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针对带有执行器饱和的柔性关节机器人系统,提出一种位置反馈动态面控制,以实现机器人连杆的角位置跟踪.在一般动态面控制的设计框架下,设计观测器重构系统未知速度状态,利用径向基函数神经网络学习饱和非线性特性,结合“最小参数学习”算法减轻计算负担.通过Lyapunov方法证明得出闭环系统所有信号半全局一致有界,跟踪误差可以通过调节控制器参数达到任意小.仿真结果表明,控制系统能够克服外界干扰,有效补偿系统存在的执行器饱和,实现柔性关节机器人的准确跟踪控制.该方法避免了传统反演设计存在的“微分爆炸”现象,简化了设计过程.  相似文献   

In this article, a robust output-feedback adaptive dynamic surface control (DSC) is proposed for linear time-invariant single-input single-output plants with unmodelled dynamics and unmeasurable output disturbance. With the proposed adaptive DSC scheme, the ‘explosion of terms’ problem inherent in backstepping control is eliminated and the adaptive law is necessary only at the first design step, which significantly reduces the design procedure. More importantly, it is proved that with an initialisation technique, the ? performance of the tracking error can be guaranteed even with unmodelled dynamics, bounded output disturbance exists and the plant high-frequency gain is unknown.  相似文献   

This study presents a distributed adaptive containment control approach for a group of uncertain flexible-joint (FJ) robots with multiple dynamic leaders under a directed communication graph. The leaders are neighbors of only a subset of the followers. The derivatives of the leaders are unknown, namely, the position information of the leaders is only available for implementing the proposed control approach. The local adaptive dynamic surface containment controller for each follower is designed using only neighbors’ information to guarantee that all followers converge to the dynamic convex hull spanned by the dynamic leaders. The function approximation technique using neural networks is employed to estimate the model uncertainties of each follower. It is proved that the containment control errors converge to an adjustable neighborhood of the origin regardless of model uncertainties and the lack of shared communication information. Simulation results for FJ manipulators are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive containment control scheme.  相似文献   

针对带有输出约束和模型不确定的柔性关节机械臂系统,提出一种基于时变障碍李雅普诺夫函数的预设性能自适应控制方法.通过构造指数衰减的时变约束边界,提出时变正切型障碍李雅普诺夫函数,能够同时适用于约束与非约束情况,进而拓宽传统对数型障碍李雅普诺夫函数的适用范围.此外,通过预先设置时变边界函数的相关参数,使得系统输出在初始阶段...  相似文献   

To achieve predefined-time trajectory tracking control of a flexible-joint space robot(FJSR) with actuator constraints, a nonsingular predefined-time dynamic surface control scheme is developed. The input saturation caused by actuator constraints is addressed via the designed predefined-time anti-saturation compensator. On this basis, two different control laws are designed for such high-order nonlinear systems by utilizing the backstepping technique, and a novel nonlinear filter is constructed to filter the virtual control signals, thus avoiding the “differential expansion” phenomenon. Moreover, a singularity-free auxiliary function is designed to solve the singularity issue generated by the derivative of fractional power terms in the predefined-time control algorithm framework. The closed-loop system is proven to be semi-globally predefined-timely uniformly ultimately bounded (SGPTUUB) via constructing the suitable Lyapunov function. The difference and effectiveness of the two designed control laws are illustrated by the conducted simulations. Both of them allow the FJSR system to track the desired trajectory in a reasonably predefined time.  相似文献   

针对一类完全非仿射纯反馈非线性系统,提出一种简化的自适应神经网络动态面控制方法.基于隐函数定理和中值定理将未知非仿射输入函数进行分解,使其含有显式的控制输入;利用简化的神经网络逼近未知非线性函数,对于阶SISO纯反馈系统,仅一个参数需要更新;动态面控制可消除反推设计中由于对虚拟控制反复求导而导致的复杂性问题.通过Lyapunov稳定性定理证明了闭环系统的半全局稳定性,数值仿真验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the problem of adaptive control for uncertain nonaffine nonlinear systems. The original nonaffine systems are transformed into the augmented affine systems via adding an auxiliary integrator, which makes the explicit control design possible. By introducing a modified sliding mode filter in each step, a novel adaptive dynamic surface controller is proposed, where the ‘explosion of complexity’ problem inherent in the backstepping design is avoided. It is proven rigorously that for any initial control condition, the proposed adaptive scheme is able to ensure the semiglobal uniformly ultimately boundedness of all signals in the closed loop. An illustrative example is carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel dynamic surface control algorithm for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems in completely non‐affine pure‐feedback form. Instead of using the mean value theorem, we construct an affine variable at each design step, and then neural network is employed to deduce a virtual control signal or an actual control signal. As a result, the unknown control directions and singularity problem raised by the mean value theorem is circumvented. The proposed scheme is able to overcome the explosion of complexity inherent in backstepping control and guarantee the tracking performance by introducing an initialization technique based on a surface error modification. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A robust neuro-adaptive controller for uncertain flexible joint robots is presented. This control scheme integrates H-infinity disturbance attenuation design and recurrent neural network adaptive control technique into the dynamic surface control framework. Two recurrent neural networks are used to adaptively learn the uncertain functions in a flexible joint robot. Then, the effects of approximation error and filter error on the tracking performance are attenuated to a prescribed level by the embedded H-infinity controller, so that the desired H-infinity tracking performance can be achieved. Finally, simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

针对一类严格反馈型不确定非线性切换系统,提出了一种鲁棒自适应神经动态面跟踪控制方案.该方案在基于共同Lyapunov函数的后推法设计中引入动态面控制(dynamic surface control,DSC)技术,利用径向基神经网络逼近构造的未知共同上界函数,并将滤波器输出导数取代传统中间变量作为神经网络输入,降低了网络输入维度;同时利用Young’s不等式技术有效减少了神经网络控制器的可调参数数目.此外,理论证明了该控制方案可以保证在任意切换下闭环系统所有信号半全局一致终结有界,且跟踪误差在有限时间收敛到零的小邻域内.实验结果表明了所提方法达到了很好的跟踪性能.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the leader-following consensus control problem of stochastic multi-agent systems with hysteresis inputs and nonlinear dynamics. A leader-following consensus scheme is presented for stochastic multi-agent systems directions under directed graphs, which can achieve predefined synchronisation error bounds. By mainly activating an auxiliary robust control component for pulling back the transient escaped from the neural active region, a multi-switching robust neuro adaptive controller in the neural approximation domain, which can achieve globally uniformly ultimately bounded tracking stability of multi-agent systems recently. A specific Nussbaum-type function is introduced to solve the problem of unknown control directions. Using a dynamic surface control technique, distributed consensus controllers are developed to guarantee that the outputs of all followers synchronise with that of the leader with prescribed performance. Based on Lyapunov stability theory, it is proved that all signals in closed-loop systems are uniformly ultimately bounded and all the follower agents can keep consensus with the leader. Two simulation examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness and advantage of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

This paper investigates modelling and adaptive tracking control problems for flexible joint robots subjected to random disturbances. A stochastic flexible joint robot model is given by introducing random noises reasonably. Under some weaker assumptions, a new controller is constructed by exploiting adaptive dynamic surface control technique. It is proved that the mean square of the tracking error can be made arbitrarily small by choosing appropriate design parameters. A mechanics model is provided in the simulation to show the effectiveness of the presented theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel robust adaptive control scheme for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems is proposed using disturbance observer and backstepping method.Firstly, a disturbance observer is developed using radial basis function(RBF) neural network.The parameter updated law of the RBF neural network is given for monitoring subsystem disturbance well.The robust adaptive control scheme is then presented with backstepping method based on the designed disturbance observer.Semiglobal uniform ultimate bounded...  相似文献   

本文对于一类含不确定输入时滞和干扰的非线性系统的跟踪控制问题提出了一种自适应动态面控制方案. 利用动态面控制方法避免了传统的后推设计中存在的复杂度爆炸问题. 分别构造了一个滤波器和一个虚拟观测器来产生辅助信号. 采用神经网络来逼近未知的连续函数. 跟踪误差被证明最终收敛到一个足够小的紧集. 给出了一个数字仿真示例验证了理论结果.  相似文献   

双电机驱动伺服系统中存在齿隙非线性环节,为了削弱齿隙非线性对系统的动态和稳态性能产生的不利影响,本文提出了一种新的自适应控制方法.首先给出了系统的状态空间模型并分析了双电机同步联动控制的原理,然后应用改进的反推方法,在考虑系统所有的状态变量都能收敛的基础上,引入虚拟控制量,通过逐步递推选择Lyapunov函数,利用径向基函数(radial basis function, RBF)神经网络在线逼近系统中的不确定函数,设计了基于状态反馈的RBF神经网络反推自适应控制器,并进行了稳定性分析.将单纯的反推控制和RBF神经网络反推自适应控制的仿真结果对比,发现后者的优越性高于前者.最后在实际系统中进行试验,验证了所提控制策略的可行性.  相似文献   

The problem of adaptive output feedback stabilisation is addressed for a more general class of non-strict-feedback stochastic nonlinear systems in this paper. The neural network (NN) approximation and the variable separation technique are utilised to deal with the unknown subsystem functions with the whole states. Based on the design of a simple input-driven observer, an adaptive NN output feedback controller which contains only one parameter to be updated is developed for such systems by using the dynamic surface control method. The proposed control scheme ensures that all signals in the closed-loop systems are bounded in probability and the error signals remain semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded in fourth moment (or mean square). Two simulation examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control design.  相似文献   

非脆弱递归滑模动态面自适应神经网络控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一类非匹配不确定非线性系统的跟踪控制问题, 提出了一种递归滑模动态面自适应控制算法. 采用神经网络(neural network, NN)在线逼近系统不确定项, 通过设计递归滑模动态面有效综合反推步骤中每步跟踪误差之间相互影响和制约的关系. 该方法避免了反推法存在的“微分爆炸”问题, 克服了传统动态面方法对其低通滤波器时间常数和神经网络自适应参数摄动脆弱的缺点. 稳定性分析证明了该方法能够保证闭环系统所有状态半全局一致最终有界, 且跟踪误差可以收敛至原点的任意小邻域.  相似文献   

针对欠驱动船舶在稳定航速条件下轨迹跟踪问题,提出了一种基于自适应神经网络与反步法相结合的控制算法.该算法将实际的欠驱动船舶视为模型完全未知的非线性系统,利用神经网络的函数逼近特性实现控制器中非线性部分的在线估计,采用同时调整输入层-隐层、隐层-输出层间的权值阵的方法进行神经网络权值调整.通过选取积分型Lyapunov函数证明了闭环系统的稳定性.仿真实验表明该控制策略具有良好的跟踪特性,可以实现对期望航迹的精确跟踪.  相似文献   

This work deals with decentralized control of multiple nonholonomic mobile sensors for optimal coverage of a given area for sensing purposes. We assume a density function over the region to be covered, which can be viewed as a probability density of the phenomena to be sensed. The density function is unknown but assumed to be linearly parameterized with unknown parameter weights. We consider a second‐order dynamic model for the mobile agents and derive decentralized adaptive control laws to achieve optimal coverage of the region. We then consider the case where the dynamic model of the agents are not fully known, and then develop parameter adaptation laws to achieve the optimal coverage objective. We test the derived algorithms using simulations and compare our proposed controllers with kinematics‐based controllers. We find that the feedback control design based on the dynamic model performs significantly better than controllers solely relying on kinematic models. Furthermore, for the unknown dynamics case, our controller outperforms the nonadaptive controller with poor initial parameter estimates.  相似文献   

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