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In mammalian visual cortex, local connections are ubiquitous, extensively linking adjacent neurons of all types. In this study, optical maps of intrinsic signals and responses from single neurons were obtained from the same region of cat visual cortex while the effectiveness of the local cortical circuitry was altered by focally disinhibiting neurons within a column of known orientation preference. Maps of intrinsic signals indicated that local connections provide strong and functional subthreshold inputs to neighboring columns of other orientation preferences, altering the observed orientation preference to that of the disinhibited column. However, measuring the suprathreshold response using single-cell recordings revealed only mild changes of preferred orientation over the affected region. Because strongly tuned subthreshold inputs from cortex only marginally affect the tuning of a cortical cell's output, it is concluded that local cortical inputs are integrated weakly compared to geniculate inputs. Such circuitry potentially allows for the normalization of responses across a wide range of input activity through local averaging.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the calibration of reach distance by gradually distorting the haptic feedback obtained when participants grasped visible target objects. The authors found that the modified relationship between visually specified distance and reach distance could be captured by a straight-line mapping function. Thus, the relation could be described using 2 parameters: bias and slope. The authors investigated whether calibration generalized across reach space with respect to changes in bias and slope. In Experiment 1, the authors showed that both bias and slope recalibrate. In Experiment 2, they tested the symmetries of reach space with respect to changes in bias. They discovered that reach space is asymmetric, with the bias shifting inward more readily than outward. The authors measured how rapidly the system calibrated and the stability of calibration once feedback was removed. In Experiment 3, they showed that bias and slope can be calibrated independently of one another. In Experiment 4, the authors showed that these calibration effects are not cognitively penetrable. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Interactions between proprioceptive and vestibular inputs contributing to the generation of balance corrections may vary across muscles depending on the availability of sensory information at centres initiating and modulating muscle synergies, and the efficacy with which the muscle action can prevent a fall. Information which is not available from one sensory system may be obtained by switching to another. Alternatively, interactions between sensory systems and the muscle to which this interaction is targeted may be fixed during neural development and not switchable. To investigate these different concepts, balance corrections with three different sets of proprioceptive trigger signals were examined under eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions in the muscles of normal subjects and compared with those of subjects with bilateral peripheral vestibular loss. The different sets of early proprioceptive inputs were obtained by employing three combinations of support surface rotation and translation, for which ankle inputs were nulled, normal or enhanced, the knees were either locked or in flexion, and the trunk was either in flexion or extension. Three types of proprioceptive and vestibulospinal interactions were identified in muscles responses. These interactions were typified by the responses of triceps surae, quadriceps, and paraspinal muscles. The amplitudes of stretch responses at 50 ms after the onset of ankle flexion in triceps surae muscles were related to the velocity of ankle stretch. The amplitude of balance-correcting responses at 100 ms corresponded more with stretch of the biarticular gastrocnemius when the knee was re-extended at 60 ms. Absent stretch reflexes at 50 ms in triceps surae with nulled ankle inputs caused a minor, 12-ms delay in the onset of balance-correcting responses in triceps surae muscles. Vestibular loss caused no change in the amplitude of balance-correcting responses, but a negligible decrease in onset latency in triceps surae even with nulled ankle inputs. Stretch responses in quadriceps at 80 ms increased with the velocity of knee flexion but were overall lower in amplitude in vestibular loss subjects. Balance-correcting responses in quadriceps had amplitudes which were related to the directions of initial trunk movements, were still present when knee inputs were negligible and were also altered after vestibular loss. Stretch and unloading responses in paraspinals at 80 ms were consistent with the direction of initial trunk flexion and extension. Subsequent balance-correcting responses in paraspinals were delayed 20 ms in onset and altered in amplitude by vestibular loss. The changes in the amplitudes of ankle (tibialis anterior), knee (quadriceps) and trunk (paraspinal) muscle responses with vestibular loss affected the amplitudes and timing of trunk angular velocities, requiring increased stabilizing tibialis anterior, paraspinal and trapezius responses post 240 ms as these subjects attempted to remain upright. The results suggest that trunk inputs provide an ideal candidate for triggering balance corrections as these would still be present when vestibular, ankle and knee inputs are absent. The disparity between the amplitudes of stretch reflex and automatic balance-correcting responses in triceps surae and the insignificant alteration in the timing of balance-correcting responses in these muscles with nulled ankle inputs indicates that ankle inputs do not trigger balance corrections. Furthermore, modulation of balance corrections normally performed by vestibular inputs in some but not all muscles is not achieved by switching to another sensory system on vestibular loss. We postulate that a confluence of trunk and upper-leg proprioceptive input establishes the basic timing of automatic, triggered balance corrections which is then preferentially weighted by vestibular modulation in muscles that prevent falling. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

The human visual system can notice differences between memories of previous visual inputs and perceptions of new visual inputs, but the comparison process that detects these differences has not been well characterized. In this study, the authors tested the hypothesis that differences between the memory of a stimulus array and the perception of a new array are detected in a manner that is analogous to the detection of simple features in visual search tasks. That is, just as the presence of a task-relevant feature in visual search can be detected in parallel, triggering a rapid shift of attention to the object containing the feature, the presence of a memory–percept difference along a task-relevant dimension can be detected in parallel, triggering a rapid shift of attention to the changed object. Supporting evidence was obtained in a series of experiments in which manual reaction times, saccadic reaction times, and event-related potential latencies were examined. However, these experiments also showed that a slow, limited-capacity process must occur before the observer can make a manual change detection response. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In two experiments, the effects of learning on both the accuracy and bias of duration judgments were examined. In Experiment 1, subjects learned one of two tasks (i.e., using a computer software package, building a model car), containing a varying number of action steps, over a one-, three-, or five-trial period. Retrospective judgments of a task's total duration revealed that accuracy was high at intermediate stages of learning but was low at early stages due to an overestimation bias and low at later stages due to an underestimation bias. The number of action steps within a task influenced behavior only at early learning stages where more action steps led to significantly longer duration estimates. Experiment 2 acted as a converging operation in which novice and experienced pianists were asked to estimate, in advance, how long they thought it would take them to play melodies that varied in their degree of familiarity (i.e. recently learned, well learned, extremely well learned). When these estimates were compared with the melodies' actual playing times, results revealed a similar pattern of accuracy and bias as found in Experiment 1. These findings are discussed in terms of a "structural remembering model" that emphasizes the role of event predictability in time estimation behavior.  相似文献   

Integration of inputs by cortical neurons provides the basis for the complex information processing performed in the cerebral cortex. Here, we have examined how primary visual cortical neurons integrate classical and nonclassical receptive field inputs. The effect of nonclassical receptive field stimuli and, correspondingly, of long-range intracortical inputs is known to be context-dependent: the same long-range stimulus can either facilitate or suppress responses, depending on the level of local activation. By constructing a large-scale model of primary visual cortex, we demonstrate that this effect can be understood in terms of the local cortical circuitry. Each receptive field position contributes both excitatory and inhibitory inputs; however, the inhibitory inputs have greater influence when overall receptive field drive is greater. This mechanism also explains contrast-dependent modulations within the classical receptive field, which similarly switch between excitatory and inhibitory. In order to simplify analysis and to explain the fundamental mechanisms of the model, self-contained modules that capture nonlinear local circuit interactions are constructed. This work supports the notion that receptive field integration is the result of local processing within small groups of neurons rather than in single neurons.  相似文献   

Eye-head coordination during gaze orientation toward auditory targets in total darkness has been examined in human subjects. The findings have been compared, for the same subjects, with those obtained by using visual targets. The use of auditory targets when investigating eye-head coordination has some advantages with respect to the more common use of visual targets: (i) more eccentric target positions can be presented to the subject; (ii) visual feedback is excluded during the execution of gaze displacement; (iii) complex patterns of saccadic responses can be elicited. This last aspect is particularly interesting for examining the coupling between the eyes and the head displacements. The experimental findings indicate that during gaze orientation toward a visual or an auditory target the central nervous system adopts the same strategy of using both the saccadic mechanism and the head motor plant. In spite of a common strategy, qualitative and quantitative parameters of the resulting eye-head coordination are slightly different, depending on the nature of the target. The findings relating to patterns of eye-head coordination seem to indicate a dissociation between the eyes and the head, which receive different motor commands independently generated from the gaze error signal. The experimental findings reported in this paper have been summarized in a model of the gaze control system that makes use of a gaze feedback hypothesis through the central reconstruction of the eye and head positions.  相似文献   

1. The effect of thermal stimulation of the spinal cord on the rate of oxygen consumption was studied in five unanaesthetized rats during exposure to various ambient temperatures. 2. In a warm environment, cooling the spinal cord had no effect on the rate of oxygen consumption but in thermoneutral and cold environments the rate of oxygen consumption increased proportionally to the intensity of spinal cooling. Heating the spinal cord decreased the level of oxygen consumption and, if intense enough, suppressed the thermoregulatory increase in metabolic rate. 3. It is concluded that, in the control of oxygen consumption in the rat, the afferent signals from thermal sensors in the spinal cord and skin are added.  相似文献   

Asymmetry is demonstrated between conjunctive targets in visual search with no detectable asymmetries between the individual features that compose these targets. Exp 1 demonstrates this phenomenon for targets composed of color and shape. Exps 2 and 4 demonstrate this asymmetry for targets composed of size and orientation and for targets composed of contrast level and orientation, respectively. Exp 3 demonstrates that search rate of individual features cannot predict search rate for conjunctive targets. These results demonstrate the need for 2 levels of representations: one of features and one of conjunction of features. A model related to the modified feature integration theory is proposed to account for these results. The proposed model and other models of visual search are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four studies investigated 29 3-mo-old (Exp IV) and 60 5-mo-old (Exps I–III) infants' capacity to detect proprioceptive–visual relations uniting self-motion with a visual display of that motion. Previous research has shown that 5-mo-old infants can detect the invariant relationship between their own leg motion and a video display of that motion. The 1st 3 experiments showed that the 5-mo-olds discriminated between a perfectly contingent live display of their own leg motion and a noncontingent display of self or a peer. They showed this discrimination by preferential fixation of the noncontingent display. This effect was evident even when an S's direct view of his/her own body was occluded, eliminating video image discrimination on the basis of an intramodal visual comparison between the sight of self-motion and the video display of that motion. These results suggest that the contingency provided by a live display of one's body motion is perceived by detecting the invariant intermodal relationship between proprioceptive information for motion and the visual display of that motion. The detection of these relations may be fundamental to the development of self-perception in infancy. Although 3-mo-olds did not show significant discrimination of the contingent and noncontingent displays in Exp IV, they did show significantly more extreme looking proportions to the 2 displays than did the 5-mo-olds. This may reflect the infant's progression from a self- to a social orientation. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Occupation and visual/vestibular interaction in vestibular rehabilitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Otolaryngologists often prescribe head movement exercise programs for patients with vestibular disorders, although the effectiveness of these programs and the critical features of the exercises are poorly understood. Because many patients who dislike exercising do not follow through with their exercises, alternatives to the traditional repetitive exercises would be useful. Subjects diagnosed with vestibular disorders were treated for 6 weeks with either an outpatient exercise program that incorporated interesting, purposeful activities or a simple home program of head movements, comparable with the exercises otolaryngologists often give their patients when they do not refer to rehabilitation. Both treatments incorporated repetitive head movements in all planes in space, graduated in size and speed. Subjects were all tested before and after treatment with standard measures of vestibulo-ocular reflex and balance, level of vertigo, gross motor skills, and self-care independence. Subjects in both groups improved significantly on the functional measures, with slightly greater improvements in the occupational therapy group. The results were maintained 3 months after the cessation of intervention. These data suggest that graded purposeful activities are a useful alternative for treating this patient population and that the essential factor in any exercise program is the use of repetitive head movements.  相似文献   

Twelve Ss were required to name or locate masked letters in arrays containing noise elements. Accuracy in locating was lower when target letters were presented among Vs than when presented among triangles or with no noise. Naming was as accurate when Vs and triangles were presented with the target as when no noise was presented. Since noise did not affect naming in the same way it affected locating, it was concluded that naming is independent of locating. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 studies, 70 overweight and 76 normal-weight undergraduates were administered the Sadness and Elation components of the Nowlis Mood Adjective Check List to investigate weight differences in emotional responsiveness to proprioceptive and pictorial stimuli. Contrary to past evidence that overweight Ss are more emotional than normals, the emotional state of normal-weight Ss fluctuated with manipulations of their facial expression, whereas that of overweight Ss did not respond to these proprioceptive cues. Although research employing affectively loaded pictures found overweight Ss to be more emotionally responsive than normals to these external stimuli, no such weight differences were obtained when less polarized pictures were used in the present studies. It is concluded that even though overweight Ss were more emotionally responsive to extremely polarized external stimuli that demand perception, they were less responsive to proprioceptive stimuli derived from facial expressions and equally responsive to moderately polarized pictorial stimuli. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There is evidence that the treatment of bacterial meningitis with antibiotics liberates harmful bacterial products in the subarachnoid space (SAS). This enhances meningeal inflammation and in particular the recruitment of leukocytes into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which has been shown to be more harmful than beneficial in this disease. In this study, we used a rabbit meningitis model based on intracisternal injection of live Streptococcus pneumoniae. Ampicillin (40 mg/kg of body weight given intravenously [i.v.] 16 h after induction of meningitis) caused a fivefold increase in CSF leukocytes over a 4-h period. Inhibition of leukocyte rolling by treatment with the polysaccharide fucoidin (10 mg/kg, i.v.) prevented the enhanced leukocyte extravasation into the SAS and attenuated the leakage of plasma proteins over the blood-brain barrier. These results suggest that certain polysaccharides that block leukocyte rolling have the potential to reduce leukocyte-dependent central nervous system damage in bacterial meningitis.  相似文献   

Pointing to a remembered visual target involves the transformation of visual information into an appropriate motor output, with a passage through short-term memory storage. In an attempt to identify the reference frames used to represent the target position during the memory period, we measured errors in pointing to remembered three-dimensional (3D) targets. Subjects pointed after a fixed delay to remembered targets distributed within a 22 mm radius volume. Conditions varied in terms of lighting (dim light or total darkness), delay duration (0.5, 5.0, and 8.0 sec), effector hand (left or right), and workspace location. Pointing errors were quantified by 3D constant and variable errors and by a novel measure of local distortion in the mapping from target to endpoint positions. The orientation of variable errors differed significantly between light and dark conditions. Increasing the memory delay in darkness evoked a reorientation of variable errors, whereas in the light, the viewer-centered variability changed only in magnitude. Local distortion measurements revealed an anisotropic contraction of endpoint positions toward an "average" response along an axis that points between the eyes and the effector arm. This local contraction was present in both lighting conditions. The magnitude of the contraction remained constant for the two memory delays in the light but increased significantly for the longer delays in darkness. These data argue for the separate storage of distance and direction information within short-term memory, in a reference frame tied to the eyes and the effector arm.  相似文献   

We report evidence for spatially parallel visual search for targets defined by combinations of form elements in visual search. In Section 1, we show that flat search functions occur for combined-form targets when distractor forms are homogeneous and can be grouped together, thus segmenting the target from the distractors. Introducing heterogeneous distractors lessens distractor grouping and can produce serial search. These results cannot be easily attributed to subjects' use of local feature information to discriminate targets. Instead, they suggest that grouping can operate at a level at which combined form information is represented. In Section 2 we show that these grouping effects are spatially scaled by the size of the stimuli. In Section 3 we show that heterogeneity does not prevent flat search functions when the target has a unique defining feature. Data are interpreted in terms of a hierarchical processing system involving both devoted single- and combined-feature (junction) maps. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sampled 719 White females, ages 60–75 yrs; half of the Ss were widows and half were currently married, living with a spouse. For each marital-status group, half were childless and half had living children. Results reveal that contact with relatives, friends, and associates was more important for Ss' well-being than contact with children and that well-being was enhanced by quality of interaction. Perceived quality of child contact appeared to be influenced by Ss' perceptions of other social relationships. Weak support for equity theory explanations of relationship satisfaction was found. For Ss with children the amount of interaction appeared unimportant whereas for childless Ss the amount and quality of contact with others was positively related to well-being. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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