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前言脂肪酸和甘油是军工、化工、制药、食品等工业的重要原料。到目前为止,我国脂肪酸和甘油的主要来源仍以动植物油为原料,经理化方法水解(或称裂解)取得,其水解过程须在加温加压,甚至高温高压及强碱性等条件下进行。如传统的皂化法及国际流行的中压裂解法等,都需在100℃以上,甚 相似文献
蚕丝固定化脂肪酶催化猪油水解 总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13
研究了蚕丝固定化脂肪酶催化猪油水解的性能。结果表明:在温度为55℃、p H 为 82 的条件下,固定化脂肪酶活性最高。底物浓度高达55% ( W / V)时,仍无底物抑制。适宜的搅拌速度是450 r/m in~500 r/m in。在上述条件下,固定化脂肪酶间歇水解猪油时的操作半衰期约为 260 h。 相似文献
脂肪酶改良猪油制备功能性脂的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国有丰富廉价的动植物油资源,但这一资源并末得到有效的利用,为了充分利用这些资源,开展了脂肪酶催化猪油与辛酸酸解制备功能性脂的研究工作。脂肪酶筛选实验表明,在所选用的五种脂肪酶中,来自T.languginosa的同定化脂肪酶Liopzyme TL IM的催化效果最好。以Lipozyme TL IM为催化剂,进一步研究了酶量、有机溶剂、底物比率、反心时间和反应温度对猪油中辛酸插入率的影响。反应产物通过高效液相色谱法(HPLC)进行分析。研究结果表明,在正己烷介质中,脂肪酶量为15%(底物重量厅分比),底物比率为1:2(猪油:辛酸)反应时间24h,反应温度为55~60℃时,辛酸插入率最高。 相似文献
脂肪酶催化动物脂肪水解 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
研究了脂肪酶LipolaseTM催化猪油和牛羊油水解的工艺条件。试验结果表明,适宜的工艺条件是:pH值8.0,温度50℃(猪油)或55℃(牛羊油),底物浓度51%(W/V),搅拌速度450r/min~500r/min,酶用量150U/g油脂。在上述条件下水解24h,水解率>95%。 相似文献
为了最大限度提高脂肪酶催化亚麻油的水解率,研究影响亚麻油水解率的pH值、反应时间、乳化剂用量、加酶量、油水比等因素。通过分析试验数据,利用数学软件Matlab进行拟合,建立预测模型,再进行实验验证,发现在温度33℃、pH5.9、时间29h、脂肪酶用量13600U/g、油:水1:2(V/V)的工艺条件下,水解率可以达到62.6%,为后续的尿素包合纯化打下良好的基础。 相似文献
研究了超声波对无溶剂体系中C lipolytica脂肪酶催化大豆油水解的影响.适当强度的超声处理,可有效提高水解反应速率和实验结果的稳定性;提高C. lipolytiea的耐热性,不改变酶的离子化反应状态;消除酶浓度抑制反应现象,使反应体系中的水变得更加"有效".理想的超声波强度为1.64 W/cm2.在单因素实验的基础上,应用中心组合旋转设计原理对反应温度、pH、加酶量、水油质量比4个因素进行了5水平的实验设计,通过响应面分析,确定水解反应最佳条件为:温度46.96℃,pH 7.77,加酶量0.77%,水油质量比0.71:1,此时体系酸值(KOH)为(71.3±2.8)mg/g,实验结果与预测值基本一致. 相似文献
研究一种L- 抗坏血酸脂肪酸酯酶法合成的新途径。以廉价的猪油和L- 抗坏血酸作为反应底物,探讨酶法合成L- 抗坏血酸脂肪酸酯的工艺条件。结果表明,在该酶促反应中,混合有机溶剂体系中底物转化率高于相应纯有机溶剂体系中的转化率,最佳反应体系为30% 叔戊醇:70% 异辛烷(V/V)。研究各反应因素对转化率的影响,确定最适反应条件为底物L- 抗坏血酸与复合猪油甲酯的物质的量比为1:10、酶量10%、温度55℃、反应时间24h,转化率可达到(52.7 ± 2.8)%。 相似文献
非水酶解鱼油制备天然鱼味香精的工艺研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用脂肪酶水解鱼油制备鱼味香精.在非水介质下,得到了香味浓郁,赋香效果明显的鱼味香精。非水酶法水解以乙醇或乙酸乙酯为溶剂,脂肪酶用量1%~1.5%,pH值7.0,温度为50℃,水解3~4h时得到的鱼味香精香气最为浓郁。经过感官评定认为水解产物香气自然、柔和,可作为调配海鲜类香精的香基。 相似文献
从粗状假丝酵母诱变株发酵液中,经双水相萃取、丙酮沉淀、DEAE-Sepharose FF阴离子交换层析和Phenyl-Sepharose FF疏水层析,得到电泳纯的脂肪酶,纯化倍数为20.81,活力回收率为19.8%,亚基相对分子质量约为56.6ku。研究了粗状假丝酵母脂肪酶水解天然乳脂的工艺条件,得出其水解乳脂适宜温度为45℃,缓冲体系pH值为8.0,反应21h,乳脂水解率达到最佳,并通过GC-MS分析鉴定了水解产物中主要的致香成分。 相似文献
Five of 8 fungal lipases screened were found to effectively hydrolyze astaxanthin esters from Haematococcus pluvialis algal cell extracts. Among these, an alkaline lipase from Penicillium cyclopium, expressed in Pichia pastoris, had the highest enzymolysis efficiency. Tween80 was shown to be an effective emulsifier in this lipase hydrolysis system for the 1st time. A series of experiments were performed to find optimal conditions for hydrolysis (pH, temperature, reaction time, lipase dosage). In the optimal reaction system, Tween80 and H. pluvialis extracts (mass ratio 1:1) were emulsified and added to the above lipase at a dosage of 4.6 U/μg (relative to total carotenoids), in phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.0), and incubated at 28 °C for 7 h, with agitation at 180 rpm. The free astaxanthin recovery ratio under these conditions was 63.2%. 相似文献
针对活性染料在纤维上染色的动力学性能,研究不同条件下一氯均三嗪型活性染料活性嫩黄K-6G(C.I.Reactive Yellow 2)在甲醇碱性水溶液中的醇解和水解反应动力学,并确定了pH值为10时,不同温度下该染料的醇解与水解反应速率常数。研究表明,在80℃,pH值为9~12之间,醇解效率随时间延长逐渐变少,且pH值越高,醇解效率减少的越快, pH值的升高不利于醇解反应进行,即染料的醇解反应优先性下降;在50~70℃,甲醇化反应占相对优势,其速率为水解速率的2~3倍;80~95℃,甲醇化反应速率常数和水解速率常数基本相等。同时实验中还发现染料的醇解和水解反应都是准一级反应。 相似文献
Haizhen Zhao Zhaoxin Lu Fengxia Lu Xiaomei Bie Zhanmin Liu & Xiaoxiong Zeng 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2006,41(9):1027-1032
Enzymatic acidolysis of lard with caprylic acid was investigated. Of the five lipases that were tested in the initial screening, immobilised lipase TL IM from Thermomyces lanuginosus resulted in the highest incorporation of caprylic acid into lard. This enzyme was further studied for the effect of enzyme load, organic solvent, substrate ratio, reaction time and temperature. HPLC was used to analyse the products from the acidolysis reaction. The highest incorporation was attained at 15% enzyme load. Among the solvents tested, n‐hexane was the best reaction medium for the acidolysis of lard with caprylic acid. Time course studied suggests that the incorporation of caprylic acid into lard was increased up to 37.7 mol% after 24 h. Desirable mole ratio of lard to caprylic acid was 1:2, caprylic acid incorporation up to 34.2 mol%. Temperature had no significant effect on enzyme activity in the range of 40–80 °C. 相似文献
对无溶剂体系中C.lipolytica脂肪酶催化大豆油水解反应过程中的油水界面面积与反应初速度进行了研究.对超声波反应器和振荡水浴两种不同的方式进行了比较,超声波较振荡水浴具有更好的分散作用,油滴粒径更小,界面面积更大;提高振荡速度和超声波强度,均可以增大界面面积;振荡水浴中,界面面积随油相体积分数的增加而减少;超声波反应器中,界面面积随油相体积分数的增加先增加后减少;反应初速度与界面面积呈线性相关,反应初速度随界面面积的增加而增大,当油相体积分数为0.7,超声波强度为1.64 W/cm~2时,反应初速度最大,为161 mol/(m~3·min). 相似文献
Effects of lard on the formation of volatiles from the Maillard reaction of cysteine with xylose 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Xu Y Chen Q Lei S Wu P Fan G Xu X Pan S 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2011,91(12):2241-2246
BACKGROUND: The presence of lipid oxidation products in the Maillard reaction pathway is of particular interest today. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of lard and its oxidation products on the formation of volatiles from cysteine and xylose model systems. RESULTS: Headspace volatiles generated in reaction mixtures were examined by solid‐phase microextraction in combination with gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. The addition of lipid had a suppressing effect on most of the sulfur‐containing compounds derived from the reaction between cysteine and xylose, especially for 2‐methyl‐3‐furanthiol, 2‐furanmethanethiol, 2‐methylthiophene, and 3‐methylthiophene. One of the intermediates—furfural—was also formed in much lower concentration when lard was present. In addition, cysteine and xylose modified lipid oxidation pathways, so that lipid‐derived alcohols, alkylfurans and aliphatic acids were formed rather than aldehydes. Compared with the lard heated alone, most aldehydes were formed at lower levels in the lard‐containing reaction mixtures, and several aldehydes including hexanal, heptanal, (2E)‐heptenal and (2E,4E)‐heptadienal were absent. CONCLUSION: The addition of lipid was inhibitory to the formation of most sulfur‐containing compounds in the Maillard reaction. Furthermore, Maillard reaction products influenced the formation of products from lipid oxidation. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献