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符号有向图(SDG)是大规模复杂系统中故障传播关系的描述模型,但它仅能通过在相容通路上的定性推理进行故障分离,因此有着明显的局限性。而结构残差是定量故障分离的成熟方法,将其引入基于SDG的故障分离中,用以提高系统故障分离的能力,弥补SDG方法的不足。具体的做法是将SDG转化为结构残差的描述形式,再利用结构残差的基本思想,分别就变量是否完全可检测的情况给出了具体的故障分离方法。这样做可以提高系统故障分离的鲁棒性和准确性。应用实例表明,该方法可通过残差计算,准确判断故障源,实现故障分离。 相似文献
Flow-graph techniques are applied in this article for the analysis of an epicyclic gear train. A gear system based on this is designed and constructed for use in Numerical Control Systems. 相似文献
M. Malabre 《Systems & Control Letters》1983,3(3):119-122
We show that, for any almost controllability subspace, there exist a maximal input chain and a family of state feedbacks which lead to the well known ‘feedback-chain’ expression for this subspace. 相似文献
Seyed Mojtaba Tabatabaeipour 《International journal of systems science》2013,44(11):1917-1933
Active fault detection and isolation (AFDI) is used for detection and isolation of faults that are hidden in the normal operation because of a low excitation signal or due to the regulatory actions of the controller. In this paper, a new AFDI method based on set-membership approaches is proposed. In set-membership approaches, instead of a point-wise estimation of the states, a set-valued estimation of them is computed. If this set becomes empty the given model of the system is not consistent with the measurements. Therefore, the model is falsified. When more than one model of the system remains un-falsified, the AFDI method is used to generate an auxiliary signal that is injected into the system for detection and isolation of faults that remain otherwise hidden or non-isolated using passive FDI (PFDI) methods. Having the set-valued estimation of the states for each model, the proposed AFDI method finds an optimal input signal that guarantees FDI in a finite time horizon. The input signal is updated at each iteration in a decreasing receding horizon manner based on the set-valued estimation of the current states and un-falsified models at the current sample time. The problem is solved by a number of linear and quadratic programming problems, which result in a computationally efficient algorithm. The method is tested on a numerical example as well as on the pitch actuator of a benchmark wind turbine. 相似文献
介绍了故障诊断的基本概念,提出了基于定量模型FDD技术的5种故障分类模式,分析了基于定量模型FDD技术的基本原理,对提出的基于定量模型FDD技术的性能指标进行了研究和讨论。 相似文献
基于多信号模型的故障诊断策略设计 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对基于多型号模型的故障诊断策略设计进行了深入研究,介绍了多信号模型的定义和表示,提出了在单故障假设及不考虑组成单元可靠性、测试时间和测试费用影响下的故障检测用测试和故障隔离用测试优选算法以及故障诊断策略制定方法,并结合示例说明了诊断策略的设计过程;文中所提出的诊断策略设计方法能够以尽可能少的测试完成故障检测和隔离,按此方法设计的诊断策略具有自适应特性,适用于各类系统和设备的测试性分析与设计和故障诊断。 相似文献
阐述了控制系统故障诊断的重要性及国内外研究水平和发展方向 ,简述了控制系统故障诊断的原理 ,最后分析了故障诊断两大类方法 :基于控制系统数学模型和不依赖于控制系统数学模型的故障诊断方法。 相似文献
Ramon Ferreiro Garcia 《Expert Systems》2007,24(1):47-63
Abstract: The aim of the work is to exploit some aspects of functional approximation techniques in parameter estimation procedures applied on fault detection and isolation tasks using backpropagation neural networks as functional approximation devices. The major focus of this paper deals with the strategy used in the data selection task as applied to the determination of non-conventional process parameters, such as performance or process-efficiency indexes, which are difficult to acquire by direct measurement. The implementation and validation procedure on a real case study is carried out with the aid of the facilities supplied by commercial neural networks toolboxes, which manage databases, neural network structures and highly efficient training algorithms. 相似文献
Dezhen Yang Xingshuo Hai Yi Ren Jingjing Cui Kanjing Li Shengkui Zeng 《Asian journal of control》2023,25(1):418-432
Fault diagnosis and prediction for complex control systems rely either on the collection of rich data for training neural networks or on the system models and prior knowledge of faults. These methods are difficult to apply directly in complex integrated systems due to the large uncertainties in practical scenarios. A new fault diagnosis and prediction technique that is based on extended state observer (ESO) and a hidden Markov model (HMM) for control systems is proposed in this paper. Real-time and predictive information that is obtained by ESO of the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) is utilized to improve the HMM method for the fault prediction of control systems with large uncertain disturbances. The proposed approach realizes a high recognition rate with a small demand for data, and the dependence on the system model is weak without prior knowledge of faults. Fault prediction of the control system output can be realized without additional sensors. The proposed solution is evaluated in simulations of an asynchronous servo motor control system against the traditional control method and the ADRC control. The results indicate that the proposed method performs well in fault prediction and outperforms the traditional method in terms of control when disturbances and failures occur. 相似文献
提出了一种新颖的风能转换系统滑模主动容错控制策略.针对风能转换系统执行器故障,运用预测控制思想和迭代算法,设计了一种故障观测器.在设定的优化时域长度内,利用实际系统与故障观测器的输出差值,通过反复迭代运算,不断地对虚拟故障信号进行调整,使其能有效地拟合实际系统执行器故障,并根据故障观测值实时调整滑模容错控制器结构.未发生故障时,故障观测值为零,系统在滑模控制器控制下稳定运行;执行器发生故障时,运用故障观测值实时调整滑模容错控制项,并用双曲正切函数代替符号函数,消除抖动.仿真实验结果表明,滑模容错控制器下的系统具有良好的容错能力,提高了风能转换系统最大风能捕获效率. 相似文献
模拟电路故障诊断测试节点优选新算法 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
采用故障特征函数描述模拟电路故障字典法中的模糊集,提出了节点故障隔离度和条件故障隔离度的概念,用其描述节点对故障的区分能力.给出了测试节点优选的数学模型,并在此基础上给出了新的测试节点优选算法.最后给出了新算法的应用实例. 相似文献
针对含有未知但有界噪声的线性系统,利用基于凸多面体的集员滤波算法进行故障诊断策略研究;针对不同故障类型设计集员滤波器,通过求解基于无故障模型的集员滤波器状态可行集进行故障检测.采用模型去伪的思路进行故障隔离,即在故障发生后寻找唯一当前状态可行集不为空的集员滤波器,其对应的故障类型即为故障隔离结果.通过实例仿真分析得出,所提出方法可完成对不同类型故障的诊断,具有可行性. 相似文献
航空装备维护保障是航空产品全生命周期中的一个重要阶段。基于S1000D标准,通过对复杂的航空装备故障隔离程序的分析,确定故障诊断模型,并根据故障隔离Schema结构以及Fault信息集,给出了故障隔离程序数据模块的XML文件示例,实现了故障隔离步骤的动态显示。该研究成果能够推广IETM中故障隔离信息的使用,提高装备维护质量及加速装备维修效率,促进航空IETM的研究开发,可以更好地促进复杂航空装备的保障维护方式向\"视情维修\"和\"预知维修\"的方向发展。 相似文献
The problem of residual generation for fault detection and isolation in the presence of measurement noise for a class of nonlinear systems is considered. Exploiting the tools and the results of the geometric approach to the problem of residual generation, a method is proposed for the design of a filter which attenuates the effect of the measurement noise on the residual in the case in which the effect of the fault on the residual is minimal. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献