献   

The formulation of a wide variety of image recovery problems leads to the minimization of a convex objective over a convex set representing the constraints derived from a priori knowledge and consistency with the observed signals. In previous years, nondifferentiable objectives have become popular due in part to their ability to capture certain features such as sharp edges. They also arise naturally in minimax inconsistent set theoretic recovery problems. At the same time, the issue of developing reliable numerical algorithms to solve such convex programs in the context of image recovery applications has received little attention. We address this issue and propose an adaptive level set method for nondifferentiable constrained image recovery. The asymptotic properties of the method are analyzed and its implementation is discussed. Numerical experiments illustrate applications to total variation and minimax set theoretic image restoration and denoising problems.  相似文献   

We present a novel geometric approach for solving the stereo problem for an arbitrary number of images (=/>2). It is based upon the definition of a variational principle that must be satisfied by the surfaces of the objects in the scene and their images. The Euler-Lagrange equations that are deduced from the variational principle provide a set of partial differential equations (PDEs) that are used to deform an initial set of surfaces which then move toward the objects to be detected. The level set implementation of these PDEs potentially provides an efficient and robust way of achieving the surface evolution and to deal automatically with changes in the surface topology during the deformations, i.e., to deal with multiple objects. Results of an implementation of our theory also dealing with occlusion and visibility are presented on synthetic and real images.  相似文献   

Indonesian Telecommunications Development is a part of the “National Development,” which carried out, through a series of “Five Year Development Plans” (FYDP), its efforts towards raising the standard of living and well-being of the people. In its development perspective, Indonesia has been pursuing the “Trilogy of Development” which reflects the notion of even development, a sufficiently high rate of economic growth and the dynamic as well as healthy national stability.  相似文献   

DVB-T发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了英国、德国、西班牙、荷兰、澳大利亚、新加坡、韩国以及中国台湾地区的DVB-T发展情况和经验,并分析了一下中国的数字地面广播的情况。  相似文献   

With the development of the third generation of semiconductor devices, it is essential to achieve precise etching of gallium nitride (GaN) materials that is close to the atomic level. Compared with the traditional wet etching and continuous plasma etching, plasma atomic layer etching (ALE) of GaN has the advantages of self-limiting etching, high selectivity to other materials, and smooth etched surface. In this paper the basic properties and applications of GaN are presented. It also presents the various etching methods of GaN. GaN plasma ALE systems are reviewed, and their similarities and differences are compared. In addition, the industrial application of GaN plasma ALE is outlined.  相似文献   

金秋  王宏艳  马方方 《电讯技术》2019,59(3):360-368
阐述了雷达辐射源识别研究的必要性,详细介绍了现有雷达辐射源基本分类识别方法,系统梳理了现有分类识别技术的优缺点,合理分析了多、大且杂的电磁环境下雷达辐射源识别研究趋势,提出将深度学习与雷达辐射源识别全面结合,实现雷达辐射源识别智能化。  相似文献   

在天波超视距雷达系统的短基线多站联合定位中,一般假设多站点电离层反射虚高保持一致,为确定这一假设对定位结果的影响,本文进行电离层探测试验,以研究电离层虚高对多站联合定位精度的影响。试验时分别架设两个接收站模拟短基线超视距雷达系统的接收站点,再在较远距离架设目标站点,利用来自目标站点的发射信号模拟目标的返回信号。本文假设参考站点到目标站点链路的电离层反射虚高和大圆距离是已知的,对于同一工作频率,利用参考站点-目标站点链路上的电离层虚高,去解算定位站点-目标站点之间的大圆距离。参考站点和定位站点相距约90 km情况下,结果显示:目标和定位站(道孚-武汉)大圆距离约为1 260 km时,两条链路的虚高均方根误差约为5.82 km,相应的大圆距离的定位均方根误差约为5.02 km,相对误差约为0.34%;当目标和定位站(乐山-武汉)大圆距离约为1 000 km时,误差分别约为5.5 km, 5.69 km和0.46%。试验结果和理论分析表明,可以从缩短接收站点的布局和降低电离层反射虚高两个方面进一步提高目标定位的精度。本文试验结果可为短基线天波超视距雷达的建设提供较为重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

An adaptive level set segmentation on a triangulated mesh   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Level set methods offer highly robust and accurate methods for detecting interfaces of complex structures. Efficient techniques are required to transform an interface to a globally defined level set function. In this paper, a novel level set method based on an adaptive triangular mesh is proposed for segmentation of medical images. Special attention is paid to an adaptive mesh refinement and redistancing technique for level set propagation, in order to achieve higher resolution at the interface with minimum expense. First, a narrow band around the interface is built in an upwind fashion. An active square technique is used to determine the shortest distance correspondence (SDC) for each grid vertex. Simultaneously, we also give an efficient approach for signing the distance field. Then, an adaptive improvement algorithm is proposed, which essentially combines two basic techniques: a long-edge-based vertex insertion strategy, and a local improvement. These guarantee that the refined triangulation is related to features along the front and has elements with appropriate size and shape, which fit the front well. We propose a short-edge elimination scheme to coarsen the refined triangular mesh, in order to reduce the extra storage. Finally, we reformulate the general evolution equation by updating 1) the velocities and 2) the gradient of level sets on the triangulated mesh. We give an approach for tracing contours from the level set on the triangulated mesh. Given a two-dimensional image with N grids along a side, the proposed algorithms run in O(kN) time at each iteration. Quantitative analysis shows that our algorithm is of first order accuracy; and when the interface-fitted property is involved in the mesh refinement, both the convergence speed and numerical accuracy are greatly improved. We also analyze the effect of redistancing frequency upon convergence speed and accuracy. Numerical examples include the extraction of inner and outer surfaces of the cerebral cortex from magnetic resonance imaging brain images.  相似文献   

New processes of etching and metal deposition in the submicron range have been developed by using electrolytic solutions. Etching of towers and ridges with dimensions of less than 300 nm out of a GaAs substrate is achieved. Similarly, submicron metallisation with dots and lines of less than 100 nm in size is demonstrated by direct electrolytical writing using an STM-type sharp needle point. Both processes appear to be promising for the realisation and further development of mesoscopic devices.<>  相似文献   

A mechanistic framework is presented for impact assisted etch reactions. The consecutive reaction steps are assumed to be activated thermally and in parallel mechanically by fast particle impacts. The model explains the complicated temperature dependencies observed in dry etching and beam assisted etching, and it correlates the side wall profiles to the rate determining steps in the etch mechanisms. The framework is used to describe Reactive Ion Beam Etching (RIBE) experiments on InP with Ar+ ions and chlorine, in comparison with our recent Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) experiments of magnetic alloys in HCl plasmas. The framework is also applicable to other non-thermally activated etch reactions, as encountered in tribo-chemical etching and laser chemical etching.  相似文献   

The extension of the general process simulator SAMPLE to plasma etching and metallization is described. The etching algorithm is divided into isotropic, anisotropic, and direct milling components and is suitable for modeling wet etching, plasma etching, reactive ion etching, and ion milling. Separate deposition algorithms are used for CVD, sputtering, and planetary deposition. With the extension, it is possible to use a simple keyword repertoire to simulate a sequence of photolithography, etching, and deposition steps to obtain device cross sections at each stage of fabrication.  相似文献   

A number of fast wafer level test methods exist for interconnect reliability evaluation. The relative abilities of three such methods to predict the quality and reliability of the interconnect over very short test times are evaluated in this work. Four different test structure designs are also evaluated and the results are compared with package level Median Time to Failure (MTF) results. The Isothermal test method combined with SWEAT-type test structures is shown to be the most suitable combination for interconnect reliability detection and control over very short times.  相似文献   

Wavelet-based level set evolution for classification of textured images   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We present a supervised classification model based on a variational approach. This model is specifically devoted to textured images. We want to get a partition of an image, composed of texture regions separated by regular interfaces. Each kind of texture defines a class. We use a wavelet packet transform to analyze the textures, characterized by their energy distribution in each sub-band. In order to have an image segmentation according to the classes, we model the regions and their interfaces by level set functions. We define a functional on these level sets whose minimizers define the optimal classification according to texture. A system of coupled PDEs is deduced from the functional. By solving this system, each region evolves according to its wavelet coefficients and interacts with the neighbor regions in order to obtain a partition with regular contours. Experiments are shown on synthetic and real images.  相似文献   

SIMD扩展部件是一种在多媒体程序和科学计算程序中提供指令并行的加速部件.本文首先介绍SIMD扩展部件的背景及行业现状,然后从挖掘方法、指针别名这2个角度介绍了SIMD现阶段发展情况,在此基础上并对SIMD编译优化方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

An optimal neural network process model for plasma etching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neural network models of semiconductor processes have recently been shown to offer advantages in both accuracy and predictive ability over traditional statistical methods. However, model development is complicated by the fact that back-propagation neural networks contain several adjustable parameters whose optimal values are initially unknown. These include learning rate, initial weight range, momentum, and training tolerance, as well as the network architecture. The effect of these factors on network performance is investigated here by means of a D-optimal experiment. The goal is to determine how the factors impact network performance and to derive a set of parameters which optimize performance based on several criteria. The network responses optimized are learning capability, predictive capability, and training time. Learning and prediction accuracy are quantified by the experimental error of the model. The process modeled is polysilicon etching in a CCl 4-based plasma. Statistical analysis of the experimental results reveals that learning capability and convergence speed depend mostly on the learning parameters, whereas prediction is controlled primarily by the number of hidden layer neurons. An optimal network structure and parameter set has been determined which minimizes learning error, prediction error, and training time individually as well as collectively  相似文献   

An overview of frequency synthesizers for radars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors present an overview of frequency synthesizer techniques suitable for radar systems. Various synthesizer architectures and key synthesizer components are considered along with a discussion of advantages and disadvantages. Some architectures are hardware intensive and, because of their physical size, are more suitable for stationary or shipboard radars. Architectures requiring smaller volume are more suitable for airborne applications. Direct, phase-locked, and frequency-locked architectures are covered, including key building blocks and performance limitations. The direct digital synthesizer (DDS) architecture is considered briefly, as it is not yet widely used in radar systems. Finally, projections are made of advances in components that have a direct effect on frequency synthesis  相似文献   

针对C-V模型中变分水平集优化方法存在的最佳迭代次数难于确定,且容易陷入局部最优等不足,借鉴图割算法在较短时间内能得到全局最优的优势,提出一种基于图割的单水平集迭代终止算法.首先在目标区域设定一条初始轮廓线,采用无须重新初始化的C-V模型对轮廓线进行迭代,当轮廓线内部面积变化值小于预先给定的阈值时终止迭代,然后将此轮廓线作为图割算法的初始轮廓线进行图像分割.实验结果表明,该方法较原始C-V模型大大缩短了迭代时间,稳健性更高,具有较好的图像分割效果.  相似文献   

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