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应用于建筑外立面的光伏幕墙,结合了建筑功能、外观、结构安全及周围环境等条件,既满足建筑外立面的美学外观效果,同时将光伏组件与建筑幕墙集成,并结合单元式幕墙的特点形成单元式光伏幕墙一体化的应用。  相似文献   

由于缺乏集成建筑设计与光伏设计于一体的光伏建筑一体化设计分析平台,光伏建筑的设计通常被分为建筑设计与光伏设计两个割裂过程。在建筑设计过程中,光伏仅仅被认为是图形元素,而在光伏设计过程中,常常忽略了建筑对于光伏系统阴影辐照影响。这样的模型割裂使得设计人员很难做到真正的光伏建筑一体化设计。提出构建基于建筑信息模型(BIM)的光伏建筑集成化设计与分析平台,通过在建筑设计软件中扩展光伏组件的BIM模型,融入电气特性,实现光伏建筑集成化设计;提供光伏系统的集成分析优化功能,直接利用光伏建筑BIM模型,实现了包括阴影辐射分析和光伏电气分析在内的多种分析功能。由于基于BIM模型,这些分析过程无需任何手动建模过程,实现了设计与分析的无缝融合。通过某具体变电站案例应用,实现光伏系统投入减少11.7%,电能损耗降低5%,证明本平台可以有效改进光伏建筑的设计。  相似文献   

龙文志 《建筑技术》2009,40(10):935-937
3.2设计重点 (1)建筑设计应与光伏系统设计同步进行。建筑设计根据选定的光伏系统类型,确定光伏组件形式、安装面积、尺寸大小、安装位置;了解连接管线走向;考虑辅助能源及辅助设施条件;明确光伏系统各部分的相对关系。然后,合理安排光伏系统各组成部分在建筑中的位置,并满足所在部位防水、排水等技术要求。建筑设计应为光伏系统各部分的安全检修、光伏构件表面清洗等提供便利条件。  相似文献   

徐燊  黄靖 《新建筑》2010,(2):103-106
对意大利和荷兰的两个应用太阳能光伏技术的建筑改造工程实例进行了分析,讨论了建筑改造中应用光伏技术的方法和步骤。光伏建筑技术是一种趋势,虽然目前广泛普及尚有难度,但在当下的建筑设计中应考虑留有弹性,便于将光伏组件引入未来的建筑改造中。  相似文献   

目前高铁建筑表皮与光伏一体化设计在形态上过于单一,限制了高铁建筑形式表达和更大生态节能效益的实现。基于对高铁建筑形态特征的分析,和对当前光伏组件性能的总结,探讨了在高铁建筑屋面、立面和构件系统中,创新光伏组件类型选择和集成模式的可行性。发现:①通过优化光伏组件类型的选择,可以将光伏组件转变成高铁建筑形式表达的积极要素;②随着光伏组件性能的提升,相关集成设计可以突破当前集中于屋面系统的现状,拓展到高铁立面、构件系统中。研究为进一步丰富高铁建筑表皮形式,扩大建筑光伏一体化应用规模提供了依据。  相似文献   

本文首先分析光伏建筑一体化中光伏组件清洁的重要性,分析国家现有光伏建筑一体化标准对太阳能光伏组件清洁和维护的具体要求,结合某实际项目的测试结果,对比分析该项目光伏组件清洗前后对系统转换效率、经济指标和环境指标的影响。  相似文献   

以阳宗海生态温室方案设计为例,对前期调研、建筑概念设计和光伏组件设计的整个过程进行了介绍,以求探索形象化的设计方法.通过案例分析总结,给出一些方案阶段的光伏建筑设计方法建议,即多专业协作、技术与艺术的平衡、设计的地域性与普遍性、方案设计步骤建议.  相似文献   

对光伏建筑一体化的组件和工程应用进行了介绍。光伏建筑一体化作为太阳能应用的新形式有很多优势。光伏建筑组件主要分为晶体硅电池和薄膜电池两种类型,与建筑的结合形式主要有光伏幕墙、光伏屋顶和光伏遮阳板。  相似文献   

分析了光伏建筑一体化系统的特点,通过应用案例介绍了光伏与建筑相结合的两种主要形式,即光伏系统与建筑的结合和光伏构件与建筑的结合,着重探讨了光伏建筑一体化对光伏系统和光伏组件的要求,阐述了柔性三结非晶硅薄膜电池组件应用于光伏建筑一体化系统中的优势。  相似文献   

以光伏建筑表皮为研究对象,以2010年太阳能十项全能竞赛(SDE2010)为研究背景,分析光伏建筑表皮一体化的技术要素、美学要素及设计要点。重点通过对天津大学参赛作品设计策略和数据的分析,阐述光伏建筑表皮的设计要点。  相似文献   

黄莹  彭昌海 《建筑技术》2013,(12):1069-1073
通过案例对光伏建筑一体化的形式进行分析比较,认为光伏建筑一体化的形式应均衡功能、经济、技术和美观等各方面的因素,而并非结合的程度越高越好。根据光伏产品的市场发展,判断光伏构件的设计重点应放在光伏电池组件的维修和更换上,而不是注重延长光伏电池组件的寿命。为解决现有PV构件的弊端,设计了一种便于维修和更换的建筑光伏构件。  相似文献   

The integration of photovoltaic (PV) modules on building façades and rooftops is an ideal application of solar electricity generators in the urban environment. Maximum annual performance of grid-connected PV is usually obtained with modules tilted at an angle equal to the site latitude, facing the equator. The performance of PV systems not tilted and oriented ideally can drop considerably, depending on site latitude. With grid parity – when the cost of solar electricity becomes competitive with conventional electricity – expected in many countries in the present decade, a more widespread application of PV on buildings is expected, and in this context the main goal of this paper is to demonstrate that good compromises between form and function are possible. In this work we compare the annual energy generation of a curved BIPV system installed as a car port rooftop, with an ideally-oriented and tilted, flat BIPV system installed as a building’s rooftop cover at a low-latitude site (27°S). For the one-year period analysed, the curved-shape BIPV system annual yield was 12% lower than that of the reference BIPV system, and during the summer months (November to February), the curved BIPV installation presented a higher energy yield than the latitude-tilted generator. With these results we show that a good compromise can be reached between form and function in BIPV systems.  相似文献   

介绍了光伏建筑一体化体系的发展历程,详细叙述了柔性非晶硅薄膜光伏组件的特点和优势,并简单介绍了该类产品的应用情况。  相似文献   

Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) has gained large popularity in recent years. However, its effective design remains challenging. Different but often related design concerns regarding BIPV are normally treated, in the current practice, in multiple but separated design phases with different models and tools. The complexities in maintaining the consistency between those models employed in separated phases make seamless PV and building integration, one of the major concerns of BIPV design, far from satisfying. To this end, this paper proposes a uniform BIPV design platform: e-BIM, which is a BIM (Building Information Modelling) - centric BIPV design and analysis software platform, to address the related design concerns via one uniform data model. The concept of domain-specific models is introduced to allow the external PV-related models to be integrated into the uniform model. To simplify model synchronization problem, the domain-specific views corresponding to specific domains are provided to designers and meanwhile a synchronization engine is developed to automate data consistency among views and the uniform model. The current prototype is developed based on Autodesk® Revit and tested in a practical BIPV application. The results show that this platform achieves seamless BIPV design for architects, PV system designers and electricity professionals. Moreover, compared to the initial BIPV design, the photovoltaic system cost is reduced by 11.7% and the transmission losses by 2.95%.  相似文献   

以深圳地区某光伏建筑一体化示范项目为例,详细介绍其光伏建筑一体化的设计形式,分析光伏发电系统作为建筑构件一部分在兼顾发电同时所起到的建筑功能作用;通过深入研究运行期间该光伏发电系统的各项监测数据,分析采用不同类型光伏组件、安装在不同位置的情况下各光伏发电子系统的太阳辐射与发电量关系,以及单位峰瓦发电量、发电效率等数据指标,对比各光伏发电子系统的运行效果,给出光伏建筑一体化的设计建议,为后续类似项目提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

The shading-type building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) claddings can act as power generators as well as external shading devices of a building, which reduce the energy consumption of the building. However, there is little information about energy impacts of different tilt angles of the shading-type BIPV claddings. By considering the typical meteorological conditions of Hong Kong, the energy performance of the shading-type BIPV claddings, in terms of the electricity generation and the cooling load reduction, is analyzed in this paper. The optimum tilt angle of PV modules for maximum electricity generation is found to be 20° instead of local latitude. Combining electricity generation and cooling load reduction, it can be concluded that the optimum tilt angles for the first type of the shading-type BIPV claddings vary from 30° to 50°, while the optimum tilt angle for the second type is 0°.  相似文献   

陈江恩  孙杰  冯博  麦耀华 《建筑节能》2014,(4):35-38,67
作为分布式光伏发电的重要应用方式,光伏建筑一体化(BIPV)受到越来越多的重视,但是实现光伏组件和建筑的美观、可靠和低成本的结合仍是一个具有挑战性的难题。在一个获得财政部和住建部“光伏建筑一体化”资金资助的项目中实验了不同的BIPV组件安装方式,包括隐框光伏幕墙、彩钢瓦屋顶夹具安装、彩钢瓦屋顶黏接安装方式,其中采用粘贴的方式在彩钢瓦屋顶安装双玻组件为我们独创的施工方法,具有快捷、质轻、低成本和高可靠性等特点,而且不需要在彩钢瓦上打孔,避免漏水隐患。发电量结果表明,在干燥、多粉尘的季节,在立面安装的光伏组件的单位装机容量的发电量也可能大大高于安装于斜面屋顶的组件,说明光伏玻璃幕墙有着很大的发展前途。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2002,37(6):615-623
A building-integrated photovoltaic system (BIPV) has been operated over 1 year in the Samsung Institute of Engineering & Construction Technology (SIECT) in Korea. The PV cells are mounted on the south facade and on the roof of the SIECT in the Giheung area. Special care was taken in the building design to have the PV modules shade the building in the summer, so as to reduce cooling loads, while at the same time allowing solar energy to enter the building during the heating season, and providing daylight. This paper gives a 1 year analysis of the system performance, evaluation of the system efficiency and the power output, taking into account the weather conditions. As a part of certain design compromises, that took into account, aesthetic, safety, and cost considerations, non-optimal tilt angles and occasional shading of the PV modules made the efficiency of PV system lower than the peak rating of the cells. The yearly average efficiency of the sunshade solar panel is 9.2% (average over 28.6°C surface temperature), with a minimum of 3.6% (average over 27.9°C surface temperature) in June and a maximum of 20.2% (average over 19.5°C surface temperature) in December.  相似文献   

肖冬开  何清  詹龙鹏 《建筑电气》2012,31(10):21-32
分析深圳市的太阳能资源状况.介绍深圳火车北站太阳能光伏发电系统采用的光伏建筑一体化(BIPV)形式,光伏组件的选择,与建筑屋面配套的安装方式与安全性考虑,光伏电气系统的安装、控制、保护、防雷与并网方式.分析阴影遮挡对光伏器件的影响,竣工以来的发电量情况。  相似文献   

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