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To investigate the effect of variation in acceleration on the critical heat flux (CHF) in subcooled flow boiling, a photographic study was made. The test section was an internally heated vertical annulus with a glass shroud, in which Freon-113 flowed upwardly. The observation was made at a pressure of 3 bar, a mass flux of 920 kg/m2s, an inlet subcooling 45 K and a slightly lower heat flux level than steady CHF. The vertical acceleration was oscillated with amplitude of 0.3ge and a period of 6 s.At low apparent gravitational acceleration, bubbles generated on the heated surface moved longer along the surface without detachment and coalesced with other bubbles to form large vapor slugs. This causes early CHF, the mechanism of which is dry-out of the liquid film existing between the heated surface and vapor slugs.  相似文献   

Critical heat flux (CHF) with forced convection generally decreases under an oscillating acceleration condition. Contribution of flow oscillation on the decrease in CHF was investigated experimentally and theoretically. The experiments were performed with a Freon-113 boiling loop. The results showed that, in the high exit quality region deteriotation of CHF could almost wholly be attributed to the variation of inlet flow rate induced by motion. The amplitude of flow oscillation for a given acceleration variation could be predicted from a transfer function derived with linearization technique. Prediction of the transient CHF on the basis of “local-conditions hypothesis” gave conservative values.  相似文献   

In the present experimental study, the critical heat flux (CHF) of an oxidized zircaloy surface and its enhancement were investigated during saturated water pool boiling at atmospheric pressure. Three kinds of zircaloy specimens, oxidized at three different temperature conditions (i.e., 300, 450, and 600 °C), were prepared with a non-treated (i.e., fresh) zircaloy surface. The surfaces of the test specimens were characterized by an energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis, scanning electron microscopy image, and water contact angle measurement. The oxidized surface (OS) specimens increased the CHF, which could be because the oxidized surface improves the surface wettability (i.e., decreases the water contact angle). The OS specimens showed the similar water contact angles, and their CHF values became almost the same. In the present experimental conditions, the water contact angle could be considered as a reasonable parameter to explain the CHF data of test specimens. The CHF enhancement of the OS specimens was about 40%, as compared with the non-treated specimen, and interestingly, it was a comparable value to that of the specially treated zircaloy surfaces of the previous report, for a similar water contact angle condition. This implies that the oxidation process used in this work can be a simple, convenient, and cost-effective way to improve the CHF of the zircaloy surface. Using the present experimental data, the previous CHF correlations were assessed and discussed. Among the correlations tested, Kandlikar model best fitted the present CHF measurement data and enhancement factors.  相似文献   

An analysis of the physical processes taking place in a dispersed-annular flow which govern dry-out type CHFs has been carried out. The analysis has shown that the number of variables required to describe the critical phenomena can be reduced by the introduction of a new parameter: the length over which dispersed-annular flow takes place, Ldan. In this case only, for a given tube diameter, pressure and mass flux, the critical heat flux may be expressed in terms of a single variable: Ldan. A correlation which may be used to determine this length has also been developed. The representation of the CHF data obtained at low pressures in terms of the coordinate system (Ldan, qcr) has shown that the dispersion of the data about the regression curves is considerably reduced as compared with the traditional presentation of the critical heat flux as a function of the thermodynamic quality at the end of the heated length.  相似文献   

An experimental study was carried out to improve and expand understanding of boiling phenomena and the critical heat flux (CHF) during natural convective boiling in uniformly heated inclined tubes submerged in a pool of saturated liquids under atmospheric pressure. The test conditions were as follows: inter diameters of the test tubes ranged from 0.9 to 8.0 mm; heated lengths ranged from 100 to 400 mm, and inclination angles varied from 30° to vertical position. The test fluids were water and R-11. The experimental results showed that the CHF decreases with the increasing ratio of the tube length to the tube diameter, and with the reducing of the inclination angle. A semi-theoretical correlation, which originally used for the CHF during natural convective boiling in vertical tubes, was modified to predict the CHF occurs in the inclined tubes. The modified correlation agreed reasonably well with the present experimental data and other CHF data for narrow inclined annular tubes.  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental CHF data obtained for vertical up flow in an 8 mm I.D. test section, for a wide range of exit qualities (5–75%) and exit pressures ranging from 5 to 40 bar. The experiments were carried out for heated lengths of 0.75, 1, 1.4, 1.8, 2.5 and 3.5 m. A number of different coordinate systems are used to present the experimental results, these include CHF as a function of the inlet subcooling, as a function of the outlet thermodynamic quality, and as a function of the boiling length. An analysis of these commonly used representations of the CHF, has shown, that for all of the cases studied, the critical heat flux is dependent in some manner on the heated length. This dependence greatly complicates the possibility of obtaining a universal correlation for the critical heat flux at low and medium pressures.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the hydrostatic water level measurement in connection with the application of knowledge-based and model-based methods of signal processing using Fuzzy Set Theory, and under utilisation of internal gamma radiation as well as application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The utilisation of Fuzzy-Set Theory and ANN's is explained. The principle of different measuring methods are described and placed underneath with applications, like Hybrid Observers and diverse measuring system for boiling water reactors.  相似文献   

The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are investigating the suitability of lead or lead–bismuth cooled fast reactors for producing low-cost electricity as well as for actinide burning. The current analysis evaluated a pool type design that relies on forced circulation of the primary coolant, a conventional steam power conversion system, and a passive decay heat removal system. The ATHENA computer code was used to simulate various transients without reactor scram, including a primary coolant pump trip, a station blackout, and a step reactivity insertion. The reactor design successfully met identified temperature limits for each of the transients analyzed.  相似文献   

The transient critical heat fluxes (CHFs) of the subcooled water flow boiling for ramp-wise heat input [Q = αt, α = 6.21 × 108 to 1.63 × 1012 W/m3 s, (q ≅ 1.08 × 107 to 6.00 × 107 W/m2)] and stepwise one [Q = Qs, Qs = 0 W/m3 at t = 0 s and Qs = 2.95 × 1010 to 7.67 × 1010 W/m3 at t > 0 s, (q = 0 W/m2 at t = 0 s and q ≅ 1.61 × 107 to 3.87 × 107 W/m2 at t > 0 s)] with the flow velocities (u = 4.0-13.3 m/s), the inlet subcoolings (ΔTsub,in = 86.8-153.3 K) and the inlet pressures (Pin = 742.2-1293.4 kPa) are systematically measured by an experimental water loop comprised of a pressurizer. The SUS304 tubes of inner diameters (d = 3, 6 and 9 mm), heated lengths (L = 33.15, 59.5 and 49.3 mm), L/d (=11.05, 9.92 and 5.48), and wall thickness (δ = 0.5, 0.5 and 0.3 mm) respectively with the rough finished inner surface (surface roughness, Ra = 3.18 μm) are used in this work. The experimental errors in the subcooling measure and the pressure one are ±1 K and ±1 kPa, while in the heat flux it is ±2%. The transient CHF data for the ramp-wise heat input and the stepwise one are compared with those for the exponentially increasing heat input (Q = Q0 exp(t/τ), τ = 16.82 ms to 15.52 s) previously obtained and the dominant variables on transient CHF for heat input waveform difference are confirmed. The transient CHF data are compared with the values calculated by the steady state CHF correlations against inlet and outlet subcoolings, and the applicability of steady state CHF correlations is confirmed extending its possible validity for the reduced time, ωp, down to 800 ms. The transient CHF data are compared with the values calculated by the transient CHF correlations against inlet and outlet subcoolings, and the influence of heat input waveform on transient CHF is clarified based on the experimental data for the ramp-wise heat input, the stepwise one and the exponentially increasing one. The dominant mechanisms of the subcooled flow boiling critical heat flux for the ramp-wise heat input, the stepwise one and the exponentially increasing one are discussed.  相似文献   

Under conditions of forced convective boiling at low pressures and high mass fluxes, beyond a certain quality, choking flow may occur at the exit of a heated channel. An experimental investigation carried out by Olekhnovitch et al. (Olekhnovitch, A., Teyssedou, A., Tye, P., Champagne, P., 2000. Critical heat flux under choking flow conditions. Part I — Outlet pressure fluctuations. Nucl. Eng. Des., this issue) has shown that the occurrence of choking flow does not radically influence the values of the critical heat flux (CHF). However, once the choking flow conditions have occurred, for a given mass flux and quality, the outlet pressure cannot be lowered below a certain value that is fixed by the flow itself. A model that allows this pressure to be determined and which must be used in conjuction with correlations for the prediction of the CHF is presented.  相似文献   

Additional steady-state and transient transition boiling heat transfer tests were conducted using a loop in which hot mercury was the heat source. The new steady-state data, plus steady-state data from the literature, were used to derive an improved transition boiling heat transfer correlation for saturated liquid and net quality conditions. The correlation so obtained was found applicable to the transient observations.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the forced convection heat transfer characteristics of water in a vertically upward internally ribbed tube at supercritical pressures were investigated experimentally. The six-head internally ribbed tube is made of SA-213T12 steel with an outer diameter of 31.8 mm and a wall thickness of 6 mm and the mean inside diameter of the tube is measured to be 17.6 mm. The experimental parameters were as follows. The pressure at the inlet of the test section varied from 25.0 to 29.0 MPa, and the mass flux was from 800 to 1200 kg/(m2 s), and the inside wall heat flux ranged from 260 to 660 kW/m2. According to experimental data, the effects of heat flux and pressure on heat transfer of supercritical pressure water in the vertically upward internally ribbed tube were analyzed, and the characteristics and mechanisms of heat transfer enhancement, and also that of heat transfer deterioration, were also discussed in the so-called large specific heat region. The drastic changes in thermophysical properties near the pseudocritical points, especially the sudden rise in the specific heat of water at supercritical pressures, may result in the occurrence of the heat transfer enhancement, while the covering of the heat transfer surface by fluids lighter and hotter than the bulk fluid makes the heat transfer deteriorated eventually and explains how this lighter fluid layer forms. It was found that the heat transfer characteristics of water at supercritical pressures were greatly different from the single-phase convection heat transfer at subcritical pressures. There are three heat transfer modes of water at supercritical pressures: (1) normal heat transfer, (2) deteriorated heat transfer with low HTC but high wall temperatures in comparison to the normal heat transfer, and (3) enhanced heat transfer with high HTC and low wall temperatures in comparison to the normal heat transfer. It was also found that the heat transfer deterioration at supercritical pressures was similar to the DNB at subcritical pressures.  相似文献   

The recirculating continuum flows developed in a closed cylindrical centrifuge with a perfect, constant conductivity, constant viscosity gas, due to small equal and opposite arbitrary radial temperature perturbations applied to the end caps and with zero radial heat loss at the wall, can be expressed as a combination of an axially independent pure recirculating axial flow developed by a constant temperature gradient, and the set of radial eigenfunctions. A complete numerical solution has been developed, using the full set of finite radial eigenvectors associated with a set of radial finite difference approximations to the five governing linear differential equations and applying simple collocation for the boundary conditions. A numerical example gives the associated complete eigenvalue spectrum, and the axial velocity distributions resulting from a simple specified temperature distribution, calculated from the particular combination of eigenvector solutions and ‘gradient’ solution which satisfies in detail the boundary conditions.  相似文献   

A critical survey is made of the prediction methods available for analysing the momentum and heat transfer characteristics of axial flow in a clustered rod bundle. The Navier-Stokes and energy equations are presented, their solution procedure is outlined and the boundary layer approximation discussed. Four levels of approximation to these equations, namely, slug flow, integral methods, eddy diffusivity and turbulence energy models are examined and their limitations presented for a simple situation. Consideration is then given to the problem of extending these models to more complex situations such as, variable property flows, rough surfaces and flow blockages.  相似文献   

Critical power performance of reload fuel assemblies has a significant influence on economy in terms of fuel cycle costs and on operational flexibility of boiling water reactors. Well-known advantages in critical power performance attributed to the spacer design have been a stimulus for the development of a new spacer concept. The development was aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of phase separation in the subchannels of the fuel assemblies while minimizing the pressure drop across the spacers. Air-water tests at virtually atmospheric pressure and room temperature were used for a comparative qualitative study of the typical effects on subchannel and film flow downstream of various types of spacer. The most promising design concept proved to be the ULTRAFLOWTM (Siemens trademark) spacer, which is an egg-crate-type spacer with swirl vanes. Critical power and pressure drop performance of the ULTRAFLOW spacer have been measured at the Karlstein test facility of Siemens. The results show that the critical power performance of this spacer is on an average 8% higher than that of the ring spacer and 16% higher than that of the egg-crate spacer without swirl vanes while its pressure drop is lower compared with the above types.  相似文献   

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