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Twelve Hereford steers (average BW = 231 kg) that had previously grazed native rangeland (Range) or irrigated winter wheat pasture (Wheat) were allowed to graze locoweed-infested rangeland from April 1 to June 9, 1994 (six steers/previous grazing treatment). Relative consumption level of locoweed and other forage classes was measured as observed bites per steer. Liver biopsy and whole blood samples were obtained from each steer before and after grazing. Liver samples were analyzed for several minerals by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy, and whole blood samples were analyzed for Se. Liver concentrations of Ba (P < .001), Cd (P < .001), Ca (P < .01), Cr (P < .01), Ni (P < .001), Na (P < .01), and V (P < .001) were greater and concentrations of Mn (P < .09), P (P < .01), and K (P < .07) were less in Wheat than in Range steers. Liver concentrations of Fe, Mg, S, and Zn and whole blood Se concentrations did not differ (P > .10) between the two groups. Liver concentrations of Cr (P < .04) and Mn (P < .001) were less, and Fe concentrations were greater (P < .01), in samples taken after grazing than in samples taken before grazing of locoweed-infested range. Whole blood Se concentrations decreased (P < .01) from the beginning to the end of the grazing period, but this effect was not related (P > .15) to locoweed consumption. Changes in liver concentrations of minerals were compared relative to consumption levels of all forage classes in the locoweed-infested range. Liver concentrations of Cu decreased (r2 = .45; P < .02) as the percentage of bites consumed as locoweed increased, but concentrations after grazing locoweed-infested range were still within normal ranges. Changes in liver concentrations of other minerals were not related (P > .15) to consumption of locoweed. These data indicate that previous grazing history can have significant effects on liver mineral stores and that, under our conditions, consumption of locoweed by grazing beef steers altered liver Cu concentrations. Toxic effects of locoweed consumption would likely occur before Cu deficiency would be induced by grazing locoweed-infested range; hence, supplementation of Cu would seem unlikely to alter the course of locoweed toxicosis.  相似文献   

Coronary disease in cardiac transplant patients is a major factor in the limitation of long term survival. The aim of this study was to compare the results of angioscopy with those of coronary angiography performed systematically every 18 months in our center. Twenty-nine patients (31 angioscopies) were assessed 38 +/- 21 months after transplantation. The appearance observed by angioscopy were: 1) normal, 2) yellow pigmentation of the arterial surface, 3) elevated plaque < 50%, 4) elevated plaque > or = 50% stenosis. Angiography was: 1) normal, 2) iregularities of the lumen or < 50% stenosis, 3) > or = 50% stenosis. The films were viewed by two independent investigators. Angioscopy was performed on the left anterior descending artery (N = 35), the left circumflex (N = 24) and the right coronary artery (N = 9). One to three arterial segments were examined per vessel (total of 117 segments: average 3.8 segments per patient). Angioscopy was uniterpretable in 13/117 (11%) of cases. Of the 81 (78%) segments considered normal at coronary angiography, only 55 seemed normal at angioscopy (68%). Of the 23 segments considered to be abnormal at coronary angiography, all were also considered to be abnormal at angioscopy. The authors conclude that coronary angioscopy seems to be more sensitive than coronary angiography for the detection of coronary disease due to chronic rejection. Prospective studies are required to determine whether the infra-angiographic angioscopic lesions correspond to earlier stages of coronary disease of the cardiac graft.  相似文献   

1. The purpose of these experiments was to determine whether or not the endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations of the vascular smooth muscle cells (observed in the presence of inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase and cyclo-oxygenase) can be attributed to the production of an endogenous cannabinoid. 2. Membrane potential was recorded in the guinea-pig carotid, rat mesenteric and porcine coronary arteries by intracellular microelectrodes. 3. In the rat mesenteric artery, the cannabinoid receptor antagonist, SR 141716 (1 microM), did not modify either the resting membrane potential of smooth muscle cells or the endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization induced by acetylcholine (1 microM) (17.3 +/- 1.8 mV, n = 4 and 17.8 +/- 2.6 mV, n = 4, in control and presence of SR 141716, respectively). Anandamide (30 microM) induced a hyperpolarization of the smooth muscle cells (12.6 +/- 1.4 mV, n = 13 and 2.0 +/- 3.0 mV, n = 6 in vessels with and without endothelium, respectively) which could not be repeated in the same tissue, whereas acetylcholine was still able to hyperpolarize the preparation. The hyperpolarization induced by anandamide was not significantly influenced by SR 141716 (1 microM). HU-210 (30 microM), a synthetic CB1 receptor agonist, and palmitoylethanolamide (30 microM), a CB2 receptor agonist, did not influence the membrane potential of the vascular smooth muscle cells. 4. In the rat mesenteric artery, the endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization induced by acetylcholine (1 microM) (19.0 +/- 1.7 mV, n = 6) was not altered by glibenclamide (1 microM; 17.7 +/- 2.3 mV, n = 3). However, the combination of charybdotoxin (0.1 microM) plus apamin (0.5 microM) abolished the acetylcholine-induced hyperpolarization and under these conditions, acetylcholine evoked a depolarization (7.7 +/- 2.7 mV, n = 3). The hyperpolarization induced by anandamide (30 microM) (12.6 +/- 1.4 mV, n = 13) was significantly inhibited by glibenclamide (4.0 +/- 0.4 mV, n = 4) but not significantly affected by the combination of charybdotoxin plus apamin (17.3 +/- 2.3 mV, n = 4). 5. In the guinea-pig carotid artery, acetylcholine (1 microM) evoked endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization (18.8 +/- 0.7 mV, n = 15). SR 141716 (10 nM to 10 microM), caused a direct, concentration-dependent hyperpolarization (up to 10 mV at 10 microM) and a significant inhibition of the acetylcholine-induced hyperpolarization. Anandamide (0.1 to 3 microM) did not influence the membrane potential. At a concentration of 30 microM, the cannabinoid agonist induced a non-reproducible hyperpolarization (5.6 +/- 1.3 mV, n = 10) with a slow onset. SR 141716 (1 microM) did not affect the hyperpolarization induced by 30 microM anandamide (5.3 +/- 1.5 mV, n = 3). 6. In the porcine coronary artery, anandamide up to 30 microM did not hyperpolarize or relax the smooth muscle cells. The endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization and relaxation induced by bradykinin were not influenced by SR 141716 (1 microM). 7. These results indicate that the endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizations, observed in the guinea-pig carotid, rat mesenteric and porcine coronary arteries, are not related to the activation of cannabinoid CB1 receptors.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the effect of chronic treatment with cilazapril on vascular reactivity of aorta and mesenteric artery from Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Cilazapril (5 mg/kg), an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, was injected intraperitoneally twice a day for 4 weeks. Results demonstrated that acetylcholine (ACh)-induced relaxation in aorta and mesenteric artery from SHR was significantly less than that from WKY, cilazapril-treated WKY, and SHR. The impairment of ACh-induced relaxation in SHR was significantly reversed after cilazapril treatment and there were no significant differences among WKY, cilazapril-treated WKY, and SHR. Meanwhile, both N omega-nitro-L-arginine (LNNA; 10(-4) mol/L) and methylene blue (MB; 10(-5) mol/L) completely blocked the vasodilator response to ACh in aorta but only partly inhibited in mesenteric artery from WKY, cilazapril-treated WKY, and SHR. These LNNA- and MB-resistant vasodilator responses to ACh in mesenteric artery were only slightly inhibited by TEA (10(-3) mol/L) but not by indomethacin (5 x 10(-6) mol/L). These findings suggest that there may be an unidentified endothelium-dependent relaxing factor(s) (EDRF), which exists in the endothelium and may participate in the modulation of blood pressure in SHR. Results further demonstrate that the antihypertensive effect of cilazapril may be partly mediated by the reversing function of endothelium to release EDRF and LNNA-resistant, unidentified relaxing factor(s).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To record the on and off responses of the multifocal photopic electroretinogram (ERG) from the human retina and to explore how each ERG component (a-, b-, and d-waves) changes at different retinal eccentricities. METHODS: Multifocal ERGs were recorded with the visual evoked response imaging system. Sixty-one densely packed stimulus elements were square wave-modulated between stimulus on and stimulus off, according to a binary m-sequence at a rate of 4.7 Hz under a constant background illumination. The ERGs were recorded with a bipolar Burian-Allen bipolar contact lens electrode from five normal subjects. Response densities (amplitude per retinal area) were calculated for five different eccentric rings. RESULTS: The response densities for all components (a-, b-, and d-waves) decreased with increasing retinal eccentricities. The ratio of the d-wave to b-wave amplitudes was minimal in the central retina and increased toward the periphery. The ratio of a-wave to b-wave amplitudes also increased toward the peripheral retina. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that the on and off responses of the human cone ERGs have different spatial distributions across the human retina, and they suggest a change in the photopic retinal circuitry with increasing retinal eccentricities.  相似文献   

The incidence rate of breast cancer in Japan rose more than two-fold from 1959-60 to 1983-87. To assess to what extent this increase can be explained by changes in the prevalence of four major risk factors of breast cancer (i.e. age at menarche, age at first birth, age at menopause, and parity), we estimated the probability of developing breast cancer based on the joint distribution and relative risks of these four risk factors. The age-specific incidence rate during 1959-60 reported by the Miyagi Prefectural Cancer Registry was used to estimate the baseline hazard rate for women without the four risk factors in the same age group. Assuming that the baseline hazard rate is constant during all periods, we calculated the expected incidence rates during the periods of 1959-60, 1962-64, 1968-71, 1973-77, 1978-81, and 1983-87 for each age group. Large discrepancies were noted between the observed and expected incidence rates during 1983-87 in all age groups. The change in the joint distribution of the four risk factors accounted for less than 40% of the increase observed from 1959-60 to 1983-87, suggesting the effects of other powerful risk factors.  相似文献   

1. To assess the action of nitric oxide (NO) and NO-donors on K+ current evoked either by voltage ramps or steps, patch clamp recordings were made from smooth muscle cells freshly isolated from secondary and tertiary branches of the rat mesenteric artery. 2. Inside-out patches contained channels, the open probability of which increased with [Ca2+]i. The channels had a linear slope conductance of 212+/-5 pS (n = 12) in symmetrical (140 mM) K+ solutions which reversed in direction at 4.4 mV. In addition, the channels showed K+ selectivity, in that the reversal potential shifted in a manner similar to that predicted by the Nernst potential for K+. Barium (1 mM) applied to the intracellular face of the channel produced a voltage-dependent block and external tetraethylammonium (TEA; at 1 mM) caused a large reduction in the unitary current amplitude. Taken together, these observations indicate that the channel most closely resembled BK(Ca). 3. In five out of six inside-out patches, NO (45 or 67 microM) produced an increase in BK(Ca) activity. In inside-out patches, BK(Ca) activity was also enhanced in some patches with 100 or 200 microM 3-morpholino-sydnonimine (SIN-1) (4/11) and 100 microM sodium nitroprusside (SNP) (3/8). The variability in channel opening with the NO donors may reflect variability in the release of NO from these compounds. 4. In inside-out patches, 100 microM SIN-1 failed to increase BK(Ca) activity (in all 4 patches tested), while at a higher (500 microM) concentration SIN-1 had a direct blocking effect on the channels (n = 3). NO applied directly to inside-out patches increased (P < 0.05) BK(Ca) activity in two patches. 5. In the majority of cells (6 out of 7), application of NO (45 or 67 microM) evoked an increase in the amplitude of whole-cell currents in perforated patches. This action was not affected by the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor, 1H-[1,2,4] oxadiazolo [4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ). An increase in whole-cell current was also evoked with either of the NO donors, SIN-1 or SNP (each at 100 microM). With SIN-1, the increase in current was blocked with the BK(Ca) channel blocker, iberiotoxin (50 nM). 6. With conventional whole-cell voltage clamp, the increase in the outward K+ current evoked with SIN-1 (50-300 microM) showed considerable variability. Either no effect was obtained (11 out of 18 cells), or in the remaining cells, an average increase in current amplitude of 38.7+/-10.2% was recorded at 40 mV. 7. In cell-attached patches, large conductance voltage-dependent K+ channels were stimulated by SIN-1 (100 microM) applied to the cell (n = 5 patches). 8. These data indicate that NO and its donors can directly stimulate BK(Ca) activity in cells isolated from the rat mesenteric artery. The ability of NO directly to open BK(Ca) channels could play an important functional role in NO-induced relaxation of the vascular smooth muscle cells in this small resistance artery.  相似文献   

Rat cerebrum microsomes were subfractionated on isopycnic linear sucrose (20-42%) density gradients. The Ca2+ loading/release properties and the distribution of intracellular Ca2+ store channels, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor and ryanodine (Ry) receptor, and SERCA pumps, were monitored in each subfraction by ligand binding and 45Ca2+ loading/release assays. Three different classes of vesicles were identified: (i) heavy density vesicles with high content of Ry receptors and Ca2+ pumps and high thapsigargin (TG)-sensitivity of Ca2+ loading; (ii) intermediate sucrose density vesicles with high content of IP3 receptor, high IP(S)3-sensitivity of Ca2+ loading and low content of Ry receptors; and (iii) light sucrose density vesicles with high content of Ry receptors, low content of IP3 receptors and low content of SERCA pumps highly sensitive to TG. Isolation of molecularly heterogeneous rat cerebrum microsomes and identification of specific Ca2+ loading/release properties support the presence of multiple, potentially active, heterogeneous rapidly exchanging Ca2+ stores in rat cerebrum.  相似文献   

Calcium transport by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger was measured in plasma membranes vesicles purified from rat brain and in primary rat cortical cell culture. Sodium-loaded vesicles rapidly accumulate Ca2+ via Na+/Ca2+ exchange (Na+(i)-dependent Ca2+ uptake). Extravesicular zinc inhibited Na+/Ca2+ exchange as evidenced by a reduction of the initial velocity of Ca2+ uptake. Significant inhibition of Ca2+ uptake was seen at concentrations of zinc as low as 3 microM. Lineweaver-Burk analysis of the data was consistent with noncompetitive inhibition with respect to extravesicular Ca2+ concentration. The Ki for zinc inhibition of Ca2+ uptake determined from a Dixon plot was 14.5 microM. This is within the range of zinc concentrations thought to be obtained extracellularly after excitation. When vesicles were preloaded with Ca2+, extravesicular zinc also inhibited reversal of Na+/Ca2+ exchange (Na+(i)-dependent Ca2+ release) although its potency was much less: concentrations of > or = 30 microM zinc were required. Zinc inhibition of Ca2+ release was not Na+ dependent. Na+(i)-dependent calcium uptake by rat cortical cells in primary culture also was inhibited by zinc. The extent of inhibition was similar to that seen for inhibition of Na+(i)-dependent Ca2+ uptake in membrane vesicles, but the potency was less. The results suggest that Ca2+ transport by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger is inhibited by concentrations of zinc thought to be attained extracellularly after excitation.  相似文献   

Histamine is a general dilator of rat blood vessels. We investigated the relative contribution of receptor subtypes to the rat mesenteric dilator responses initiated by histamine and related agonists. Histamine initiated dose, and endothelium-dependent, dilation of constricted mesenteric beds with an ED50 of 0.4 +/- 0.1 nmol. The ED50 was increased 10-fold by 0.1 microM chlorpheniramine (a histamine H1-receptor selective antagonist). Histamine H2 receptor blockade with tiotidine (0.1 microM) slightly decreased, while thioperamide (1 microM), a selective histamine H3 receptor antagonist, did not block histamine-induced dilation. Mesenteric bed dilation initiated by histamine H2 receptor selective agonists, amthamine and dimaprit, were antagonized markedly by tiotidine. However, the dilation initiated by the putative histamine H3 receptor selective agonists, R(-)- or S(+)-alpha-methylhistamine and imetit were not affected by thioperamide (1 microM). Histamine H2- and H3-receptor mediated dilator effects were endothelium-independent and were blocked by either excess (80 mM) extracellular K+, or 1 mM tetrabutylammonium (a non-selective K+ channel blocker), as well as by 1 microM dequalinium, a non-peptide blocker of the small conductance Ca2+-activated (SKCa) K+ channels. We conclude that (i) histamine H1 receptor subtype predominantly mediates endothelium-dependent dilator effect of histamine, and (ii) vascular hyperpolarization through opening of K+ channels (SKCa) mediate the dilator responses to histamine H2 receptor (amthamine and dimaprit) and the putative histamine H3 receptor (R(-)-alpha-methylhistamine and imetit) agonists.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) can modulate voltage-gated Ca2+ channel (VGCC) activity, and as a consequence agonist-induced increases in cytosolic Ca2+, in cultured rat adrenal medullary chromaffin (RAMC) cells. Exposure to 1 microM DEX for 48 h significantly increased peak VGCC current (delta +140%). DEX treatment also significantly potentiated the increases in cytosolic Ca2+ in response to submaximal stimulatory concentrations of KCl (delta +64%) and nicotine (delta +32%). The Ca2+ channel agonist BAY K-8644 increased both VGCC current (delta +109%) and potentiated the KCl-stimulated increase in cytosolic Ca2+ (delta +35%) to a comparable extent to that seen with DEX. These data suggest that DEX treatment increases VGCC activity, and that this increased Ca2+ influx leads to potentiation of agonist-induced increases in cytosolic Ca2+ in RAMC cells.  相似文献   

The existence of ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores and their role in the Ca2+ entry mechanism were examined in the rat submandibular gland acinar cells, using the microfluorimetry of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). In the presence of thapsigargin, a Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor of inositol (1, 4, 5) triphosphate (InsP3)-sensitive Ca2+ stores, caffeine caused an increase in [Ca2+]i, which was inhibited by treatment with ryanodine (a ligand to the Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release channels). In the cells treated with ryanodine, 1 mM Ca2+ addition to a Ca(2+)-free solution caused a marked increase in [Ca2+]i, which was eliminated by application of Ni2+ or SK & F 96365, suggesting a Ca2+ entry triggered by ryanodine. The maximal change in the net increase in [Ca2+]i caused by the ryanodine-coupled Ca2+ entry, was 104.0 +/- 16.0 nM, which intense was caused by 10 microM ryanodine. Emptying the InsP3-sensitive stores by treatment with thapsigargin also caused Ca2+ entry, which maximally changed [Ca2+]i by 349.6 +/- 15.1 nM. Ten mumol/liter ryanodine was confirmed to cause a release of 45Ca2+ from the parotidic microsomal fraction enriched in endopalsmic reticulum. We propose that ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores are present in rat submandibular gland acinar cells. We further propose that release of Ca2+ from the ryanodine-sensitive stores, which means eventually depletion of the ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores, can activate the Ca2+ entry. The ability for Ca2+ entry coupled with the ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores seems to be about 30% of the ability for Ca2+ entry coupled with the thapsigargin-sensitive Ca2+ stores.  相似文献   

1. The role of membrane hyperpolarization on agonist-induced contraction was investigated in intact and alpha-toxin-skinned smooth muscles of rabbit mesenteric artery by use of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel opener, (-)-(3S,4R)-4-(N-acetyl-N-hydroxyamino)-6-cyano-3,4-dihydro-2,2- dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran-3-ol (Y-26763), and either histamine (Hist) or noradrenaline (NA). 2. Hist (3 microM) and NA (10 microM) both produced a phasic, followed by a tonic increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) and force. Y-26763 (10 microM) potently inhibited the NA-induced phasic and tonic increase in [Ca2+]i and force. In contrast, Y-26763 attenuated the Hist-induced phasic increase in [Ca2+]i and force but had almost no effect on the tonic response. However, ryanodine-treatment of muscles in order to inhibit the function of intracellular Ca2+ storage sites altered the action of Y-26763 which now attenuated the Hist-induced tonic increase in [Ca2+]i and force in a concentration-dependent manner (at concentrations > 1 microM). Glibenclamide (10 microM) attenuated the inhibitory action of Y-26763. 3. Hist (3 microM) depolarized the smooth muscle cells to the same extent as NA (10 microM). In the absence of either agonist, Y-26763 (over 30 nM) hyperpolarized the membrane and glibenclamide inhibited this hyperpolarization. Y-26763 (10 microM) almost abolished the NA-induced membrane depolarization, but only slightly attenuated the Hist-induced membrane depolarization in which the delta (delta) value (the difference before and after application of Hist) was not modified by any concentration of Y-26763. In ryanodine-treated smooth muscle cells, Y-26763 hyperpolarized the membrane and potently inhibited the membrane depolarization induced by Hist. 4. In ryanodine-treated muscle, Y-26763 had no measurable effect on the Hist-induced [Ca2+]i-force relationship. Y-26763 also had no apparent effect on the myofilament Ca(2+)-sensitivity in the presence of Hist in alpha-toxin-skinned smooth muscles. 5. It is concluded that the membrane hyperpolarization induced by Y-26763 may not be enough to inhibit the Hist-activated Ca2+ influx. It is also suggested that Hist prevents the membrane hyperpolarization induced by Y-26763, activating an unknown mechanism which is thought to depend on the function of intracellular Ca2+ storage sites.  相似文献   

The membrane potential of vascular smooth muscle cells of the porcine coronary artery was measured to examine whether serotonin evokes endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization, and if it does, whether the electrical responses are modulated by the chronic dietary intake of NC 020, a defined fish oil. Serotonin induced transient, concentration-dependent hyperpolarizations of coronary arterial smooth muscle cells. The hyperpolarization was observed in tissues with, but not in those without endothelium. In coronary arteries obtained from pigs fed chronically with NC 020, serotonin induced significantly larger hyperpolarizations than those observed in control arteries. These results suggest that endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization may contribute to the endothelium-dependent relaxation evoked by serotonin and to its potentiation by the dietary intake of fish oil (NC 020).  相似文献   

We have stably expressed cDNA for the rat brain Ca2+ sensing receptor in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Stimulation of phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis and arachidonic acid (AA) release displayed markedly cooperative responses to Ca2+ with Hill coefficients of 4-5. Both phosphatidylinositol and AA responses were not detected below a threshold of 1.5 mM Ca2+. Mg2+ behaved as a partial agonist with only half the maximal inositol phosphate and AA responses displayed by Ca2+ and with a more shallow concentration-response slope. The potency of Mg2+ in augmenting inositol phosphate and AA responses, in the presence of 1.5 mM Ca2+, implies that serum Mg2+ concentrations attained in clinical conditions will influence the Ca2+-sensing receptor.  相似文献   

After a brief presentation of the development of free walking interpreted as learning dynamical equilibrium, the problem of sensory integration in the process of walking development is discussed. A critical review of the role of vision in the development of posturo-locomotor task is presented, along with recent test results on the development of the vestibular system. A final section presents the development of head stabilization and coordination as a necessary means to assist sensory integration. It is suggested that if sensory information is necessary to enhance posturo-locomotor skills, a good mastery of walking is in turn necessary to increase the efficiency of sensory integration.  相似文献   

Contractile parameters of a twitch contraction and changes in these parameters during repetitive stimulation are modified by muscle atrophy induced by tetrodotoxin (TTX). These altered parameters included developed tension (DT), contraction time (tC), half-relaxation time (tR, 1/2), average rate of force development (DT tC-1) and peak rate of relaxation (DTdtmin-1). These modifications may be related to different Ca2+ concentration transients in the myoplasm during muscle stimulation. We have used dantrolene sodium (DS) in TTX-treated rat gastrocnemius muscle to test this hypothesis. In situ isometric contractile responses of rat gastrocnemius muscle during repetitive stimulation at 10 Hz were analysed before and after administration of DS. After DS administration, twitch amplitude, tC, tR, 1/2 and DT tC-1 decreased and DTdtmin-1 relative to DT increased in atrophied muscle. During repetitive stimulation, a progressive enhancement developed tension (staircase) was absent in atrophied muscle, but DT increased to 171 +/- 4%, presenting a staircase response after DS treatment. This potentiation was accompanied by an increase in DT tC-1 to 175.6 +/- 7%. Inhibition of Ca2+ release in atrophied muscle resulted in twitch contractile parameters and contractile responses to 10 Hz stimulation that were similar, in many respects, to those responses in control (non-atrophied) muscles.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that heat acclimation raises the temperature threshold for heat-induced splanchnic vasoconstriction in the rat (W. Haddad and M. Horowitz. Thermal Balance in Health and Disease, Advances in Pharmacological Sciences. Basel: Birkhauser, 1994, p. 203-208; M. Shochina, W. Haddad, U. Meiri, and M. Horo-witz. J. Therm. Biol. 21: 289-295, 1996). We tested the hypothesis that heat acclimation alters splanchnic resistance artery sensitivity to norepinephrine (NE). Male Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 5) were acclimated to 35 degreesC ambient temperature for 5-8 wk. Control rats (n = 5) were maintained at 22-23 degreesC ambient temperature for 5-7 wk. Small mesenteric artery segments (2- to 3-mm length, 100- to 340-micrometer ID) were isolated, cannulated at both ends, and pressurized to 50 mmHg. Artery luminal diameter was measured in response to cumulative doses of NE (10(-9) to 10(-5) M) by using video microscopy. NE dose response was measured at 37 and 43 degreesC bath temperatures. There were no differences in constriction responses to NE between acclimated and control rat arteries at either 37 or 43 degreesC. We conclude that acclimation does not alter rat mesenteric artery sensitivity to NE.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F2alpha was tested to determine (a) whether its effect on intracellular Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i) and force in vascular smooth muscle was mediated through activation of the thromboxane A2 and/or prostaglandin receptor, and (b) the relative roles of Ca2+ influx via L-type and non-L-type Ca2+ channels in prostaglandin receptor-mediated contraction. [Ca2+]i and force were measured simultaneously in fura-2-loaded rat aortic strips. The thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist, SQ29548 ([1S]-1a,2b(5Z),3b,4a-7-(3-[2-[(phenylamino)carbonyl] hydrazinomethyl)-7-oxobicyclo-[2.2.1]hept-2-yl-5-heptenoic acid), prevented the prostaglandin F2alpha-induced plateau [Ca2+]i elevation and force by 80-90%, while abolishing these responses due to the thromboxane A2 receptor agonist, U46619 (9,11-dideoxy-9alpha,11alpha-methanoepoxy prostaglandin F2alpha). Prostaglandin F2alpha (+ SQ29548)-induced plateau [Ca2+]i elevation and force were not inhibited by verapamil. Ni2+, a non-selective cation channel blocker, in the presence of verapamil, abolished the prostaglandin F2alpha (+ SQ29548)-elevated [Ca2+]i, while the contraction was only partially inhibited. These results suggest that, in rat aorta, (1) elevated [Ca2+]i and force due to high prostaglandin F2alpha concentrations largely results from thromboxane A2 receptor activation, and (2) the prostaglandin component of the prostaglandin F2alpha-induced contraction is dependent on Ca2+ influx via non-L-type channels.  相似文献   

The antiallergic drugs astemizole and norastemizole inhibit exocytosis in mast cells, which might be relevant for their therapeutic action. From previous studies, it appeared that the drugs inhibited 45Ca2+ influx. Here, we present a more detailed study on the effects of astemizole and norastemizole on Ca2+ fluxes. Fura-2-loaded rat basophilic leukemia (RBL-2H3) cells were activated through the high-affinity receptor for IgE (FcepsilonRI) with antigen or by the endoplasmatic reticulum ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin, bypassing direct FcepsilonRI-related events. It appeared that astemizole (>15 microM), in contrast to norastemizole, showed a dual effect on intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i): a rise in intracellular calcium concentration was induced, which originated in the release of intracellular Ca2+ stores, whereas Ca2+ influx via store-operated Ca2+ (SOC) channels was inhibited. Ca2+ influx was further characterized using Ba2+ influx, whereas processes in the absence of Ca2+ influx were studied using Ni2+ or EGTA. It was concluded that the drugs most likely affect the store-operated Ca2+ channels in RBL cells directly. The two effects of astemizole on Ca2+ fluxes had opposing influences on exocytosis, thereby accounting for the biphasic effect of increasing astemizole concentration on mediator release in RBL cells.  相似文献   

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