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基于功率平衡算法的NPC三电平变换器 中点电压控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了中点钳位型三电平变换器的中点电压数学模型,推导出三相功率与零序电压的传递函数。提出一种新型的注入零序电压控制方案,该方案通过控制中点处的零序总功率为0,来实现中点电压的平衡控制。具体方案是,通过计算中点处的三相功率偏差,经PI调节器输出零序电压调制波,经过3 s/2 r坐标变换,叠加至三相基波调制波,并采用SVPWM调制算法实现。仿真显示,方案能够实现中点电压的平衡控制,具有较好的动态响应。  相似文献   

传统的基于Lyapunov定律的有限集模型预测控制(FCSMPC)在参数不匹配时,会导致其控制方法的鲁棒性较差,严重时甚至会导致系统不稳定。针对上述问题,该文从理论上详细分析了传统的基于Lyapunov定律的有限集模型预测控制的参数鲁棒性问题,并通过引入Luenberger观测器来估算由参数不匹配引起的干扰,然后将干扰补偿到基于Lyapunov定律有限集模型预测控制中,提高了控制系统的鲁棒性和稳定性。此外,该文还考虑了有限集模型预测控制中的延迟补偿问题以及低开关频率问题。利用DSP-TMS320f28377软件在三电平并网逆变器实验平台上实现了所提出的控制方案,实验证实了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

文章针对下垂控制技术进行分析,将下垂控制技术应用于三电平逆变器并联系统,对并联逆变器系统中频率偏差(有功环流)、幅值偏差(无功环流)特性进行了研究。最后通过仿真验证基于下垂控制策略的逆变器并联系统的运行效果,结果表明,下垂控制技术能较好地协调微电网中逆变器并联运行时的功率分配及电压稳定。  相似文献   

与传统两电平逆变器相比较,三电平逆变器因输出状态增多,具有动作频率低,开关损耗小,谐波含量少等优点。文中采用NPC三电平逆变器拓扑结构,将60°坐标系下的SVPWM调制算法应用于光伏并网逆变器系统中,算法简洁,易于控制。Matlab/Simulink仿真和实验结果均表明理论分析的正确性以及光伏逆变系统的良好性能,可有效提高交流侧的功率因数,改善并网逆变器的电能质量。  相似文献   

有限集模型预测控制应用于大功率并网逆变器能在控制并网电流的同时降低开关频率,然而随着开关频率的降低,并网电流的谐波显著变大.针对这一问题,提出一种带有新型谐波抑制策略的改进型有限集模型预测控制方法,谐波抑制这一目标被添加到有限集模型预测控制的多目标优化过程中,谐波抑制策略是基于三角函数正交性对谐波幅值进行提取来实现的....  相似文献   

针对大功率逆变器易发生的因死区效应引起的并联系统谐波环流问题,提出一种结合谐波电导法的恒定参考电流控制策略,以含LCL型滤波器的逆变器为例,建立其输出阻抗模型,将逆变器死区效应带来的偏差电压影响视为一种同时包含基波和谐波分量的控制扰动量,分析多逆变器并联系统的环流产生机理并给出影响逆变器环流产生的两大因素,引入谐波电导为逆变器谐波电流提供一条回路,同时采用恒定参考电流控制策略来达到抑制谐波环流的目的。最后,在PSIM 9.0平台上搭建仿真模型并进行相关试验共同验证了所提控制策略的可行性。  相似文献   

随着分布式光伏的推广,配电网转变为多源荷共存网络,使得电网潮流与电压分布特征更为复杂,更易出现三相不平衡状况。为解决配电网三相不平衡状态下分布式光伏出力波动问题,提出了一种基于无功控制(reactive power control, RPC)的光伏逆变器三相不平衡抑制方法,实现配电网三相不平衡补偿与分布式光伏有功功率的输出稳定,由此保证光伏发电机组的连续运行,保障配电网可靠运行。在PSCAD/EMTDC平台搭建仿真模型,仿真结果表明,所提控制策略能有效地抑制三相不平衡,实现并网有功功率稳定。该策略的实施将保证光伏发电机组的连续运行,从而实现配电网和整个电网的安全可靠运行。  相似文献   

为实现电网电压不平衡时对T型三电平光伏并网系统输出功率和电流质量的控制,以达到入网功率平稳或电流正弦为控制目标,结合光伏阵列输出功率前馈,在两相静止坐标系下提出一种直流母线电压外环PI控制、并网电流内环有限集模型预测控制的控制策略,并在电压外环中引入2倍频陷波器以获得平滑的入网功率参考值。仿真结果表明:当电网电压不对称时,采用所提控制策略能够实现对入网有功、无功功率2倍频脉动及负序电流的分别抑制或协调控制,且并网电流谐波畸变小、入网电能质量高,同时实现T型三电平逆变器的中点电位平衡。  相似文献   

500 kW光伏发电系统并网逆变器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了500 kW光伏并网逆变器的系统结构和工作原理,采用了IGBT功率模块并联技术来提高系统容量,并对主回路参数的设计方法进行了研究。在此基础上研制了一台500 kW光伏并网逆变器的样机,进行了试验研究,试验结果证明该样机运行稳定,性能可靠,具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   

针对传统带正反馈的主动移频(Active Frequency Drift Positive Feedback,AFDPF)方法的不足,提出了改进型正反馈主动频率偏移孤岛检测方法,分析了改进型AFDPF孤岛检测方法的基本原理和孤岛检测盲区(Non-Detection Zone,NDZ)。通过Matlab/Simulink仿真软件建立了两台光伏并网逆变器并联的仿真模型,在单台逆变器和两台逆变器运行情况下分别对传统AFDPF和改进型AFDPF孤岛检测方法进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明,改进型AFDPF孤岛检测方法在单台和两台逆变器运行情况下均能够准确检测出孤岛,且满足IEEE std.929-2000标准。  相似文献   

逆变器是光伏发电系统的重要组成部分,逆变器结构的选择与设计至关重要。文章从传统逆变器局限性入手,在重点分析了Z源逆变器的拓扑结构和工作原理基础上,提出新型Z源逆变器的拓扑结构,并设计了一种基于新型Z源逆变器的光伏并网发电系统。系统采用高性能DSP作为主控制芯片,研究了一种加入直通零矢量的双闭环控制方案,采用扰动观测法与最小二乘法相结合的最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)控制方法,使整个系统更加完善、安全。  相似文献   

针对光伏并网系统中光伏微电源出力的波动性和间歇性,将蓄电池和超级电容器构成的混合储能系统HESS(hybrid energy storage system)应用到光伏并网系统中可以实现光伏功率平滑、能量平衡以及提高并网电能质量。在同时考虑蓄电池的功率上限和超级电容的荷电状态(SOC)的情况下,对混合储能系统提出了基于超级电容SOC的功率分配策略;该策略以超级电容的SOC和功率分配单元的输出功率作为参考值,对混合储能系统充放电过程进行设计。超级电容和蓄电池以Bi-direction DC/DC变换器与500 V直流母线连接,其中超级电容通过双闭环控制策略对直流母线电压进行控制。仿真结果表明,所提功率分配策略能对混合储能系统功率合理分配,而且实现了单位功率因数并网,稳定了直流母线电压。  相似文献   

An optimal sizing methodology based on an energy approach is described and applied to grid-connected photovoltaic systems taking into account the photovoltaic module technology and inclination, the inverter type and the location. A model describing the efficiency for m-Si, p-Si, a-Si and CIS is used. The method has been applied on various meteorological stations in Bulgaria and Corsica (France). The main parameter affecting the sizing is the inverter efficiency curve. The influence of the PV module technology seems less important except for amorphous photovoltaic modules for which special remarks have been made. The inclination on the PV system influences the performances particularly when the inverter is undersized compared to the PV peak power.  相似文献   

介绍了适用于中小型风力发电系统并网的单相逆变器主电路拓扑及其典型控制策略;针对传统PI控制器和新型PR控制器进行了详细的理论分析和比较。利用Matlab/Simulink搭建了风力发电系统单相并网逆变器仿真模型,分别对PI控制器和准PR控制器进行了仿真研究。仿真结果显示,新型准PR控制器具有更好的稳态特性、跟踪特性和更强的抗电网扰动能力。该控制策略对于中小型风力发电系统并网逆变器的实际应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

介绍了世界能源结构的现状及发展趋势,指出了能源消耗与环境、人类发展之间的矛盾.在概括目前人类缓解这一矛盾的主要措施时,提及了形成能源现状的某些因素.提出了解决上述矛盾的新方法-构建全球能量平衡体系,并建立了该平衡体系的模型,分析了其优缺点和可行性.简要介绍了目前生物质能的利用状况,给出了该平衡体系的关键环节-仿生型能量转换装置的概念,并进行了该装置与传统热机的优缺点对比.最后,简单分析了构建全球能量平衡体系需要解决的技术和其它关键问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical study about the performance of a Beta Stirling solar thermal engine system. This system is composed of a solar collector box connected to a regenerator hydraulic system and a transmitting power system. The objective of the system is to offer a new alternative to help solving stagnant water pollution in hot countries like Thailand by circulating water in canals, lakes, ponds etc. for aeration using solar energy.The purpose of this study is to determine the power output and actual heat transfer on the performance of the solar thermal engine. The solar thermal engine is analyzed using a mathematical model based on the first law of thermodynamics for processes with finite speed, with particular attention to the energy balance at the receiver. The result of calculations showed that the regenerator volume and phase angle must be chosen carefully to fulfill the requirement that total fluid mass in the system is constant and to obtain maximum power output throughout the day.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to illustrate the design of a new wave energy converter, composed of a point absorber and a hydraulic system (power take off) and sized for recovering energy in calm seas from waves near the shore. The point absorber is consisting of a rectangular shaped buoy integrating a piston pump. The set buoy‐pump oscillates under the waves action and moves natural water in a closed circuit hydraulic system (power take off) composed of a piping connecting the piston pump itself, a pressurized reservoir, a hydraulic turbine and a discharge tank. The methodology adopted for designing the main constituents involves a 1D mathematical model, settled for understanding the motion of the buoy under the hypothesis of regular waves and fully developed sea, and a sizing procedure applied for the design of all the components of the hydraulic system. The project related to the Calabrian site of Cetraro (Mediterranean Sea—south Italy) led to designing a system with a 4 m large buoy, associated with a small 13 cm diameter micro Pelton turbine, so that more than 22 000 kWh could be recovered in a year.  相似文献   

为了解决当前分布式新能源和可再生能源发电项目由于种类、规约以及规模差异导致难以集中监测和管理的问题,设计出一种分布式部署、功能可裁剪、应用可扩展、故障可自愈的需求侧新能源和可再生能源在线监测系统。系统按照国际通用的电网信息数据模型标准设计,在国内首次为不同类型的新能源和可再生能源发电项目制定统一的数据采集和传输标准,能够实现辖区内所有太阳能、风力、生物质能等新能源和可再生能源发电项目的数据统一采集和实时监测。该系统已经在北京市范围内开展应用,预计到2017年,北京市接入的新能源和可再生能源项目将达到1 500个。目前已经接入项目数量超过100个,并收到了良好的效果,系统的稳定性和可靠性也得到了验证。  相似文献   

The global sustainability is a key word of the future energy system for human beings. It should be friendly to our earth. Hydrogen energy is a critical resource to sustainable energy development. Over the coming decades, rapid economic growth will necessitate expanded and diversified energy supplies. This study is proposed to illustrate the attention to the opportunities and possibilities of connecting the energy consumer in North Mediterranean countries, to the reservoir of the Great Sahara of North Africa using hydrogen as a solar energy carrier. It also discusses cooperation between North Africa and north sides of the Mediterranean that has been going on for a long time, in oil and natural gas industry, and why cannot be done in solar hydrogen energy industry, which will reduce pollution and will last forever. Clearly, North Africa is a major bilateral partner with the Europe and the people of the two shares of the Mediterranean will be work together and to built strategic relationships for many decades. In the future, North Africa countries are well-positioned to play a greater role in the Europe clean energy equation. Demographically, interregional migration due to economic concerns will decline. Now, there are good chances to start such cooperation for the benefits of all partners.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses the results of measurements of solar radiation and wind speed obtained during the operation of a test-bed hybrid wind/solar generator with hydrogen support designed and constructed at the Industrial Engineering School at the University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain). An energy balance analysis is made of the different components of the system, calculating their conversion efficiencies, and proposing future improvements to increase the efficiency of the use of the surplus energy produced by the wind/solar generator. The continued collection of this data series will make it possible to perform energy and exergy analyses to allow extrapolation of the results to real stand-alone applications providing an uninterrupted power supply to receptors isolated from the grid.  相似文献   

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