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The majority of the GTP-binding proteins of the Ras superfamily hydrolyze GTP to GDP very slowly. A notable exception to this are the Rac proteins, which have intrinsic GTPase rates at least 50-fold those of Ras or Rho. A protein (or proteins) capable of inhibiting this GTPase activity exists in human neutrophil cytosol. Since Rac appears to exist normally in neutrophils as a cytosolic protein complexed to (Rho)GDI, we examined the ability of (Rho)GDI to inhibit GTP hydrolysis by Rac. (Rho)GDI produced a concentration-dependent inhibition of GTP hydrolysis by Rac1 that paralleled its ability to inhibit GDP dissociation from the Rac protein. Maximal inhibition occurred at or near equimolar concentrations of the GDI and the Rac substrate. The ability of two molecules exhibiting GTPase activating protein (GAP) activity toward Rac to stimulate GTP hydrolysis was also inhibited by the presence of (Rho)GDI. The inhibitory effect of the GDI could be overcome by increasing the GAP concentration to levels equal to that of the GDI. (Rho)GDI weakly, but consistently, inhibited GTP gamma S (guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate) dissociation from Rac1, confirming an interaction of (Rho)GDI with the GTP-bound form of the protein. These data describe an additional activity of (Rho)GDI and suggest a mechanism by which Rac might be maintained in an active form in vivo in the presence of regulatory GAPs.  相似文献   

Post-receptor signalling molecules that convey the signal from the activated insulin receptor to the actual process of Glut4 translocation and hexose uptake are poorly understood. Various studies have suggested a requirement of the lipid kinase phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3-kinase) in this process. PI3kinase regulates the activation status of the small GTP-binding protein Rac which, in turn, is able to activate another G-protein Rho. Rac and Rho are known to regulate the structure of the membrane- and cytoplasmic actin-cytoskeleton. We have examined whether Rac and Rho transfer the signals generated by PI3kinase towards insulin-stimulated hexose uptake. For that purpose, we expressed in 3T3-L1 adipocytes the dominant-negative mutant of RacN17 using vaccinia virus-mediated gene transfer. The expression levels of the RacN17 protein were monitored by Western blotting. The abrogation of endogenous Rac signalling by expression of RacN17 was inferred from the observed loss of arachidonic acid release in response to insulin. Basal and insulin-stimulated hexose transport were not affected by expression of the RacN17 mutant. A possible contribution of Rho.GTP to stimulation of hexose uptake was examined by pre-incubation of adipocytes with lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). We observed a profound effect of LPA on the structure of the cytoskeleton and on the phosphorylation of Focal Adhesion Kinase (p125FAK), indicating that 3T3-L1 adipocytes respond to LPA and that Rho was activated by LPA. However, no effect was detected on the basal or on the insulin-stimulated hexose transport. We conclude that Rac and Rho are unlikely to be involved in insulin-stimulated hexose transport, suggesting a possible contribution of other signalling pathways, downstream of PI3kinase to this process.  相似文献   

Soluble factors from serum such as lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) are thought to activate the small GTP-binding protein Rho based on their ability to induce actin stress fibers and focal adhesions in a Rho-dependent manner. Cell adhesion to extracellular matrices (ECM) has also been proposed to activate Rho, but this point has been controversial due to the difficulty of distinguishing changes in Rho activity from the structural contributions of ECM to the formation of focal adhesions. To address these questions, we established an assay for GTP-bound cellular Rho. Plating Swiss 3T3 cells on fibronectin-coated dishes elicited a transient inhibition of Rho, followed by a phase of Rho activation. The activation phase was greatly enhanced by serum. In serum-starved adherent cells, LPA induced transient Rho activation, whereas in suspended cells Rho activation was sustained. Furthermore, suspended cells showed higher Rho activity than adherent cells in the presence of serum. These data indicate the existence of an adhesion-dependent negative-feedback loop. We also observed that both cytochalasin D and colchicine trigger Rho activation despite their opposite effects on stress fibers and focal adhesions. Our results show that ECM, cytoskeletal structures and soluble factors all contribute to regulation of Rho activity.  相似文献   

The alpha 1-adrenergic receptors activate a phospholipase C enzyme by coupling to members of the large molecular size (approximately 74 to 80 kilodaltons) G alpha h family of guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins. Rat liver G alpha h is now shown to be a tissue transglutaminase type II (TGase II). The transglutaminase activity of rat liver TGase II expressed in COS-1 cells was inhibited by the nonhydrolyzable GTP analog guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) or by alpha 1-adrenergic receptor activation. Rat liver TGase II also mediated alpha 1-adrenergic receptor stimulation of phospholipase C activity. Thus, G alpha h represents a new class of GTP-binding proteins that participate in receptor signaling and may be a component of a complex regulatory network in which receptor-stimulated GTP binding switches the function of G alpha h from transglutamination to receptor signaling.  相似文献   

The coupled processes of the chloroplast trans-envelope transport of malate and oxaloacetate and their interconversion as catalyzed by the stromal NADP-linked malate dehydrogenase are quantitatively analyzed by means of a steady-state model. The equation for the NADP-malate dehydrogenase reaction is developed. The empirical dependence of enzyme activity on NADPH and NADP+ is used to determine its actual activity. The trans-envelope counter exchange of malate and oxaloacetate is described by a kinetic model of the translocator. Kinetic parameters are derived from known data, except for the Km value and the maximum rate for oxaloacetate transport, which are estimated from oxaloacetate-dependent malate formation in isolated intact chloroplasts. Using the kinetic properties of the system and the known metabolite concentrations, the model demonstrates that photosynthetically generated NADPH can be exported efficiently from the chloroplasts to the cytosol by the malate-valve system. The transfer capacity of the malate valve is estimated not to exceed 20 mumol (mg Chl)-1 h-1 (or 5% of the electron transport) under normal physiological conditions. The possible role of the malate valve in leaf cells under normal conditions and during stress is discussed.  相似文献   

Activation of brain B-Raf protein kinase by Rap1B small GTP-binding protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rap1 small GTP-binding protein has the same amino acid sequence at its effector domain as that of Ras. Rap1 has been shown to antagonize the Ras functions, such as the Ras-induced transformation of NIH 3T3 cells and the Ras-induced activation of the c-Raf-1 protein kinase-dependent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade in Rat-1 cells, whereas we have shown that Rap1 as well as Ras stimulates DNA synthesis in Swiss 3T3 cells. We have established a cell-free assay system in which Ras activates bovine brain B-Raf protein kinase. Here we have used this assay system and examined the effect of Rap1 on the B-Raf activity to phosphorylate recombinant MAP kinase kinase (MEK). Recombinant Rap1B stimulated the activity of B-Raf, which was partially purified from bovine brain and immunoprecipitated by an anti-B-Raf antibody. The GTP-bound form was active, but the GDP-bound form was inactive. The fully post-translationally lipid-modified form was active, but the unmodified form was nearly inactive. The maximum B-Raf activity stimulated by Rap1B was nearly the same as that stimulated by Ki-Ras. Rap1B enhanced the Ki-Ras-stimulated B-Raf activity in an additive manner. These results indicate that not only Ras but also Rap1 is involved in the activation of the B-Raf-dependent MAP kinase cascade.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of the small GTP-binding protein Rho in cytokinesis by microinjecting an inhibitor, C3 ribosyltransferase, into cultured cells. Microinjection of C3 into prometaphase or metaphase normal rat kidney epithelial cells induced immediate and global cortical movement of actin toward the metaphase plate, without an apparent effect on the mitotic spindle. During anaphase, concentrated cortical actin filaments migrated with separating chromosomes, leaving no apparent concentration of actin filaments along the equator. Myosin II in injected epithelial cells showed a diffuse distribution throughout cell division. All treated, well-adherent cells underwent cleavage-like activities and most of them divided successfully. However, cytokinesis became abnormal, generating irregular ingressions and ectopic cleavage sites even when mitosis was blocked with nocodazole. The effects of C3 appeared to be dependent on cell adhesion; less adherent 3T3 fibroblasts exhibited irregular cortical ingression only when cells started to increase attachment during respreading, but managed to complete cytokinesis. Poorly adherent HeLa cells showed neither ectopic cleavage nor completion of cytokinesis. Our results indicate that Rho does not simply activate actin-myosin II interactions during cytokinesis, but regulates the spatial pattern of cortical activities and completion of cytokinesis possibly through modulating the mechanical strength of the cortex.  相似文献   

Two rapid spectroscopic approaches for whole-organism fingerprinting of pyrolysis-mass spectrometry (PyMS) and Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) were used to analyze a group of 29 clinical and reference Candida isolates. These strains had been identified by conventional means as belonging to one of the three species Candida albicans, C. dubliniensis (previously reported as atypical C. albicans), and C. stellatoidea (which is also closely related to C. albicans). To observe the relationships of the 29 isolates as judged by PyMS and FT-IR, the spectral data were clustered by discriminant analysis. On visual inspection of the cluster analyses from both methods, three distinct clusters, which were discrete for each of the Candida species, could be seen. Moreover, these phenetic classifications were found to be very similar to those obtained by genotypic studies which examined the HinfI restriction enzyme digestion patterns of genomic DNA and by use of the 27A C. albicans-specific probe. Both spectroscopic techniques are rapid (typically, 2 min for PyMS and 10 s for FT-IR) and were shown to be capable of successfully discriminating between closely related isolates of C. albicans, C. dubliniensis, and C. stellatoidea. We believe that these whole-organism fingerprinting methods could provide opportunities for automation in clinical microbial laboratories, improving turnaround times and the use of resources.  相似文献   

Ran/TC4, first identified as a well-conserved gene distantly related to H-RAS, encodes a protein which has recently been shown in yeast and mammalian systems to interact with RCC1, a protein whose function is required for the normal coupling of the completion of DNA synthesis and the initiation of mitosis. Here, we present data indicating that the nuclear localization of Ran/TC4 requires the presence of RCC1. Transient expression of a Ran/TC4 protein with mutations expected to perturb GTP hydrolysis disrupts host cell DNA synthesis. These results suggest that Ran/TC4 and RCC1 are components of a GTPase switch that monitors the progress of DNA synthesis and couples the completion of DNA synthesis to the onset of mitosis.  相似文献   

The small GTP-binding protein Cdc42 is thought to induce filopodium formation by regulating actin polymerization at the cell cortex. Although several Cdc42-binding proteins have been identified and some of them have been implicated in filopodium formation, the precise role of Cdc42 in modulating actin polymerization has not been defined. To understand the biochemical pathways that link Cdc42 to the actin cytoskeleton, we have reconstituted Cdc42-induced actin polymerization in Xenopus egg extracts. Using this cell-free system, we have developed a rapid and specific assay that has allowed us to fractionate the extract and isolate factors involved in this activity. We report here that at least two biochemically distinct components are required, based on their chromatographic behavior and affinity for Cdc42. One component is purified to homogeneity and is identified as the Arp2/3 complex, a protein complex that has been shown to nucleate actin polymerization. However, the purified complex alone is not sufficient to mediate the activity; a second component that binds Cdc42 directly and mediates the interaction between Cdc42 and the complex also is required. These results establish an important link between a signaling molecule, Cdc42, and a complex that can directly modulate actin networks in vitro. We propose that activation of the Arp2/3 complex by Cdc42 and other signaling molecules plays a central role in stimulating actin polymerization at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Shigella, the causative agents of bacillary dysentery, are capable of invading mammalian cells that are not normally phagocytic. Uptake of bacteria by the mammalian cells is directed by bacterial factors named IpaB, IpaC, and IpaD invasins, in which Ipa invasins secreted into the bacterial environment can interact with alpha5beta1 integrin. We report here that Shigella invasion of epithelial cells requires rho activity, a ras-related GTP-binding protein. The invasive capacity of Shigella flexneri for Chinese hamister ovary (CHO) cells and other epithelial cells were greatly reduced when treated with Clostridium botulinum exoenzyme C3 transferase. Conversely, uptake of bacteria by CHO cells was promoted upon microinjection of an activated rho variant, Val14RhoA. Attachment of S. flexneri to CHO cells can elicit tyrosine phosphorylation of pp125FAK and paxillin, localized accumulation of F-actin, vinculin, and talin, and activation of protein kinase C, which were all blocked by the treatment with C3 transferase. Our results indicate that cellular signal transduction regulated by rho is essential for Shigella invasion of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The small GTP-binding protein Rho has been shown to regulate the formation of the actin cytoskeleton in animal cells. We have previously isolated two rho genes, rho1+ and rho2+, from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe in order to investigate the function of Rho using genetic techniques. In this paper, we report the cellular function of Rho1. RESULTS: We found that Rho1 is essential for cell viability and cell polarity using gene disruption and by exogenous expression of botulinum C3 ADP-ribosyltransferase. In cells expressing either a constitutively active Rho1 or a dominant-negative Rho1, actin patches were delocalized. Both the cell wall and secondary septum were thick and stratified in cells expressing the constitutively active Rho1, while the cell wall of cells expressing the dominant-negative Rho1 seemed to be loosely organized. Furthermore, inactivation of Rho1 is apparently required for the separation of daughter cells. Cell fractionation studies suggested that Rho1 is predominantly membrane-bound. Moreover, we observed that Rho1 is localized to the cell periphery and to the septum. CONCLUSIONS: Rho1 is involved in actin patch localization, the control of cell polarity, the regulation of septation, and cell wall synthesis.  相似文献   

alpha 1-Adrenoceptors in most tissues couple with the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein Gq, the alpha subunit of which activates the beta-isoforms of phospholipase C. However, in heart (and in liver) alpha 1-adrenoceptors have been reported to couple to a high molecular weight GTP-binding protein. Gh, which functions both as a type II transglutaminase and as a receptor coupling protein. Gh activates a phospholipase isoform distinct from phospholipase C-beta. Here we report that isolation and culture of neonatal cardiomyocytes decreased the expression of Gh without reducing the content of Gq or Gi. Gh was readily detected in extracts from intact neonatal and adult heart tissues. The expression of Gh thus appears to be a feature of intact cardiac tissue.  相似文献   

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