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介绍了酱猪肘加工生产的全部过程。包括原料的选择、解冻、去毛、剔骨、冲洗、腌制、调制料汤、煮制、出锅及产品的质量控制等。使酱猪肘生产过程规范化,保证了产品的质量。  相似文献   

选取PET/PE复合真空包装袋3种不同厚度对同一批酱猪肘进行包装贮藏,检测各项指标的变化,比较不同厚度对样品品质变化的影响。结果表明:真空包装有效延长酱猪肘的货架期,感官品质、色差、菌落总数和质构特性的变化速度都随着包装材料厚度增加而更缓慢;酱猪肘的表面水分含量因真空包装而变化缓慢,但是包装厚度的变化对表面水分含量变化速度影响不显著。  相似文献   

利用响应面法研究复合抗氧化剂延缓酱猪肘颜色变化的方法。以酱猪肘为原料,模拟酱卤制品在柜台中的温度湿度。在固定的温度和湿度条件下,通过单因素试验研究茶多酚、D-异抗坏血酸钠、迷迭香提取物、竹叶提取物的抗氧化效果。利用Box-Behnken中心组合设计建立数学模型,以酱猪肘颜色变化的色差作为响应值,进行四因素三水平的响应面分析,复配出最优组合复合抗氧化剂。结果表明,酱猪肘复合抗氧化剂的最优配比为:茶多酚0.010%,D-异抗坏血酸钠0.030%,迷迭香提取物0.010%,竹叶提取物0.040%。  相似文献   

研究了天然食用色素红曲红、胭脂树橙、胭脂虫红的紫外吸光特性,光、热稳定性及护色剂β-胡萝卜素、异VC钠、VC、柠檬酸对三种天然色素的护色效果。红曲红、胭脂树橙、胭脂虫红最大紫外吸收峰波长分别为:440±5、455±5、515±5nm。热稳定性次序为:胭脂虫红>红曲红>胭脂树橙。通过单一护色剂对色素光稳定性影响研究结果表明,VC对红曲红及胭脂虫红护色作用最强,异VC钠对胭脂树橙的护色作用最强。通过单一护色剂对色素热稳定性影响实验结果表明,β-胡萝卜素对红曲红、胭脂树橙护色作用最强,VC对胭脂虫红护色效果最强。通过两种护色剂1∶1复配实验结果表明,β-胡萝卜素与异VC钠复配对红曲红及胭脂树橙的护色作用最强,柠檬酸与异VC钠及异VC钠与VC复配对胭脂虫红护色效果均较强。   相似文献   

三种天然色素稳定性及其护色效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了天然食用色素红曲红、胭脂树橙、胭脂虫红的紫外吸光特性,光、热稳定性及护色剂β-胡萝卜素、异Vc钠、Vc、柠檬酸对三种天然色素的护色效果.红曲红、胭脂树橙、胭脂虫红最大紫外吸收峰波长分别为;440±5、455±5、515±5nm.热稳定性次序为:胭脂虫红>红曲红>胭脂树橙.通过单一护色剂时色素光稳定性影响研究结果表明,Vc对红曲红及胭脂虫红护色作用最强,异Vc钠对胭脂树橙的护色作用最强.通过单一护色剂对色素热稳定性影响实验结果表明,β-胡萝卜素对红曲红、胭脂树橙护色作用最强,Vc对胭脂虫红护色效果最强.通过两种护色剂1:1复配实验结果表明,β-胡萝卜素与异Vc钠复配对红曲红及胭脂树橙的护色作用最强,柠檬酸与异Vc钠及异Vc钠与Vc复配对胭脂虫红护色效果均较强.  相似文献   

用菌种扩繁摇床无菌培养技术,正交设计研究影响生产豆腐乳酱的主要因素和交互作用,得出豆腐乳酱最佳生产工艺参数:豆浆100ml加毛霉7g和根霉3g,28℃发酵2d,再加红曲5.33g,32℃发酵3d;之后加入面曲0.67g和米曲4.00g,28℃发酵2d。发酵液加食盐、CMC-Na、羟丙基淀粉、黄原胶、甜味绞股蓝总皂甙等调味剂。产品半固体,红色,气味香甜醇厚,回味长久;其酶活力316.972U/ml,总糖81.858.99mg/100ml,氨基氮58.99mg/100ml,黄曲霉素为0,卫生指标达标。  相似文献   

适用于酱卤肉制品的天然复合上色剂的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以猪肘为主要原料,对添加的天然上色剂红曲红色素、高粱红色素、辣椒红色素和姜黄色素的量进行试验研究.试验结果得出最适添加量:红曲红色素的添加量为0.03‰,高粱红色素的添加量为0.03‰,辣椒红色素的添加量为0.2‰,姜黄色素的添加量为0.7‰.  相似文献   

甲基红氧化褪色光度法测定微量碘   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于盐酸介质中,碘酸根在溴化钾的催化下对甲基红有较好的氧化褪色作用,且褪色前后的吸光度的差值与碘的浓度成正比,建立了紫外分光光度法测定痕量碘及微量碘的新方法。最大吸收波长为518nm,表观摩尔吸光系数为6.5×104L·mol-·1cm-1,线性范围为0~50μg/25mL,该方法用于碘盐及海带中碘的测定,获得满意结果。  相似文献   

综述了红烧牛肉酱调味料加工的原料、设备、工艺、配方及成品质量控制的关键点。  相似文献   

构建以过氧化氢(H_2O_2)氧化甲基红(MR)催化褪色光度法测定H_2O_2的新方法,研究褪色反应机理,确定反应动力学参数。实验证明:甲基红在520 nm处有最大吸收,H_2O_2氧化MR褪色反应具有一级反应的特点;在最佳条件下,H_2O_2浓度与ΔA有良好的线性关系:ΔA=0.003+2.628c(mmol/L),r=0.9967,适用测定范围为0.00~0.15 mmol/L,检出限DL=0.01 mmol/L。方法用于不同样品含量H_2O_2测定,相对标准偏差为4.84%~5.00%,加标回收率为95.4%~103.5%。经t检验,本法与碘量法不存在显著差异,测定结果符合分析的要求。  相似文献   

为探究熟制方式对酱卤猪蹄食用品质和风味物质的影响,以猪前蹄为原料,采用蒸制、煮制、微波制和低温慢煮制4 种熟制方式对酱卤猪蹄进行烹调,并测定烹调损失率、营养成分、胆固醇、总游离氨基酸、脂肪氧化、色泽、感官评分、脂肪酸组成和挥发性风味物质水平。结果表明,低温慢煮制显著降低了酱卤猪蹄烹调损失率和胆固醇质量分数(P<0.05),并显著提高了产品的a*值(红度)、水分质量分数、不饱和脂肪酸相对含量(P<0.05)和挥发性风味物质种类;微波制显著降低了酱卤猪蹄的脂肪质量分数(P<0.05);蒸制酱卤猪蹄感官评分最高;煮制所得产品L*值(亮度)最大(P<0.05)。蒸、煮、微波和低温慢煮4 种熟制方式均能不同程度改善酱卤猪蹄食用品质,但低温慢煮制在改善酱卤猪蹄色泽、提高不饱和脂肪酸含量、增加风味物质种类和降低胆固醇含量方面表现更优。  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取法,结合气相- 质谱联用对天福号酱肘子的挥发性成分进行分析研究。结果表明:共鉴定出的30 种挥发性香成分,其中含量较高的有乙酰基吡嗪、甲基环戊烯醇酮、3- 甲硫基丙醇、乙酸、茴香醛等;天福号酱肘子的香味主要由肉香、酱香、辛香、油脂香和酸香等香韵组成。另外根据分析结果,对其香味进行仿香研究。  相似文献   

Beef or pork was chopped, screened, and washed; water was removed by centrifugation to make surimi-like, water-washed beef or pork. Processing parameters were evaluated to develop the optimum processing techniques to yield the most functional material. Regardless of fat content in the starting material, water-washed beef or pork contained <1% fat. Water-washed muscle was lighter (reduced redness and yellowness) than the original starting material but had more color than fish surimi. Washed beef or pork formed gels with greater hardness than commercial fish surimi above 55°C after heating at 0.5°C/min. Salt soluble protein of water-washed beef or pork was higher than that of commercial fish surimi.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fresh ground pork patties from longissimus dorsi muscle were cooked to endpoint temperatures of 54.4 °C, 60.0 °C, 65.6 °C, 71.1 °C, 76.7 °C, or 82.2 °C. After cooking, patties were immersed in a solution of sodium nitrite (125 ppm) and water for 24 h. All patties then were heated again to a final endpoint temperature of 82.2 °C to allow possible formation of nitrosohemochrome. Instrumental color data, spectrophotometric 650/570 nm reflectance ratio, and visual panelists' scores on both exterior and interior surfaces revealed greater redness (pinking) at the lower initial cooked temperature endpoints. Most importantly, this study showed that all patties developed pink color on reheating, regardless of initial endpoint cooked temperature.  相似文献   

于彭伟  刘登勇  周光宏 《食品科学》2012,33(20):334-338
采用木糖和甘氨酸进行模式美拉德反应,研究其产物对鲜猪肉抗氧化性及色泽的效果。结果表明:反应产物能显著降低丙二醛(MDA)值,提高T-AOC值,分别以24、48h处理组和72、96h组为最佳。产物会明显改善L*值和a*值。  相似文献   

Undenatured oxymyoglobin and deoxymyoglobin were the pigments responsible for pink color in pork roasts cooked to 65°C. Roasts cooked to 82°C had gray internal color after cooking, but panelists noted development of pink internal color after refrigerated storage. Reflectance spectra of pink slices from roasts cooked to 82°C, then stored for 12 days at 2°C, were characteristic of denatured globin hemo-chromes or related nonnitrosyl hemochromes.  相似文献   

The effects of added antioxidants on the oxidative quality changes of irradiated pork patties were studied. Lipid oxidation (TBARS) was not a concern, even in aerobically packaged irradiated pork patties when antioxidants were added. Irradiation produced sulfur compounds, such as dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide, responsible for irradiation off‐odor. The addition of gallate + tocopherol or sesamol + tocopherol was effective in reducing the sulfur volatiles, but had no effect on the redness of irradiated raw pork patties. Aerobic packaging was highly effective in reducing sulfur volatiles and off‐odor from irradiated meat during storage. Antioxidants had little effect on the sensory characteristics and consumer acceptance of irradiated pork, and consumers did not consider the red color of irradiated raw pork as a quality defect.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Effects of pH, muscle, and storage time on the ability of vacuum-packaged pork chops to bloom were investigated. Low pH samples exhibited more change in color measures during the 30 min blooming period than did the medium and high pH samples. The low pH sample bloomed more rapidly and to a greater extent than medium and high pH samples. Among the 3 muscles, Longissimus had the highest, while Semimembranosus had the lowest a* value and hue angle changes. Overall, refrigerated storage of vacuum packaged pork for 7 d or more resulted in more efficient blooming when pH was low. The ability of vacuum-packaged pork to rebloom is necessary for the meat to regain the consumer-expected pink-red color after opening the vacuum bag.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to correlate the sarcoplasmic protein profile of the natural drip loss of muscle with the technological and sensory quality of pork meat. Material for analysis was taken from 14 PenArLan pigs. Simple analysis of relationships between the test protein and meat quality traits showed that they adopt a range of from –0.58 to 0.72. It has been shown that the significance of glycolysis expressed as level of glycogen and lactic acid may be 86% (coefficient of correlations, CR = 0.93), explained by the amount of certain enzymes. The higher relation has been obtained between studied enzymes and value of pH24, L* and b* parameters of raw meat (98%; CR = 0.99). By contrast, L* and a* parameters, sour flavor, and tenderness of grilled meat in 79% can be explained based on the content of the enolase, glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase, and phosphoglycerate mutase (CR = 0.89). The results of the multiple regression showed that amount of lactic acid was related to the quantity of the 3 enzymes: phosphofructokinase, AMP deaminase, phosphorylase b/phosphorylase b kinase (r = 0.88).  相似文献   

H. Larsen    F. Westad    O. Sørheim    L.H. Nilsen 《Journal of food science》2006,71(5):S407-S413
ABSTRACT:  The effect of packages with different oxygen transmission rates (OTR), different gas-to-product-volume (GP) ratios, and various levels of residual oxygen after packaging on the color stability of cooked ham exposed to commercial retail light conditions was studied. Sliced cooked ham was packaged in thermoformed packages with OTR of 0.04 and  0.06 mL O2/pkg × 24 h  and GP ratios of 2.6 and 4.1. After packaging, the packages were additionally divided into groups with 4 levels of residual oxygen ranging from 0.09% to 0.46%. The packaged ham was stored in darkness at 4 °C up to 33 d, and during the storage period samples were withdrawn and exposed to light for 2 d before instrumental and visual color evaluation. In order to maintain an acceptable color of this particular ham product when exposed to typical retail light conditions, the highest acceptable level of oxygen in the headspace of the packages was 0.15% oxygen at the time of illumination. This threshold level was independent of the storage time before light exposure. A residual oxygen level of below 0.15% just after packaging combined with the package with the lowest OTR  (0.04 mL O2/pkg × 24 h)  and the lowest GP ratio (2.6) was the optimal condition for maintaining the color of the tested ham product throughout the entire storage period.  相似文献   

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