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Anthony Savidis 《Software》2011,41(11):1155-1184
Operator overloading, a popular mechanism in the C++ language, is a form of ad hoc polymorphism on operator functions, allowing alternative implementations for different argument types. Classless languages with untyped objects are languages that lack classes and treat all objects as compliant to a common Object type. Languages in this category are flexible, dynamic, and easy‐to‐use, with popular examples being JavaScript, Lua, and ActionScript (the latter being hybrid by also offering classes). This paper presents an integrated implementation of untyped operator overloading which enable users to handle dynamically the full range of operators on objects. The focus is on features not supported by other languages, such as (i) arithmetic and relational operators allowing to separately handle caller lhs and rhs positions; (ii) an assignment operator with an untyped analogy of type casting; (iii) a slot access operator allowing user‐defined policies for editing object slots; and (iv) a function‐call operator to support functors. Operators are treated as first‐class object slots, distinguished by reserved indices that match the respective operator lexemes. All reported techniques have been applied in implementing the operator overloading features of the Delta language. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

动态脚本语言Lua与C++交互方法的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前利用C++开发大型复杂程序代价高、周期长的问题,为了充分发挥Lua动态脚本语言的特点。重点探讨了如何在Lua脚本中模拟消息事件机制和Lua访问C++接口的具体实现方法以及Lua调试器的设计方案。  相似文献   

During the last decade, the integration of functional and logic languages has received widespread attraction for the purpose of offering two different programming styles in one system simultaneously. The main goal is to incorporate the characteristics of the two paradigms coherently, without degrading the performance of the whole system. However, few languages have achieved this goal. Some of them, even though they have a rich set of functions, perform poorly. Others are efficient, but lose some important facilities. The paper proposes a functional logic language Lazy Aflog and its abstract machine FWAM-II as an expressive and efficient mechanism for this incorporation. Lazy Aflog is an extension of logic language in which functions are reduced in the extended unification, called E-unification with lazy evaluation. This extended unification allows Lazy Aflog to process infinite data structures and higher-order functions naturally. FWAM-II is an extension of the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) in which the instructions and run-time structures to provide the suspension/reactivation of functional closure are added. These facilities enable FWAM-II to support not only resolution but also infinite data structures and higher-order functions efficiently. In addition, the experimental results show that Lazy Aflog and FWAM-II could be a good compromise between expressiveness and efficiency of the integration.  相似文献   

Programming frameworks are an accepted fixture in the object‐oriented world, motivated by the need for code reuse, developer guidance and restriction. A new trend is emerging where frameworks require domain experts to provide declarations using a domain‐specific language, influencing the structure and behaviour of the resulting application. These mechanisms address concerns such as user privacy. Although many popular open platforms such as Android are based on declaration‐driven frameworks, current implementations provide ad hoc and narrow solutions to concerns raised by their openness to non‐certified developers. Most widely used frameworks fail to address serious privacy leaks and provide the user with little insight into application behaviour. To address these shortcomings, we show that declaration‐driven frameworks can limit privacy leaks, as well as guide developers, independently from the underlying programming paradigm. To do so, we identify concepts that underlie declaration‐driven frameworks and apply them systematically to an object‐oriented language, Java and a dynamic functional language, Racket. The resulting programming framework generators are used to develop a prototype mobile application, illustrating how we mitigate a common class of privacy leaks. Finally, we explore the possible design choices and propose development principles for developing domain‐specific language compilers to produce frameworks, applicable across a spectrum of programming paradigms. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multimedia layout adaptation through grammatical specifications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Online multimedia presentations, such as news, need to be constantly updated. Increasing demands are also being made for accessing online multimedia documents from mobile devices such as PDAs. There is an urgent need for a sound but practical formalism that supports automatic adaptation to the change of media content, display environments, and user intention. This paper presents a visual language approach to the layout adaptation of multimedia objects. The underlying theory of our approach is a context-sensitive graph grammar formalism enriched with facilities for spatial representation and specification. The paper focuses on the issues and techniques for size adaptation and style adaptation in response to the change of device requirements and user interactions.Published online: 2 February 2005 Correspondence to: Kang Zhang  相似文献   

J. Welsh  D. W. Bustard 《Software》1979,9(11):947-957
This paper informally describes the programming language Pascal-Plus. The language is an extended version of Pascal, incorporating the envelope construct which is an aid to program modularization and data abstraction, the process, monitor and condition constructs which provide a means for representing multiprocessing programs, and a simulation monitor which provides pseudo-time control facilities for multiprocessing programs.  相似文献   

Keld Helsgaun 《Software》1995,25(8):905-934
Backtrack programming is such a powerful technique for problem solving that a number of languages, especially in the area of artificial intelligence, have built-in facilities for backtrack programming. This paper describes CBack, a simple, but general tool for backtrack programming in the programming language C. The use of the tool is illustrated through examples of a tutorial nature. In addition to the usual depth-first search strategy, CBack provides for the more general heuristic best-first search strategy. The implementation of CBack is described in detail. The source code, shown in its full length, is entirely written in ANSI C and highly portable across diverse computer architectures and C compilers.  相似文献   

The Mixed-Language Programming (MLP) System is a simple system that facilitates construction of sequential programs in which procedures can be written in different programming languages to exploit heterogeneity in language functionality. In addition, MLP provides a simple remote procedure call (RPC) facility that allows heterogeneity in machine functionality to be exploited. To minimize implementation cost, the system does not solve all of the problems related to mixed-language programming; rather, MLP is designed to handle common situations well. Among the unique aspects of MLP are its advanced facilities, which allow complex situations to be handled with user intervention; for example, these facilities allow arguments of a type not defined by a language to be used by procedures written in that language. This paper overviews the use of MLP and describes its implementation. In addition, two programs that have been written using the MLP system—a small database system and a collection of plot routines—are discussed. The system executes on a collection of Vaxes and Suns running Berkeley UNIX. Currently supported languages are C, Pascal and Icon.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a set‐oriented rule‐based method definition language for object‐oriented databases. Most existing object‐oriented database systems exploit a general‐purpose imperative object‐oriented programming language as the method definition language. Because methods are written in a general‐purpose imperative language, it is difficult to analyze their properties and to optimize them. Optimization is important when dealing with a large amount of objects as in databases. We therefore believe that the use of an ad hoc, set‐oriented language can offer some advantages, at least at the specification level. In particular, such a language can offer an appropriate framework to reason about method properties. In this paper, besides defining a set‐oriented rule‐based language for method definition, we formally define its semantics, addressing the problems of inconsistency and non‐determinism in set‐oriented updates. Moreover, we characterize some relevant properties of methods, such as conflicts among method specifications in sibling classes and behavioral refinement in subclasses. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

舒敏  龚天富 《软件学报》1994,5(1):37-41
大型、复杂的分布式实时系统除了有严格的时间要求外,还需要有更大的灵活性、可预测性和可靠性.本文提出一个分布式实时系统的描述工具─—配置说明语言UECspec,用来描述分布式实时系统UECnet应用层的逻辑同结构、进程间的通信链接关系.以及各进程的实时特性.UECnet系统根据UECspec描述自动完成对应用系统的配置分析,初始分配及重配置.  相似文献   

The semantics of a proof language relies on the representation of the state of a proof after a logical rule has been applied. This information, which is usually meaningless from a logical point of view, is fundamental to describe the control mechanism of the proof search provided by the language. In this paper, we present a monadic datatype to represent the state information of a proof and we illustrate its use in the PVS theorem prover. We show how this representation can be used to design a new set of powerful tacticals for PVS, called PVS#, that have a simpler and clearer semantics compared to the semantics of standard PVS tacticals.  相似文献   

Andr van Delft 《Software》1999,29(7):605-616
We present an extension to the Java language with support for physical dimensions and units of measurement. This should reduce programming errors in scientific and technological areas. We discuss various aspects of dimensions and units, and then design principles for support in programming languages. An overview of earlier work shows that some language extensions focused on units, whereas we argue that dimensions are a better starting point; units can then simply be treated as constants. Then we present the Java extension, and show how to define and use dimensions and units. The communication between the program and the outer world gets special attention. The programmer can still make dimensional errors there, but we claim the risk is reduced. It has been simple to build support for this extension into an existing Java compiler. We outline the applied technique. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Objectives: OpenMusic (OM) is a domain-specific visual programming language designed for computer-aided music composition. This language based on Common Lisp allows composers to develop functional processes generating or transforming musical data, and to execute them locally by demand-driven evaluations. As most historical computer-aided composition environments, OM relies on a transformational declarative paradigm, which is hard to conciliate with reactive data-flow (an evaluation scheme more adequate to the development of interactive systems). We propose to link these two evaluation paradigms in the same and consistent visual programming framework.Methods: We establish a denotational semantics of the visual language, which gives account for its demand-driven evaluation mechanism and the incremental construction of programs. We then extend this semantics to enable reactive computations in the functional graphs.Results: The resulting language merges data-driven executions with the existing demand-driven mechanism. A conservative implementation is proposed.Conclusions: We show that the incremental construction of programs and their data-driven and demand-driven evaluations can be smoothly integrated in the visual programming workflow. This integration allows for the propagation of changes in the programs, and the evaluation of graphically designed functional expressions as a response to external events, a first step in bridging the gap between computer-assisted composition environments and real-time musical systems.  相似文献   

This paper shows how rewriting logic semantics (RLS) can be used as a computational logic framework for operational semantic definitions of programming languages. Several operational semantics styles are addressed: big-step and small-step structural operational semantics (SOS), modular SOS, reduction semantics with evaluation contexts, and continuation-based semantics. Each of these language definitional styles can be faithfully captured as an RLS theory, in the sense that there is a one-to-one correspondence between computational steps in the original language definition and computational steps in the corresponding RLS theory. A major goal of this paper is to show that RLS does not force or pre-impose any given language definitional style, and that its flexibility and ease of use makes RLS an appealing framework for exploring new definitional styles.  相似文献   

FORMAL is a preprocessor language for FORTRAN that supports definition facilities, i.e., extension facilities which permit a user to define new datatypes, new operators, and new types of statements. Using these facilities, it is easy to define e.g., “structured FORTRAN”, or extended FORTRAN to include vector and matrix arithmetic and string manipulations.The FORMAL processor has been written in PL/I.This paper describes the main features of the language, outlines the processor, and discusses experience with using it.  相似文献   

The CATHEDRAL Silicon Compilers synthesize hardware for DSP algorithms specified in Silage, a high level applicative language. In order to optimize the results of the silicon compilation in terms of chip-area and/or throughput, the user often massages the specification applying transformations to the Silage code. To guarantee that the transformations preserve the behavior of the specified algorithm, the formal semantics of the specification language had to be defined. The semantics has been used to prove in HOL the correctness of the transformations and to prove properties of the specification. We are currently building a system where a menu of useful andcorrectness preserving transformations will be available to the user. In this system the user could choose appropriate transformations from the menu taking advantage of his creativity and expertise to interactively guide the silicon compiler, without the risk of introducing inconsistencies. This article describes the formalmulti-rate semantics of a substantial subset of Silage and illustrates some formally verified transformations.  相似文献   

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