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消防应急照明和疏散指示系统对于一个建筑来说是相当重要的,它能够为人员在火灾发生时的疏散提供有利的保障,保护人的生命安全。近年来,为了给建筑提供科学安全、高效实用的疏散通道,越来越多的建筑采用集中控制型系统。为了建筑的消防安全,如何合理设置消防应急照明和疏散指示系统,是消防设计中应该重点考虑的问题,也是其能安全使用的一个重要保障。  相似文献   

消防应急照明与疏散指示系统是建筑消防设施的重要组成部分,其作用为在火灾发生时为人员疏散、消防作业提供照明,由各类消防应急灯具及相关装置组成。本文以设计图纸消防审查过程中发现的常见问题为契,对消防应急照明与疏散指示系统的设计的几个方面进行简单论述。  相似文献   

伴随着经济的快速发展,各类使用功能的大空间建筑大量出现。大空间建筑具有跨度大,空间高度高,使用时人员高度密集等特点,在发生火灾、骚乱等紧急事故时,容易造成重大伤亡事故或重大经济损失。文章对大空间建筑内部的人员在火灾场景下的安全疏散进行了研究,运用火灾及疏散计算机模拟软件FDS+EVAC,设定典型火灾场景,动态模拟火灾发生、发展过程及其对内部人员安全疏散的影响。结合大空间建筑人员疏散设计的研究方法和结论,提出此类型建筑疏散设计的一些建议。  相似文献   

大型建筑已成为我国现代化建设的发展趋势,由于大型建筑是人口最为密集的地方,若发生火灾,难以及时疏散人群,不易扑灭火灾,极易导致人员伤亡及财产损失。为此,建筑消防电气系统的安装及维护显得尤为重要。为此,本文则对建筑消防电气的安装及维护要点做详细介绍。  相似文献   

随着经济的高速发展和科技的不断进步,建筑物的功能越来越多、越来越复杂。如大型商业建筑、高层建筑、大型广场、综合厂房、公路隧道等,这些建筑对消防设计的要求也大大提高。以往的处方式防火设计规范已难以满足这些复杂建筑的防火要求,依据特定建筑物的火灾特性,提出性能化消防设计。  相似文献   

会展类建筑布展时可燃物较多,且电气设备较多,火灾危险性大;展览时人员密度较高,疏散困难,一旦着火,蔓延速度快,加之空间高大,火灾扑救难度大,故会展类建筑消防系统尤为重要。以烟台八角湾国际会展中心为例,首先对消防设计难点进行分析,然后对消防设计过程中遇到的难点提出了对应的解决措施,同时对消防增压稳压设备遇到的问题进行了分析思考,提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

介绍国内火灾自动报警设计规范的各种探测器选择方法,根据防火性能化分析原理,针对某成品库大空间建筑屋面取消喷淋的设计方案,为保证火灾自动报警探测及时可靠,确保建筑的耐火极限时间,采用美国Fire Dynamic Simulation软件,通过火灾热动力过程和探测器启动的有限元数值模拟,对成品库大空间建筑的火灾及探测进行性能化分析;通过优化设计采用线型红外光束感烟火灾探测器设计,使火灾探测报警系统既安全可靠又经济合理。  相似文献   

周方媛  张巨伟 《当代化工》2014,(11):2302-2304
消防系统分为灭火系统和安全疏散系统。随着人们对火灾安全重视度的提高及科技的不断发展,我们在灭火系统设计,设备研究,疏散软件研发及性能化防火等方面都有了很大的提升。其目的就是为了确保消防设施在工业企业中能真正有效的应用,起到预防,灭火,减少损失的作用。石油化工企业在生产过程中存在着一系列的安全问题,因为其生产过程中常伴随着高温、高压、氧化、还原或临氢等化学反应。如果遇到操作不当或失误,引起的火灾和爆炸的危险性比非化工企业要大,容易发生更为严重的安全事故。根据多起消防火灾案例及消防法规,结合国内外油品防火设计思路,我们从石油储罐的危险性研究和消防系统布置为主进行了合理化设计。  相似文献   

柳伟  潘旭海 《化工进展》2016,35(Z2):103-109
通过借鉴广泛应用于消防领域的性能化设计思想和方法,针对企业建构筑防火间距不足的问题,本文提出了基于风险分析的性能化安全设计的思想、方法和设计流程等内容,后以某石油储备库为例应用该理论进行性能化安全设计。设计过程包括:确定设计范围为不满足规范要求罐组区内的设备、储存物质和相关人员等;辨识出主要危险因素为火灾、爆炸;根据主要危险因素的结构重要度的分析结果确定了性能化设计的功能指标;根据功能指标增加了高自动化措施、水幕喷淋设施等额外的性能化安全设计措施;最后使用定量方法计算性能化安全设计之后的系统风险值,评估得到性能化安全设计后的系统风险值小于规范防火间距要求下系统的风险值,性能化安全设计满足预期目标。  相似文献   

王文哲 《广东化工》2016,(11):223-225
目前石油化工行业的控制室大多数采用抗爆结构,结构上形成较多封闭空间,封闭空间火灾时的安全疏散与消防救援形势更加严峻复杂,而建筑防排烟系统能有效控制火灾烟气流动,利于疏散救援工作的开展。结合工程实例以及对GB50016-2014《建筑设计防火规范》、GB50779-2012《石油化工控制室抗爆设计规范》的理解,分析防烟分区的划分、防排烟系统的设计理念。  相似文献   

W. K. Chow  L. Qu 《火与材料》2014,38(4):451-461
A green railway station adopting natural ventilation was built in Hong Kong to promote sustainable architectural design. Similar to many other green or sustainable projects, such design failed to comply with the local fire safety codes. There are potential fire hazards due to the adopted green features. Better ventilation provision would supply more air to burn the combustibles in case of fire. Performance‐based design was applied using the timeline analysis to determine the fire safety provisions. In this paper, fire simulations were carried out to predict the available safe egress time (ASET) under low design fires with smoke toxicity including only the carbon monoxide concentration. Evacuation simulations were conducted to predict the required safe egress time (RSET) under low passenger loadings. Studies on human behaviour under big fires and heavy passenger loadings were not included. Problems to be encountered in this green railway station using the timeline analysis will be pointed out in this paper. ASET was estimated by computational fluid dynamics with bigger fires resulted from the green features. RSET was estimated by evacuation software under local passenger loadings. The results indicated that ASET are less than RSET under big fires with heavy passenger loadings. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To quantify the evacuation process, evacuation practitioners use engineering egress data describing the occupant movement characteristics. These data are typically based to young and fit populations. However, the movement abilities of occupants who might be involved in evacuations are becoming more variable—with the building populations of today typically including increasing numbers of individuals: with impairments or who are otherwise elderly or generally less mobile. Thus, there will be an increasing proportion of building occupants with reduced ability to egress. For safe evacuation, there is therefore a need to provide valid engineering egress data considering pedestrians with disabilities. Gwynne and Boyce recently compiled a series of data sets related to the evacuation process to support practitioner activities in the chapter Engineering Data in the SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering. This paper supplements these data sets by providing information on and presenting data obtained from additional research related to the premovement and horizontal movement of participants with physical‐, cognitive‐, or age‐related disabilities. The aim is to provide an overview of currently available data sets related to, and key factors affecting the egress performance of, mixed ability populations which could be used to guide fire safety engineering decisions in the context of building design.  相似文献   

许秦坤  周煜琴  林朋  刘桂江  莫爽  徐剑 《玻璃》2013,(12):28-32
针对非煤矿山火灾,以典型铅锌矿为例,利用FDS对井下火灾进行分析,确定影响人员逃生的主要因素。分析表明,有毒气体浓度和矿内巷道的能见度是影响人员逃生的主要因素;在模拟过程中发生了烟流逆退和风流逆转现象并提出一些针对性的措施。  相似文献   

A new type of train configuration, known as Open Wide Gangway (OWG) is becoming popular, particularly in underground environments. Previous fire modelling analysis demonstrated that the OWG configuration was considered safe as or safer than conventional configurations as it reduced the likelihood of flashover. However, these studies have ignored the impact on evacuation of the spread of fire effluent to non‐fire cars. Here we explore the fire safety offered by conventional and OWG configurations using coupled fire and evacuation modelling techniques. Two tunnel train situations are considered: one in which the car side doors are available for evacuation (train in a wide tunnel) and the other in which only the end cab doors are available (train in a narrow tunnel). Two population configurations are considered, fully and half loaded. Two ignition sources are also considered, one representing an accidental fire and the other an arson fire. The analysis demonstrates that while the OWG configuration may produce improved fire performance in the car of fire origin compared to the conventional configuration, if the interaction of the fire effluent with the evacuating passengers is considered, the OWG configuration results in a significantly greater number of casualties in virtually all the scenarios considered. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据地铁站的火灾特点和安全疏散的影响因素建立了评估因素集,结合模糊数学原理和模糊层次分析法,建立了地铁站安全疏散评估数学模型.在此模型的基础上,运用C#在.NET2005平台上,开发了地铁站安全疏散模糊综合评价系统,用该系统对南京某地铁站的安全疏散进行了实例分析.  相似文献   

For the evaluation of occupant safety in the case of building fires, the Required Safe Egress Time/Available Safe Egress Time (RSET/ASET) concept has become widespread and is now commonly used in the fire safety engineering profession. It has also become commonly used by smoke detector (smoke alarm) manufacturers in assessing whether a particular detector technology is adequate. It is shown in this paper that the concept is intrinsically flawed and its use promotes the diminishment of fire safety available to building occupants. The concept innately ignores the wide variations in capabilities and physical condition of persons involved in fire. It is based on implicitly assuming that, after a brief period where they assess the situation and mobilize themselves, occupants will proceed to the best exit in a robotic manner. This assumption completely fails to recognize that there are very few fires, especially in residential occupancies, where occupants perished or were seriously injured who had endeavored to exit in this robotic manner. Instead, in the vast majority of fire death and serious injury cases, the occupants did not move in such a manner and their evacuation took longer than anticipated on the basis of robotic movement. There is a wide variety of reasons for this, and these are well known in the profession. The concept also ignores that there can be a wide variation in fire scenarios. The same building and the same fire protection features can be evaluated, but both RSET and ASET can change drastically, depending on the scenario used. The consequence of using the RSET/ASET concept for fire safety engineering or product design purposes is that fire deaths and injuries are permitted to occur, which are preventable. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于模糊数学的地铁站安全疏散综合评价模型及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了地铁站人员疏散的安全评价在消防中的重要意义,并根据地铁站的特点建立了评估因素集,根据模糊数学原理和层次分析法,建立了地铁站安全疏散评估模型,并结合此模型给出了地铁站安全疏散的评估实例。因素权重采用模糊层次分析法确定,对评估结果采用最大隶属度法进行了处理。模糊综合评估不仅可用于地铁站,亦可用于其他建筑。  相似文献   

为在布局设计初级阶段实现平面布局方案的优选,从本质上减少影响应急救援的不利因素,构建了基于AHP 与DEA 和模糊综合评价法的化工企业平面布局安全评价模型.依据平面布局不合理对应急救援的影响,从消防设施布局、消防道路布局和疏散布局三个方面,构建评价指标体系;运用AHP 和DEA 相结合的方式确定各指标权重,以隶属度函数曲线为基础,得到各评分集的隶属度,构建模糊综合评价模型.用该评价模型对化工企业布局方案进行优选,选出的布局方案与分析的一致,表明该评价模型有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

Recent advances in passenger rail transportation, fire test methods, and hazard analysis necessitate re-examination of requirements for fire safety. Several studies have indicated nearly random ability of current bench-scale tests to predicts actual fire behavior. Fire safety in any application, including transportation, requires a multi-faceted approach. The effects of vehicle design, material selection, detection and suppression systems, and emergency egress and their interaction, on the overall fire safety of the passenger trains must all be considered. The strengths and weakness of current methods for measuring the fire performance of rail transportation systems are evaluated. A systems approach to fire safety which address typical passenger train fire scenatios is analyzed. A rationale is presented for the direction in which most fire science-oriented organizations in the world are clearly headed – the use of fire hazard and fire risk assessment methods supported by measurement methods based on heat release rate.  相似文献   

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