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Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a very suitable path search algorithm, whose typical application is traveling salesman problem. However, as one heuristic algorithm, it has many shortcomings, such as slow convergent speed and low searching efficiency. To overcome these shortcomings, the premium-penalty strategy has been introduced, and the pheromone diversity of the good paths and the ordinary ones is increased to polarize pheromone density of all paths. Thus, premium-penalty ant colony optimization (PPACO) is proposed. And its good performance is verified by the applications to some typical traveling salesman problems. Its two important parameters are discussed too. Because location critical slip surface in slope stability analysis is a path search problem, it can be solved by the ACO very suitably. Therefore, based on PPACO and typical mature limit equilibrium analysis (Spencer method), a new method to analyze the slope stability is proposed. Through two typical examples, one simple slope and one complicated slope, the efficiency and effectiveness of the new algorithm are verified. The results show that, the new algorithm can always find the less safety factor and its critical slip surface in shorter time than many previous algorithms, and the new algorithm can be used in real engineering very well.  相似文献   

介绍了平均无故障工作时间测试方法,在4个煤矿对某种煤矿监控系统的平均无故障工作时间进行了现场测试,得到了该煤矿监控系统主要设备的平均无故障工作时间,并得出结论:该系统中本质安全型电源、瓦斯传感器、CO传感器和风速传感器的平均无故障工作时间相对较短,应是今后设计改进的重点;该系统能达到AQ 6201—2006标准提出的平均无故障工作时间应不小于800h的指标;统计结果表明,煤矿井下的线路故障是一种多发故障。  相似文献   

首先从人的行为、安全管理、装备设施、自然条件、安全技术与监管机制5个方面建立了煤矿安全评价指标体系;然后运用主成分分析和聚类分析建立了煤矿安全评价模型,通过主成分分析选取综合指标,减少了评价指标的个数,通过聚类分析对各煤矿企业的安全状态进行分类评价,分析其相似性和差异性;最后通过对某省40个煤矿企业的安全状况进行评价,介绍了该煤矿安全评价模型的应用步骤。应用结果表明,该煤矿安全评价模型得出的评价结果简单、直观地反映了煤矿的安全状态。  相似文献   

针对矿井机电设备管理存在不能及时发现设备潜在故障、设备利用率低、生产效率低等问题,设计了一种矿井机电设备数据分析系统。该系统采用iHistorian服务器存储各个采集点的机电设备数据,从基础数据、可靠性、能耗、效率和预警5个方面分析数据,并将分析结果存储在SQL Server数据库中,通过Web服务器供客户端使用。实际应用表明,该系统可实时反馈矿井机电设备的运行状况,确保了矿井机电设备运行数据的实时分析和安全高效运行预警。  相似文献   

随当前我国计算机网络技术的不断快速发展,以及全球信息化的发展趋势日渐成型,人们对于信息的需求也愈发地渴望.正是基于此时代背景,以信息作为传输载体的计算机网络系统也应势而起,并且其可靠性、安全性也更加受到让人们的关注.本文中研究了计算机网络系统可靠性,比较了存在的优劣问题,并探讨其应用于矿山计算机系统的可行性.  相似文献   

王玚 《工矿自动化》2013,39(5):90-92
以2001—2011年煤矿安全事故发生频次为例,应用主成分分析法得到煤矿安全事故原因的第1、第2主成分,进一步分析得出煤矿安全事故主要是由冒顶事故和机械事故引起。分析结果表明,主成分分析法对煤矿安全设施规划有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

In a tele-surgery training system, the transparency is extremely important so as to ensure the success of the operation and the safety of soft objects. Due to current technique limits, it is difficult to mount force sensors at the end of the slave manipulator. In this paper, we propose a novel rod-mass algorithm and construct the model of soft objects. Through the modeling process, the accurate three dimensional contact force vector between the end of the manipulator and the soft object can be estimated in real time. A virtual spring using Hooke s law is introduced to the novel mass–spring method. Applying an impedance model, the three dimensional contact force estimates can be calculated from the deformation of masses’ positions and velocities. In order to verify our methods, a virtual reality interaction platform is constructed including the Omni master manipulator, a four joints manipulators, a virtual reality display, and the soft object’s model. Numerical simulations and experiments are performed to verify the accuracy and the feasibility of soft objects grasping. Results show the high effectiveness and efficiencies of our methods.  相似文献   

Seismic fragility analysis is considered nowadays as a very efficient computational tool for determining the structural behaviour over a range of seismic intensity levels. There are two approaches for developing fragility curves, either based on the assumption that the structural response follows the lognormal distribution or using reliability analysis techniques for calculating the probability of exceedance for various damage states for a variety of seismic hazard levels. The Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) technique is regarded as the most consistent reliability analysis method having no limitations regarding its applicability range. However, the required computational effort is the only limitation which increases substantially when implemented for calculating lower probabilities. Incorporating artificial neural networks (ANN) into the fragility analysis framework enhances the computational efficiency of MCS, since ANN require a fraction of time compared to the conventional procedure. In this work two types of ANN are implemented into a MCS-based vulnerability analysis framework of geostructures, where the randomness of material properties, geometry and of the pseudostatically imposed seismic loading is considered.  相似文献   

矿井通风三维仿真系统设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了保障地下矿山工作人员的安全,服务于矿山实际生产的需要,在数据处理和系统界定的基础上研究了矿井通风原理,并建立了通风网路、通风动力和通风控制设施等通风系统模型.结合计算机仿真和计算机网络技术,提出了一套基于网络的三维可视化仿真技术体系,设计并实现了以B/S结构为平台的矿井通风网络三维可视化仿真系统.并以某地下矿山为实例进行了通风系统建模与仿真的验证,结果能够反映矿山井巷工程的三维空间位置及拓扑关系,符合矿山通风系统正常运行状况,可为通风系统的计算机辅助设计及采矿计划的制定提供参考.  相似文献   

针对当前煤矿对无线通信系统的要求,分析比较了现有矿用无线通信系统的特点,阐述了WCDMA矿用无线通信系统的优势,并对其关键技术进行分析;介绍了该系统的网络架构和功能特点。应用结果表明,该系统能够满足煤矿日常生产管理的通信需要。  相似文献   

构建了带有延迟的脉冲控制的三维股票价格系统,研究了脉冲控制参数和延迟变化对股票价格的稳定性影响.应用脉冲微分方程控制稳定性理论,得到了在带有延迟的脉冲控制系统中,由原先的不稳定和发散达到稳定的保守且充分的条件,从而使股票金融市场达到了一个新的持续发展的稳定状态.利用Matlab软件对该系统进行数值仿真,验证了脉冲控制方法的可行性,有效性和提出理论的准确性.结果表明合理脉冲控制可以有效控制带延迟系统的稳定性.  相似文献   

提出了一种煤矿井下作业人员管理系统人员数据分析软件,介绍了该软件数据曲线分析的原理,以下井人员总数曲线为例介绍了该软件在煤矿交接班管理、人员定位管理中的应用。该软件可以曲线形式直观、定量地反映煤矿交接班状况、人员活动情况、人员定位系统运行状况等,已应用于某煤矿井下作业人员管理系统,效果良好。  相似文献   

The geometry of cutting flutes and the surfaces of end mills is one of the crucial parameters affecting the quality of the machining in the case of end milling. These are usually represented by two-dimensional models. This paper describes in detail the methodology to model the geometry of a flat end mill in terms of three-dimensional parameters. The geometric definition of the end mill is developed in terms of surface patches; flutes as helicoidal surfaces, the shank as a surface of revolution and the blending surfaces as bicubic Bezier and biparametric sweep surfaces. The proposed model defines the end mill in terms of three-dimensional rotational angles rather than the conventional two dimensional angles. To validate the methodology, the flat end milling cutter is directly rendered in OpenGL environment in terms of three-dimensional parameters. Further, an interface is developed that directly pulls the proposed three-dimensional model defined with the help of parametric equations into a commercial CAD modeling environment. This facilitates a wide range of downstream technological applications. The modeled tool is used for finite element simulations to study the cutting flutes under static and transient dynamic load conditions. The results of stress distribution (von mises stress), translational displacement and deformation are presented for static and transient dynamic analysis for the end mill cutter flute and its body. The method described in this paper offers a simple and intuitive way of generating high-quality end mill models for use in machining process simulations. It can be easily extended to generate other tools without relying on analytical or numerical formulations.  相似文献   

闭坑矿井矿界煤柱受采动损伤后其隔水能力降低,易导致闭坑老空水破坏矿界煤柱进入相邻生产矿井,影响矿井安全生产。以淮北矿区两相邻矿井即闭坑矿井沈庄矿和生产矿井袁庄矿的矿界煤柱为研究对象,采用FLAC 3d数值模拟和理论计算方法,对沈庄矿S2Ⅱ313工作面和袁庄矿Ⅲ3142工作面矿界煤柱采动损伤区宽度进行研究,根据研究结果确定矿界煤柱采动损伤区宽度为13.1 m,表明矿界煤柱已被破坏,两相邻矿井边界煤岩层已不具备阻水能力。在此基础上对矿界煤柱安全性进行了评价,得出现有矿界煤柱存在渗水和溃水危险性,需采取布置阻水帷幕或注浆加固等措施。  相似文献   

Two parallel algorithms for determining the convex hull of a set of data points in two dimensional space are presented. Both are suitable for MIMD parallel systems. The first is based on the strategy of divide-and-conquer, in which some simplest convex-hulls are generated first and then the final convex hull of all points is achieved by the processes of merging 2 sub-convex hulls. The second algorithm is by the process of picking up the points that are necessarily in the convex hull and discarding the points that are definitely not in the convex hull. Experimental results on a MIMD parallel system of 4 processors are analysed and presented.  相似文献   

Modelling of a continuous food pressing process by dimensional analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the development of a mathematical model of a continuous pressing operation where biscuit shape is formed. It identifies a functional relationship and predicts its parameter values using a set of observed data. Dimensional analysis was used to model biscuit thickness as a non-linear function of a number of predictor variables and multiple regression was applied for parameter estimation of the model. The results were satisfactorily tested against real data.  相似文献   

按事故类别分析了2004—2013年全国煤矿事故:顶板、瓦斯、运输、水害、机电、爆破、火灾等事故起数和死亡人数占比分别为52.7%和36.8%,11.3%和29.7%,16.9%和11.3%,3.1%和8.1%,4.1%和2.5%,2.7%和1.9%,0.4%和1.9%;顶板事故起数和死亡人数最多;瓦斯事故起数居第3位,死亡人数居第2位,但2005年和2013年死亡人数最多;运输事故起数居第2位,死亡人数居第3位;煤矿各类事故起数和死亡人数均大幅下降;瓦斯和顶板事故起数占比明显下降,但运输和机电事故起数占比有所上升,需进一步加强运输和机电事故防治。探讨了大数据在煤与瓦斯突出、冲击地压、水害、火灾等事故预警,煤矿重大关键设备故障诊断,煤炭需求和价格预测等方面的应用。探讨了物联网在矿用安全标志准用产品管控、煤矿重大关键设备管控与远程维护、煤矿设备材料管控、防碰撞、持证上岗与专人操作管控等方面的应用。  相似文献   

针对矿井地貌环境的非结构性和复杂性,为了提高救灾机器人的越障能力和实际救援能力,分析了轮式救援机器人行走系统的力学系统原理,提出了机器人六轮行走机构的设计方案。六轮移动机器人采用电动推杆为升降系统提供动力;采用独立悬挂系统,减小了车身的倾斜和震动;采用集中控制-分布驱动方式,有利于运动机构性能的发挥;能够根据地形特征调整自己的底座结构,有很强的越障能力和对非结构化地形的适应能力。  相似文献   

Beam scanning and forming can be achieved by coupled oscillators array without phase shifter. Active antenna array based on coupled oscillators array has the virtue of low cost, high integration, and high efficiency. Traditional two dimensional coupled oscillators array has been arranged on rectangular lattices, and phase difference of adjacent elements is limited to [-90°, 90°]. Therefore, the beam scanning range is limited to [-30°, 30°] from normal for half wavelength element spacing. A new two dimensional coupled oscillators array with rhombus structure is presented. Phase control method and phase error of the array are also provided. Stability of the array is analyzed, and stable condition is given. When this coupled oscillators array with rhombus structure is used in active antenna array, theoretical results show that phase difference of adjacent elements reach the limit of [-180°, 180°] along the horizontal and vertical directions. Therefore, it has wider beam scanning range than that of a rectangular lattice structure.  相似文献   

有限元技术在矿用自卸车设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保证矿用自卸车的使用可靠性和寿命,降低设计成本,缩短设计周期,介绍矿用自卸车的结构特点,论述对其进行有限元分析时的软件模块选取、单元选取、网格精度控制、材料定义、实常数定义、求解和结果处理等环节中的要点.以驾驶室变形分析和后桥总成强度分析为例说明采用有限元技术可以定量地掌握矿用自卸车的各方面性能,从而为设计提供参考.  相似文献   

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