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Jet spouted beds that consisted of a transparent Plexiglas cylindrical column of 1 m high and a conical base with cone angles of 30°, 36°, and 40° were used in this study. The particles used were spherical glass beads with an average diameter of 1.7, 2.1 and 3 mm, respectively, and particle size of 2.2 – 3.1 mm, non‐spherical rice particles. The effect of size and shape of particles, and static bed height on the minimum jet spouting velocity, and standard deviation of pressure fluctuations, was investigated. The results show that the minimum jet spouting velocity and pressure drop increased as the bed height and particle size increased. The minimum jet spouting velocity could be determined from the plot of standard deviation of pressure fluctuations vs. superficial gas velocity. The results obtained were in close agreement with the results of other methods in the literature.  相似文献   

A multilayer perceptron with back‐propagation learning algorithm is developed to predict the minimum spouting velocity (ums) in draft tube conical spouted beds. Six dimensionless variables involving ten essential geometric and operating parameters of the beds were taken as model inputs. To compare the model results with both experimental data and those predicted by the limited existing empirical equations, the root mean square error and the mean relative error are utilized. Although there is a complex relationship between the input variables and ums, and despite the huge number of data available, the steps of training and testing show good agreement with the corresponding experimental values. This demonstrates that an artificial neural network is a useful approach to predict ums, especially when the relationship between the geometric and operating parameters and ums is complex and difficult to define.  相似文献   

狭缝式矩型喷动床中多粒度颗粒体系的最小喷动速度   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在150 mm×50 mm×1100 mm的矩形喷动床中,采用宽度为2, 4, 6 mm 的3种狭缝式气体分布板,研究了单一粒度组成和多粒度组成玻璃珠的最小喷动速度. 实验证明,矩形喷动床的最小喷动速度与物料的粒度和组成有关. 给出了最小喷动速度与颗粒粒径和粒度组成的关联式,作出了多粒度组成颗粒体系最小喷动速度的相图.  相似文献   

Two slotted two-dimensional spouted bed units with flexible bed dimensions were used with draft plates to study spouting pressure drop and minimum spouting superficial velocity. The data were collected while varying slant angle, spout width, separation distance, length of bed, height of bed, and size of bed (geometrical similarity) using shelled corn, soybean, and wheat. The variables which affect the spouting pressure drop and air flow through the beds are discussed. Empirical correlations are developed following the principles of dimensional analysis and similitude. The developed correlations agree closely with the collected data.  相似文献   

一种新颖的环形喷动床由内外两个不同内径、同心的垂立圆筒组成,在环形空间底部设置多个喷口,在喷口两侧布置倾斜的导流板.研究颗粒在这种喷动床内的流动特性,探讨喷口结构、颗粒种类以及床内载料量对环形喷动床颗粒喷动特性的影响.实验结果表明:颗粒在环形喷动床内分为三个明显不同的区域,即颗粒填充移动区、密相喷动流化区以及稀相夹带区.当颗粒出现分区喷动后,随床内载料量的增多,填充移动区的高度维持不变,始终等于导流板的高度,而密相喷动区的高度不断增加.风量和颗粒种类对床层最大喷动量、密相喷动高度以及床层压力分布规律有着十分重要的影响.采用不同的喷口结构时,在相同的载料量下,直向喷口的密相喷动区高度更大,而且床内各测点的平均压力大于采用斜向喷口时的相应测点压力.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic measurements were obtained in a flat-based half-cylindrical column of diameter 0.91 m and inlet orifice diameters of 76 to 114 mm. Beds of 3.5 to 6.7 mm diameter particles with static depths of 0.53 to 1.83 m were spouted with air. In agreement with measurements by earlier workers in smaller columns, it was found necessary to operate with inlet orifice diameters less than about 30 times the mean particle diameter in order to be able to achieve stable spouting. Correlations for minimum spouting velocity developed on small vessels generally gave poor predictions for the large diameter vessel employed in this work and failed to predict the observed dependence of Ums on the static bed height. Substantial dead regions where particles were stagnant were observed in the lower outer portion of the vessel. Other aspects of behaviour studied, including spout diameters and shapes, fountain heights, pressure profiles and gas velocities in the annulus, were qualitatively similar to those in smaller columns, although equations developed for the smaller vessels did not always provide accurate predictions.  相似文献   

在截面为矩形有机玻璃喷动床内,使用四种粒径的窄筛分球形玻璃珠,以常温水作为喷动和辅助液体。综合考虑床体的几何尺寸、操作参数以及液体和颗粒的物性特征,系统研究带导流管喷动床的最小喷动速度,得出最小喷动速度的经验公式,为设计和操作提供参考。  相似文献   

The addition of liquid water to beds of polystyrene particles exceeding 3 mm in diameter enhanced spouting by causing a decrease in the minimum spouting velocity. While the degree of enhancement is quantitatively comparable to what we reported previously for fluidized beds of large light hydrophobic particles, the mechanism is quite different. Enhancement of spouting takes place because the liquid congregates at the spout‐annulus interface, forming an effective nearly‐impermeable draft tube which then increases the velocity of the gas up the spout.  相似文献   

Existing correlations for predicting minimum spouting velocity in conical spouted beds have been found to give poor agreement with available literature data. A new correlation has been developed based on literature data to give much better prediction of the minimum spouting velocity for both small and pilot-scale conical-spouted beds.  相似文献   

A model for calculating the minimum spouting flowrate and pressure drop in a conical spouted bed has been developed and described in our previous paper (Had?ismajlovi et al., 1986). In the present work, this model was examined at a wider range of experimental conditions and it was found that measured and predicted values of the minimum spouting flowrate and pressure drop differed by about 10.3% and 20.0%, respectively. It is shown that the spouted bed in a conical column is stable when the inlet tube diameter is less than 25 particle diameters.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic measurements were obtained in a half-column of diameter 0.91 m equipped with a conical base using particles of diameter 3.3 to 6.7mm with operation both as pure spouted beds and in the spout-fluid bed mode. Comparison of the experimental results for minimum spouting velocity with equations in the literature generally gave unsatisfactory agreement. On the other hand, the correlations of McNab (1972) and Had?isdmajlovi? et al. (1983) gave reasonable predictions of spout diameters in spouted and spout-fluid beds respectively. Hydrodynamic regimes with auxiliary air present were broadly similar to those determined in smaller columns. However, there were substantial dead regimes at the bottom of the column. A finite difference model based on the vector form of the Ergun equation gave good predictions of air flow distribution and longitudinal pressure profiles.  相似文献   

Spouting of 3.7 mm polyvinyl chloride particles in a cone‐based cylindrical column is subjected to entrainment of FCC powder in the spouting air. It is found that the powder entrainment reduces the minimum spouting velocity, increases the bed pressure drop and reduces the maximum spoutable bed height. At any given bed height and value of U/Ums, there is a critical value of powder loading ratio above which spouting gives way to slugging.  相似文献   

在上部内径为 195mm柱状、下部为 6 0°锥体的喷动床中水平引入辅助气 ,考察了水平辅助气对流动特性的影响。实验结果发现 ,辅助气的水平引入比竖直或法向引入可以更有效地抑制喷动气体向环流区扩散 ,降低最小喷动气速。在总气速一定的条件下 ,增大辅助气速的比例 ,可以降低喷动区空隙率而使颗粒浓度增大 ,提高颗粒的循环流动量。相比而言 ,喷动气速对喷动区颗粒的流动速度影响较大 ,而水平辅助气速对环流区颗粒的流动速度影响较大  相似文献   

Studies have been carried out in multiple spouted beds having 2, 3 and 4 spout cells; different fluid inlet orifices and different solids have been used with air and water as spouting fluids. The minimum spouting velocities are measured for different bed depths. The experimental data for particle Reynolds number at minimum spouting have been correlated and the square root mean deviation between the calculated and experimental values is found to be 8.75 %.  相似文献   

The flow behaviours of gas‐solids were predicted by means of a hydrodynamic model of dense gas‐solid flow in spouted beds. Constitutive equations describing the particulate solids pressure and viscosity were implemented into a hydrodynamic simulation computer program. The effect of operating conditions (inclined angle and gas spouting velocity) on particle velocity and concentration in the spout, annulus and fountain regions were numerical studied. Both vertical and horizontal particle velocities increased with increasing spouting gas velocity. The diameter of the spout increases with decreasing the inclination angle. As the inclination angle is set greater than 60°, the spout cross‐section starts becoming bottlenecked, limiting the upwards flow of solids.  相似文献   

A theoretical study to predict spout‐annulus interface variation with bed level for different column geometries of spouted beds is proposed. A previous mathematical model (Krzywanski et al., 1989), developed for spout shape predictions in two‐dimensional spouted beds, is here proposed to be applied also for cylindrical, conical or cone‐based cylindrical columns. Its predictions depend on the average spout diameter and on the spout expansion angle. While there exists empirical equations available to estimate the first model parameter, the second one requires a rigorous stress analysis of the particles at the entrance of the bed. To avoid this difficulty, this work proposes a simple mathematical strategy to calculate the spout expansion angle. The reliability of this approach was checked by comparison with several experimental results obtained in cone‐based cylindrical (Lim et al., 1974; Wu et al., 1987; He et al., 1998) and rectangular (Zanoelo, 1994) spouted beds.  相似文献   

喷动床研究与进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
叙述了近年来出现的几种改型喷动床,包括多喷头喷动床、喷动流化床、带导向管的喷动床、性粒子旋转射流式喷动床、射流喷动床的研究与进展。它们在传统柱锥形喷动床的基础上,通过增加喷口、导向管、流化气、惰性粒子或增加喷动气速等方法,来克服原有喷动床应用的局限性,拓展其应用领域。  相似文献   

A novel design of a multi‐staged, continuous flow spouted bed, suitable for counter‐current, cross‐current, and fed‐batch gas‐solid contacting is developed. Single and three‐stage conter‐flow units are studied, the residence time distributions (RTD's) of the solids therein are measured and two compartmental models are developed to fit this family of RTD's. The first (two‐parameter) model is satisfactory for the single stage units, and three‐stage units at high gas flow rates. The second (three‐parameter) model describes each stage as two CSTVs in parallel with a PFV in series. It provides better agreement with experimental data in the three‐stage case.  相似文献   

Minimum spouting velocity data are reported for seven mixtures of polystyrene, spouted with air in three rectangular spouted beds of square cross sectional areas, using nozzles of five sizes. Correlations for minimum spouting velocity in cylindrical columns were investigated for this geometry. A new dimensionless correlation for predicting the minimum spouting velocity is developed.  相似文献   

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