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马田系统是一种多元系统定量模式识别方法,是数据分类的有效方法,在很多领域都得到广泛应用。构建正常样本数据的基准空间、筛选出有效的项目、确定阈值等是经典马田系统的重要步骤。文章改进马田系统中筛选有效项目的方法,经典马田系统将正交表和信噪比结合起来筛选有效项目;基于FCM聚类算法的马田系统尝试用FCM聚类算法选择有效项目,正交表的每一行作为一个实验方案,对于每种方案,都利用FCM进行聚类,得到样品分类的正确率。把正确率的信噪比作为筛选有效项目的指标,信噪比越大则选择的有效项目越可信。得到有效的检测项目之后,可以优化马田系统的基准空间,提高样品分类的正确率。  相似文献   

根据项目式学习理论与协作学习理论,提出策略式项目协作学习系统的模型,并完成原型的设计和实现。该系统一方面可以引导老师依照项目管理模板、评价模板制定课程实施策略、评价实施策略,并且为老师提供学生项目活动表现的统计信息;另一方面系统指引学生制定合符课程规划的项目实施策略和协商策略;系统根据这些策略自动协助展开工作、编排任务、在工作组内交流。系统所有部分组成一个有机的整体,为进行项目活动的学生提供了一个智能的、灵活的协作学习环境。  相似文献   

2008年注定将成为不平凡的一年。新年伊始.中央电视台新台址建设工程工艺项目第一批招投标揭晓.中科大洋一举拿下了播出控制管理及监控系统软件项目、综合节目内容审片系统项目、媒体数据交换平台项目和媒体资产管理系统项目共4个总集成系统项目。这是继此前大洋公司力助中央台全台节目交换缓存系统启动试运行后,大洋与中央电视台的又一成功合作——大洋人在2008年喜迎开门红。  相似文献   

中山大学无线电物理专业毕业。2009年完成国家会议中心灯光.AV系统及建筑声学设计项目负责人,2010年12月起担任广东珠海十字门会展中心大剧院。音乐厅AV系统设计项目负责人.2010年12月担任澳门大学珠海校区灯光及AV系统设计项目负责人:2011年12月担任北京雁栖湖国际会都会议中心灯光、AV系统及建筑声学设计项目负责人。  相似文献   

日前,由华平AVCON承建的福建省地震局网络视频会议系统成功通过项目验收。 由福建省地震局信息网络与应急指挥中心组织的验收小组检查了网络视频会议系统,听取了项目建设方案汇报、审阅了项目相关资料,检查了项目运行的情况。检查小组认为,通过长期的试运行和严格的功能测试表明,华平AVCON网络视频会议系统在运行过程中系统表现出稳定、安全、实用的特点。  相似文献   

随着IT业的飞速发展,IT系统集成项目的实施在专业技能及时间上有着极高的要求,迫切需要有效的项目管理。本文简述了时间管理理论,针对以往在IT系统集成项目实践中常常出现的项目不能按预定计划完成等问题,重点从项目管理的时间管理方面对造成进度问题的一些原因,包括活动的定义、活动间依赖关系、项目工期预算、进度变更控制等进行分析,并围绕这几种常见因素展开论述,提出了一些行之有效的措施。作者还浅析了IT系统集成项目实施中如何运用时间管理,提出以项目时间管理为向导,结合具体实践,达到IT系统集成项目"按时、按质、按量"完成的目标。  相似文献   

2012年11月25日,第九届亚洲游泳锦标赛在阿联酋迪拜圆满落幕。新奥特公司ALLONE项目团队承担了本次赛会所有项目的计时记分系统、在线报名系统、成绩处理系统、电视转播字幕系统、  相似文献   

邢蓓 《中国有线电视》2023,(12):156-160
陕西省省级广播电视监测系统作为保障节目安全播出和提升节目播出质量的有力监测工具,是广播电视监测监管体系的核心部分,保障着陕西省广播电视安全播出,因此项目的进度就显得尤为重要。通过使用项目进度管理的方法和软件,结合陕西省省级广播电视监测系统建设实践,从规划进度管理、定义与排序、估算活动资源和持续时间、制定进度计划和控制项目进度等方面入手,制定项目里程碑清单以及项目进度甘特图。分析项目实施结果,制定合理的项目进度管理计划可以大大缩短工期,保障陕西省省级广播电视监测系统建设的时效性,为广播电视领域其他系统的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

2014年伊始,新奥特承建的贵州台高清多通道采编系统项目通过台方系统验收,在系统技术创新、项目实施质量、系统安全稳定等方面,得到了贵州台的一致好评。  相似文献   

本文结合吉视传媒长春公司工作实际,开发出了一套适合本地工程项目管理的平台系统。该系统以项目集中监管为目的,以项目过程管理为核心,以项目数据管理为重点,采用软件编程与数据库建模为工具实现项目信息整合,达到对项目全面管理、实时跟踪、统一信息、综合汇总的目的。  相似文献   

太阳能光伏发电技术在建筑中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑文英  周威 《变频器世界》2011,(5):52-55,64
本文阐述了太阳能光伏发电系统的基本组成及工作原理,提出了光伏发电系统与建筑一体化的概念,并分析了其发展优势。然后提出在九洲电气新建厂区建设太阳能光伏电站的设计构想,最后对此工程的发展前景进行了预测。  相似文献   

In order to disseminate Photovoltaic (PV) technologies into the energy network, the cost down is not only important, but also improving the performance of the PV system is significant issues. Long‐term reliability is one of the most important issues in terms of PV system performance. Previous researches were mainly focused on the reliability of PV modules, but the PV system is composed of a power conditioner, wiring, junction box, and so on. To improve the reliability of PV systems, it is important to accumulate trouble cases focused on all components of PV system. In this paper, we aim at evaluation of the reliability for the PV system on the early stages of PV system's lifetime by using large number of Japanese PV systems' data from the field Test in Japan. New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization has been running the “Field test project in Japan” from 1992. In this project, PV system users have cooperated with the collection of monitoring data and reported on the information of maintenance and certain failures of PV systems for 4 years after installation of PV system. Using those reports each year of installation, we evaluated reliability of PV systems by means of parameters such as Mean Time Between Failure, Mean Time To Repair, and the suspension time of PV system. As a result, the main trouble of PV systems was related power conditioner, and a few trouble of PV module was caused by typhoon. Moreover, the trend of the failure rate before FY 2000 of installation was demonstrated as the trend of initial failure in “bathtub curve;” however, the trend of its after FY 2001 of installation was indicated as the accidental failure in “bathtub curve.” Further, the operator simply forgot to restart the power conditioner after maintenance or suspensions of PV system in many trouble cases, and the user did not notice that it had been suspended for a while. These trouble cases can be avoidable easily through the effective alarm such as error message of power conditioner systems with monitoring systems. Thereby, monitoring with the evaluation method of PV systems is one of the important technologies due to the long‐term reliability and stable operation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着我国信息技术的不断发展,各个企业都在相继建设自己的MIS系统或Internet系统。本简要介绍了电信总局工程管理系统建设方案,主要包括网络结构、系统平台及系统功能等内容。  相似文献   

Plastic‐based photovoltaic (PV) technology, also known as organic photovoltaic (OPV), has the development promise to be one of the third PV generation technologies, practically where sunlight reaches a surface area both indoors and outdoors. This paper presents the economic forecast for solar electricity using OPV technology based on a 1 kWp domestic system. With reference to OPV roll‐to‐roll manufacturing, the paper discusses lifetime, efficiency, and costs factors of this emerging PV technology. Taking an outlook of historic PV technology developments and reflect future anticipated technology developments, the future levelised electricity cost is calculated using system life cycle costing techniques. Grid parity at levelised electricity cost below 25 c/kWh may already be reached within 10 years' time, and the technology would have been widespread, assuming a typical southern Europe average solar irradiance of 1700 kWh/m2/year. The influence of solar irradiance and the way the module performs over long periods of time expecting various degradation levels is studied using sensitivity analysis. Eventually, the financial attractiveness to mature silicon‐based PV technology may decline suddenly as financial support schemes such as the popular Feed‐in‐Tariffs dry out. This would give rise to other promising solutions that have already been proven to be less energy intensive and cheaper to produce but may require a different integration model than present technologies. This paper demonstrates that under no financial support schemes emerging PV technologies such as OPV will manage to attract business and further developments. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对无电地区设备不间断供电难的问题,提出采用新能源离网型不间断供电的思路;对风光互补供电系统的设计方法、容量配置的计算方法和设备的选型等做了详细讨论和优化设计,并结合军用风光油互补系统实验样机的实际应用,论证了系统优化设计的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   

An overview of photovoltaic (PV) power generation activities in Europe is presented, drawing on recent experiences from the European Commission's THERMIE PV demonstration programme, and including some European PV market data and a summary of ways that photovoltaics contributes to the policy objectives of the European Union (EU). The importance of further cost reductions is emphasized with reference to the THERMIE objective of 10–15% reductions in overall projects costs per Wp over the next 4 years. Noting that PV power generation in Europe is moving from being mainly an R&D activity to being one that needs promotion in the market, the market development process is explored, and it is emphasized that project and market organization ‘orgware’ issues are as important as technical hardware and software issues in PV demonstrations and promotional activities. Finally, some European ‘success stories’ are presented and priorities for future PV demonstrations are proposed. It is concluded that one of the most promising areas for PV power generation in Europe is in distributed grid-connected PV power generation, and that greater emphasis should be given to ‘orgware’ issues such as building confidence in PV technologies, links with utilities, meeting the needs of the users (citizens) and reducing costs by exploiting economies of scale in project implementation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of modular or ‘micro’ maximum power point tracking (MPPT) converters at module level in series association, commercially known as “power optimizers”, allows the individual adaptation of each panel to the load, solving part of the problems related to partial shadows and different tilt and/or orientation angles of the photovoltaic (PV) modules. This is particularly relevant in building integrated PV systems. This paper presents useful behavioural analytical studies of cascade MPPT converters and evaluation test results of a prototype developed under a Spanish national research project. On the one hand, this work focuses on the development of new useful expressions which can be used to identify the behaviour of individual MPPT converters applied to each module and connected in series, in a typical grid‐connected PV system. On the other hand, a novel characterization method of MPPT converters is developed, and experimental results of the prototype are obtained: when individual partial shading is applied, and they are connected in a typical grid connected PV array. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

田园 《移动信息》2023,45(7):348-350
随着工程建设的不断发展,其建设难度也逐步增加。因此,需要对建设单位实行更科学、标准的管理,严格把控工程施工,以保证施工进度与质量,使工程按时交付,促进工程收益的最大化,不断减少因工期延误而出现的违约风险。进度管理能在一定程度上提高整体管理水平,在工程施工中尤为关键。文中主要对信息系统项目管理中的进度管理展开了探讨,以供参考。  相似文献   

In The Netherlands, as well as in a large number of other countries around the world, photovoltaics is regarded as one of the most promising options for future power production, although bulk photovoltaic (PV) power now is still more than five times more expensive than grid power. The commercialization of PV will run from small ‘niche’ markets to large-scale power plants integrated into the utility network. This does not mean, however, that PV R,D&D should concentrate on niche market applications only. Tomorrow's introduction of large-scale PV power plants can only be achieved successfully if effort is put into the development and demonstration of large-scale PV technology today. The Nieuw Sloten 250-kWp project (Amsterdam) and the Nieuwland 1-MW project (Amersfoort) in The Netherlands are examples of the commitment on the national and on the European level to take up this R,D&D effort seriously (both projects are supported by Novem and THERMIE). The Netherlands ‘learning programme’ for PV aims at the successful introduction of large-scale, dispersed photovoltaics in the next century. The key issue of the programme, as well as of the aforementioned projects, is to establish a firm cooperation with builders, because future large-scale photovoltaics in The Netherlands will undoubtedly be realized on the roofs of buildings. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以后,现代项目管理方法开始进入到信息系统工程、网络工程、软件工程、大型建设工程以及高科技项目开发等崭新领域,甚至社会生产和生活的方方面面,在企业的战略发展和日常经营中的作用也越来越重要。在我国,进入90年代后,特别是近几年来,项目管理的作用才真正开始被社会认同,项目管理的方法也开始慢慢由工程项目管理向软件开发等方面普及。通过某市移动通信网管系统开发项目的执行过程,详细介绍了现代项目管理的详细情况。  相似文献   

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