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中空纤维渗透汽化膜组件具有器件小型化及成本较低等方面的优势,其工业应用潜力巨大。本文介绍了中空纤维渗透汽化复合膜及组件的研究进展,阐述了膜材料、成膜方法以及组件结构参数等对组件渗透汽化性能的影响,并对中空纤维渗透汽化膜组件的中试研究进行了总结。通过组件放大及中试研究发现,中空纤维渗透汽化膜组件的装填密度、长度以及抽吸方式均会影响其下游侧的真空度,从而影响其渗透汽化性能。膜材料的分子设计、组件的结构参数优化以及耐溶剂耐高温封装将是中空纤维渗透汽化膜组件未来工业放大过程中的关键环节。  相似文献   

For the separation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water by pervaporation, three polysiloxaneimide (PSI) membranes were prepared by polycondensation of three aromatic dianhydrides of 4,4′‐(hexafluoroisopropylidene)diphthalic anhydride (6FDA), 3,3′,4,4′‐benzophenonetetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA), and pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) with a siloxane‐containing diamine. The PSI membranes were characterized using 1H‐NMR, ATR/IR, DSC, XRD, and a Rame‐Hart goniometer for contact angles. The degrees of sorption and sorption selectivity of the PSI membranes for pure organic compounds and organic aqueous solutions were investigated. The pervaporation properties of the PSI membrane were investigated in connection with the nature of organic aqueous solutions. The effects of feed concentration, feed temperature, permeate pressure, and membrane thickness on pervaporation performance were also investigated. The PSI membranes prepared have high pervaporation selectivity and permeation flux towards hydrophobic organic compounds. The PSI membranes with 150‐μm thickness exhibit a high pervaporation selectivity of 6000–9000 and a high permeation flux of 0.031–0.047 kg/m2 h for 0.05 wt % of the toluene/water mixture. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 77: 2691–2702, 2000  相似文献   

本文综述了中空纤维渗透汽化膜分离的研究进展,包括中空纤维支撑膜的制备、复合膜的制备方法、中空纤维渗透汽化膜的工业应用和中空纤维渗透汽化膜传质特性等几个方面,对这个方面所存在的问题以及今后发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Pervaporation of water, ethanol and isopropanol through polydimethylsiloxane hollow fiber membranes was studied, with emphasis on elucidating the significance of permeate pressure build-up inside the fibers when the shell-feed mode of operation was used. The differential form of the Hagen-Poiseuille equation was used to describe the permeate pressure profile, and the theoretical predictions of permeate productivity were confirmed by experimental data. A parametric analysis showed that the dimensions of the hollow fiber (inside and outside diameters, and length) significantly affected the overall pervaporation performance of a hollow fiber membrane module, and the fiber dimensions must be optimized in order to achieve high productivity.  相似文献   

Nafion has been widely used in electrochemistry, but there are only a few reports on its application in other fields, such as, gas separation, even though it exhibits good performance. The primary reason for that is the high cost of Nafion and making a composite membrane with a thin Nafion layer is a potential solution to solve this problem. In this study, a novel Nafion-PTFE composite hollow fiber membrane, which had a thin (~5 μm) and detect-free Nafion layer on PTFE surface, without Nafion filling substrate pores was developed, differing from the reported ones in which Nafion resin was required to impregnate into porous PTFE membrane as thorough as possible to ensure the ion conductivity and operation stability. The surface morphology, crystallite, solubility in ethanol/water mixture, and water uptake of membranes were systemically investigated. The gas permeance tests were also conducted. The permeances of different gasses of prepared composite membranes were significantly enhanced compared with the commercial membranes due to the decrease of Nafion thicknesses, while the selectivity remained the same, verifying the detect-free structure of Nafion layer on PTFE substrate. This study provided a good reference for the preparation and application of low-cost Nafion composite membranes.  相似文献   

与对称膜、非对称膜相比,渗透蒸发复合膜有扩散阻力小、渗透通量高、机械强度好等优点,同时在选材和制备方面也有其自身的特点。活性层材料主要依据Flory huggins相互作用参数理论或溶解度参数理论进行粗略选择,再通过一些实验手段做进一步筛选。支撑层材料多为无机或有机多孔材料,选择的主要依据是材料的物理化学性质、机械性质及结构。另外,活性层与支撑层之间的黏合与孔渗也是必须考虑的问题。介绍了相关的黏合理论,列举了常用的防止孔渗发生的措施。最后结合近年来渗透蒸发复合膜的研究实例详细介绍了复合膜的常用制备方法,如界面聚合法、浸涂法、等离子聚合法和自组装法等。  相似文献   

支撑层对硅橡胶复合膜渗透汽化分离性能的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
引言 为了扩大渗透汽化技术的应用领域,科研工作者需要进一步增强渗透汽化膜的分离性能.从工业化的观点而言,用于实际应用的渗透汽化膜大多是复合膜,它由选择层(或分离层)和支撑层组成.一般认为,选择层决定着复合膜的选择性和通量,支撑层起支撑和机械稳定作用.Nijhuis[1]在从甲苯-水体系中分离甲苯的过程中对均质膜和以聚砜为支撑层的复合膜的分离性能进行了比较;Sturken[2]分别用聚醚酰亚胺和聚偏氟乙烯为支撑层的硅橡胶膜从二氯乙烷-水体系中提取二氯乙烷,他们得到了相同的结论:支撑层的影响可以忽略.然而Scholz[3],Heinzelmann[4],Rautenbach[5],Borges[6],Vankelecom[7],Farooq[8],Lipnizki[9]等均在各自研究中发现,由于基膜和分离层的物理化学性质以及制膜方法等众多因素的存在使得支撑层在一定程度上影响复合膜的分离性能;Feng[10]对均质硅橡胶膜和有微孔支撑层的硅橡胶复合膜的分离性能进行了比较,发现均质硅橡胶膜优先透过异丙醇,而有微孔亲水性支撑层的硅橡胶复合膜则优先透过水,这表明在一定的情况下,支撑层甚至起主导作用并能够决定复合膜的分离性能.因此,通过系统研究以不同多孔材料为支撑层的复合膜对有机物-水溶液的分离性能的影响,能够找到最优的复合膜支撑层,从而能够提高复合膜的分离性能.然而,至今关于支撑层对渗透汽化膜分离性能影响的系统研究仍相当少.  相似文献   

通过浸渍-提拉的方法制备了PDMS涂覆的Al2O3中空纤维膜,并系统地研究了其用于ABE/水体系的分离过程。首先对制备出的膜进行了形貌表征,SEM电镜照片表明,所用的Al2O3中空纤维支撑体具有非对称结构,海绵孔位于膜壁的中间而指状孔在其两侧。制备出的PDMS涂覆的Al2O3中空纤维复合膜表面致密完好没有缺陷,其厚度小于10μm,说明PDMS层被均匀地涂在支撑体外表面。然后在不同的模拟体系(丙酮-水、丁醇-水、乙醇-水)中,系统地考察了复合膜的性能。实验表明,复合膜具有优异的渗透汽化性能(通量和分离因子)。最后将该复合膜用于ABE-水体系的分离,考察了膜在操作过程中的渗透汽化性能和稳定性,同时将二元体系与四元体系过程对比,讨论渗透汽化对ABE体系的分离作用。  相似文献   

A facile surface segregation method was utilized to fabricate poly(vinyl alcohol)-polyethersulfone (PVA-PES) composite membranes. PVA and PES were first dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), then casted on a glass plate and immersed in a coagulation bath. During the phase inversion process in coagulation bath, PVA spontaneously segregated to the polymer solution/coagulation bath interface. The enriched PVA on the surface was further crosslinked by glutaraldehyde. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) confirmed the integral and asymmetric membrane structure with a dense PVA-enriched surface and a porous PES-enriched support, as well as the surface enrichment of PVA. The coverage fraction of the membrane surface by PVA reached up to 86.8% when the PVA content in the membrane recipe was 16.7% (by mass). The water contact angle decreased with the increase of PVA content. The effect of co-agulation bath type on membrane structure was analyzed. The membrane pervaporation performance was evaluated by varying the PVA content, the annealing temperature, feed concentration and operation temperature. The mem-brane exhibited a fairly good ethanol dehydration capacity and long-term operational stability.  相似文献   

A multi‐layer series‐resistance mass transfer model was developed to simulate mass transfer behaviors of water/ethanol mixture through hollow fiber NaA zeolite membranes. The mass transfer through zeolite layer was described by Maxwell‐Stefan mechanism based on adsorption and diffusion parameters obtained from molecular simulation. The mass transfer through asymmetric hollow fiber support was described by dusty gas model involving Knudsen diffusion and viscous flow. It was found that the sponge‐like layer of support besides of zeolite layer made an important contribution to overall membrane transfer resistance while the finger‐like layer had less effect. When permeate pressure shifted from 0.2 to 7.5 kPa, the mass transfer resistance contribution of sponge‐like layer varied from 27.1 to 17.8%. Effects of microstructure parameters of support on mass transfer through membrane were investigated extensively. Large pore size and thin thickness for sponge‐like layer of support were beneficial to improve water permeation flux. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 2468–2478, 2016  相似文献   

High performance thin-film composite (TFC) hollow fiber membranes have been developed for pervaporation dehydration by second interfacial polymerization (SIP) modification with three kinds of amine-functionalized β-cyclodextrin (amine-CDs), which were synthesized by modifying β-CD with ammonia, ethylenediamine (EDA), and tris(2-aminoethyl)amine, respectively. The chemical properties of amine-CDs and SIP-modified TFC membranes were characterized by various techniques. The effects of amine-CD type and SIP parameters (pH or concentration of CD-EDA solution) were studied systematically to acquire the optimized selective layer of TFC membranes for ethanol dehydration. Among all SIP-modified TFC membranes, the one with SIP by 2 wt% CD-EDA aqueous solution (pH = 2) exhibited the most outstanding separation performance with a ultrahigh permeation flux (3,018.0 ± 12.0 g/m2 hr) and permeate concentration (98.7 ± 0.2 wt% water) at 50°C (equivalent to separation factor of 415), contributed by the effectively incorporated CD with rich hydrophilic functional groups and intrinsic nanocavities facilitating the passage of water molecules.  相似文献   

将渗透汽化应用于醇/水体系的分离,具有诸多显著的优势。然而,目前的研究大都基于二元体系,而实际的应用体系是多元的,还包含少量无机盐和糖类等,它们的存在对膜的性能具有一定的影响。本文研究了NaCl、KCl和MgCl2 3种无机盐的加入对聚二甲基硅氧烷 (PDMS)/陶瓷复合膜渗透汽化性能的影响。结果表明,在313 K,无机盐的加入使复合膜的分离因子和通量均有所提高。其中二价盐MgCl2对渗透汽化性能的影响最为显著,分离因子最大提高到醇/水体系的2.8倍。而一价盐NaCl和KCl的加入,使分离因子分别提高为醇/水体系的2.5倍和2.4倍。同时借助于Setschenow扩展方程计算了乙醇活度,对实验结果进行了初步的解释。  相似文献   

对所制备的聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)/陶瓷复合膜进行了渗透汽化性能表征。通过在乙醇-水混合体系中添加不同的模拟发酵液组分;如葡萄糖(多羟基醛)、甘油(多元醇)、丁二酸(有机酸)、KCl(无机盐);考察了各组分对复合膜渗透汽化性能的影响。研究发现:在333 K下;在乙醇浓度为65 g·L-1的混合物中添加不同浓度的第三组分;有机添加物对膜的渗透汽化性能没有明显影响;而无机盐的加入使膜的分离因子稍有提高。所制备的PDMS/陶瓷复合膜;在上述渗透汽化过程中表现出良好的稳定性和对乙醇的优先选择性;渗透通量和分离因子(醇/水)分别在4.5~4.7 kg·m-2·h-1、8.3~10.3之间。  相似文献   

Polysulfone (PSF) hollow fiber membranes were spun by phase‐inversion method from 29 wt % solids of 29 : 65 : 6 PSF/NMP/glycerol and 29 : 64 : 7 PSF/DMAc/glycol using 93.5 : 6.5 NMP/water and 94.5 : 5.5 DMAc/water as bore fluids, respectively, while the external coagulant was water. Polyvinyl alcohol/polysulfone (PVA/PSF) hollow fiber composite membranes were prepared after PSF hollow fiber membranes were coated using different PVA aqueous solutions, which were composed of PVA, fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether (AEO9), maleic acid (MAC), and water. Two coating methods (dip coating and vacuum coating) and different heat treatments were discussed. The effects of hollow fiber membrane treatment methods, membrane structures, ethanol solution temperatures, and MAC/PVA ratios on the pervaporation performance of 95 wt % ethanol/water solution were studied. Using the vacuum‐coating method, the suitable MAC/PVA ratio was 0.3 for the preparation of PVA/PSF hollow fiber composite membrane with the sponge‐like membrane structure. Its pervaporation performance was as follows: separation factor (α) was 185 while permeation flux (J) was 30g/m2·h at 50°C. Based on the experimental results, it was found that separation factor (α) of PVA/PSF composite membrane with single finger‐void membrane structure was higher than that with the sponge‐like membrane structure. Therefore, single finger‐void membrane structure as the supported membrane was more suitable than sponge‐like membrane structure for the preparation of PVA/PSF hollow fiber composite membrane. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 98: 247–254, 2005  相似文献   

Multilayer membranes constructed layer‐by‐layer (LbL) is finding increasing importance in many separation applications. The efficient construction of LbL multilayer on to hollow fiber substrates may offer many new opportunities for industrial applications. An organic–inorganic composite hollow fiber membrane has been developed using a dynamic LbL self‐assembly. This poly(acrylic acid)/poly(ethyleneimine) multilayer was dynamically assembled onto the inner surfaces of ceramic hollow fiber porous substrates pretreated by Dynasylan Ameo silane coupling agents. The hollow fibers were subsequently heat crosslinked to obtain stable permselective membranes. The formation of multilayers on the hollow fibers was characterized with a SEM, EDX, an electrokinetic analyzer and IR spectra. The effects of layer number, feed temperature and water content in the feed on the pervaporation performance have been investigated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of LbL assembly of polymer building blocks onto ceramic hollow fiber porous substrates. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 58: 3176–3182, 2012  相似文献   

Nanofiltration (NF) membrane process has become increasingly attractive due to their unique characteristics to selectively remove specific compounds or ions. The most commonly NF membranes are negatively charged which is unsuitable for hardness removal. Therefore, the development of novel NF membranes with a positively charged skin has become a key issue for low pressure water softening.  相似文献   

Pervaporation desalination has a unique advantage to recycle concentrated salt solutions. The merit can be applied to treat alkaline wastewater if the membrane has superior alkali-resistance. In this paper, we used polyethylene microfiltration membrane as the substrate and deposited a glutaraldehyde crosslinked sodium carboxymethylcellulose layer by spray-coating. Pervaporation flux of the composite membrane reached 35 ± 2 kg·m–2·h–1 with a sodium chloride rejection of 99.9% ± 0.1% when separating a 3.5 wt-% sodium chloride solution at 70 °C. The desalination performance was stable after soaking the membrane in a 20 wt-% NaOH solution at room temperature for 9 d and in a 10 wt-% NaOH solution at 60 °C for 80 h. Moreover, the membrane was stable in 4 wt-% sulfuric acid and a 500 mg·L−1 sodium hypochlorite solution. In a process of concentrating a NaOH solution from 5 to 10 wt-% at 60 °C, an average water flux of 23 kg·m–2·h–1 with a NaOH rejection over 99.98% was obtained.  相似文献   

A novel sulfonated polyphenylsulfone (sPPSU)/polyphenylsulfone (PPSU)‐based dual‐layer hollow fiber membrane with a nanometric thin skin layer has been designed for biofuel dehydration via pervaporation. The thickness of skin selective layer is in the range of 15–90 nm under different spinning conditions measured by positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) coupled with a mono‐energetic positron beam. The effects of outer‐layer dope properties, coagulation temperature, and dope flow rate during spinning were systematically investigated. By tuning these spinning parameters, a high performance sPPSU/PPSU‐based dual‐layer hollow fiber membrane with desirable morphology was successfully obtained. Particularly owing to its nanometric thin skin layer, a high flux of 3.47 kg/m2h with a separation factor of 156 was achieved for dehydration of an 85 wt % isopropanol aqueous solution at 50°C. After post thermal treatment at 150°C for 2 h, the separation factor was dramatically improved to 687 while flux dropped to 2.30 kg/m2h, which make it comparable to the inorganic membranes. In addition, excellent correlations were found among the results from field emission scanning electron microscopy, PAS spectra, and separation performance. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 2943–2956, 2013  相似文献   

The construction of high-performance MOF-based hollow fiber composite membrane (HFCM) modules is a significant, yet challenging task for the biofuel production industry. In this study, a novel approach was taken to fabricate PDMS@ZIF-8/PVDF HFCMs in modules through a facile ZIF-8 self-crystallization synthesis followed by pressure-assisted PDMS infusion for pervaporation ethanol-water separation. The as-prepared HFCMs exhibited an ultrathin separation layer (thickness, 370 ± 35 nm), which was achieved through precise regulation of the ZIF-8 membrane and defect repair by PDMS infusion. Moreover, the strategy utilized in this study resolved the defect issues arising from MOF agglomeration in conventional composite membranes. Impressively, at the optimal packing density, the prepared membrane demonstrated a remarkable ethanol flux (1.11 kg m−2 h−1) with an PSI value (26.59 kg m−2 h−1) and showed promising long-term stability for the pervaporation of 5 wt% ethanol aqueous solution at 40°C.  相似文献   

Novel hydrophobic composite membranes made of crosslinked poly(dimethylsiloxane) and poly(methyl hydrogen siloxane) (PDMS–PMHS) with various amounts of catalyst were prepared. Pervaporation experiments with water–ethanol mixtures revealed that an optimum ratio of catalyst to polymer base existed. Both swelling behavior and dynamic–mechanical properties of these silicone films were studied. The swelling experiments in different mixtures of ethanol and water determined that ethanol is preferentially sorbed and that the membranes are only capable to absorb a limited quantity of solvent. Equilibrium swelling data were also used in combination with the analysis of the viscoelastic relaxation of the swollen samples to obtain the dependence of the dynamic–mechanical properties of the silicone films on the quantity of permeants sorbed into the membrane. It was observed that the permselective parameters were related with the mobility of the chains and the free volume. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 75: 1424–1433, 2000  相似文献   

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