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中国小康农村家庭能源消费研究:以江苏扬中市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为地处中国华东地区小康农村的典型,扬中农村家庭生活用能正处于商品能加速替代非商品能的时期。连续五年的家庭生活用能问卷调查表明,用能品种结构变化较大,电力和液化气消费迅增、而秸秆和煤炭的使用减少,人均能源消费量相对稳定,但有效能消费却略有上升;分析表明,人均能源消费与人均收入、户均人口和人均作物收获量有一定的相关性。文章对农村家庭能源消费的性质、中国小康农村家庭能源消费的基本特征等一般问题进行了讨  相似文献   

美国总统克林顿1999年访华期间,在桂林发表了有关环境保护的演说,其中说到中国和美国的能源消费总量差不多。这虽是事实,但如考虑到我国的人口要比美国多35倍。那末美国的人均能耗就要比我国高出3.5倍,尤其是美国家庭的能源消费,比我国家庭高出数倍。现在让我们考察一下美国家庭的能源消费,也许可以作为我国(尤其是沿海发达地区)能源发展中的借鉴。1电力消费美国家庭的能源消费中,电占了主要地位,其中尤以空调耗电所占的比例最大。一般南方家庭都使用中央空调,1幢200m2使用面积的住宅,配备10kw和skw的空调机各一台,包括冷却风…  相似文献   

中国小康农村家庭能源消费特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村地区能源问题是发展中国家的特有问题。中国农村能源问题与其它发展中国家在一定程度上有共同性。家庭生活用能主要依靠生物质能及当地其它自然资源;落后的能源转换工艺和设备使得能源转换率低下。  我国对农村家庭能源消费的普遍研究始于 20世纪 70年代中期。 1979年进行的一项全国调查表明,全国有 47. 7%的农户每年缺燃料 3~ 6个月,平均缺燃料 22%。 20世纪 80年代末 90年代初的一项研究表明,中国农村家庭用能在各地区间存在着巨大差异,其用能水平和构成主要决定于当地可获得的自然资源。家庭生活年户用能一般为 700~ 12…  相似文献   

家庭能源消费研究述评   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了家庭能源三种主要消费分析方法的发展及共同的模型基础--投入产出模型,并就家庭能耗影响因素和国别差异进行了分析,指出家庭能源消耗可能是我国能耗消费的增长点.在建立完整和系统的家庭能源消费分析模型方面,将家庭能源消费与生产活动相联系还需进一步探讨.  相似文献   

淮海农场家庭生活用能和能源消费的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江苏省国营淮海农场家庭生活用能正处于商品能加速替代非商品能的时期,连续5年的家庭生活用能调查表明,用能品种结构变化较大,电力和液化气消费迅速增长,而秸秆和煤炭的使用在下降;人均能源消费量相对稳定,但有效能消费却略有上升;分析表明,人均能源消费与人均收入,户均人口和人均作物收获量有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

户用沼气池建设不但改变了农村家庭能源消费结构,还带动了农村养殖业、种植业的发展。通过对江苏省涟水县农村家庭能源消费和沼气池使用等相关问题的入户调查,定量研究了户用沼气池建设所产生的影响。证明户用沼气池的使用能提高家庭能源利用效率,减少能源消费量和化肥的使用量,有利于农作物秸秆的还田,提高农户的生活质量。  相似文献   

以中国6县3240户农村生活能源消费及相关问题的抽样调查为基础,给出了农村家庭生活用能问题的水平和构成,探讨了家庭生活用能的主要特征及其形成的主要原因,进而对家庭能源消费、商品能替代作用、成本及最终用能效率等问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

文章对江苏省国营淮海农场连续5年的家庭生活用能调查表明,用能品种结构变化较大,电力和液化气消费迅速增长,而秸秆和煤炭的使用在下降.分析表明,人均能源消费与人均收入、户均人口和人均作物收获量有一定的相关性.文章对农村家庭能源消费的性质、中国小康农村家庭能源消费的基本特征等问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

如何促进居民以低碳生活来减少碳排放已成为当前研究热点。本文通过对平阳县城乡居民低碳生活有关状况进行资料采集,摘取有价值的部分进行分析整理,从理论上和实践上对促进减少碳排放的低碳消费行为有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

苏靖轲  明岗 《中国能源》2022,(10):23-31
本研究以江苏省徐州市棠张村为例,旨在分析经济发达地区农村家庭能源使用模式、相关影响因素及影响程度,并对农村地区沼气发展进行浅析。本论文依据实际调研结果,采用随机森林模型分析影响农村家庭能源消费和影响因素的梯队。结果表明,在调查的农村地区,“电力+沼气”是主要的家庭能源使用模式,但仍有6%左右村民使用煤、液化石油气、柴等能源。家庭人员对清洁能源的认知及家庭中常住老年人的数量对农村家庭能源使用模式影响最大,相反,家庭总年收入对家庭能源选择有一定影响,但并不起决定作用。故农村地区清洁能源的推广,应加强农村常住老年人对清洁能源的认识。  相似文献   

Improving access to affordable modern energy is critical to improving living standards in the developing world. Rural households in India, in particular, are almost entirely reliant on traditional biomass for their basic cooking energy needs. This has adverse effects on their health and productivity, and also causes environmental degradation. This study presents a new generic modelling approach, with a focus on cooking fuel choices, and explores response strategies for energy poverty eradication in India. The modelling approach analyzes the determinants of fuel consumption choices for heterogeneous household groups, incorporating the effect of income distributions and traditionally more intangible factors such as preferences and private discount rates. The methodology is used to develop alternate future scenarios that explore how different policy mechanisms such as fuel subsidies and micro-financing can enhance the diffusion of modern, more efficient, energy sources in India.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2002,22(4):251-256
A stratification sampling method has been applied to investigate 384 households in 12 villages of 4 towns in Sheyang County. Responses to a questionnaire show that the average annual energy consumption per capita is 8.62GJ (294 kilograms of coal equivalent (kgce)), with an average available energy consumption of 16.56MJ (0.565kgce)/family-day mainly in the form of straw. The average energy consumption depends on income, stalk yield, and the number of persons and of pigs in a family. There is a demand for high-quality supplies.  相似文献   

There is currently a paucity of research examining changes in the structure of household energy consumption in rural areas of northern China. Here, we thoroughly analyze household energy consumption in terms of energy sources and energy end-uses in villages of Huantai County from 1989 to 2005. Results indicated that commercial energy consumption increased, both in the absolute amount and the relative proportion. Non-commercial energy (traditional biomass energy) use decreased greatly but still accounted for a significant proportion of all energy sources. In terms of energy end-uses, cooking and home-heating energy consumptions were of nearly equal importance. While energy for cooking has historically dominated total consumption, energy used for recreational activities increased dramatically in comparison. In addition, we discuss the influence of changes in energy consumption structure on household energy expenditures, environmental effects and supply-demand balance of energy. Results showed the payout of household energy consumption was stable, the environment deteriorated, the fossil fuel supply was unsustainable in the long term. For the sustainable development of local energy sources, the environment, and the economy, it will be imperative to fully exploit suitable, local renewable energy resources.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether increases in energy efficiency of major household items cause additional short-run utilization of these end uses and other end uses for households in Beijing. An integrated model is first developed by combining a Logit model and a resource allocation model, where the former represents the choice of end-use ownership and the latter describes the end-use usage. The rebound effects are finally obtained from calculating the own- and cross-elasticities based on the prediction. The empirical results show that for refrigerators, electric fans, gas showers, TVs, and PCs, no evident rebound occurs; while for air conditioners, clothes washers, microwave ovens, and cars, either a direct rebound effect or an indirect rebound effect exists significantly. The respective average upper bound of direct rebound effects for them are 60.76%, 106.81%, 100.79%, and 33.61%, suggesting a possibility of backfire for the clothes washers and microwave ovens, while the respective upper bound of total rebound effects are 88.95%, 100.36%, 626.58%, and 31.61%. Furthermore, increasing the efficiency of air conditioners and cars can definitely reduce the total household energy consumption during the use phase.  相似文献   

Total energy cost of household consumption in Norway, 1973   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Robert Herendeen 《Energy》1978,3(5):615-630

2009~2010年,从陕北、关中和陕南3个自然地理及资源分布特征不同的地区,随机选取16个区县的478户农村家庭进行了实地调查。研究表明,陕西农村家庭生产、生活用能结构不合理,以薪柴秸秆和煤炭等不可再生或不清洁的商品能源为主;农村家庭生产、生活能源消费的地区差异显著,关中地区农村家庭能源平均支出额最高,陕北家庭能源支出占家庭总支出的比例最高;陕西农村家庭这样的能源消费现状不利于农业与农村现代化的发展。  相似文献   

This paper addresses possible effects of the growing focus on global warming on households’ domestication of energy and the dynamics of energy consumption by comparing data pertaining to the domestication of energy within Norwegian households from two time periods: first, 1991–1995, when climate change was given little public attention, and, second, 2006–2009, after climate change became a major public concern. In the first period, we observed that the domestication of energy resulted in an energy culture emphasizing comfort and convenience with respect to everyday life and the abundant supply of clean hydropower. In the second period, this culture seemed to have changed, making households more concerned about their energy consumption. Consumption of energy was linked to climate change, and many interviewees claimed to save energy. However, the dominant expectation was still to be able to manage everyday life in a convenient and comfortable way. Thus, climate change concerns produced some but not very radical changes in the practical domestication of energy, including energy saving. A main effect was feelings of guilt, tempered by arguments regarding why change is difficult and complaints about political inaction. Thus, public engagement with climate change issues may facilitate energy efficiency policy but to succeed, wider climate policy measures seem to be needed.  相似文献   

A method for estimating non-commercial energy consumption in the household sector of developing countries is presented. It has been observed that the energy demand for cooking is not income-elastic. The average requirement per person and hence the total requirement, both in useful energy terms, can be determined. The actual total commercial energy consumption for cooking is converted to useful energy terms and subtracted from this total to give a residual which is the estimated total amount of non-commercial energy used for cooking. The residual may be converted to delivered or primary energy by using an appropriate conversion factor. Using this method, the annual consumption of non-commercial energy has been estimated for selected Southeast Asian countries between 1960 and 1980.  相似文献   

The agricultural sector is becoming increasingly dependent on commercial energy. Energy scarcity and rising costs have led to an intensified search for viable alternate systems. First-hand information regarding available energy sources and their contributions to different operations at the field level is essential. This paper deals with energy-consumption patterns on small farms in a cluster of Indian villages.  相似文献   

The paper uses household expenditure survey data and alternative functional specifications of Engel's laws to establish an empirical pattern of disaggregate energy (ie electricity, gas, other fuels and gasoline) demand characterized by different demographic attributes for use in a combined panel data model of energy consumption and impact in Australia. The findings lend support, in terms of statistical efficiency and economic–theoretic plausibility, to the dominance of the Working form over the conventional linear Allen–Bowley function. Energy as a whole is a necessity while at the disaggregate level gasoline is considered a luxury. The findings indicate in this respect the existence of demand elasticity bias in aggregate energy models.  相似文献   

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