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A 3-D hypersingular Boundary Integral Equation (BIE) of elastoplasticity is derived. Using this formulation the displacement rate gradients and the complete stress tensor on the boundary can be evaluated directly as opposed to the classical approach, where the shape functions derivatives are to be calculated. The regularization of strongly singular and hypersingular boundary integrals, as well as strongly singular domain integrals for a source point positioned on the boundary is carried out in a general manner. Arbitrary types of elements and arbitrary positions of the source point with respect to continuity requirements can be used. Numerical 3-D elastoplastic examples (notch and crack problems) illustrate the advantages of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this work, uniform bicubic B-spline functions are used to represent the surface geometry and interpolation functions in the formulation of boundary-element method (BEM) for three-dimensional problems. This is done as a natural generalization of cubic B-spline curves, introduced by Cabral et al, for two-dimensional problems. Three-dimensional scalar problems, with particular applications to Laplace and Helmholtz equations, are considered.  相似文献   

用扩展有限元方法模拟混凝土的复合型开裂过程   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
方修君  金峰  王进廷 《工程力学》2007,24(Z1):46-52
用扩展有限元法对混凝土梁复合型开裂过程进行了数值模拟。裂纹面间的力学行为采用粘聚裂纹模型来描述,通过引入切向保留刚度考虑剪力分量的影响。开裂方向的计算采用了一种简化的最大切向应力准则。对Arrea和Ingraffea的混凝土梁复合开裂实验进行了数值模拟。计算给出了裂纹萌生、扩展的过程及破坏形态,并获得了与实验结果对比良好的荷载-裂纹开口滑移曲线。结果表明,扩展有限元法通过附加特定的位移模式,使裂纹两侧不连位移场的表达独立于网格划分,是一种能够模拟准脆性材料复合开裂问题的有效方法。  相似文献   

针对铆接结构的特点,应用特征函数扩展技术分析柱坐标下接触界面端的应力奇异性问题。建立了柱坐标下圆柱体端面接触边缘附近的三维渐近位移场和应力场渐近表达式,并根据铆钉/被铆接件接触界面端的位移和应力边界条件,建立一个非线性特征方程组。据此方程组可求解界面端邻域的应力奇异性指数、位移和应力角分布函数的数值解。通过与有限元方法计算结果相对比,验证了该方法的有效性。分析了平头、沉头以及半圆头铆钉构成的铆接结构的应力奇异性问题,考察了铆钉材料、几何形式和摩擦系数对接触界面端应力奇异性指数和应力场角分布的影响。  相似文献   

A boundary element method is presented for single-domain analysis of cracked three-dimensional isotropic elastostatic solids. A numerical treatment for the hypersingular Boundary Integro-Differential Equation (BIDE) for displacement derivatives is described, in which continuous boundary elements may be used. Hadamard principal values of the hypersingular integrals arising in the formulation are evaluated using polar co-ordinates defined on the tangent planes at the source point, and the free term coefficients are calculated directly using a numerical technique. The forms of the Boundary Integral Equation (BIE) and the BIDE are considered for a source point on the coincident surfaces of a crack, and a scheme is given for defining the Traction Boundary Integral Equation TBIE so that it optimally incorporates the traction information deficient in its complementary partner, the BIE. Numerical results for some example mixed-mode crack problems are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Boundary Element Method (BEM) for 3-D elastostatic problems is studied for the analysis of shell or shell-like structures. It is shown that the conventional boundary integral equation (CBIE) for 3-D elasticity does not degenerate when applied to shell-like structures, contrary to the case when it is applied to crack-like problems where it does degenerate due to the closeness of the two crack surfaces. The treatment of the nearly singular integrals, which is a crucial step in the applications of BIEs to thin shapes, is presented in detail. To verify the theory, numerical examples of spherical and ellipsoidal vessels are presented using the BEM approach developed in this paper. It is found that the system of equations using the CBIE is well conditioned for all the thickness studied for the vessels. The advantages, disadvantages and potential applications of the proposed BEM approach to shell-like structures, as compared with the FEM regarding modelling and accuracy, are discussed in the last section. Applications of this BEM approach to shell-like structures with non-uniform thickness, stiffeners and layers will be reported in a subsequent paper. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

该文采用双线形损伤粘结模型研究带切口FRP-混凝土三点受弯梁(3PBB)I型加载下的界面断裂性能。通过有限元参数分析,详细讨论了界面粘结强度、界面粘结能、混凝土抗拉强度、混凝土断裂能对3PBB受力性能的影响。数值模拟表明,FRP-混凝土界面有两种破坏形式,包括FRP-混凝土界面的损伤脱粘和界面混凝土的损伤脱粘破坏,与实验所观察到的现象一致。两种破坏形式尽管在宏观上均表现为界面脱粘,但破坏机制却不同。FRP-混凝土界面的损伤粘结模型与混凝土的拉伸塑性损伤模型相结合,不但再现了3PBB的宏观力学性能,数值分析得到的荷载-位移曲线接近实验结果,而且还能详细展示FRP-混凝土界面的损伤、断裂破坏过程以及损伤在FRP-混凝土界面和界面混凝土之间的转移,能够预测构件的承载力,有助于界面优化设计,这是单纯以能量判据预测裂纹发展的经典断裂力学方法所无法做到的。  相似文献   

This paper describes a numerical procedure to model the crack front evolution of initially arbitrary shaped planar cracks in a three-dimensional solid. The influence of a bimaterial interface on the fracture path of a semi-elliptical surface crack in a three-dimensional structure is examined. The analysis is based on the assumption that fracture is controlled by small-scale yielding and linear elastic fracture mechanics. The finite element method and the crack-tip contour J-integral in a volume domain representation are utilized to calculate the crack front energy release rate. The computed values of the energy release rate are used with a crack-tip velocity growth law to model crack growth increment. The progress of the crack growth evolution is brought forward by successive iterations. Examples of computed crack evolution are given for an embedded circular crack, a semi-elliptical surface crack in a finite plate, and a configuration that defines an isotropic homogeneous material layer with a surface crack located between two material layers. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种计算效率较高的分析不同材料界面应力奇异性的一维杂交有限元方法。为了推导该方法,首先列出了用于求解不同材料界面裂纹奇异应力场特征解的基本方程和边界条件,然后利用加权残量方法(weighted residual method),得到上述基本方程和边界条件的弱形式,该弱形式的基本变量为位移和应力。运用Galerkin有限元方法的思想及上述弱形式,最后得到了一个一维杂交有限元方法,该一维杂交有限元方法只需对扇形区域在角度方向上离散,其总体方程为一个二次特征矩阵方程。数值算例表明:该方法可以准确而高效地计算不同材料界面奇异应力场的特征解。  相似文献   

复合材料三维整体编织结构技术与特性   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
复合材料三维整体编织技术是国外八十年代发展起来的高新纺织技术。采用这种技术,创造了一类新的复合材料结构型式,显著改善了多方面的力学特性。已有的应用表明.这种高新技术与结构型式,可广泛应用于航空航天、交通运输、石油化工、武器装备、体育用品等诸多领域。本文综述了复合材料三维整体编织工艺的特点,三维编织结构物,以及某些优异的特性。  相似文献   

复合材料三维整体编织结构技术与特性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
复合材料三维整体编织技术是国外八十年代发展起来的高新纺织技术。采用这种技术,创造了一类新的复合材料结构型式,显著改善了多方面的力学特性。已有的应用表明.这种高新技术与结构型式,可广泛应用于航空航天、交通运输、石油化工、武器装备、体育用品等诸多领域。本文综述了复合材料三维整体编织工艺的特点,三维编织结构物,以及某些优异的特性。   相似文献   

Automatic refinement finite element analyses were carried out employing three different-order tetrahedral solid elements for the solution of 3-D stress analysis problems. Numerical results indicated that the adaptive refinement procedure could eliminate effectively the effect of singularities and the optimal convergence rate was achieved in all the examples tested. The preconditioned conjugate gradient technique was used for the solution of the large system of simultaneous equations. By interpolating the initial guess of the iteration solver from the previous converged solution, the number of iterations needed for the solution is lower than expected. Furthermore, when the mesh density distribution pattern has converged, it became even more efficient and independent of the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element mesh. The relative efficiency of the three different-order tetrahedral elements has also been compared in terms of storage and computational cost needed for achieving a certain accuracy. It is found that although the cubic T20 element can achieve the highest convergence rate, the T10 element is the most competitive and effective element in terms of storage and computational cost needed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

给出了二维正交各向异性结构弹塑性问题的边界元分析方法, 包括相应边界积分方程、内点应力公式、边界元求解格式以及弹塑性应力计算方法。在弹塑性分析中, 引入了Hill-Tsai 屈服准则, 采用初应力法和切向预测径向返回法确定实际应力状态。通过具体算例分析了二维正交各向异性结构的弹塑性应力和塑性区分布情况, 部分数值结果与已有结果进行了比较, 两者基本吻合。结果表明, 本文中给出的边界元法可以有效地用于求解二维正交各向异性结构的弹塑性问题。   相似文献   

针对现有箱梁分析方法普遍存在的计算精度与计算效率之间矛盾的问题,提出了粗网格划分下的箱梁三维实体有限元分析方法。在充分考虑箱梁受力变形特点的基础上,以修正的Hellinger-Reissner变分原理为基础,通过合理引入非协调位移插值项,构造出直角坐标系下的六面体八结点杂交应力单元8N21β和柱坐标系下的六面体八结点杂交应力单元8N21βc,分别用于粗网格划分下的直箱梁和曲线箱梁的三维实体有限元分析。数值算例表明:8N21β单元和8N21βc单元在粗网格划分下具有较高的计算精度,能有效提高箱梁三维实体有限元分析的计算效率。  相似文献   

高令飞  王海涛  张鸣  朱煜 《工程力学》2012,29(11):365-369
温差造成光刻机激光干涉仪反射镜热变形,从而影响光刻机的精度。该文将基于二次单元的快速边界元法用于激光干涉仪反射镜的大规模温度场模拟。不连续单元的引入可以有效处理角点问题;新型快速多极算法用于边界元法的加速求解。建立统一的二次单元多极展开格式以处理混合边界。数值算例分析了快速多极边界元法的计算精度和效率,并和常规算法比较;使用该算法对激光干涉仪反射镜进行了大规模温度场计算,并和有限元法比较。结果表明:基于二次单元的快速多极边界元法可以高精度求解大规模三维传热问题。  相似文献   

本文从三角测量的原理出发,对双光源光切法三维轮廓测量系统的精度进行了深入讨论,分析了系统各环节的误差产生原因及对测量精度的影响程度,得出了系统误差、特别是光学系统成象倍率误差是影响测量精度的主要因素的结论在此基础上提出了降低各环节误差的改进措施,并进行了对比实验。  相似文献   

三维编织多功能结构复合材料的发展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
在某些实际应用中,需要复合材料不仅具有多种功能,例如抗烧蚀、抗冲击、隔热等,而且还能作为结构材料使用,这种复合材料可以称为多功能结构复合材料.在多功能结构复合材料设计中需要按不同的功能应用和力学特性进行分层设计.利用三维编织技术可以实现多功能结构复合材料的分层异形整体编织,为多功能结构复合材料的发展提供了可能性.本文介绍了三维编织复合材料的性能和制作多功能结构复合材料所采用的三维编织技术.   相似文献   

三维编织复合材料弹道侵彻准细观层次有限元计算   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
三维编织复合材料相比于层合复合材料有较高的层间剪切强度和断裂韧性,因而具有更高的冲击损伤容限。用钢芯弹对三维编织复合材料作弹道贯穿测试,得到弹体的入射速度和剩余速度,并考察侵彻破坏模式。目前对三维编织复合材料弹道侵彻性能计算主要建立在连续介质假设上,从真实细观结构计算三维编织复合材料弹道冲击性能尚有一定难度,用三维结构复合材料的纤维倾斜模型在准细观结构层次上分解三维编织复合材料,就其中的一块倾斜单向板作弹道侵彻有限元计算,由弹体动能损失得到贯穿整个复合材料靶体后弹体的剩余速度。有限元计算及与弹道测试结果的比较证明在准细观层次上计算三维编织复合材料弹道冲击性能的有效性。   相似文献   

邓继华  邵旭东  谭平 《工程力学》2015,32(6):117-123
几何非线性与徐变均为大跨或高耸柔性混凝土结构分析中必须考虑的重要因素,而现有计算方法通常只单独考虑,而未考虑两者的共同作用。基于几何非线性分析的随转坐标法和徐变效应分析的初应变法,该文首先建立三维梁元在随转坐标系下计入初应变效应的几何非线性平衡方程;再利用静力平衡原则,导出三维梁元在结构坐标系下同时考虑几何非线性与徐变的平衡方程,提供了详细的分析流程,编制了相应的非线性计算程序。以某大跨径混合梁斜拉桥混凝土桥塔为例,进行了考虑混凝土徐变效应的几何非线性分析;结果表明,无论是几何非线性还是徐变,单独考虑时得到的内力和位移结果均小于考虑两者共同作用得到的结果,因此在大跨或高耸柔性混凝土结构分析中考虑几何非线性与徐变共同作用是很有必要的。  相似文献   

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