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The functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) technique can be robustly used to map functional activation of the visual pathway including the primary visual cortex (V1), the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), and other nuclei of humans during visual perception stimulation. One of the major controversies in visual neuroscience is whether lower-order visual areas involve the visual imagery process. This issue was examined using fMRI at high magnetic field. It was demonstrated for the first time that the LGN was activated during visual imagery process in the human brain together with V1 and other activation. There was a tight coupling of the activation between V1 and the LGN during visual imagery.  相似文献   

We have examined several components of the human visual system to determine how the dimensions of the optic tract, lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), and primary visual cortex (V1) vary within the same brain. Measurements were made of the cross-sectional area of the optic tract, the volumes of the magnocellular and parvocellular layers of the LGN, and the surface area and volume of V1 in one or both cerebral hemispheres of 15 neurologically normal human brains obtained at autopsy. Consistent with previous observations, there was a two- to threefold variation in the size of each of these visual components among the individuals studied. Importantly, this variation was coordinated within the visual system of any one individual. That is, a relatively large V1 was associated with a commensurately large LGN and optic tract, whereas a relatively small V1 was associated with a commensurately smaller LGN and optic tract. This relationship among the components of the human visual system indicates that the development of its different parts is interdependent. Such coordinated variation should generate substantial differences in visual ability among humans.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the cortical input to the mammalian dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) have identified a number of possible functions for the corticogeniculate pathway, including alteration of LGN spatial frequency selectivity and facilitation of both binocular interactions and orientation selectivity. These changes may be due to either a tonic or a phasic cortical facilitation or both. The temporal differences between each of these inputs suggests that their impact on LGN cell temporal tuning should be unique. To test this hypothesis, we reversibly blocked the visual cortex (VI) and measured the effects on several indices of the temporal properties of LGN cells, including peak frequency, bandwidth, and response phase. Macaque monkeys were anesthetized and paralyzed during single cell recording from the LGN while area VI was cryogenically deactivated. Single-cell responses were visually evoked with drifting, luminance-modulated, sine-wave gratings and discrete-Fourier analyzed. Cortical cooling produced statistically significant increases or decreases in response amplitude in 64% of cells recorded. In most cases, alterations in response amplitude occurred for stimuli that varied in spatial as well as temporal frequency. For those cells influenced by changes in stimulus temporal frequency, the majority showed changes over a broad range of frequencies. A minority of cells showed changes in either peak temporal tuning or temporal frequency bandwidth. Response phase angles for all temporal frequencies tested were unaffected by cortical cooling. Overall, these results suggest that the cortical input may alter the temporal response properties of LGN cells, perhaps by tonic, but not exclusively excitatory, corticofugal influences.  相似文献   

Antibodies directed against the calcium-binding proteins, parvalbumin and calbindin, can be used to label distinct neuronal subgroups in the primate visual pathway. We analyzed parvalbumin immunoreactivity (P-IR) and calbindin immunoreactivity (C-IR) in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and visual cortex of the marmoset, Callithrix jacchus. We compared marmosets which were identified as having dichromatic or trichromatic color vision. Within the LGN, the density of P-IR neurones is highest in the parvocellular and magnocellular laminae, but C-IR neurones are found mainly in the koniocellular division of the LGN, that is, the interlaminar zones and S laminae. Not all interlaminar zone cells are C-IR. In the visual cortex, P-IR neurones are present in all laminae except lamina 1, in areas V1 and V2. Neurones which are strongly C-IR are mainly located in laminae 2 and 3 in V1 and V2. Lightly C-IR neurones are concentrated in lamina 4, and are more numerous in V1 than in V2. Quantitative analysis showed no differences in the density or distribution of IR neurones in either LGN or visual cortex when dichromat and trichromat animals were compared. We conclude that this functional difference is not associated with differences in the neurochemistry of calcium-binding proteins in the primary visual pathways.  相似文献   

Synchronization of spatially distributed responses in the cortex is often associated with periodic activity. Recently, synchronous oscillatory patterning was described for visual responses in retinal ganglion cells that is reliably transmitted by the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), raising the question of whether oscillatory inputs contribute to synchronous oscillatory responses in the cortex. We have made simultaneous multi-unit recordings from visual areas 17 and 18 as well as the LGN and the retina to examine the interactions between subcortical and cortical synchronization mechanisms. Strong correlations of oscillatory responses were observed between retina, LGN, and cortex, indicating that cortical neurons can become synchronized by oscillatory activity relayed through the LGN. This feedforward synchronization occurred with oscillation frequencies in the range of 60-120 Hz and was most pronounced for responses to stationary flashed stimuli and more frequent for cells in area 18 than in area 17. In response to moving stimuli, by contrast, subcortical and cortical oscillations dissociated, proving the existence of independent subcortical and cortical mechanisms. Subcortical oscillations maintained their high frequencies but became transient. Cortical oscillations were now dominated by a cortical synchronizing mechanism operating in the 30-60 Hz frequency range. When the cortical mechanism dominated, LGN responses could become phase-locked to the cortical oscillations via corticothalamic feedback. In summary, synchronization of cortical responses can result from two independent but interacting mechanisms. First, a transient feedforward synchronization to high-frequency retinal oscillations, and second, an intracortical mechanism, which operates in a lower frequency range and induces more sustained synchronization.  相似文献   

We have studied the spatiotemporal receptive-field organization of 144 neurons recorded from the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) of adult cats and kittens at 4 and 8 wk postnatal. Receptive-field profiles were obtained with the use of a reverse correlation technique, in which we compute the cross-correlation between the action potential train of a neuron and a randomized sequence of long bright and dark bar stimuli that are flashed throughout the receptive field. Spatiotemporal receptive-field profiles of LGN neurons generally exhibit a biphasic temporal response, as well as the classical center-surround spatial organization. For nonlagged cells, the first temporal phase of the response dominates, whereas for lagged neurons, the second temporal phase of the response is typically the largest. This temporal phase difference between lagged and nonlagged cells accounts for their divergent behavior in response to flashed stimuli. Most LGN cells exhibit some degree of space-time inseparability, which means that the receptive field cannot simply be viewed as the product of a spatial waveform and a temporal waveform. In these cases, the response of the surround is typically delayed relative to that of the center, and there is some blending of center and surround during the time course of the response. We demonstrate that a simple extension of the traditional difference-of-Gaussians (DOG) model, in which the surround response is delayed relative to that of the center, accounts nicely for these findings. With regard to development, our analysis shows that spatial and temporal aspects of receptive field structure mature with markedly different time courses. After 4 wk postnatal, there is little change in the spatial organization of LGN receptive fields, with the exception of a weak, but significant, trend for the surround to become smaller and stronger with age. In contrast, there are substantial changes in temporal receptive-field structure after 4 wk postnatal. From 4 to 8 wk postnatal, the shape of the temporal response profile changes, becoming more biphasic, but the latency and duration of the response remain unchanged. From 8 wk postnatal to adulthood, the shape of the temporal profile remains approximately constant, but there is a dramatic decline in both the latency and duration of the response. Comparison of our results with recent data from cortical (area 17) simple cells reveals that the temporal development of LGN cells accounts for a substantial portion of the temporal maturation of simple cells.  相似文献   

Psoriasis and its related arthritis are chronic inflammatory disorders affecting predominantly the skin and synovium. Although their etiology remains to be established, multiple factors seem to play important roles in their pathogenesis. These environmental (eg, infectious agents and trauma), genetic, and immunologic factors are reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

It has been shown that enhancing or reducing dopaminergic activity in the retina modifies the balance between center and surround responses of retinal neurons such as ganglion cells. We investigated how these changes are reflected in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) by studying the effects of injections of apomorphine, a mixed D1 and D2 agonist of dopamine, on the visual responses of geniculate cells. Experiments were carried out on anesthetized adult pigmented rabbits. A varnished tungsten microelectrode was used to record single-unit activity in the dLGN. The flash electroretinogram was also recorded to monitor retinal changes and to confirm the success of the injections. Apomorphine was injected intravitreally or intravenously. The results can be summarized as follows. Apomorphine decreased the amplitude of the b-wave of the electroretinogram. For most dLGN cells, apomorphine produced a strong reduction in response amplitude evoked by sine-wave grating stimuli, presented at various spatial frequencies. Responses to flashing spots were also reduced but to a much lesser extent than those to gratings. In addition, the balance between the responses to small and large spots changed in favor of large stimuli. Consequently, after injection of apomorphine, the geniculate cells were preferentially activated by large-sized flashing stimuli. These data suggest that apomorphine can reduce the spatial contrast sensitivity of cells in the dLGN. This effect could be mediated by the reduction of the strength of lateral inhibition at the retinal level.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess the effects of monocular lid closure during critical period on cortical activity. METHOD: Pattern visual evoked potentials (PVEP) of the normal and the monocular deprivation (MD) cats were dynamically measured and the number of gammaaminobutyric acid immunopositive (GABA-IP) neurones of the area 17 of the visual cortex and the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) was quantitatively compared by using immunohistochemical method (ABC). RESULTS: The amplitude of the N1-P1 attenuated in deprived eyes (DE), NE/DE at postnatal week (PNW) 7-8 (P < 0.05), NE/DE at PNW 15-16 (P < 0.01); while P1 latency delayed, NE/DE at PNW 7-8 (P > 0.05), NE/DE at PNW 15-16 (P< 0.05). The numbers of GABA-IP neurones in layer A1 of the ipsilateral LGN and in layer A of the contralateral LGN, compared to those in the corresponding normal laminae, were not significant at PNW 7-8 and PNW 11-12 (P > 0.05), while in the same cats a reduction in the number of GABA-IP neurones was found in layer IV of area 17 at PNW 11-12 (P < 0.05). However, with longer survival of 3-4 weeks in duration, the numbers of GABA-IP neurones in the deprived laminae of LGN were remarkably reduced (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The amplitude of N1-P1 components is sensitive to the effects of monocular deprivation. Monocular deprivation in cats during critical period leads to dramatic changes of the number of GABA-IP neurones in the LGN and cortical layer IV receiving inputs from the deprived eye in cats. The deprivation-induced reduction in GABA-IP neurones is delayed in the LGN compared with the visual cortex. PVEP of the MD cats is consistent with the damage of its GABA system in visual cortex.  相似文献   

Neuronal response properties vary markedly at increasing levels of the cortical hierarchy. At present it is unclear how these variations are reflected in the organization of the intrinsic cortical circuitry. Here we analyze patterns of intrinsic horizontal connections at different hierarchical levels in the visual cortex of the macaque monkey. The connections were studied in tangential sections of flattened cortices, which were injected with the anterograde tracer biocytin. We directly compared the organization of connections in four cortical areas representing four different levels in the cortical hierarchy. The areas were visual areas 1, 2, 4 and Brodman's area 7a (V1, V2, V4 and 7a, respectively). In all areas studied, injections labeled numerous horizontally coursing axons that formed dense halos around the injection sites. Further away, the fibers tended to form separate clusters. Many fibers could be traced along the way from the injection sites to the target clusters. At progressively higher order areas, there was a striking increase in the spread of intrinsic connections: from a measured distance of 2.1 mm in area V1 to 9.0 mm in area 7a. Average interpatch distance also increased from 0.61 mm in area V1 to 1.56 mm in area 7a. In contrast, patch size changed far less at higher order areas, from an average width of 230 micron(s) in area V1 to 310 micron(s) in area 7a. Analysis of synaptic bouton distribution along axons revealed that average interbouton distance remained constant at 6.4 micron(s) (median) in and out of the clusters and in the different cortical areas. Larger injections resulted in a marked increase in the number of labeled patches but only a minor increase in the spread of connections or in patch size. Thus, in line with the more global computational roles proposed for the higher order visual areas, the spread of intrinsic connections is increased with the hierarchy level. On the other hand, the clustered organization of the connections is preserved at higher order areas. These clusters may reflect the existence of cortical modules having blob-like dimensions throughout macaque monkey visual cortex.  相似文献   

The ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (vLGN) and the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) are retinorecipient subcortical nuclei. This paper attempts a comprehensive summary of research on these thalamic areas, drawing on anatomical, electrophysiological, and behavioral studies. From the current perspective, the vLGN and IGL appear closely linked, in that they share many neurochemicals, projections, and physiological properties. Neurochemicals commonly reported in the vLGN and IGL are neuropeptide Y, GABA, enkephalin, and nitric oxide synthase (localized in cells) and serotonin, acetylcholine, histamine, dopamine and noradrenalin (localized in fibers). Afferent and efferent connections are also similar, with both areas commonly receiving input from the retina, locus coreuleus, and raphe, having reciprocal connections with superior colliculus, pretectum and hypothalamus, and also showing connections to zona incerta, accessory optic system, pons, the contralateral vLGN/IGL, and other thalamic nuclei. Physiological studies indicate species differences, with spectral-sensitive responses common in some species, and varying populations of motion-sensitive units or units linked to optokinetic stimulation. A high percentage of IGL neurons show light intensity-coding responses. Behavioral studies suggest that the vLGN and IGL play a major role in mediating non-photic phase shifts of circadian rhythms, largely via neuropeptide Y, but may also play a role in photic phase shifts and in photoperiodic responses. The vLGN and IGL may participate in two major functional systems, those controlling visuomotor responses and those controlling circadian rhythms. Future research should be directed toward further integration of these diverse findings.  相似文献   

The synaptic organization of the pars lateralis portion of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus is similar to that of other thalamic nuclei. There are four types of synaptic knobs (RL, RS, F1, F2). RL knobs are large and irregularly shaped, contain round synaptic vesicles and make multiple asymmetrical junctions. They are found primarily in "synaptic islands" making contact with gemmules, spines, small dendrites, and other synaptic profiles containing pleiomorphic synaptic vesicles (F2). Smaller RS knobs contain round vesicles and make asymmetrical junctions with the same type of elements as RL knobs, with the exception of the F2 profiles, but are seldom found in synaptic islands. F1 knobs contain flattened synaptic vesicles and form symmetrical junctions with F2 knobs, gemmules, spines, and small-medium dendrites in synaptic islands, throughout the neuropil, and on the proximal dendrites and soma of the largest type of neuron. F2 knobs are irregularly shaped, contain pleiomorphic synaptic vesicles and make symmetrical junctions primarily with gemmules and spines in synaptic islands. They are postsynaptic to RL and F1 knobs. Occipital decortication indicates that cortical terminals are of the RS type. Bilateral enucleation indicates that retinal terminals are of both the FL and RS type. The large amount of geographic overlap of retinal and cortical terminals on gemmules, spines, and small dendrites found in the neuropil outside of synaptic islands logically would maximize axonal sprouting between these two sources.  相似文献   

The lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in humans and Old-World monkeys is dominated by the representation of the fovea in the parvocellular (PC) layers, and most PC cells in the foveal representation have red-green cone opponent receptive field properties. It is not known whether these features are both unique to trichromatic primates. Here we measured receptive field properties and the visuotopic organization of cells in the LGN of a New-World monkey, the marmoset Callithrix jacchus. The marmoset displays a polymorphism of cone opsins in the medium-long wavelength (ML) range, which allows the LGN of dichromatic ("red-green color blind") and trichromatic individuals to be compared. Furthermore, the koniocellular-interlaminar layers are segregated from the main PC layers in marmoset, allowing the functional role of this subdivision of the LGN to be assessed. We show that the representation of the visual field in the LGN is quantitatively similar in dichromatic and trichromatic marmosets and is similar to that reported for macaque; the vast majority of LGN volume is devoted to the central visual field. ON- and OFF-type responses are partially segregated in the PC layers so that responses are more commonly encountered near the external border of each layer. The red-green (ML) opponent cells in trichromatic animals were all located in the PC layers, and their receptive fields were within 16 degrees of the fovea. The koniocellular zone between the PC and magnocellular layers contained cells that receive excitatory input from short wavelength sensitive cones ("blue- cells") as well as other nonopponent cells. These results suggest that the basic organization of the LGN is common to dichromatic and trichromatic primates and provide further evidence that ML and SWS opponent signals are carried in distinct subdivisions of the retinogeniculocortical pathway.  相似文献   

The present study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate that performance of visual spatial and visual nonspatial working memory tasks involve the same regions of the lateral prefrontal cortex when all factors unrelated to the type of stimulus material are appropriately controlled. These results provide evidence that spatial and nonspatial working memory may not be mediated, respectively, by mid-dorsolateral and mid-ventrolateral regions of the frontal lobe, as widely assumed, and support the alternative notion that specific regions of the lateral prefrontal cortex make identical executive functional contributions to both spatial and nonspatial working memory.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to identify the terminal distributions of thalamocortical axons arising in chemically characterized subdivisions of the medial geniculate complex. Large injections of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase or small injections of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin were made in the medial geniculate complex of Macaca fuscata. The terminal distributions of labeled axons in the cortex were correlated with auditory cortical fields demonstrable by different intensities of immunoreactivity for parvalbumin. Fibers from the ventral nucleus terminated mainly in layer IV and deep portion of layer III (IIIB), with additional terminations in layers I-IIIA and in layer VI. In layers IIIB-IV, a major terminal plexus was formed by a small number of dense patches, 300-500 microns in diameter, surrounded by smaller satellite patches. The patches conformed to a similarly lobulated pattern of parvalbumin fiber immunoreactivity. Terminations of some individually labeled thalamocortical fibers were restricted to a single patch, whereas others innervated more than one patch by collateral branches. Fibers from the dorsal nuclei ending in areas of less dense parvalbumin immunoreactivity surrounding the primary auditory cortex formed much larger terminal patches centered largely in layer IIIB. Fibers from the magnocellular nucleus had relatively few terminal branches but innervated extremely wide areas by collaterals of single axons. Two types of axons arose from the magnocellular nucleus, one terminating preferentially in middle cortical layers and the other exclusively in layer I. These may arise respectively from parvalbumin- and calbindin-immunoreactive cell populations in the magnocellular nucleus.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of retrograde neurodegeneration following axotomy and target deprivation in the adult central nervous system remain poorly understood. We used a unilateral occipital cortex ablation model in adult rats to test the hypothesis that retrograde neurodegeneration in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus resembles apoptosis. Using the retrograde tracer Fluorogold, combined with nuclear dyes or the terminal transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate-biotin nick end labeling method for detecting nuclear DNA fragmentation, apoptotic geniculocortical projection neurons were identified at approximately. six to seven days postlesion. Degeneration of dorsal lateral geniculate neurons was characterized by aberrant accumulation of perikaryal non-phosphorylated neurofilaments and, ultrastructurally, by early vacuolation and subsequent swelling of dendrites. Ultrastructural alterations in the perikaryon of dying dorsal lateral geniculate neurons included the classic chromatolytic response, with redistribution of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and dispersion of free ribosomes followed by fragmentation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, as well as dilatation and vesiculation of the Golgi, and accumulation of intact mitochondria. Subcellular alterations evolved into classic apoptotic changes, including progressive cytoplasmic and nuclear condensation with chromatin compaction into uniformly large round clumps, while the morphological integrity of mitochondria was preserved until late in the progression of neuronal death. Cytoplasmic and then nuclear fragments budded into the surrounding neuropil and were engulfed by oligodendrocytes. We conclude that the retrograde neurodegeneration of geniculocortical neurons in adult brain results in neuronal death which has a phenotype that closely resembles apoptosis. The morphological changes that occur during this process progress from chromatolysis through consecutive stages associated with apoptosis.  相似文献   

We studied the development of spatial contrast-sensitivity and temporal-frequency selectivity for neurons in the monkey lateral geniculate nucleus. During postnatal week 1, the spatial properties of P-cells and M-cells are hardly distinguishable, with low contrast-sensitivity, sluggish responses, and poor spatial resolution. The acuity of P-cells improves progressively until at least 8 months, but there is no obvious increase in their maximum contrast-sensitivity with age. The contrast sensitivity of M-cells is already clearly higher than that of P-cells by 2 months, and at 8 months of age this characteristic difference between M- and P-cells approaches the adult pattern. There is a major increase in responsiveness during the first 2 postnatal months, especially for M-cells, the peak firing rate of which rises fivefold, on average, between birth and 2 months. Many P-cells in the neonatal and 2-month-old animals did not give statistically reliable responses to achromatic gratings, even at the highest contrasts: this unresponsiveness of P-cells might result from low gain and/or chromatic opponency. The upper limit of temporal resolution in the neonate is low--about one-third of that in the adult. Among M-cells, the improvement in temporal resolution, like that in contrast sensitivity, is rapid over the first 2 months, followed by a slower change approaching the adult value by 8 months of age. The development of contrast sensitivity, responsiveness and temporal tuning are little affected, if at all, by binocular deprivation of pattern vision from birth for even a prolonged period.  相似文献   

The interaction between homologous DNA molecules in recombination and DNA repair leads to the formation of crossover intermediates known as Holliday junctions. Their enzymatic processing by the RuvABC system in bacteria involves the formation of a complex between RuvA and the Holliday junction. To study the solution structure of this complex, contrast variation by neutron scattering was applied to Mycobacterium leprae RuvA (MleRuvA), a synthetic analogue of a Holliday junction with 16 base-pairs in each arm, and their stable complex. Unbound MleRuvA was octameric in solution, and formed an octameric complex with the DNA junction. The radii of gyration at infinite contrast were determined to be 3.65 nm, 2.74 nm and 4.15 nm for MleRuvA, DNA junction and their complex, respectively, showing that the complex was structurally more extended than MleRuvA. No difference was observed in the presence or absence of Mg2+. The large difference in RG values for the free and complexed protein in 65% 2H2O, where the DNA component is "invisible", showed that a substantial structural change had occurred in complexed MleRuvA. The slopes of the Stuhrmann plots for MleRuvA and the complex were 19 and 15 or less (x10(-5)), respectively, indicating that DNA passed through the centre of the complex. Automated constrained molecular modelling based on the Escherichia coli RuvA crystal structure demonstrated that the scattering curve of octameric MleRuvA in 65% and 100% 2H2O is explained by a face-to-face association of two MleRuvA tetramers stabilised by salt-bridges. The corresponding modelling of the complex in 65% 2H2O showed that the two tetramers are separated by a void space of about 1-2 nm, which can accommodate the width of B-form DNA. Minor conformational changes between unbound and complexed MleRuvA may occur. These observations show that RuvA plays a more complex role in homologous recombination than previously thought.  相似文献   

1. Visual receptive-field characteristics were determined for 154 cells in the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (VLG) of cats anesthetized with nitrous oxide. All cells were verified histologically to be within the VLG. Responses of 182 cells from laminae A and A1 of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (DLG) were tested for comparison. 2. The VLG cells could be grouped into one of seven classes according to their responses to light stimulation. Twenty-seven percent of the cells had uniform receptive fields. They responded maximally to stationary stimuli flashed on or off anywhere within the receptive field and showed no evidence for antagonistic surround mechanisms. About 19.5% of the VLG cells had concentric receptive fields. They were similar to the uniform type, with the addition of a concentric inhibitory surround. Eight percent of the VLG cells had ambient receptive fields. These cells were characterized by an unusually regular maintained discharge which varied in rate in relation to the level of receptive-field illumination or of full-field ambient illumination. About 4% of the VLG cells were movement sensitive. They gave little or no response to stationary stimuli flashed on or off in the receptive field, and responded best to a contour moving across the receptive field in any direction. An additional 2.5% of the VLG cells were direction sensitive. Their response was dependent on the direction of stimulus movement through the receptive field. Sixteen percent of the VLG cells had indefinite receptive fields. They responded to whole-eye illumination or to localized visual-field stimulation; however, specific receptive-field properties could not be adequately defined. Approximately 23% of the VLG cells studied gave no convincing response to visual stimulation. 3. Responses of DLG cells agreed with those reported in previous studies. Almost all (97%) had concentric receptive fields, and a few (3%) had uniform receptive fields with no apparent antagonistic surround. None of the DLG cells had receptive fields like those in the other classes found for VLG cells. 4. The VLG cells tended to have large receptive fields; mean diameter was 10.6 degrees of visual arc. This was substantially larger than the diameter of receptive fields for DLG cells. In addition, VLG cells generally required larger stimuli than DLG cells to respond. There was no consistent relationship between receptive-field size and visual-field eccentricity for VLG cells, in contrast to the DLG. Most (57%) VLG cells were driven only by the contralateral eye, 30% were binocularly driven, and 13% were driven only by the ipsilateral eye. 5. A systematic visuotopic organization was present in the VLG. The lower visual field was represented anteriorly in the nucleus and the upper visual field posteriorly. The vertical meridian was represented along the dorsomedial border of the VLG where it abuts the DLG, and the temporal periphery was represented ventrolaterally. 6. Responses to electrical stimulation of the optic chiasm were studied for 55 VLG cells...  相似文献   

Activity-dependent extracellular pH shifts were studied in slices of the rat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) using double-barreled pH-sensitive microelectrodes. In 26 mM HCO3--buffered media, afferent activation (10 Hz, 5 s) elicited an early alkaline shift of 0.04+/-0.02 pH units associated with a later, slow acid shift of 0.05+/-0.03 pH units. Extracellular pH shifts in the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus were rare, and limited to acidifications of approximately 0.02 pH units. The alkaline shift in the dLGN increased in the presence of benzolamide (1-2 microM), an extracellular carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. The mean alkaline shift in benzolamide was 0.10+/-0.05 pH units. In 26 mM HEPES-buffered saline, the alkaline response averaged 0.09+/-0.03 pH units. The alkaline shifts persisted in 100 microM picrotoxin (PiTX) but were blocked by 25 microM CNQX/50 microM APV. If stimulation intensity was raised in the presence of CNQX/APV, a second alkalinization arose, presumably due to direct activation of dLGN neurons. The direct responses were amplified by benzolamide, and blocked by either 0 Ca2+/EGTA, Cd2+ or TTX. In 0 Ca2+, addition of 500 microM-5 mM Ba2+ restored the alkalosis. Alkaline shifts evoked with extracellular Ba2+ were larger and faster than those elicited by equimolar Ca2+. In summary, synchronous activation in the dLGN results in an extracellular H+ sink, via a Ca2+-dependent mechanism, similar to activity-dependent alkaline shifts in hippocampus.  相似文献   

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