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<正> 一 概述 我院承担大庆乙烯联合化工厂5万吨/年腈纶分厂的设计任务,产品方案为棉型纤维2万吨/年;毛型纤维2.5万吨/年;复合纤维0.5万吨/年。 为尽快提高我国腈纶生产的技术水平,经批准拟从国外引进技术,因此前阶段我们  相似文献   

1.需求和生产据分析,世界腈纶需求量已由2000年263.8万吨、2005年292.3万吨、2006年295.4万吨增加到2007年290万吨,并减少到2008年288万吨和2009年289万吨。表1列出2007~2009年世界腈纶产量和需求。表2列出亚洲腈纶产量和预测。  相似文献   

一、概述 腈纶是指丙烯腈占85%以上的共聚物纤维。1971年国外腈纶的产量为117万吨,占世界合纤总产量的20%,仅次于锦纶、涤纶而占第三位。而其发展速度则仅次于涤纶占第二位。从1961年到1971年腈纶年产量从12.149/吨增加到117万吨,增加了近10倍,预计到1980年腈纶产量将达到230万吨,占合成纤维总产量的20%。国外三大合成纤维的近年产量见表1。  相似文献   

国内外腈纶产能和需求   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
钱伯章 《合成纤维》2003,32(5):41-41
<正> 1 世界产能和需求1995-2001年,世界聚酯纤维所占份额从28%上升到36%,而腈纶所占份额从5.6%下降N5%,其间,腈纶市场年均增长率为1.6%。据PCI纤维和原材料公司预计,2000年~2010年世界腈纶需求年增长率为1.7%,将从1994年254.9万吨、1997年277.3万吨、1999年255.7万吨、2000年263.8万吨增加到2003年281.3万吨、2005年292.3万吨、2007年300.7万吨、2010年313.4万吨。表1列出2001年世界腈纶产量和需求。  相似文献   

总投资为17.8亿元的15万吨腈纶项目建成后,加上原有的产能,吉林化纤集团腈纶的年产量将达到30万吨,成为全球最大的腈纶生产基地。根据当日签订的合同,奇峰公司与蒙特公司将在近期注册合资公司,注册资金为4.5亿元,双方各占50%的出资比例。2005年5月18日,在正式合同签订之前,15万吨腈纶项目的土建工程已经开工。根据合同,15万吨腈纶项目分两期建设。一期为10万吨,2006年10月建成投产。二期为5万吨,预计2007年10月投产。吉林化纤集团与蒙特公司就15万吨腈纶项目洽谈始于去年6月。两个月后,双方草签了合作意向书。继2004年年底与意大利施南普西…  相似文献   

湖北荆州将建40万吨/年的催化裂解工程中国石化总公司和湖北省政府将合资建设荆州炼油厂40万吨/年催化裂解石油化工工程。该工程分二期建设,一期工程包括40万吨/年催化裂解等8套装置;二期工程包括10万吨/年乙烯分离等3套装置。工程投产后,将年产5万吨丙烯腈、腈纶,4万吨环氧乙烷等产品。  相似文献   

我国丙烯腈主要消费在腈纶、ABS/AS、丙烯酰胺丁睛橡胶等产品上。从总量上来说,大约需68万~70万吨/年。但由于腈纶、ABS等耗丙烯腈产品进口量大,丙烯腈表观消费量仅为35万~36万吨/年。腈纶是丙烯腈第一大用户。目前我国有14个腈纶生产厂家,产能已达45万吨/年。自1998年初以来,国内的腈纶行业面临着前所未有的困难,市场极度疲软。由于亚洲经济危机,韩国等国家腈纶产品价格暴跌,其到岸价格为850美元/吨,折合人民制约9000元/吨,而国内腈纶市场价格为1.5万元/吨,腈纶走私猖獗。茂名腈纶厂…  相似文献   

正该项目位于辽宁省抚顺市东洲区城乡路抚顺石化公司腈纶化工厂东南侧,由抚顺顺特化工有限公司投资建设。拟新建1000吨/年3,3-二甲基丙烯酸、4000吨/年苯胺基乙腈1000吨/年肌酸、1000吨/年D-泛酸钙、500吨/海因项目。项目总投资6800万元。  相似文献   

钱伯章 《上海化工》2004,29(11):47-49,53
1 世界产能和需求趋势。1995~2003年,世界聚酯纤维所占份额从28%上升到36%,而腈纶所占份额从5.6%下降到5.0%,其间,腈纶市场年均增长率为1.6%。据PCI纤维和原材料公司预计,2000~2010年世界腈纶需求年增长率为1.7%,将从1994年254.9万吨、1997年277.3万吨、1999年255.7万吨、2000年263.8万吨、2003年281.3万吨增加到2005年292.3万吨、2007年300.7万吨、2010年313.4万吨。  相似文献   

<正> 腈纶是合成纤维中仅次于涤纶的主要品种。1985年我国共需耗用腈纶21万吨,国产仅6.4万吨,约计划进口15万吨。到“七五”计划末我国对腈纶的需要量预计增至30万吨以上,而现有的生产能力只有7万吨。在工艺技术方面,国外有12种工艺路线,一百多个品种,而我国现有的生产厂几乎都是NaSCN一步法(只有榆次化纤厂是以二甲基亚砜为  相似文献   

陈霆  刘洪来 《化工学报》2000,51(4):552-554
The configuration-bias-vaporization Monte Carlo simulation method developed by Yan et al . has been used to simulate the phase equilibria of AB random copolymers based on the close-packed Flory-Huggins lattice model. Random copolymers are represented as linear chains consisted of r A segment A and r B segment B with segment-segment attractive interaction energy parameters ε AA / kT=-1.0/T *, ε AB / kT=-0.8/T * and ε BB / kT=-0.6/T *. The phase diagrams of random copolymers with a chain length up to 200 segments are obtained. The corresponding critical points for different chain lengths with fixed chain composition are also calculated.  相似文献   

Erik C. Allen 《Polymer》2005,46(2):569-573
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) is a cage-shaped molecule comprised of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms that have found increasing use as filler in polymer nanocomposites. The presence of four oxygen atoms on each face of the POSS cage suggests that the molecule forms a stable complex with a cationic atom or molecule. Although experimental evidence exists for gas-phase binding, the lack of an estimate of this binding strength makes it difficult to predict if complex formation is feasible in condensed systems. This paper presents an ab initio DFT study of the binding strength of POSS-cation complexes based on cation type, POSS cage functionalization, and the presence of a counterion. The binding strength of an unfunctionalized (i.e. with H-terminated corners) POSS molecule with a Li+ ion is found to be ∼80 kT at room temperature in vacuo. In a poly(styrene) solvent, the polarity of the medium is estimated to affect little this binding energy. Cyclohexyl ligand substitution is found to increase the binding strength by an additional 30 kT. In the presence of a tightly bound counterion (Cl), the binding energy drops to the still substantial value of ∼20 kT. POSS is found also to bind cationic surfactants (through study of the model +NH3CH3) at ∼25 kT, suggesting a possible new route to POSS modification to hinder agglomeration. This study supports the conclusion that POSS-cation complex formation is feasible in the presence of polymer.  相似文献   

黄平 《当代石油石化》2020,(4):18-23,48
介绍了我国乙二醇市场现状,截至2019年底,我国乙二醇总产能为1 159万吨/年,其中,煤制乙二醇产能达491万吨/年,2020年还将有近400万吨/年的产能释放。煤制乙二醇技术逐渐成熟,所以短期内市场存在产能增速较快但产量增速缓慢的不匹配状态。比较了石油制乙二醇和煤制乙二醇生产工艺路线的成本,从生产成本、产品质量和物流方式3个维度分析了煤制乙二醇的市场竞争力,得出了煤制乙二醇的发展具有广阔前景,并根据国内乙二醇市场的远期发展趋势,提出了发展建议。  相似文献   

大庆石化总厂计划在“八五”期间将乙烯的生产能力由30万t/a提高到35万t/a。本文分析了乙烯主要配套装置-HDPE装置,生产能力由14万t/a提高到16万t/a的可行性。着重分析了装置主要设备:离心机、干燥机、混炼机、挤压机及聚合釜提高生产能力的可行性。  相似文献   

The dc conductivities (σ) of V2O5-P2O5 glasses containing up to 30 mol% TiO2 were measured at T=100° to ∼10°C below the glass-transition temperature. Dielectric constants from 30 to 106 Hz, densities, and the fraction of reduced V ion were measured at room temperature. The conduction mechanism was considered to be small polaron hopping between V ions, as previously reported for V2O5-P2O5 glass. The temperature dependence of σ was exponential with σ = σ0 exp(-W/kT ) in the high-temperature range. When part of the P2O5 was replaced by TiO2,σ increased and W decreased. The hopping energy depended on the reciprocal dielectric constant which, in this case, increased with increasing TiO2 content.  相似文献   

为建立磁制冷机能效统一评价指标,弥补采用温跨和制冷量作为磁制冷系统性能评价标准的不足,在现有评价方法的基础上提出了新的室温磁制冷样机能效指标-(火用)效率。为了验证新评价指标的可行性,分别对2011年维多利亚大学公布的样机数据和2012年丹麦理工大学公布的样机数据进行分析计算,将以温跨-热源温度和温跨-制冷量形式给出的测试数据统一转换为温跨-冷量(火用)的形式,以实现对不同样机的能效进行客观评价;同时搭建测试平台对四川大学旋转式室温磁制冷样机在25、27及30℃工况下进行冷量(火用)、(火用)效率指标测试。实验结果表明,该室温磁制冷样机在25℃工况下,磁制冷机转速6 r·min-1时,制冷量为240 W,最大冷量(火用)为3.26 W。在剔除电机损失、机械损失、磁滞损失及涡流损失等因素的影响后,最大(火用)效率为0.039。  相似文献   

Thermodynamic properties of 8-mol%-yttria-stabilized zirconia have been determined in the 810° to 1040°C temperature range at low Po2. A high-temperature solid-state coulometric titration method was used. The mass action constant, Kma, can be represented at low Po2 as Kma=0.677 exp [(–3.98 ±0.03 eV)/kT].  相似文献   

论证了年产30万吨合成氨联产20万吨甲醇大型化的可行性,大型氨厂通过技术改造联产甲醇,并混配成甲醇汽油,以补充石油短缺,有利于缓解我国油品的供求平衡。  相似文献   

The physical properties of glasses in the Ge30As10Se(60— x )Te x system with x = 25, 28, 30, and 35 at.% Te, the Ge30As10Se30Te(30— y )I y system with y = 5, 10, 20, and 30 at.% I, the Ge30As10Se35Te(25— z )I z system with z = 2, 6, 10, and 20 at.% I, and the [Ge30As10Se30Te30](100— w )I w system with w = 0, 5, 10, and 20 at.% I have been investigated. The changes in the glass transition temperature, density, coefficient of thermal expansion, hardness, and viscosity are attributed to the delocalized metallic bonding character of Te in the substitution of Te for Se in the Ge-As-Se-Te glass system and the network-terminating role of iodine in the substitution of I for Te in the Ge-As-Se-Te-I glass system, respectively.  相似文献   

Configurational properties, viz mean squares of the end-to-end distance (〈R2〉) and the radius of gyration (〈S2〉), probability distribution of R and the ratio between mean squares of the principal axes of equivalent ellipsoid (〈XX2〉: 〈YY2〉:〈ZZ2〉), have been calculated for model polymer molecules under differing solvent conditions. The present study follows a computational statistical approach which is based on the Metropolis sampling technique. The molecules are represented by tetrahedral chains with trans/gauche bond conformational energy difference equal to 1.0 kT. The solvent condition is characterised by the intersegmental interactions which are assumed to be given by a square-well potential. The depth of the potential well, Δεs, serves to define the solvent parameter. It is shown that in the region Δεs ~?0.4 kT the configurational criteria for the existence of the theta condition are fulfilled (the chains assumed 〈R2〉 and 〈S2〉 values that correspond to the random-walk state and the limiting probability function governing the end-to-end distance distribution is gaussian). The calculated values of 〈R2〉,〈S2〉 and 〈XX2〉 〈YY2〉:〈ZZ2〉 indicate that the chains in “good” solvents (Δεs < ?0.4 kT) exist in highly extended configurations. As the system assumes the below-theta conditions (Δεs <?0.4 kT) the extended configurations collapse into compact ones. Such compact configurations are not spherical but retain an appreciable degree of elongation. The probability distribution of R in the limit of infinite chain length deviates significantly from the gaussian behaviour in both the above and below-theta conditions. The present calculations suggest that the introduction of the trans/gauche conformational energy difference leads to the reduction of the long-range excluded volume in the chains.  相似文献   

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