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全谷物产业近年来在国内外飞速发展,全谷物食品也因营养丰富及其对居民膳食平衡健康的明显改善作用而逐渐得到了社会广泛认可。本文先后介绍了世界全球全谷物产业的发展态势和国内全谷物产业的发展现状,简要分析了全谷物食品在加工推广中面临的问题,从营养和健康的角度,为全谷物产业发展以及产品推广提出了提升谷物原料营养品质、注重加工过程营养保全、膳食注重食物和营养搭配、开展全谷物营养教育等对策建议,助力保障粮食安全和实现健康中国。  相似文献   

京津冀地区全谷物食品市场调研报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全谷物食品由于含有膳食纤维和抗氧化成分等生理活性物质,长期食用可有效降低多种疾病的发病危险,对特定的适宜人群具有良好的保健作用。在查阅资料和实地调研的基础上,对全谷物食品的现状和发展趋势以及京津冀地区全谷物食品市场进行了调查分析。市场分析的内容主要包括市场供应情况、消费者对全谷物食品的了解和接受程度、细分市场以及京津冀地区全谷物食品市场需求分析及预测,根据调查结果得出全谷物食品是未来粮食食品产业发展的大趋势,有巨大的市场需求和社会、经济效益,因此建议国家出台相关政策,促进全谷物产业的发展。  相似文献   

研究表明,摄入更多的全谷物可降低慢性代谢性疾病的患病风险。近20余年以来,全谷物产业在主要发达国家及地区发展迅速。近年来,全谷物在我国也引发了广泛关注,我国全谷物标准研制力度不断加强。本文介绍了全谷物及全谷物食品全球定义共识的进展,概述了国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization,ISO)国际标准全谷物工作组、美国、加拿大、荷兰、国际食品法典委员会等国家和机构全谷物原料及全谷物食品相关标准的发展现状;介绍了我国全谷物及全谷物食品定义的制订现状,概述了我国包括国家标准、行业标准、地方标准和团体标准在内的20余个全谷物原料、全谷物食品、全谷物生产技术规程及其他全谷物标准的发布情况,还有一些正在制定中的全谷物相关标准。最后提出了我国全谷物标准体系建设的发展方向和建议,包括充分与我国全谷物食品实际生产情况相结合、与国际接轨、标准检测与认证相结合三个方面。逐步完善构建全谷物食品产业的标准体系,将有助于引导和规范我国全谷物产业的高质量健康发展,推动打造多样化健康谷物食品新生态,为全谷物产业的发展提供技术依据。  相似文献   

在大食物观视域下,全谷物食品消费对节粮减损和国民营养健康具有积极意义,是未来食品领域的重要发展方向之一,但当前我国全谷物食品消费量远低于推荐水平。本文分析了北美、欧洲、亚洲和非洲地区的主要国家全谷物食品消费的总量、结构以及政策环境,并从产品、消费者、市场与政策四个维度分析了影响全谷物食品消费的主要因素。综上,应着力培养居民的全谷物消费意识、创新全谷物食品的加工技术,通过政策支持发展营养导向型农业,以此打通全谷物食品消费的实现路径,促进全谷物食品产业发展。  相似文献   

全谷物食品及其健康因子的现代营养学研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全谷物食品由于其对人体多种慢性疾病的改善作用,目前已成为全球关注的热点。本文从现代分子营养学的角度全面综述了全谷物食品及其生理功能,并针对其在我国的发展现状和存在问题提出了推进全谷物食品发展的建议与展望。  相似文献   

发展糙米全谷物食品 改善国民健康状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大米是中国大宗主食品,与国民健康状况关系密切。目前中国大米加工与消费处于追求精白与口感阶段,而糙米(食品)的消费量极低。糙米是一种典型的全谷物食品,增加糙米等全谷物食品的摄入,可以有效降低心脑血管疾病、糖尿病和恶性肿瘤等相关慢性疾病的风险,这已经逐步成为国内外学界的共识。文章深入探讨糙米营养组成特性、糙米全谷物食品的国内外关注状况、发展面临的挑战,以及糙米全谷物食品的研究开发发展方向。  相似文献   

姚惠源 《粮油食品科技》2022,(2):前插2-前插8
全谷物食品是当今世界公认能有效预防"富贵病"即慢性病的健康食品,有利于防止心血管疾病、癌症、慢性呼吸道疾病和糖尿病的发生.全谷物食品的基本组成包括谷粒的淀粉质胚乳、胚芽与麸皮,各组成部分的相对比例与完整谷粒一样.从二十世纪80年代以来,发达国家对全谷物食物的营养价值进行了大量的研究 [1-3].根据美国全谷物理事会的研...  相似文献   

研究显示,心脑血管疾病、糖尿病和骨质疏松等多种慢性疾病中普遍伴随低镁血症,且与镁摄入不足高度相关,许多国家每日镁摄入量低于推荐摄入量。本文对各类食物中镁含量的研究进展进行了综述,提出需要更多关注镁摄入不足的问题,准确评价我国居民镁推荐摄入水平,提倡减少谷物精加工,多摄入全谷物和深色蔬菜等镁元素丰富的食物,减少饮用水的过度净化和软化。  相似文献   

全谷物富含多种生物活性成分,但其适口性差、消费者接受度低。挤压是一种高效、低耗及功能多样化的加工技术,通常用于开发具有高营养和感官质量的食品。本文综述了国内外挤压技术在全谷物方向的研究进展。介绍了全谷物、挤压技术,并分析总结了挤压技术对其物理化学性质的影响。挤压全谷物制品还体现出抑制糖尿病和肥胖症等慢性疾病的潜力。  相似文献   

粮食(全谷物)的营养与健康   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
几个世纪以来,谷类食物一直是人类膳食最重要的组成部分.从新石器时代到21世纪的现代文明,谷物加工技术与谷物营养科学经历了一个漫长的发展变化过程.近年来,大量的研究尤其是流行病学的研究表明,增加全谷物的消费与心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、癌症等慢性疾病的危险降低有关,同时全谷物的摄入有助于健康体重的控制.本文对粮食的营养组成与特点、粮食加工技术的变革、人类对粮食营养与健康的认识发展过程、粮食储藏与营养、粮食加工与营养、粮食营养与慢性疾病之间的关系等进行了综述与分析.  相似文献   

发芽全谷物在经过不同加工方式处理后,其营养品质和感官特性会发生变化,对发芽全谷物食品的开发应用产生了重要影响。本文综述了蒸煮、焙烤、挤压、发酵、酶辅助处理等五种加工方式对发芽全谷物品质特性影响的研究进展,展望了加工方式在发芽全谷物未来发展中的应用前景,旨在为生产营养型发芽全谷物类食品提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

近年来,伴随人们对全谷物健康关注度逐年提高,全谷物食品呈快速发展趋势.萌芽全谷物作为全谷物食品的重要配料,其关注度也在不断提高.萌芽技术可以进一步提高全谷物制品的营养价值和生物有效利用率,改善烘培类产品感官品质,并对慢性代谢综合症预防和控制具有积极作用.从萌芽全谷物定义、全谷物萌发分子机制、功能性成分及生理功效、抗营养...  相似文献   

低温等离子体技术是一种新型的加工技术,目前主要应用于航天航空、材料等领域。基于低温等离子体的工作原理和作用效果,其在全谷物加工领域中可发挥重要作用。本文综述了低温等离子体的概念、发生方式以及其在全谷物加工方面的应用研究进展,重点介绍其在减少全谷物蒸煮时间、改性淀粉、促进萌芽、影响生物活性组分以及降低全谷物中微生物和农药残留等方面的效果,进一步分析低温等离子体技术在全谷物及全谷物食品工业化应用的可行性,并对其在全谷物领域中的发展进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

用全谷物大思路推动我国杂粮加工业的发展(上)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
特色杂粮富含各种保护性化合物,具有许多独特的生理功能,是很好的全谷物食品原料.近年来,经济快速发展及谷物消费的日益精细化逐步成为老百姓健康的"双刃剑".突破传统的"小"杂粮的认识,用全谷物的"大"思路来推动我国杂粮加工业的发展,寻求各种有利于杂粮产业发展的科技支撑及产业政策的支持,将为特色杂粮迎来全新的发展机遇.对我国...  相似文献   

Current dietary advice suggests consumers increase consumption of whole‐grain products because of their potential role in prevention of chronic disease. Whole grains are important sources of nutrients that are in short supply in our diet, including dietary fiber, resistant starch, trace minerals, certain vitamins, and other compounds of interest in disease prevention, including phytoestrogens and antioxidants. Despite dietary recommendations to increase intake of whole grains, little epidemiological evidence is available to support the physiological importance of whole‐grain intake. Most epidemiological studies focus on nutrients, rather than whole foods, so little attempt has been made to evaluate the contribution of whole grains in disease. Further, studies on vegetarians that show decreased risk of degenerative diseases are unable to separate the contribution of fruit and vegetable intake when compared with whole‐grain intake and protection from disease. The few epidemiological studies that have evaluated a role for whole grains suggest that they may have an important role in disease prevention and deserve more study.  相似文献   

Cereal grains, such as wheat, barley, rice, rye, oat, millet, sorghum, and corn, have been staples in human diets since ancient times. At present, there is a significant body of scientific evidence showing the health benefits of consuming whole grains in chronic disease prevention, particularly in regards to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. The objective was to determine bioactive peptides in cereal grains that may prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, inflammation, and diabetes. Bioactive peptides that may be obtained from cereal grains, particularly wheat, oat, barley, and rice, were identified. Bioactive peptides that play a role in chronic disease prevention have been found primarily in legumes and dairy products; although research connecting cereal grains with potential bioactive peptide activity is limited. In this review, 4 cereal grains, wheat, oat, barley, and rice, were evaluated for bioactive peptide potential using the BIOPEP database. In addition, research information was compiled for each grain regarding evidence about the effect of their proteins in prevention of chronic diseases. All 4 grains showed high occurrence frequencies of angiotensin‐converting enzyme‐inhibitor peptides (A = 0.239 to 0.511), as well as of dipeptidyl peptidase‐inhibitor and antithrombotic, antioxidant, hypotensive, and opioid activity. Wheat and rice proteins had anticancer sequences present. Wheat and barley showed the greatest diversity and abundance of potential biological activity among the cereal proteins. Further research needs to be conducted to learn how these biologically active peptide sequences are released from cereal grains. This study supports the notion that cereal grains are a nutritious part of a healthy diet by preventing chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Diet and lifestyle play a significant role in the development chronic diseases; however the full complexity of this relationship is not yet understood. Dietary pattern investigation, which reflects the complexity of dietary intake, has emerged as an alternative and complementary approach for examining the association between diet and chronic diseases. Literature on this association has largely focused on individual nutrients, with conflicting outcomes, but individuals consume a combination of foods from many groups that form dietary patterns. Our objective was to systematically review the current findings on the effects of dietary patterns on chronic diseases. In this review, we describe and discuss the relationships between dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean, the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension, Prudent, Seventh-day Adventists, and Western, with risk of obesity, type-2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and neurodegenearive diseases. Evidence is increasing from both observational and clinical studies that plant-based dietary patterns, which are rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, are valuable in preventing various chronic diseases, whereas a diet high in red and processed meat, refined grains and added sugar seems to increase said risk. Dietary pattern analysis might be especially valuable to the development and evaluation of food-based dietary guidelines.  相似文献   

Whole grain cereals: functional components and health benefits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cereal-based food products have been the basis of the human diet since ancient times. Dietary guidelines all over the world are recommending the inclusion of whole grains because of the increasing evidence that whole grains and whole-grain-based products have the ability to enhance health beyond the simple provision of energy and nutrients. In this review we will examine the main chemical components present in whole grains that may have health enhancing properties (dietary fiber, inulin, beta-glucan, resistant starch, carotenoids, phenolics, tocotrienols, and tocopherols) and the role that whole grains may play in disease prevention (cardiovascular diseases and strokes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, as well as different forms of cancer). The knowledge derived from the functional properties of the different chemical components present in whole grains will aid in the formulation and development of new food products with health enhancing characteristics.  相似文献   

全谷物是膳食纤维和酚类物质等功能成分的重要来源之一,有效摄入全谷物可降低现代人群患糖尿病、高血脂、高血压等慢性疾病风险。但全谷物具有复杂的亚宏观多层级结构,麸皮层部分不溶性膳食纤维含量较高,酚类也多以结合态共价连接于果胶及半纤维壁,导致全谷物及相关制品存在可溶性差、食用口感不佳、功能营养组分热加工损失多等问题。作者总结了全谷物中膳食纤维和酚类物质的含量与分布、存在形态和潜在的健康效益,探讨了发芽、发酵、挤压、3D打印、超微粉碎及其他复合处理等生物与物理绿色加工技术对全谷物宏微观结构、感官品质及膳食纤维、酚类物质的影响。  相似文献   

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