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吴少刚  邹国民 《计算机工程》2011,37(22):228-230
在分析Dalvik虚拟机的结构和运行机制的基础上,针对龙芯处理器平台,研究移植Dalvik虚拟机的关键技术,描述Dalvik解释器的执行流程与方法调用过程中解释器栈帧的作用,实现可以完整运行Android系统的龙芯Dalvik虚拟机。对移植后的Dalvik虚拟机进行性能分析,并给出后续优化方案。  相似文献   

叶云  李春强  胡军山 《计算机工程》2011,37(16):291-292
研究Android系统专属的Dalvik虚拟机,分析Dalvik虚拟机的解释器、本地方法桥以及C库在CK610平台上的移植与优化。基于Dalvik虚拟机解释器的字节码分发机制,提出一种改进型Threaded分发机制,并实现硬件平台定制型MInterp解释器,实验证明该 MInterp解释器能使Dalvik虚拟机的运行速度提升1倍以上。  相似文献   

把手机平台的游戏移植到掌机上是最近很多日本游戏厂商的做法,这次SEGA移植的是在iOS平台大红大紫的动作游戏《Kingdom Conquest》口这款名为《武士与龙》的作品就是在《Kingdom Conquest》的基础上开发的。(图为iOS版游戏画面)  相似文献   

在分析Android系统与龙芯平台架构的基础上,针对软硬件适配、虚拟机优化、编译器移植等关键技术进行了深入研究。在充分保持龙芯处理器性能的基础上,对Android系统源码进行了优化修改,实现了在龙芯平台完整运行Android Gingerbread系统,同时对移植系统中的Dalvik虚拟机的性能优化进行了测试验证。为其他版本Android系统在面向龙芯平台的移植方面提供了重要参考,具有很大应用价值。  相似文献   

在iOS平台上拥有良好口碑的大型游戏大都会慢慢移植到安卓平台,而在安卓手机的高配置和大屏幕的前提下,很多游戏也会拥有更好的游戏体验。  相似文献   

周清 《微型计算机》2014,(22):48-51
Android已经成为移动计算市场上最主要、占据市场份额最多的操作系统,从几百元的廉价手机到上万元的奢侈手机,人们都能找到Android的身影。不过,市场上的胜利并不能说明Android已经完美无缺了,在运行效率上,Android还有诸多问题,尤其是面对iOS时,Android的流畅性与稳定性还是与后者有些差距。为了改变这样的情况,谷歌在Android4.4版本中加入了ART模式,在最近的谷歌l/O大会中,ART模式已经替代了Dalvik成为Android最主要的运行模式。  相似文献   

扫描图标也能下载 适用平台:iOS 软件名称:Eyeconit 和一帮果粉朋友出去玩的时候,聊天话题总是会在不经意间转向手机中的好玩应用,朋友掏出手机,展示他们的收藏。如何才能在事后记起这些应用并下载到自己手机中呢?当然,  相似文献   

3G网络与智能机的普及,带来了移动媒体应用的大变革. 本文旨在通过对富媒体技术的研究与分析,论述其在基于iOS的社交平台——沈阳手机广播系统中的应用,并通过音频队列服务和线程队列服务及缓存策略对富媒体的传输、呈现机制进行优化. 目前该手机广播系统已通过测试,并在AppStore上线,经实验与实践证明,该设计方案在性能与用户体验方面能满足用户的移动社交需求.  相似文献   

正《怪物猎人》并不是第一次登录手机平台了,只是和此前那些一副骗钱嘴脸的作品相比,《怪物猎人Portable 2G for iOS》(以下简称《MHP2Gi》)毫无疑问是重量级的——哪怕这只是一款旧作的移植。作为原本PSP平台上的作品,《MHP2G》涵盖了众多经典武器、经典怪物,并且拥有出色的平衡性,这也使得它即便到了今天,在玩家群中依然有着很高的口碑和评价。此次Capcom为玩家们带来了游戏的高清化版本,不过平台不是大家"翘首以盼"的PSV,也不是次世代主机,而是iOS。  相似文献   

基于NFC的手机支付作为一种新型的移动支付方式迅速发展并已投入商业应用。本文详细介绍了NFC技术以及基于NFC的手机支付平台,并在对NFC手机支付系统网络结构进行分析的基础上,提出基于NFC手机支付平台的设计方案,之后给出了基于NFC技术的手机支付平台运营模式,最后对我国NFC手机支付平台的前景进行了展望,以期能够为业内的研究和应用者提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

基于国内外手机游戏的发展状况,介绍了J2ME手机游戏平台及其优势和局限,对J2ME手机游戏的应用情况作了细致的分析,预测了手机游戏的发展趋势,随着手机游戏平台的不断提升和多样化,J2ME将最终被Android、iOS甚至更新的平台所替代。  相似文献   

在现代生活中,智能手机已经成为人们不可缺少的信息娱乐工具,在为人们生活带来便利的同时,智能手机作为一柄双刃剑,也在不断蚕食自律的意志.该文一开始介绍了当今社会人们对智能手机的依赖情况,开发时间管理App的必要性、iOS开发平台和使用的设计模式.随后分析了用户对时间管理软件的性能需求和功能需求.然后介绍了时间管理软件-i...  相似文献   

When a mobile application is supported on multiple major platforms, its market penetration is maximized. Such cross-platform native applications essentially deliver the same core functionality, albeit within the conventions of each supported platform. Maintaining and evolving a cross-platform native application is tedious and error-prone, as each modification requires replicating the changes for each of the application׳s platform-specific variants. Syntax-directed source-to-source translation proves inadequate to alleviate the problem, as native API access is always domain-specific.In this paper, we present a novel approach—Native-2-Native—that uses program transformations performed on one platform to automatically synthesize equivalent code blocks to be used on another platform. When a programmer modifies the source version of an application, the changes are captured. Based on the changes, Native-2-Native identifies the semantic content of the source code block and formulates an appropriate query to search for the equivalent target code block using popular web-based programming resources. The discovered target code block is then presented to the programmer as an automatically synthesized target language source file for further fine-tuning and subsequent integration into the mobile application׳s target version. We evaluate the proposed method using common native resources, such as sensors, network access, and canonical data structures. We show that our approach can correctly synthesize more than 74% of iOS code from the provided Android source code and 91% of Android code from the provided iOS source code. The presented approach effectively automates the process of extracting the source code block׳s semantics and discovering existing target examples with the equivalent functionality, thus alleviating some of the most laborious and intellectually tiresome programming tasks in modern mobile development.  相似文献   

针对Android应用中存在的漏洞易被恶意攻击者利用进行攻击的问题,提出了一种基于Dalvik寄存器污点分析的Android应用漏洞检测方法。首先对Android应用进行预分析以获取应用基本信息并构建函数调用图,然后将指定的Dalvik寄存器作为污点,实现对污点的前向分析和后向分析功能,最后使用脚本执行器连接预分析模块、污点分析模块和漏洞检测脚本,共同完成漏洞检测功能。基于该检测方法实现了原型系统AndroDetector并进行了对比性实验,实验结果表明此漏洞检测方法检测范围更广且准确率更高。  相似文献   

Android应用加固是信息安全领域研究的热点之一.针对现有加壳技术以及so文件整体加固方案的不足,融合JNI机制、动态加载技术及云平台理念,提出一种面向Android应用的加固模型,给出了基于JNI机制的函数代码加固方案和基于云平台的加壳解壳方案,形成了一种基于JNI机制与云平台的细粒度Android应用加固方法,从而实现了so文件的细粒度加固,解决了源apk文件易被获取以及解壳程序易被篡改的问题.开发了加固系统原型,验证了基于JNI机制与云平台的细粒度Android应用加固方法的有效性,且加固应用的Dalvik虚拟机工作负担、内存占用量及启动时间并未显著增加.  相似文献   

以福建省水资源管理建设系统为例,基于云计算软件即服务(SaaS)的理念,提出水资源智能App构建模式。以水资源管理业务应用平台为基础,设计水资源智能App系统的总体结构;提出基于UML静态建模和动态建模相结合的App系统功能设计模型;基于ExMobi移动应用中间件,研发嵌入iOS和Android运行环境的App应用平台,融合业务功能模型,构建基于云计算的水资源智能App系统,实现监测、综合、预警、应急信息管理,以及代办提醒、新闻与公告等业务功能,为水资源管理提供实时高效的移动信息平台。  相似文献   

Modern smart mobile devices offer media-rich and context-aware features that are highly useful for electronic-health (e-health) applications. It is therefore not surprising that these devices have gained acceptance as target devices for e-health applications, turning them into m-health (mobile-health) apps. In particular, many e-health application developers have chosen Apple's iOS mobile devices such as iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch as the target device to provide more convenient and richer user experience, as evidenced by the rapidly increasing number of m-health apps in Apple's App Store. In this paper, the top two hundred of such apps from the App Store were examined from a developer's perspective to provide a focused overview of the status and trends of iOS m-health apps and an analysis of related technology, architecture, and user interface design issues. The top 200 apps were classified into different groups according to their purposes, functions, and user satisfaction. It was shown that although the biggest group of apps was medical information reference apps that were delivered from or related to medical articles, websites, or journals, mobile users disproportionally favored tracking tools. It was clear that m-health apps still had plenty of room to grow to take full advantage of unique mobile platform features and truly fulfill their potential. In particular, introduction of two- or three-dimensional visualization and context-awareness could further enhance m-health app's usability and utility. This paper aims to serve as a reference point and guide for developers and practitioners interested in using iOS as a platform for m-health applications, particular from the technical point of view.  相似文献   

In recent years, mobile apps have become the infrastructure of many popular Internet services. It is now common that a mobile app serves millions of users across the globe. By examining the code of these apps, reverse engineers can learn various knowledge about the design and implementation of the apps. Real-world cases have shown that the disclosed critical information allows malicious parties to abuse or exploit the app-provided services for unrightful profits, leading to significant financial losses. One of the most viable mitigations against malicious reverse engineering is to obfuscate the apps. Despite that security by obscurity is typically considered to be an unsound protection methodology, software obfuscation can indeed increase the cost of reverse engineering, thus delivering practical merits for protecting mobile apps. In this paper, we share our experience of applying obfuscation to multiple commercial iOS apps, each of which has millions of users. We discuss the necessity of adopting obfuscation for protecting modern mobile business, the challenges of software obfuscation on the iOS platform, and our efforts in overcoming these obstacles. We especially focus on factors that are unique to mobile software development that may affect the design and deployment of obfuscation techniques. We report the outcome of our obfuscation with empirical experiments. We additionally elaborate on the follow-up case studies about how our obfuscation affected the app publication process and how we responded to the negative impacts. This experience report can benefit mobile developers, security service providers, and Apple as the administrator of the iOS ecosystem.  相似文献   

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