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In this paper an approach to the formulation of equilibrium elements for the analysis of three-dimensional elasticity problems is presented. This formulation is an extension of the approach previously proposed for the analysis of two-dimensional elasticity problems. The general aspects of the formulation remain unchanged when applied to the new problem, but new points are considered, namely the way to perform volume integrations for general elements and the techniques used to obtain the self-equilibrated three-dimensional stress approximation functions. The numerical behaviour of such elements is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

密频系统模态参数辨识及其振动控制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于结构越来越复杂(如典型的大型柔性空间结构、准对称结构等),系统的自由度不仅大大增加,还存在频率集聚现象。针对密频系统的模态参数辨识及其振动控制问题,从密频模态的判定准则,密频系统的模态分析方法、模态参数辨识方法,密频系统的可控性和可观性、模态截断准则以及密频系统振动控制律的设计等几个方面进行了较为全面的总结和回顾,对其中的辨识方法及判定准则作了比较。最后给出了密频系统的模态参数辨识及其振动控制中目前难以解决的问题,并指出这些方法将在卫星太阳能帆板、直升机旋翼、涡轮发动机叶片等存在密集模态的结构方面有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

干蜀毅  任伦 《真空与低温》2000,6(3):178-180
介绍了用可编程序控制器改造进口老式卷绕镀膜机继电器控制线路的方法,着重简述了PC的选型及系统配置方法。所用方法同样适用于国产镀膜设备。  相似文献   

The numerical simulation of processes undergoing finite deformations requires robust elements. For a broad range of applications these elements should have a good performance in bending dominated situations as well as in the case of incompressibility. The element should be insensitive against mesh distortions which frequently occurs during finite deformations. Furthermore, due to efficiency reasons a good coarse mesh accuracy in required in non-linear analysis. The QS6 element, developed in this paper, tries to fulfil the above-mentioned requirements. The performance is depicted by means of numerical examples.  相似文献   

由投影恢复其原形是投影理论的基本问题之一,也是计算机视觉的基本问题。本文首先研究了在斜投影下刚体复原的问题,提出恢复原形的充要条件。在此基础上利用刚体在同一时刻的两个投影而恢复其空间位置及结构,进而计算刚体在两位置之间的运动参数。  相似文献   

An overview of new and recent advances towards a VIrtual-Pulse (VIP) time-integral methodology for general linear/non-linear dynamic systems is presented. Attention is focused on providing a brief overview and an indepth evaluation of the developments, methodology, computational issues and implementation aspects for practical problems. Different from the way we have been looking at the developments encompassing existing direct time-integration type methods and mode superposition techniques, the proposed methodology capitalizes on the computational attributes of both and thereby offers new perspectives and several attractive favourable features in terms of stability and accuracy, storage, and computational costs for a wide variety of inertial dynamic problems. Recently, the authors have shown the theoretical developments via the VIP methodology for transient structural problems and for transient thermal problems. The purpose of the present paper is to summarize the theoretical developments, improve upon the computational/implementation aspects for general linear/non-linear dynamic structural problems, and demonstrate the pros and cons via numerous illustrative test cases. The theoretical analysis and results of several test cases show that the VIP methodology has improved accuracy/stability characteristics and computational advantages in comparison to the commonly advocated explicit and implicit methods such as the Newmark family. Overall, an analysis of the theoretical developments, algorithmic study, and the implementation and evaluation of the formulations strongly suggest the proposition that the VIP methodology is a viable alternative for general structural dynamic applications encountered in practical engineering problems.  相似文献   

杨钢  杨庆  孔纲强 《工程力学》2014,31(6):151-158
通过双孔隙结构分析结果确定在同一基质吸力下的试样将因孔隙分布的随机性而表现出不同的平衡饱和度, 进一步通过理想非饱和土的水气分布确定饱和度差异将影响非饱和土的力学性质研究. 采用压力板仪与直剪仪的简化组合试验对上述理论分析结果进行验证, 研究结果表明:平衡饱和度差异存在并随着基质吸力的增大而逐渐减小;在同一基质吸力下试样的抗剪强度随平衡饱和度的增加而降低;进一步的拟合结果显示平衡饱和度对与基质吸力相关的内摩擦角影响显著;通过对试验数据及其平均值的研究建议在最小与最大基质吸力下进行多次平行试验, 可以在不显著增加试验时间的同时减小平衡饱和度差异的影响.  相似文献   

具有最佳超收敛阶的EEP法计算格式:I算法公式   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
对一维C0问题的高次有限元后处理中超收敛计算的EEP(单元能量投影)法提出改进的最佳超收敛计算格式,即用m次单元对足够光滑问题的有限元解答,采用该格式计算的任意一点的位移和应力都可以达到h2m阶的最佳超收敛结果.整个工作分为3个部分,分别给出算法公式、数值算例和数学证明.该文是系列工作的第一部分,针对高次单元提出了凝聚形函数的概念,并证明了相关的逼近定理和等价定理,在此基础上给出了具体的算法公式.  相似文献   

Journal bearings with water as lubricating fluid and a rubber layer in the bearing housing are considered for shape optimization. The aim is to vary the shape of the bearing housing in order to reduce the high maximum pressure, which occurs in common journal bearings, for a longer durability of the layer material. In the optimization process a design element technique is used applying NU R.BS for geometric modeling of the journal bearing shape. The FE-analysis of this coupled problem is carried out by use of lubrication elements and enhanced assumed strain elements for the incompressible rubber layer. An analytical sensitivity analysis of the nonlinear problem is described and some results of the shape optimization are presented.  相似文献   

钢─混凝土简支组合梁变形计算的一般公式   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
本文对钢─混凝土简支组合梁交接面相对滑移引起的附加变形进行了理论分析。在建立相对滑移微分方程的基础上,得到了不同荷载情况下钢─混凝土组合梁因滑移效应引起的附加变形计算公式。通过对理论公式的简化和修正,得到了考虑滑移效应和部分剪力连接组合梁挠度计算的一般公式。本文公式简单、实用,并且与实验结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

钢─混凝土简支组合梁变形计算的一般公式   总被引:49,自引:4,他引:45  
本文对钢─混凝土简支组合梁交接面相对滑移引起的附加变形进行了理论分析。在建立相对滑移微分方程的基础上,得到了不同荷载情况下钢─混凝土组合梁因滑移效应引起的附加变形计算公式。通过对理论公式的简化和修正,得到了考虑滑移效应和部分剪力连接组合梁挠度计算的一般公式。本文公式简单、实用,并且与实验结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

对圆柱形对中传感器试样横截面圆周弯曲应变的分布进行了理论分析,导出了最大弯曲应变的表示通式,使多点测量方式的加载同轴度达到了理论上的统一表达。分别提供了表示最大弯曲应变方位角、净试验机最大弯曲应变和净试样弯曲应变的通式。指出了国外文献关于净试验机弯曲分量表示式的错误。  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Ben-Daya and Raouf presented a continuous review inventory model in which they considered both lead time and order quantity as decision variables where the total crashing cost is denoted by a negative exponential function of the lead time. However, the solution procedure of Ben-Daya and Raouf has some drawbacks sometimes. The Newton-Raphson method with an appropriate starting point is used to improve that of Ben-Daya and Raouf. Numerical examples illustrate how the Newton-Raphson method works.  相似文献   

带有1-5型压电芯子的自适应夹层梁的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金江  万建国等 《工程力学》1999,16(6):113-118,
利用1-5型压电材料作为芯子的夹层梁是一种新型压电自适应结构,本文对此进行了有限元法分析和实验分析。利用正交各向异性材料的本构方程和压电材料的压电方程,推导出了这种压电自适应夹层梁的控制方程,压电材料的驱动效应被等效为力学载荷,从而简化了计算过程。算例1的分析结果与实验符合,算例2的分析结果也与文献[6]非常吻合。  相似文献   

该文介绍作者推导的一新的主要用于混凝土梁配筋计算的无量纲通用图表法,该图表法的"新"和"通用"分别在于推导时没有用传统的"等效矩形应力"换算以及一表可适用于不同钢筋级别和不同混凝土等级(C15―C50)的配筋计算。该法扩展了《混凝土结构设计规范》的混凝土应力-应变关系的运用范围,至今只用到了混凝土的极限应变。该法计算过程简便,求得配筋后,无须再验算受压区高度,同时还可用于弯压或弯拉构件的配筋计算。计算结果中除了含有计算钢筋面积所需的内力臂系数外,还有混凝土受压区边缘应变、受拉和受压钢筋应变、混凝土受压区高度等,结果直观和一目了然,并为混凝土构件的设计提供了一新的更为精确的设计方法。  相似文献   

Economic models for the design of control charts based on Duncan's approach1 have been well studied in the recent past. We present an alternative approach to the development of a few of these models using renewal equations. The main emphasis here is to study the role of the probability model associated with the process failure mechanism. It is demonstrated that the expressions Tor the expected cycle length E( T) and the expected cost per cycle E( C) are easier to obtain by the proposed renewal equation approach than by adopting the traditional approach. Furthermore, it is observed that certain non-Markovian shock models may be analyzed by adopting a renewal equation approach, whereas Duncan's approach has not been used with any non-Markovian model.  相似文献   

用热涨落理论对塑料发泡中经典成核理论应用的修正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了经典成核理论对塑料发泡成核的解释,并从微泡实验的实验数据出发分析了实验与理论的偏差;在应用热涨落理论,修正了经典成核理论,导出新的成核模型,并比较了修正后理论与中成核率与释压压差的函变关系的结果。  相似文献   

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