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一个基于范例推理的专家系统ICMIX   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
蛋鸡饲料配方是一个要求考虑多种制约因素,需要丰富的富实践经济的问题域。本文介绍的ICMIX是基于范例推理的蛋鸡饲料配方专家系统,其范例向面规划模型,由日粮类型子范例和营养标准子范例构成。  相似文献   

分析WLAN系统工作机制、系统同频与邻频之间的干扰,从网络频率规划、设备自动配置和底层参数调整3方面研究了干扰规避措施及方案,在测试验证的基础上,提出了WLAN规划、优化中的频率规划原则、干扰规避措施和应用实施建议。  相似文献   

针对设备在实际运行和执行任务时经常涉及到维修、更新报废等管理活动缺乏定量模型支撑的问题,提出了利用典型部件的预测寿命和非典型部件的历史寿命对设备系统级的健康状态进行综合评估的方法,建立了一种以状态指标为决策序列的动态规划更新决策方法;该方法能综合考虑维修费用和更新费用,确定最优更新决策,降低保障费用,有效地提高了设备的经济效益;最后经过案例分析证明了该方法的有效性,对于提高设备的保障能力和经济效益提供了理论支撑和方法指导.  相似文献   

逐一对Internet的结构化布网、资源共享、网络的规划与设计、软硬件配置以及专线接入WWW、Internet服务器等技术加以介绍,借助对实例的分析,探究了网络的设备以及规划。  相似文献   

为了降低继电保护设备维护费用、确保电力系统的稳定运行,设计了一种基于移动应用和图像识别的继电保护信息管理系统。系统整体分为主站与子站两部分,并通过移动通信网将主站和子站连接成一个整体。通过将移动巡检测控模块采集到的图像信息传入监控模块,完成图像识别,并获取继电保护设备信息。在保护模块中对所有信息进行汇总,从而完成系统设计。试验结果表明,该系统的图像上传时间、图像识别时间、信息下载时间更短,能够有效处理不同的继电保护设备图像,并准确地分析继电保护设备运行信息、降低系统维护费用,有利于提升继电保护设备信息管理效益。  相似文献   

在757机中配置了通用的BGP-757绘图系统,它采用程序包形式.该程序包目前包含了42个子程序,可用FORTRAN语言和汇编语言调用.该绘图系统支持多绘图设备,它被设计成独立于绘图设备的.当前支援的绘图设备有彩色图形显示器和静电绘图机,还准备配置平面绘图仪.针对757机的主要用户的需要,BGP-757除包含一般被动式绘图的基本功能外,还扩充了某些专门功能,如:绘制等高线图功能、子图形和允许子图嵌套定义功能、系统自动定窗口及多  相似文献   

对EPC/GPRS融合核心网的数通设备的规划配置方法进行了分析与探讨,并针对当前存在的瓶颈提出了解决方法,同时对未来的演进部署进行了分析,为后续的网络规划与建设提供了参考借鉴作用.  相似文献   

文中就中型企业网络建设经济性和实用性提供了一个设计与实践过程.通过对企业个性化需求综合分析,配置合理的硬件设备和软件系统,降低企业网络建设费用,满足企业网络功能需求,为中型企业网络设计提供参考.  相似文献   

中兴通讯研发的4G全网在线仿真竞技平台IUV提供了LTE全网端到端全业务仿真,包括规划设计、部署对接、数据配置、故障处理和业务验证等功能。通过可视化学习和互动式操作,在此平台上完成LTE承载网的网络拓扑规划、IP承载网容量规划、设备配置、数据配置以及业务调试排障等工作,完成LTE承载网的组网。实现了高效率、低成本的进行4G组网、维护、优化一线人才的培养。  相似文献   

目前云计算数据中心规模大,网络设备多,手动配置设备地址不但耗时耗力,而且容易出错。已有自动配置工作未能充分利用数据中心网络拓扑结构特征,导致从规划设计到实际设备配置的映射过程回溯步骤多,效率低。为此,提出了一种基于支点的数据中心网络地址快速自动配置方法PFAC(Pivot-based Fast Automatic Configuration)。PFAC通过预处理分析数据中心网络拓扑层次关系,依据拓扑特征优选支点完成快速匹配,并基于支点缩小配置映射节点的候选集,有效提高了配置效率。基于FatTree结构的模拟实验表明,PFAC能够根据数据中心网络规划蓝图,自动快速地为物理设备分配地址。与经典数据中心网络地址配置方法相比,PFAC算法平均耗时缩短了35%。  相似文献   

本文以一款新型PDA为例,探讨了基于实时操作系统的PDA文件系统的开发实现问题,通过一种动态分配存储空间的内存管理方法,建立了一个文件管理系统,提供给上层软件一个友好的接口,从而简化了程序员的程序设计,使自主设计的低成本PDA的性能得到了提高。  相似文献   

This article describes a framework for practical social reasoning designed to be used for analysis, specification, and implementation of the social layer of agent reasoning in multiagent systems. Our framework, called the expectation strategy behavior (ESB) framework, is based on (i) using sets of update rules for social beliefs tied to observations (so‐called expectations), (ii) bounding the amount of reasoning to be performed over these rules by defining a reasoning strategy, and (iii) influencing the agent's decision‐making logic by means of behaviors conditioned on the truth status of current and future social beliefs. We introduce the foundations of ESB conceptually and present a formal framework and an actual implementation of a reasoning engine, which is specifically combined with a general (belief–desire–intention‐based) practical reasoning programming system. We illustrate the generality of ESB through select case studies, which show that it is able to represent and implement different typical styles of social reasoning. The broad coverage of existing social reasoning methods, the modularity that derives from its declarative nature, and its focus on practical implementation make ESB a useful tool for building advanced socially reasoning agents.  相似文献   

Nonmonotonic rule systems are expected to play an important role in the layered development of the semantic Web. Defeasible reasoning is a direction in nonmonotonic reasoning that is based on the use of rules that may be defeated by other rules. It is a simple, but often more efficient approach than other nonmonotonic rule systems for reasoning with incomplete and inconsistent information. This paper reports on the implementation of a system for defeasible reasoning on the Web. The system 1) is syntactically compatible with RuleML, 2) features strict and defeasible rules, priorities, and two kinds of negation, 3) is based on a translation to logic programming with declarative semantics, 4) is flexible and adaptable to different intuitions within defeasible reasoning, and 5) can reason with rules, RDF, RDF Schema, and (parts of) OWL ontologies  相似文献   

In this paper the framework DESIRE for the design of compositional reasoning systems and multi‐agent systems was applied to build a generic nonmonotonic reasoning system. The outcome is a general reasoning system that can be used to model different nonmonotonic reasoning formalisms and that can be executed by a generic execution mechanism. The main advantages of using DESIRE (for example, compared to a direct implementation in a programming language such as PROLOG) are that the design is generic and has a transparent compositional structure, and the explicit declarative specification of both the static and dynamic aspects of the nonmonotonic reasoning processes, including their control. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the demanding task of developing intelligent systems equipped with machine creativity that can perform design tasks automatically. The main challenge is how to model human beings' creativity mathematically and mimic such creativity computationally. We propose a ``synthesis reasoning model" as the underlying mechanism to simulate human beings' creative thinking when they are handling design tasks. We present the theory of the synthesis reasoning model, and the detailed procedure of designing an intelligent system based on the model. We offer a case study of an intelligent Chinese calligraphy generation system which we have developed. Based on implementation experiences of the calligraphy generation system as well as a few other systems for solving real-world problems, we suggest a generic methodology for constructing intelligent systems using the synthesis reasoning model.  相似文献   

随着实时系统在时间关键和安全关键的行业的广泛应用,程序的时间属性受到越来越广泛的关注. Henzinger提出了LET(Logical Execution Time)编程模型,提供了明确描述时间属性的机制,确保了系统的时间确定性.但传统的实时操作系统模型采用了与LET截然不同的抽象,难以很好地支持LET编程模型. Minicore是一种新型操作系统模型,程序由一组内部没有同步点的服务组成,具有较好的时间确定性和可控性,与LET编程模型的思想更吻合.将LET的控制模型和Minicore的运行模型相结合,可形成一种具有时间确定性的新型编程框架.主要描述了该框架的内存管理机制的设计和实现.文末以智能小车控制系统的实现作为研究实例验证本系统的可行性.  相似文献   

One of the most important problems arising in multiprocessor systems is scheduling of tasks on a set of parallel processors. Recently, new models of task processing have been formulated in which certain tasks can require more than one processor at a time. This model is especially justified in some applications of multi-microprocessor systems. In this paper, we extend the above model to cover the case of scheduling in the presence of additional scarce resources. First a subcase of the problem is considered in which preemptable tasks need simultaneously one or two processors and one additional resource in the amount of one unit. For this case a low order polynomial-time algorithm is presented. Then the general case is solved via a linear programming approach.  相似文献   

针对全路车辆修理量逐渐减少,各修理点修理能力严重过剩的现状,提出铁路车辆修理布局集中化方法。分析铁路车辆修理布局集中化的内涵,提出铁路车辆修理布局集中化双层规划模型的构建思路;以修理点改扩建费用、运营费用、运输费用之和最小为目标构建上层规划模型,以车辆运输费用最小为目标构建下层规划模型,并利用迭代思想,设计基于改进后的蚁群算法的双层迭代优化算法求解该双层规划模型。借助MATLAB软件进行算例分析,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

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