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气液固三相循环流化床气液传质行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
<正>气液固三相流化床反应器在石油化工、湿法冶金、环境工程和煤的液化等工业领域得到了广泛应用,其基础研究也取得了很大进展.但是,传统三相床主要应用于低液速(U_L<  相似文献   

以两级雾化超重力旋转床为例,用化学吸收法考察了超重力因子β、液体流量、气体流量等对体积传质系数kyα的影响。结果表明:多级雾化超重力旋转床的体积传质系数随气液流量的增加而增加,在β较小时,实验曲线的斜率较大,kyα随β的增加急剧增加;但是当β超过100后,曲线的斜率减小,kyα随β的增加缓慢增大。  相似文献   

Fixed beds are widely used in the chemical and process industry due to their relatively simple yet effective performance. Determining the radial heat transfer at the wall in a fixed bed is crucial to predict the performance of columns. Heat transfer parameters often need to be obtained experimentally. Various Nusselt Nu w versus Reynolds Re p correlations in literature show considerable scatter and discrepancies. The tube-to-particle diameter ratio D t D p and boundary conditions on the particle surface have been understood to affect heat transfer near the wall by virtue of influence on the near-wall porosity and mixing. In this work, a fixed bed consisting of mono-disperse particles is generated via gravity-forced sedimentation modelling utilizing the discrete element method for a D t D p ratio of 3.3. The system is meshed and imported in a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver. Fluid inlet velocity is varied to get Re p 1 , 1500 corresponding to the laminar and turbulent flow regimes. The particles are treated as boundaries with Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin boundary conditions applied for the closure of energy balance. Another set of simulations is run with particles modelled as solids with varying thermal conductivities ( k s / k f ). The heat flux and volume-averaged fluid temperature calculated during post-processing are used to determine the wall heat transfer coefficient and, subsequently, the wall Nu number. Fifteen Nu w versus Re p correlations are compiled and analyzed. A new semi-empirical correlation for the wall Nusselt number has been developed for a fixed bed packed with monodisperse spheres for D t D p = 3.3 and results compared with data published in literature. Additionally, the impact of buoyancy effect on the wall Nusselt number has been studied.  相似文献   

为了研究错流旋转填料床的质、热同传性能,采用热空气-氨水体系,考察了进气温度T、超重力因子β、液体喷淋密度q和气速u对错流旋转填料床传热性能的影响,在相同实验条件下对比了丝网填料和乱堆填料的传热性能。研究结果表明:气相体积传质系数kyae、体积传热系数(Ua)s随进气温度、超重力因子、气速、液体喷淋密度的增大而增大;传热效率ε、传热面积A随超重力因子、气速、液体喷淋密度的增大而增大;传热系数K随超重力因子、气速、液体喷淋密度的增大几乎不变,从而揭示了错流旋转填料床强化气液直接传热的机理是通过提高传热面积进而提高体积传热系数,而不是显著提高传热系数。在相同条件下,以丝网为填料时kyae和(Ua)s分别是乱堆填料的1.09~1.63倍和1.24~3.53倍。  相似文献   

A pore network model is built to predict pressure drop in packed beds of arbitrary-shaped particles, using a method that consists of particle packing by the rigid body technique, pore network construction by the maximal sphere algorithm, and numerical calculation of fluid flow. The pore network model is firstly validated by comparing with experiments, Ergun-type equations, and particle-resolved computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The pore network model is as accurate as the particle-resolved CFD, and is remarkably two to three orders of magnitude less computationally intensive. Then, the pore network model is used to calculate the pressure drops in the beds packed with particles of different shapes and sizes, as well as using different flow media. These calculation results prove the versatility of the pore network model. This work provides an accurate yet efficient pore network model for predicting pressure drop, which should be a powerful tool for designing packed beds.  相似文献   

New typical cross-flow Rotating Packed Bed(RPB)called multi-pulverizing RPB was manufactured.There is enough void in multi-pulverizing RPB,where liquid easily flows and is repeatedly pulverized by light packing,which decreases the material consumed,lightens the weight,and compacts the structure.Mass and heat transfer property in the new type PRB were studied by two experimental models.In the mass transfer model,the axial fan pumping gas press is only 100 Pa,mass transfer coefficient and volumetric mass transfer coefficient are similar to countercurrent RPB,which are an order quantity lager than that in the conventional packed tower.In the heat transfer experiment,the axial fan pumping gas press is only 120 Pa;volumetric heatwhich especially suits the treatment of large gas flow and lower gas pressure drop.  相似文献   

多级雾化超重力旋转床中气液间的传热   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
多级雾化超重力旋转床是一种新型的传质设备,具有阻力损失小、传质效率高、结构紧凑、质量轻、投资省的优点,已经应用于锅炉烟气脱硫中.在进行脱硫反应时,低温的吸收液与高温的烟气相接触,烟气的温度下降、湿度上升;而吸收液的温度上升,水分蒸发.根据喷雾理论和Lewis方程,可对整个过程进行模拟,喷雾区的气液两相出口参数可通过计算的方法进行模拟.计算结果和实验测定值吻合良好.  相似文献   

鼓泡床反应器内流动与传质行为的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了有关浆态鼓泡床反应器内流动、混合用气液传质特性的研究成果,详细地介绍了鼓泡床反应器内气含率、液速、液体轴向扩散系数、传质系数的测量方法,阐述了鼓泡床反应器性能的主要影响因素,如系统压力、温度、气体表观气速、液体性质及固含率等对流动、液相混合和传质特性的影响,并对鼓泡床反应器的应用前景进行了详述.  相似文献   

为研究列管式固定床反应器壳程内换热介质的流动与传热特性,采用数值模拟的方法求解得到壳程流体速度与温度分布场.模拟结果受湍流模型影响,将壳程传热膜系数和压降的CFD模拟结果与经验方法结果进行比较后选择偏差最小的realizable k-ε湍流模型.模拟结果显示换热介质在反应器壳程内的流动与传热分布不均匀,折流板前背部存在漩涡和传热死区,错流区和折流板缺口区的传热效果较好.为验证CFD模拟结果的可靠性,将不同传热量和进口流量条件下的模拟结果与经验方法结果进行比较,偏差在可接受范围内.  相似文献   

色谱模型对研究色谱分离过程中的传质动力学具有重要的意义。根据物料守恒原理,结合传质扩散模型推导色谱分离连续方程。假设吸附过程相平衡是线性,连续性方程推导出理论板数与流速和色谱模型参数有关。在多组不同流速条件下测定色谱柱参数,计算得到两组分的传质系数和扩散系数。分别用测定模型参数模拟脉冲实验,结果表明拟合较好。  相似文献   

To do further research on the mass‐transfer mechanism in rotating packed bed (RPB), dynamics of droplets in a RPB are studied by an analytical approach combined with a series of laboratory measurements. Based on the results of the fluid dynamics, mathematical models of mass‐transfer coefficient and mass‐transfer process in RPB are proposed, respectively. Mass‐transfer experiments in RPB are also carried out using ethanol–water solution. By comparison, the results of simulation agree well with that of the experiment, which demonstrate that both hydrodynamic model and mass‐transfer models can better describe the real conditions of RPB. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 2705–2723, 2014  相似文献   

采用CO2-NaOH体系,在中试规模的实验装置上进行传质实验,考察了气速、液体喷淋密度、超重力因子、气液接触时间对错流旋转填料床的总体积传质系数KLa及有效传质比表面积ae的影响. 结果表明,KLa和ae均随气速、液体喷淋密度和超重力因子增加而增大,KLa随气液接触时间增加先缓慢增大后急剧下降,ae则随气液接触时间增加而缓慢下降. 最佳操作条件为:气速1.69 m/s,液体喷淋密度32 m3/(m2×h),超重力因子104,气液接触时间0.1 s. 错流旋转填料床在处理大气量气体时传质效果增强,是同类文献错报道的1.52~2.32倍. 对各操作参数下所得实验数据进行回归,得关联式KLa=1.8221(atDL/dp)ReL0.6371GrL0.0548ScL0.0623和ae/at=2980.9ReL0.2349FrL-0.045WeL0.5023f-0.5.  相似文献   

In this study, the nitration of o‐nitrotoluene (NT) with mixed acid as a model fast liquid–liquid multiphase reaction was conducted in the packed and nonpacked microchannel reactors. Better reaction performance could be obtained in the packed microchannel reactor compared with the nonpacked microchannel reactor because of its excellent mass transfer performance. The conversion of NT reached 94% in the packed microchannel reactor even when the reaction time was less than 3 s. A parameter, which represented the coupling of mass transfer and residence time in microdevices, was proposed for explaining and anticipating nitration process in microchannel reactors. In addition, the effects of some operating parameters on reaction performance, such as the composition of mixed acid and reaction temperature, were also investigated experimentally. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2011  相似文献   

建立了气体横掠深埋在颗粒填料中的热管时的传热模型 ,并用数值方法进行求解 .此外 ,通过实验研究得到了传热的准数关联式 ,并对理论与实验结果进行了对比 ,为进一步进行SO2 连续换热的研究提供了基础  相似文献   

旋转床填料内支撑对气膜控制传质过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用(氨+空气)-水这一典型的气膜控制传质体系,研究了旋转床(RPB)中填料内支撑对气膜控制传质过程的影响。实验结果表明:随着转速的增加,旋转率传质系数值提高;随着液量的增加,旋转床传质系数值降低。与无内支撑时情况相比,有内支撑时的传质效果变差。在40%-100%开孔率范围内,随着开孔率的增加,传质系数值缓慢升高,而内支撑在填料中安置位置对传质无明显影响。  相似文献   

超重力法臭氧处理三硝基甲苯碱性废水传质模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在前期试验研究的基础上建立了超重机中硫酸水溶液物理吸收臭氧的体积传质模型和三硝基甲苯(TNT)碱性废水化学吸收臭氧的体积传质模型。模型计算表明:硫酸水溶液物理吸收臭氧的体积传质系数为0.0191 s-1;臭氧氧化TNT碱性废水的体积传质系数在反应初始达到0.258 s-1,臭氧利用率达到93%,远高于鼓泡塔中臭氧氧化硝基苯类化合物的化学体积传质系数(0.005 88—0.017 s-1),模型的建立为以后的工业放大提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

碟片旋转床气液传质特性实验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过实验研究了旋转填料床在采用同心环波纹碟片填料时的气液传质特性,并考察了板间距对传质系数的影响。实验结果表明,碟片填料的体积传质系数在相同操作条件下比文献报道的金属丝网多孔介质填料高0.9~1.5倍以上。  相似文献   

To study the influence of the Soret and Dufour effects on the reactive characteristics of a porous packed bed with endothermic reactions and forced convection, a two-dimensional mathematical model cons...  相似文献   

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