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A method for volume selective proton spectroscopy is presented based on a multiecho sequence with short refocusing interval tcp. It is demonstrated, that by appropriate choice of tcp on the order of 4-6 ms, signals from overlapping multiplets like the glutamine and glutamate (Glu/Gln) resonances in spectra of the human brain are considerably increased compared with a conventional PRESS volume selection scheme. Thus proton spectra from J-coupled multiplet signals can be acquired with TE on the order of 20-30 ms avoiding the baseline problems arising at shorter echo times due to broad resonances. This allows to selectively acquire spectra from substances with longer T2 without the confounding effects from J-coupling occurring in conventional volume selection techniques.  相似文献   

In the last decade, silver staining of nucleolar organizer region-associated proteins (AgNORs) has been widely used in tumour pathology both for diagnostic and for prognostic purposes. However, a reliable and reproducible assessment of these proteins on routinely processed archival tissues has only become possible since the recent introduction of standardized staining method and computer-aided morphometric analysis. In the present study, the AgNOR content at the invasive front of 80 squamous cell carcinomas of the floor of the mouth/tongue was investigated using this novel approach, with regard to prognosis and a variety of clinico-pathological parameters. All standardized AgNOR parameters [mean of AgNOR number, mean of AgNOR area, coefficients of variation (CV) of both AgNOR number and area] were statistically significantly associated with the clinical course. The strongest correlation was found for the AgNOR-area univariate analysis (P = 0.006). In multivariate analysis, the mean of AgNOR number could independently predict both overall (P = 0.01) and disease-free survival (P = 0.001). It is concluded that standardized staining and computer-aided analysis of AgNORs are prerequisites for an objective and reproducible AgNOR assessment, which has potential as a supplementary diagnostic and prognostic tool in oral cancer.  相似文献   

Gap junctions were found to be a constant feature of chorioallantoic placentae with two or three trophoblastic layers. The gap junctions connect layers I and II in hemodichorial and layers II and III in hemotrichorial placentae. Although the gap junctions vary in form and in the packing density of membrane-associated particles, they cover an extensive surface area in all species examined. The gap junctions always connect adjacent membranes of two trophoblastic layers, which show no evidence of micropinocytotic activity; at least one of these trophoblastic layers is syncytial. It is therefore concluded that the gap junctions play an important role in diaplacental transport. We consider that gap junctions act as molecular sieves, resulting in limitations in the transport of large molecules. The passage of small molecules, on the contrary, would be facilitated by the gap junctions.  相似文献   

Terminal Schwann cells (TSCs) cover neuromuscular junctions and are important in the repair and maintenance of these synapses. We have examined how these cells are generated at developing junctions and how their number is regulated during repair of nerve injury. At birth, approximately half of the junctions in rat soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles have one TSC soma. Somata are absent from the remainder, although Schwann cell (SC) processes arising from somata along the preterminal axon cover almost all of these synapses. By 2 months of age, junctions have gained an additional two to three TSCs. Most of this gain occurs during the first 2 postnatal weeks and largely precedes the expansion of endplate size. Although the initial addition is caused by cell migration, mitotic labeling shows extensive division of TSCs at junctions. A slower addition of TSCs occurs in adult muscles, and TSC number in the adult is correlated with endplate size. During repair of nerve injury, TSC number is regulated by a combination of signals from motor neurons and denervated tissue. As shown previously (Connor et al., 1987), denervation of adult muscles did not, in itself, cause TSC mitosis. However, TSCs became mitotic during reinnervation. Partial denervation induced division of TSCs at innervated but not denervated endplates. A disproportionate number of these mitotic cells were found at endplates contacted by TSC processes extended from nearby denervated endplates, contacts known to promote nerve sprouting. These results show an association between TSC mitotic activity and alterations in synaptic structure during development, sprouting, and reinnervation.  相似文献   

The modulatory effect of adenosine on hepatic glutathione (GSH) synthesis has been investigated in an experimental model in which GSH synthesis from methionine was monitored in rat isolated hepatocytes previously depleted of GSH. Adenosine inhibited GSH synthesis in this system, with complete inhibition occurring at 1 mM. Studies with adenosine receptor agonists and antagonists and adenosine analogues devoid of agonist activity have indicated that this effect of adenosine is not receptor-mediated nor is it mediated through changes in ATP level or redox balance. Rather, the data are consistent with an inhibitory effect of adenosine on the methionine-->cysteine transsulphuration pathway, probably at the level of the enzyme S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase. Submaximal inhibitory concentrations of adenosine produced an effect on GSH synthesis additive to that obtained with a maximal inhibitory concentration of adrenaline, which inhibits GSH synthesis at the level of gamma-glutamylcysteinyl synthetase. Furthermore, exposure of hepatocytes to adenosine subsequent to brief treatment with the toxicant menadione precipitated cytotoxicity. These results suggest that adenosine-mediated inhibition of hepatic GSH synthesis may have a role in various pathological or toxicological states.  相似文献   

More than ten research groups have now reported the presence of gap junctions in blood-forming tissue or cultured cells. It is time to accept that these cell-coupling structures are present in this tissue. To find out what they are doing here we need to develop appropriate experimental techniques. This review covers the particular problems of investigating direct cell-cell communication by gap or other junctions in undisturbed haemopoietic tissue. It then describes and assesses the published reports of haemopoietic gap junctions. Recently, in the author's laboratory, three means of increasing the number of gap junctions 50- to 100-fold in mouse marrow have been described, as well as techniques for doing so in culture. There is a complete report of this work here. At present it is quite unclear what function gap junctions serve in blood-formation, perhaps it is some consolation that 30 years after their ultramicroscopic discovery it is also true for all other unexcitable tissues. Possibly the ability to up-regulate their expression in haemopoietic tissue will help us find out what their role is in blood formation.  相似文献   

Human, rat, and dog phase I and phase II xenobiotic metabolism in precision-cut liver slices and freshly isolated hepatocytes was compared using a range of substrates. Carbamazepine (50 microM) and styrene (2 mM) were used as probes to study the maintenance of cytochrome P450 and epoxide hydrolase-mediated metabolism in male Sprague-Dawley rat, precision-cut liver slices and hepatocytes. Carbamazepine metabolism in both models resulted in the formation of the bioactive 10,11-epoxide (KM = 766 microM and Vmax = 2.5 pmol/min/mg protein in precision-cut slices). Epoxide formation was higher (2.4-fold) in hepatocytes than slices. Styrene was deactivated to styrene diol at a higher rate in hepatocytes (9.7-fold) than slices. The lower rate of metabolism in slices compared with hepatocytes confirms our previous observations using testosterone, 7-ethoxycoumarin, 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and 2-(5'-chloro-2'-phosphoryloxyphenyl)-6-chloro-4-(3H)-quinazolinone in the rat. Testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylation in human liver slices was similar to cultured hepatocytes, but lower than in freshly isolated hepatocytes. 7-Ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation was higher in freshly isolated human hepatocytes, as was the ratio of glucuronide to 7-hydroxycoumarin. Testosterone hydroxylations, 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation, and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene conjugation were also lower in male beagle dog slices, compared with freshly isolated hepatocytes. Attempts at long-term preservation of dog liver slices using vitrification and storage for up to 9 days at -196 degrees C resulted in the retention of phase I and phase II metabolism, although conjugation was lower than in freshly prepared slices. Xenobiotic metabolism in short-term incubations is consistently lower in dog and rat precision-cut slices than in freshly isolated hepatocytes; whereas, in humans, this quantitative difference is partly hidden by the large interindividual variation.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most important infectious agent in transplant recipients. The critical step in the pathogenesis of CMV infection is the reactivation of latent virus, which is affected by the immunosuppressive therapy and/or alloantigenic stimulation. The clinical effects of CMV infection include CMV disease (syndrome), an immunosuppressed state, and allograft injury. Recently, the incidence of serious CMV diseases after transplant has been decreased, probably due to the advance in the method for rapid diagnosis, the ganciclovir administration, and the effective prevention of CMV diseases. Seronegative or filtered blood products, CMV immune globulin, and prophylactic or preemptive therapy with ganciclovir appear contribute to the improvement in the prophylaxis for CMV diseases after transplant. Antigenemia-guided early treatment may be promising for the effective prevention of CMV diseases after transplant.  相似文献   

By extensively examining the experimental conditions for time-resolved spectrophotometry of non-transparent light scattering systems, we demonstrated the feasibility of quantitative analysis of both the fluorescence lifetime and intensity of reduced pyridine nucleotides in living tissues, suspensions of isolated liver mitochondria, and hepatocytes, as well as hemoglobin-free perfused rat liver being used systematically for measurements. The fluorescence decay was analyzed by the maximum likelihood method with a 4-component decay model. The lifetime of NADH observed in mitochondria (mean: 2.8 +/- 0.2 ns) was much longer than that of the free form in an aqueous solution (mean: 0.43 +/- 0.01 ns), and it was characterized as a protein-bound form. The lifetime was not affected by either aerobic or anaerobic conditions nor by the energy state, though the intensity changed markedly. The decay curves of isolated hepatocytes under normal aerobic conditions were the same as those of isolated mitochondria, though cytosolic NADH and NADPH were superimposed. Under the conditions of "unphysiological" acidosis, the mean lifetime became about 1.5 times longer than that under normal conditions. With perfused liver, the relative contributions of cytosolic NADH and NADPH were determined by infusing lactate and tert-butylhydroperoxide. Cytosolic NADH did not contribute to the overall fluorescence of pyridine nucleotides. In contrast, about 70% of the total fluorescence intensity was due to cytosolic NADPH, but its decay parameters were essentially the same as those of mitochondrial NADH. No free form of either NADH or NADPH was detected in the cytosolic and mitochondrial spaces. We concluded that the changes in fluorescence intensity observed under the various conditions can be simply explained by a change in the amount of reduced pyridine nucleotides in tissues, rather than by changes in the microscopic environment. The wide applicability of time-resolved fluorescence photometry to in vivo studies is well documented.  相似文献   

Studies on the disposition of extracellular S-adenosylhomocysteine by isolated rat hepatocytes have shown that S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine is not taken up by cells, but binds to acceptor(s) on the cell surface. The Scatchard plots for the binding of S-adenosylhomocysteine to hepatocytes and purified rat liver membranes at 0 degrees were nonlinear, and consistent with high-affinity components with Kd values of 0.4 microM and 0.7 microM, respectively. About 60% of the S-adenosylhomocysteine that was bound to cells and purified membranes dissociated rapidly from its binding sites. The rapid initial phase was followed by a second slow phase obeying first-order kinetics, corresponding to a dissociation rate constant of 0.09 min-1. S-Tubercidinylhomocysteine and unlabeled S-adenosylhomocysteine were potent inhibitors of the binding of S-[14C]adenosylhomocysteine, whereas S-3-deazaadenosylhomocysteine, S-adenosylmethionine, and S-adenosyl-D-homocysteine were less effective. A fraction of the S-adenosylhomocysteine that was bound to rat hepatocytes was displaced by low concentrations of sinefungin and its metabolite, A9145C, but these compounds were weak inhibitors of S-adenosylhomocysteine binding to purified membranes. 5'-Deoxy-5'-S-isobutylthioadenosine showed slight inhibitory activity against S-adenosylhomocysteine binding to both cells and purified membranes. In conclusion, the equilibrium binding, dissociation rate kinetics, and displacement curves in the presence of S-adenosylhomocysteine analogues show that S-adenosylhomocysteine binds to a heterogeneous population of binding sites of intact hepatocytes and purified liver plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated gene delivery has been reported for a number of different receptor systems although the intracellular fate of such systems has not been systematically investigated. In this study, we have determined the fate of a commonly used asialoglycoprotein (ASGP)-dependent DNA delivery system in isolated rat hepatocytes. ASPG-polylysine (PLL296) was ionically complexed with pSV-CAT DNA at a molar ratio of 10:1. The resulting complex inhibited 125I-ASGP binding to rat hepatocytes but ASGP only partially inhibited the binding of complex. The ASGP-independent binding was due to the interaction of the PLL component of the complex with plasma membranes and could be minimised by replacing PLL296 with PLL19. Following internalisation, ASGP was cleaved from the complex and translocated to the lysosomes where it was degraded. The DNA, however, remained in an intracellular compartment that cosedimented with plasma membranes in Percoll density gradients. This study shows first that hepatocytes do not process DNA internalised as ASGP complexes in a manner similar to ASGP itself, and second that the differential sorting of the two cleaved molecules leads to a rapid intracellular compartmentalisation of the DNA. Controlled release from this compartment may be a means for prolonged gene expression in gene therapy protocols.  相似文献   

Liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy is significantly impaired in rats with hereditary vasopressin deficiency (Brattleboro strain), both in rate of DNA synthesis and in return of liver DNA content to normal. Vasopressin treatment at physiological doses ameliorates the defect and thus appears to be an important modulator of liver regeneration in response to partial hepatectomy in the rat.  相似文献   

The interaction of Zn, stress and endotoxin on liver metallothionein (MT) regulation has been studied in the rat. Zn, stress and endotoxin increased liver MT levels significantly, by 12-, 5- and 8-fold, respectively. The previous administration of Zn to stress or endotoxin treatments increased MT levels by 35- and 42-fold, respectively, indicating a synergistic effect in both cases. In contrast, when liver MT was preinduced by stress, MT levels were further increased by endotoxin only in an additive manner. In another experiment where liver MT induction by stress was studied in control rats and in rats with preinduced MT by Zn, endotoxin or stress, it was found that Zn pretreated animals had higher MT-I mRNA levels than endotoxin- or stress-pretreated ones. No synergisms between dexamethasone, Zn, TNF and IFN were observed in primary culture of hepatocytes. These results suggest that the observed synergisms between Zn and other MT inducers in vivo in the liver is a consequence of increased Zn levels in the body and mobilization capacity, with concomitant MT synthesis.  相似文献   

The relationship between the metabolism and the cytotoxic effects of the alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) has been studied in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes. Incubation of hepatocytes with propyl-paraben (0.5 to 2.0 mM) elicited a concentration- and time-dependent cell death that was enhanced when enzymatic hydrolysis of propyl-paraben to p-hydroxybenzoic acid was inhibited by a carboxylesterase inhibitor, diazinon. The cytotoxicity was accompanied by losses of cellular ATP, total adenine nucleotide pools, and reduced glutathione, independently of lipid peroxidation and protein thiol oxidation. In the comparative toxic effects based on cell viability, ATP level, and rhodamine 123 retention, butyl- and isobutyl-parabens were more toxic than propyl- and isopropyl-parabens, and ethyl- and methyl-parabens and p-hydroxybenzoic acid were less toxic than propyl-paraben. The addition of propyl-paraben to isolated hepatic mitochondria reduced state 3 respiration with NAD+-linked substrates (pyruvate plus malate) and/or with an FAD-linked substrate (succinate plus rotenone), whereas state 3 respiration with ascorbate plus tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (cytochrome oxidase-linked respiration) was not affected significantly by propyl-paraben. Further, the addition of these parabens caused a concentration-dependent increase in the rate of state 4 oxygen consumption, indicating an uncoupling effect. The rate of state 3 oxygen consumption was inhibited by propyl-paraben, butyl-paraben, and their chain isomers. These results indicate that a) propyl-paraben-induced cytotoxicity is mediated by the parent compound rather than by its metabolite p-hydroxybenzoic acid; b) the toxicity is associated with ATP depletion via impairment of mitochondrial function related to membrane potential and/or oxidative phosphorylation; and c) the toxic potency of parabens to hepatocytes or mitochondria depends on the relative elongation of alkyl side-chains esterified to the carboxyl group of p-hydroxybenzoic acid.  相似文献   

Distinct inositol and phosphatidylinositol polyphosphates 5-phosphatases have recently been cloned. Primers have been designed coding for highly conserved amino acid regions that are shared between sequences of 5-phosphatases. One of the PCR fragment referred to as 51 C, shows 99% identity to a previously reported sequence (INPPL-1) present in the database. We report here the identification of cDNAs for a new SH2-domain-containing protein showing homology to the inositol 5-phosphatase SHIP and therefore referred to as SHIP2. SHIP2 differs at both N- and C-terminal ends with the sequence of INPPL-1. The translated sequence of SHIP2 encodes a 1258 amino acid protein with a predicted molecular mass of 142 kDa. Particularly high levels of SHIP2 were found in human heart, skeletal muscle and placenta as shown by Northern blot analysis. SHIP2 was also expressed in dog thyroid cells in primary culture where the expression was enhanced in TSH and EGF-stimulated cells.  相似文献   

The incorporation of radioactivity from a 14C-labelled amino acid mixture (algal protein hydrolysate) into protein in isolated rat hepatocytes has been studied. The incorporation rate declined with increasing cell concentration, an effect which could be explained partly by isotope consumption, partly (and largely) by isotope dilution due to the formation of non-labelled amino acids by the cells. At a high extracellular amino acid concentration, the rate of incorporation into protein became independent of cell concentration, because the isotope dilution effect was now quantitatively insignificant. The time course of protein labelling at various cells concentrations correlated better with the intracellular than with the extracellular amino acid specific activity, suggesting that amino acids for protein synthesis were taken from an intracellular pool. With increasing extracellular amino acid concentrations both the intracellular amino acid concentration, the intracellular radioactivity and the rate of incorporation into protein increased. Protein labelling exhibited a distinct time lag at high amino acid concentrations, presumably reflecting the time-dependent expansion of the intracellular amino acid pool. The gradual increase in the rate of protein labelling could be due either to an increased intracellular specific activity, or to a real stimulation of protein synthesis by amino acids, depending on whether the total intracellular amino acid pool or just the expandable compartment is the precursor pool for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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