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This paper presents a decentralized PID controller design method for two input two output (TITO) systems with time delay using characteristic ratio assignment (CRA) method. The ability of CRA method to design controller for desired transient response has been explored for TITO systems. The design methodology uses an ideal decoupler to reduce the interaction. Each decoupled subsystem is reduced to first order plus dead time (FOPDT) model to design independent diagonal controllers. Based on specified overshoot and settling time, the controller parameters are computed using CRA method. To verify performance of the proposed controller, two benchmark simulation examples are presented. To demonstrate applicability of the proposed controller, experimentation is performed on real life interacting coupled tank level system. 相似文献
Second-order sliding mode control with experimental application 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
?lyas Eker 《ISA transactions》2010,49(3):394-405
In this article, a second-order sliding mode control (2-SMC) is proposed for second-order uncertain plants using equivalent control approach to improve the performance of control systems. A Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PID) sliding surface is used for the sliding mode. The sliding mode control law is derived using direct Lyapunov stability approach and asymptotic stability is proved theoretically. The performance of the closed-loop system is analysed through an experimental application to an electromechanical plant to show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed second-order sliding mode control and factors involved in the design. The second-order plant parameters are experimentally determined using input-output measured data. The results of the experimental application are presented to make a quantitative comparison with the traditional (first-order) sliding mode control (SMC) and PID control. It is demonstrated that the proposed 2-SMC system improves the performance of the closed-loop system with better tracking specifications in the case of external disturbances, better behavior of the output and faster convergence of the sliding surface while maintaining the stability. 相似文献
一阶滑模控制方法由于需要大的带宽和高频切换信号,以及处理系统的参数不确定和强非线性,在双边遥操作的工程应用中难以推广。针对上述问题,将二阶滑模控制和阻抗控制联合起来,设计了大时延下的控制结构,并利用全维状态观测器对主从手机械臂的加速度、速度进行了观测,实现了双边遥操作系统的鲁棒平滑控制;在此基础上,分析了加入观测器后整个系统的闭环稳定性,给出了稳定性定理,并用李雅普诺夫函数方法进行了证明;最后分两种时延情况对闭环系统进行了仿真。实验结果表明,该方法可以使系统具有了较好的稳定性能。 相似文献
《ISA transactions》2014,53(6):1807-1815
In this paper an optimal second order sliding mode controller (OSOSMC) is proposed to track a linear uncertain system. The optimal controller based on the linear quadratic regulator method is designed for the nominal system. An integral sliding mode controller is combined with the optimal controller to ensure robustness of the linear system which is affected by parametric uncertainties and external disturbances. To achieve finite time convergence of the sliding mode, a nonsingular terminal sliding surface is added with the integral sliding surface giving rise to a second order sliding mode controller. The main advantage of the proposed OSOSMC is that the control input is substantially reduced and it becomes chattering free. Simulation results confirm superiority of the proposed OSOSMC over some existing. 相似文献
This paper presents a fast terminal sliding mode based control design strategy for a class of uncertain underactuated nonlinear systems. Strategically, this development encompasses those electro-mechanical underactuated systems which can be transformed into the so-called regular form. The novelty of the proposed technique lies in the hierarchical development of a fast terminal sliding attractor design for the considered class. Having established sliding mode along the designed manifold, the close loop dynamics become finite time stable which, consequently, result in high precision. In addition, the adverse effects of the chattering phenomenon are reduced via strong reachability condition and the robustness of the system against uncertainties is confirmed theoretically. A simulation as well as experimental study of an inverted pendulum is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed technique. 相似文献
Sliding mode control with PID sliding surface and experimental application to an electromechanical plant 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Eker I 《ISA transactions》2006,45(1):109-118
In this study, a sliding mode control system with a proportional+integral+derivative (PID) sliding surface is adopted to control the speed of an electromechanical plant. A robust sliding mode controller is derived so that the actual trajectory tracks the desired trajectory despite uncertainty, nonlinear dynamics, and external disturbances. The proposed sliding mode controller is chosen to ensure the stability of overall dynamics during the reaching phase and sliding phase. The stability of the system is guaranteed in the sense of the Lyapunov stability theorem. The chattering problem is overcome using a hyperbolic function for the sliding surface. Experimental results that are compared with the results of conventional PID verify that the proposed sliding mode controller can achieve favorable tracking performance, and it is robust with regard to uncertainties and disturbances. 相似文献