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随着双馈风电发电机组并网容量的不断增加,研究双馈型风电场的短路电流特性具有重要意义。文章建立了双馈型风电场的短路电流计算模型,基于该模型分析了可能影响双馈型风电场短路电流的因素。利用DIg SILENT仿真软件建立了并网运行的双馈型风电场,仿真分析了风电场风速、集电阻抗、Crowbar阻值、故障点位置、故障类型、控制方式等因素对双馈型风电场短路电流的影响。为进一步全面研究双馈型风电场的短路电流特性提供参考。  相似文献   

风电装机容量在电网中所占的比例不断增高,当电网运行出现故障时,不能忽略风电机组短路电流对继电保护装置所造成的影响。当电网电压大幅度跌落时,撬杠保护(Crowbar)动作使风力发电机组的拓扑结构发生变化,影响风电送出线路继电保护装置的整定计算。文章在推导撬杠保护动作时风电机组等值模型的基础上,分析得到双馈感应风力发电机组的短路特性以及用于短路电流计算的模型,最后在PSCAD平台下验证了模型进行线路保护装置整定时的有效性。  相似文献   

建立了双馈感应式风力发电机的模型;基于Digsilent仿真软件搭建了含双馈式风力机的某风电场的仿真模型;对风电场在不同点发生不同单纯性故障时的情况进行了仿真。通过对保护装置的动作分析表明,风电场保护应加入自适应控制来改善保护性能。  相似文献   

基于DFIG精确暂态数学模型,深入研究了机端三相短路所激起的双馈电机电磁过渡过程产生的机理及定、转子电流中各频率成分之间的依存关系,并详细推导了三相短路电流的解析表达式, 在此基础上,深入分析了定子和转子绕组阻值对短路电流幅值的影响规律,得到抑制短路电流最佳阻值,实际仿真验证了分析结论的有效性。此研究对于深入探索风机crowbar保护的电阻值整定及短路电流抑制措施都有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

采用IEC 60909和电力工程电气设计手册中的短路电流计算方法,分别对常规风电场的短路电流进行了计算。对不同的计算方法得到的计算结果进行比较和分析,提出能满足国外风电项目的简化计算方法。  相似文献   

分析了双馈感应发电机组在电网电压跌落时Crowbar阻值变化对电网的影响。根据双馈感应发电机(Doubly-FedInduction Generator,DFIG)的数学模型,推导出在发电机机端发生对称故障时,定子、转子电流的表达式,通过故障期间的最大转子电流,给出Crowbar阻值估算值。在EPSCAD/EMTDC软件中仿真分析不同的Crowbar阻值对系统的影响,验证公式推导的正确性,并通过仿真试验确定合理的Crowbar切除出时间。  相似文献   

为了防止变速恒频双馈风力发电机短路电流对转子侧变换器造成损坏,常采用Crowbar保护电路。建立风力发电机短路电磁过渡过程的数学模型,通过对数学模型进行拉普拉斯变换及其反变换,求取短路电流的表达式,并求出最不利的情况下电流的最大值,在该值下对Crowbar电路的参数进行整定及保护。为了验证所整定的Crowbar电阻的精确性,分别以3 MW,2.75 MW,660 kW发电机为例进行分析,仿真结果表明,在该数学模型下,所整定的电阻提高了对Crowbar电路的旁路电阻整定的准确性,不仅能对转子侧变换器进行保护,同时也能对发电机和机械结构起到保护作用。  相似文献   

随着风电技术的发展,双馈风力发电系统高电压穿越问题日益受到研究人员的重视。针对双馈风力发电系统高电压穿越问题,详细分析电网电压骤升时双馈风力发电机运行机理,提出了定子侧变阻值撬棒电路的高电压故障主动穿越方法。对投入撬棒电路后的双馈电机电磁暂态过程进行研究,确定定子撬棒电阻的阻值范围,基于已确定的阻值范围,提出定子侧撬棒保护电路的投切控制策略。最后通过Matlab/Simulink仿真得出双馈风力发电机在电压骤升故障时能更平稳地运转,并且能应对大幅电压骤升故障。验证了定子侧变阻值撬棒电路能够有效完成高电压穿越,提高了双馈风力发电系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

基于双馈感应风力发电机两相静止坐标系下的数学模型,推导了电压跌落和恢复过程定转子磁链的表达式,并利用空间矢量图分析了磁链的变化规律。当故障持续时间较短,且电压恢复时刻为半工频周期的奇数倍时,电压恢复时的过电流较电压跌落时更为严重。针对这一问题,对Crowbar电路的结构及控制策略进行了改进。通过PSCAD/EMTDC仿真软件验证了理论分析和改进方案的合理性。  相似文献   

为降低传统控制策略下电网发生严重故障期间转子侧撬棒电路投入运行对低电压穿越和继电保护的影响,在分析电网故障撬棒电路投入双馈感应风力发电机(DFIG)暂态故障特征的基础上,提出一种转子侧撬棒电路自适应切除控制策略.电压深度跌落撬棒电路投入后,定子故障电流中的衰减转速频率交流分量为故障初期的主要分量,在衰减转速频率交流分量...  相似文献   

Centralised power control of wind farm with doubly fed induction generators   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
At the moment, the control ability of wind farms is a prime research concern for the grid integration of large wind farms, due to their required active role in the power system. This paper describes the on-going work of a research project, whose overall objective is to analyse and assess the possibilities for control of different wind farm concepts. The scope of this paper is the control of a wind farm made up exclusively of doubly fed induction generators. The paper addresses the design and implementation issues of such a controller and focuses on the ability of the wind farm control strategy to regulate the wind farm power production to the reference power ordered by the system operators. The presented wind farm control has a hierarchical structure with both a central control level and a local control level. The central wind farm control level controls the power production of the whole farm by sending out reference power signals to each individual wind turbine, while the local wind turbine control level ensures that the reference power signal send by the central control level is reached. The performance of the control strategy is assessed and discussed by means of simulations illustrated both at the wind farm level and at each individual wind turbine level.  相似文献   

适合于变速恒频双馈感应发电机的Crowbar对比分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
电网运行新规则要求变速恒频双馈感应发电机在电网电压跌落的情况下仍与电网相连接,为做到这一点需要安装低压旁路系统。综合分析了低压带来的负面影响以及低压旁路的具体实现方法;对比了多种Crowbar电路各自的优缺点;最后介绍了变速恒频双馈发电机相关保护控制策略和新型旁路系统。  相似文献   

以PSCAD/EMTDC为平台建立了仿真模型,分析了以恒速异步风力发电机组为主的风电场并网运行的不同故障情况下的短路特性。仿真结果表明,影响短路特性的主要因素有故障类型、故障点、控制策略、风速等。因此,应针对风电场不同的短路特性采取相应的保护措施,以提高电网的稳定性。  相似文献   

Wind turbine manufacturers are required by transmission system operators for fault ride‐through capability as the penetration of wind energy in the electrical systems grows. For this reason, testing and modeling of wind turbines and wind farms are required by the national grid codes to verify the fulfillment of this capability. Therefore, wind turbine models are required to simulate the evolution of voltage, current, reactive and active power during faults. The simulation results obtained from these wind turbine models are used for verification, validation and certification against the real wind turbines measurement results, although evolution of electrical variables during the fault and its clearance is not easy to fulfill. The purpose of this paper is to show the different stages involved in the fulfillment of the procedure of operation for fault ride‐through capability of the Spanish national grid code (PO 12.3) and the ‘procedure for verification, validation and certification of the requirements of the PO 12.3 on the response of wind farms in the event of voltage dips’. The process has been applied to a wind farm composed of Gamesa G52 wind turbines, and the results obtained are presented. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wind farms interconnected to power system bring new challenges to power system economic operation. It is imperative to study how to solve optimal power flow (OPF) formulation with wind farms. In this paper, a multi-period optimal power flow (DOPF) is studied based on traditional OPF algorithm. According to the characteristic equations of asynchronous generator, the paper deduces a new algorithm that fits the DOPF formulation with wind farms. Based on the primal–dual interior point algorithm (PDIPM), a new modified algorithm is proposed. Besides, the voltage stability indicator, L-indicator, is also introduced into DOPF to demonstrate voltage stability of power system after wind farms incorporation. By taking SVC reactive power compensation into account, the paper analyzes its influences on system voltage stability. In addition, four different static load models are researched to reveal their effects on system-operating characteristics. An example shows the algorithm's effectiveness and computation performance of the proposed method and several conclusions are obtained as well.  相似文献   

双馈风电机组惯量控制是通过建立发电机转子转速与电网频率之间的耦合关系,调整机组有功输出以适应电力系统频率波动。惯量控制直接快速地调节有功会对机组轴系小干扰稳定性造成负面影响,不利于轴系扭振的抑制。文章分析了不同惯量控制响应特征及其对轴系阻尼特性的影响,设计一种以转差率为输入信号的附加惯性与阻尼转矩的惯量控制策略,提出了含轴系稳定性约束的附加惯性与阻尼转矩惯量控制参数整定方法。仿真结果表明,所设计的双馈风电机组惯量控制策略不仅有良好的惯量控制效果,还能有效增大轴系等效电气阻尼,提高了轴系的稳定性。  相似文献   

考虑尾流效应对风电场机组布局的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尾流效应的存在会导致风电场下风向风能减少,流场湍流度增加,进而影响风电场中位于下风向风机的效率和风轮的使用寿命。文章对尾流效应研究现状进行了概述,利用WASP软件以及风资源数据进行风电场模拟计算,将上下游风机之间间距以及上下游风机连线与主导风向的偏向角作为风机定位坐标,建立了分别由2台、3台、4台风机组成的模型并进行计算。比较在不同风机布局的情况下,风电场内每台风机和风电场的年净发电量以及尾流损失值随风机布局的变化趋势。对比计算结果得出风电场机组布局中风机之间的最佳间距和偏向角的定量值,确定风机尾流效应分析在风电场内机组布局中的重要性,为优化风电机组布局以及提高风电场风能利用率提供理论依据。  相似文献   

公共连接点(PCC)电压不平衡情况下,负序电压引起笼型风力发电机组电磁转矩以2倍电网频率脉动,从而降低传动装置的使用寿命。文章设计了笼型机风电场静止同步补偿器(STATCOM)的正、负序双环叠加控制策略,正序电压控制策略控制公共连接点电压和STATCOM直流侧电容电压为给定值,负序电压控制策略控制公共连接点负序电压分量为零,从而消除笼型发电机电磁转矩的脉动。最后,在PSCAD/EMTDC环境下建立包括风电场、STATCOM和电网的仿真模型。仿真结果表明,所提出的控制策略有效地改善了PCC电压不平衡度,消除风力发电机组电磁转矩的脉动,从而验证了所提出的正、负序双环叠加控制策略的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

Introduction of large amounts of new wind generation can affect the small signal stability of power systems with three mechanisms: displacing synchronous generators (SGs); reducing SGs power generation; and the dynamics of wind farms (WFs) interacting with the electromechanical mode of SGs. In this paper a novel approach is developed to investigate the impact of the latter mechanism on existing power systems oscillations. In this approach, the dynamic behavior of grid connected WFs is studied independent of the dynamic behavior of system SGs. This approach helps to identify the conditions in which the dynamics of WFs may interact with the electromechanical mode of SGs. Also it helps to foresee the impact of these probable interactions on the frequency and damping of system oscillations. By using this approach in a test system, it was shown that under some circumstances these dynamic interactions considerably decrease the damping of system oscillations but they barely change the frequency of system oscillations. The frequency of system oscillation and the operating point of WF are the two major parameters determine the severity of the decrease in oscillation damping. Comparison of the SG electromechanical eigenvalues calculated before and after the introduction of the WF in the test system, confirmed the prospects of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

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