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The problem domain of a design pattern describes the problem context in which the pattern can be applied. In general, determining the applicability of a pattern to a particular problem heavily relies on the knowledge and experience the developer has with the pattern. This significantly limits the use of patterns. To address this issue, we propose an approach for rigorously specifying the problem domain of patterns. This approach systematically guides one to develop rigorous specifications of a pattern's problem domain using a precise notation. The resulting specifications can be used to develop tool support for automatic evaluation of pattern applicability. We describe the approach using the Visitor pattern, and show how the resulting specification can be used to evaluate pattern applicability for a particular problem model. We also demonstrate tool support for the approach.  相似文献   

Large-scale numerical simulations of the flow and associated transport phenomena governed by the Navier-Stokes and Energy equations are routinely calculated in engineering practice. Nevertheless, the uncertainty due to spatial discretization limits the confidence of practitioners in numerical solutions. An approach to provide information about the accuracy of the quantity of interest is proposed here-in. The novel a posteriori error estimation technique - the bound method - is based on relaxing Lagrange multipliers that enforces continuity between sub-domains. The method provides fast, efficient, asymptotic but reliable lower and upper bounds to the output of underlying partial differential equations (PDEs). Herein, we highlight the method when applied to outputs of the steady incompressible Navier-Stokes and Energy equations. The bound method in this paper follows the directly equilibrated hybrid-flux approach for the flux calculation between sub-domains and uses the Crouzeix-Raviart () approximation spaces. To improve the effectiveness of the bound method, an adaptive sub-domain refinement strategy leading to sharper bounds is adopted. A convective heat transfer problem in a series of electronic chip devices is investigated. The novelty of this paper is to present bounds using adaptive domain decomposition for outputs associated to a complex three-dimensional field solution of the Navier-Stokes and Energy equations.  相似文献   

将模式识别方法用于电力电子电路的故障诊断 ,详细讨论了标准类型的建立方法、特征信息的获取与处理技术、规则库的建立以及推理机。  相似文献   

数据持久化工作是企业在进行应用系统开发时首先必须要面对的重要问题。本文在着重分析了门面模式、泛型DAO模式、Hibernate框架和Spring框架的基础上,依据企业实际开发要求,提出了基于Facde模式的数据持久层开发框架,该持久层框架具有组件之间的松散耦合,并且整个持久层框架具备良好的稳定性、可伸缩性和可扩展性。最后成功地将该持久层开发框架应用到某电信客户经理工作管理系统中。  相似文献   

Theoretical results for the output and the input-output crosscorrelation function are derived for first order direction-dependent processes perturbed using pseudo-random maximum length ternary (MLT) signals with unsymmetrical signal levels. The analytical results are valid if the process output is either always increasing or always decreasing when the input is at its median level of zero. It is shown that, although this is not normally the case for the whole of the signal period, good approximations to the analytical results are obtained when it is the case for most of the signal period, as can be achieved with a suitable choice of signal levels. MLT signals with unequal spacing between signal levels can also be used to minimise the nonlinear distortion. This is equivalent to compensating for the direction-dependent behaviour of the system by preceding it with a static nonlinearity. Based on the theoretical and simulation results obtained, a novel technique is proposed to allow the best linear approximation of the process to be estimated from the ratio between the amount of time when the output increases to that when it decreases. The proposed method is shown to be applicable even when the number of signal levels is greater than three, and is less susceptible to the effects of noise than the method of correlation analysis and least squares.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks play an outstanding role in the organization of life. Parallel to the growth of experimental techniques on determining PPIs, the emergence of computational methods has greatly accelerated the time needed for the identification of PPIs on a wide genomic scale. Although experimental approaches have limitations that can be complemented by the computational methods, the results from computational methods still suffer from high false positive rates which contribute to the lack of solid PPI information. Our study introduces the PPI-Filter; a computational framework aimed at improving PPI prediction results. It is a post-prediction process which involves filtration, using information based on three different genomic features; (i) gene ontology annotation (GOA), (ii) homologous interactions and (iii) protein families (PFAM) domain interactions. In the study, we incorporated a protein function prediction method, based on interacting domain patterns, the protein function predictor or PFP (), for the purpose of aiding the GOA. The goal is to improve the robustness of predicted PPI pairs by removing the false positive pairs and sustaining as much true positive pairs as possible, thus achieving a high confidence level of PPI datasets. The PPI-Filter has been proven to be applicable based on the satisfactory results obtained using signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and strength measurements that were applied on different computational PPI prediction methods.  相似文献   

ContextIt is well-known that the use of formal methods in the software development process results in high-quality software products. Having specified the software requirements in a formal notation, the question is how they can be transformed into an implementation. There is typically a mismatch between the specification and the implementation, known as the specification-implementation gap.ObjectiveThis paper introduces a set of translation functions to fill the specification-implementation gap in the domain of database applications. We only present the formal definition, not the implementation, of the translation functions.MethodWe chose Z, SQL and Delphi languages to illustrate our methodology. Because the mathematical foundation of Z has many properties in common with SQL, the translation functions from Z to SQL are derived easily. For the translation of Z to Delphi, we extend Delphi libraries to support Z mathematical structures such as sets and tuples. Then, based on these libraries, we derive the translation functions from Z to Delphi. Therefore, we establish a formal relationship between Z specifications and Delphi/SQL code. To prove the soundness of the translation from a Z abstract schema to the Delphi/SQL code, we define a Z design-level schema. We investigate the consistency of the Z abstract schema with the Z design-level schema by using Z refinement rules. Then, by the use of the laws of Morgan refinement calculus, we prove that the Delphi/SQL code refines the Z design-level schema.ResultsThe proposed approach can be used to build the correct prototype of a database application from its specification. This prototype can be evolved, or may be used to validate the software requirements specification against user requirements.ConclusionTherefore, the work presented in this paper reduces the overall cost of the development of database applications because early validation reveals requirement errors sooner in the software development cycle.  相似文献   

An approach to the problem of automatically locating the melting layer is outlined. The approach uses image analysis techniques on dual and single polarization radar data.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a ‘knock-down’ reaction to reduce expression of a specific gene through highly regulated, enzyme-mediated processes. Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are RNA molecules that play an effector role in RNAi and can bind the PAZ domains present in Dicer and RISC. We investigated the interaction between the PAZ domain and the siRNA-like duplexes through dissociation molecular dynamics (DMD) simulations. Specifically, we focused on the response of the PAZ domain to various 3′-overhang structures of the siRNA-like duplexes. We found that the siRNA-like duplex with the 3′ UU-overhang made relatively more stable complex with the PAZ domain compared to those with 3′ CC-, AA-, and GG-overhangs. The siRNA-like duplex with UU-overhang was easily dissociated from the PAZ domain once the structural stability of the complex is impaired. Interestingly, the 3′ UU-overhang spent the least time at the periphery region of the binding pocket during the dissociation process, which can be mainly attributable to UU-overhang's smallest number of hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

In this paper we present recent advances towards an algebraic framework for the analysis and control of nonlinear systems with delays. We show the usefulness of these results by applying them to obtain a constructive characterization of the equivalence of a given system to the so-called triangular form.  相似文献   

随着互联网的飞速发展,通过网络提供的信息越来越多,并且更新速度也越来越快,如何为用户提供准确有效的信息成为了各大网站需要解决的主要问题。本文提出了一种建立信息关联的方法,给出了它的设计思想及其算法和实现的关键技术。实验表明,这种方法可以有效的建立起信息之间的关联,在用户获取某条信息的同时,为其提供更多有价值的关联信息,提高了用户获取信息的准确度和有效性,并且有针对性的信息推荐也节省了用户检索信息的时间。  相似文献   

模式识别在甲醛生产优化控制中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文试用模式识别方法研究甲醛生产过程,井通过按PCA方法选择稳定子集,建立了主分量y1和y2的平面而获得了该系统的控制模型,求得了在满足产品质量和产量约束条件下使原料单耗最低的优化操作条件.由实际运行表明,本文提供的最优条件可显著地降低原料单耗,提高产品质量,延长催化剂寿命.  相似文献   

A viscous–inviscid interaction triple-deck structure is developed to describe the thermomechanical interaction of an air boundary layer with ice sheets and liquid films. Linear stability results are compared with nonlinear triple-deck computations, and a number of nonlinear simulations of air–water–ice interactions are presented. An icing instability is encountered in regimes with simultaneous wall and air cooling that is believed to admit small scale and highly irregular surface roughness. The stabilization of the smallest scale icing disturbances is obtained through the Gibbs–Thomson relation. This local thermodynamic condition relates the freezing temperature of a pure substance to the surface tension and the mean curvature of the interface and provides a short scale stabilizing mechanism for icing instability modes. Comparison with available experimental data on glaze ice roughness diameters, accreted on NACA 0012 airfoil leading edges under glaze icing conditions, is provided. It is also found in all cases computed in this study that water beads can be formed on a wetted ice surface once the water film is locally ruptured by ice roughness elements.  相似文献   

In order to analyze a multi-player linear-quadratic alternating-move dynamicgame, this paper develops a solution method by making use of the similarstructure of this game and a simultaneous-move dynamic game with alternatingpayoff functions. It then applies the method to investigate whether staggeredor synchronized wage adjustment will be preferred when more than two wagesetters interact strategically and dynamically. The results suggest that thestrategic benefit provided by staggered wage adjustment is robust with respectto the number of sectors in the economy.  相似文献   

The Hough transform has been formulated to detect areas of linear brightness variation within an image. The formulation leads to significant computational advantage involving a restricted parameter search space. Two applications are included to demonstrate the efficacy of this technique.  相似文献   

介绍了神经网络技术的研究现状,特别是在化学领域的应用情况,以及反向传播人工神经网络(BP-ANN)的基本原理和算法.结合波谱解析和化学传感器阵列两个方面对神经网络模式识别技术在化学毒剂侦检领域的应用特点进行了分析.指明了ANN模式识别技术在应用中存在的问题,并对该方向今后的发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the mathematical modeling of the motion of a crowd in a non connected bounded domain, based on kinetic and stochastic game theories. The proposed model is a mesoscopic probabilistic approach that retains features obtained from both micro- and macro-scale representations; pedestrian interactions with various obstacles being managed from a probabilistic perspective. A proof of the existence and uniqueness of the proposed mathematical model’s solution is given for large times. A numerical resolution scheme based on the splitting method is implemented and then applied to crowd evacuation in a non connected bounded domain with one rectangular obstacle. The evacuation time of the room is then calculated by our technique, according to the dimensions and position of a square-shaped obstacle, and finally compared to the time obtained by a deterministic approach by means of randomly varying some of its parameters.  相似文献   

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