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This study has characterized the repertoire of the anion exchanger (AE) family members expressed within the guinea pig organ of Corti, the auditory neuroepithelia. Both AE2 and AE3 cDNAs were present, but AE1 cDNA was not detected. The more abundant AE2 was sequenced and its expression characterized in the cochlea. The 3888 base pairs (bp) AE2 sequence, compiled from multiple clones, includes 150 bp of upstream non-coding sequence and 3717 bp of open reading frame encoding a protein of 1238 amino acids. Immunoblot of cochlear homogenate revealed a single AE2-immunoreactive band of Mr 180 kDa. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analysis localized AE2 expression to several tissues and cell types within the guinea pig inner ear, including superior half of the spiral ligament and within the interdental cells lining the spiral limbus. However, AE2 was not clearly detected in the outer hair cells (OHC) of the organ of Corti by either immunohistochemistry or in situ hybridization. The results of these studies imply a physiologic role of AE2 in the cochlear homeostasis, but do not support its role as a potential 'motor protein' in mediating the in vitro-observed voltage-gated, ATP-independent OHC motility.  相似文献   

A noncontact optical system using high speed image analysis to measure local tissue deformations and axial strains along skeletal muscle is described. The spatial resolution of the system was 20 pixels/cm and the accuracy was +/- 0.125 mm. In order to minimize the error associated with discrete data used to characterize a continuous strain field, the displacement data were fitted with a third order polynomial and the fitted data differentiated to measure surface strains using a Lagrangian finite strain formulation. The distribution of axial strain along the muscle-tendon unit was nonuniform and rate dependent. Despite a variation in local strain distribution with strain rate, the maximum axial strain, Exx = 0.614 +/- 0.045 mm/mm, was rate insensitive and occurred at the failure site for all tests. The frequency response of the video system (1000 Hz) and the measurement of a continuous strain field along the entire length of the structure improve upon previous noncontact optical systems for measurement of surface strains in soft tissues.  相似文献   

Muscle cells depend on motoneurons for the initiation of postsynaptic differentiation during early development of the neuromuscular junction. Motoneurons secrete specific isoforms of the extracellular matrix protein agrin which trigger the aggregation of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) on the muscle surface. Both motoneuron- and agrin-induced AChR aggregation are inhibited by heparin. Here we show that this inhibition is due to two separate and distinguishable mechanisms. At high concentrations, heparin directly binds to agrin isoforms which contain the peptide KSRK, resulting in a virtually complete inhibition of AChR clustering. Heparin and other polyanions do not bind to agrin splicing variants without KSRK insert. Isoforms containing or lacking the KSRK insert have a high potency to induce AChR aggregation in the presence of an activating eight-amino-acid insert. This activity is inhibited by low concentrations of heparin even in the absence of any binding of heparin to agrin. Therefore, this second type of inhibition is due to the interaction of heparin with a downstream component of the agrin-induced clustering pathway. Binding of heparin to this yet unidentified component substantially decreases, but does not completely abolish AChR aggregation. The inhibition is particularly strong on myotubes which have not completely matured in culture.  相似文献   

Direct intraspinal injection of the catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine, and the alpha-adrenergic agents dexmedetomidine and clonidine, produced a dose-dependent elevation of pain thresholds in the Northern grass frog, Rana pipiens. Significant analgesic effects were noted for at least 4 h. The analgesic effect of intraspinal dexmedetomidine or epinephrine was blocked by systemic pretreatment with the alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonists, yohimbine and atipamezole, but not with the alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist, prazosin. Dose-response analyses showed that dexmedetomidine, epinephrine, norepinephrine had similar analgesic potencies, but clonidine was significantly less potent. Analgesia was observed without accompanying motor or sedative effects. These results suggest that alpha 2-adrenoceptor mechanisms which mediate analgesia may have evolved early in vertebrate evolution and that descending epinephrine-containing fibers in the amphibian nervous system may be the source of endogenous catecholamines regulating nociceptive sensitivity in the amphibian spinal cord.  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cause of death in women in the United States. Dyslipidemia is a risk factor for CAD in both men and women. Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and hypertriglyceridemia, especially in association with a dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL) phenotype, may be of greater importance in women than in men. The relationship between CAD and dyslipidemia and the therapeutic approach to disorders of lipid metabolism in women have unique features because of the effects of exogenous and endogenous hormones on lipid pathways. Estrogen decreases LDL cholesterol and Lp(a) lipoprotein and increases triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels. Progestogens decrease triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and Lp(a), and they increase LDL cholesterol. Thus, oral contraceptives increase plasma triglycerides, whereas the effect of these agents on LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels is related to the androgenicity and dose of progestogen. Postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy increases triglycerides and decreases LDL cholesterol. The effect of hormone replacement therapy on HDL cholesterol is influenced by the addition of progestogen. Although no primary prevention studies have analyzed lipid lowering and CAD in women, secondary prevention studies have suggested that the response to drug treatment and the benefit of lipid lowering are similar in women and in men. Hormone replacement therapy should be considered in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in postmenopausal women; however, individualization of treatment is important to avoid adverse effects.  相似文献   

The experiment reported was designed to investigate whether endothelin-1 (ET-1) contributes to vasospasm and poor perfusion during the reperfusion after prolonged ischemia in skeletal muscle. Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighting 100 to 120 g were anesthetized with Nembutal. The vascular isolated rat cremaster muscle, coupled with local interarterial infusion, was the model used in this study. The diameters of feeding arterioles and terminal arterioles were measured utilizing intravital microscopy. The number of terminal arterioles with temporary cessation of flow were counted in each cremaster. Group 1: ET-dose response (8 rats)--various concentrations of ET-1 (from 10(-8) M to 10(-5) M) were infused into the cremaster to test whether this muscle was responsive to the agent in a dose-dependent manner. Group 2: ET-antagonist response (12 rats)--PD-142893, 10(-4) M (ETab receptor antagonist) plus ET-1 10(-7) M were infused into the cremaster to test whether vasospasm caused by exogenous ET-1 could be prevented by pretreatment with this specific ETab receptor antagonist. Group 3: ischemia/reperfusion response (12 rats)--PD-142893, 10(-4) M was infused into the cremaster before ischemia (4 hr warm ischemia) and during reperfusion to test whether ETab receptor antagonism was effective in preventing the vasospasm associated with ischemia/reperfusion injury. The results from this study show that a mixed ETab endothelin antagonist, PD-142893, infused before ischemia and during reperfusion at a dose which virtually abolished the vasoconstriction produced by a high concentration of exogenous endothelin-1, had no effect on ischemia/reperfusion-induced vasoconstriction in this model. These results suggest that ET-1 probably does not contribute to the ischemia/reperfusion-induced vasoconstriction and poor reflow in rat skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) images of skeletal muscle tears can clearly delineate the severity of muscle injury. Although MR imaging is seldom necessary in patients with acute muscle trauma, it can be helpful in deciding on clinical management. The two major MR findings in acute muscle tears are deformity of the muscle and the presence of abnormal signal reflecting hemorrhage and edema. In acute tears, methemoglobin within the extravascular blood causes high-signal areas on both T1- and T2-weighted images. With partial tears, the blood may dissect in a distinctive linear pattern along the muscle bundles and fibers. As healing begins, the muscle signal diminishes, first on the T1-weighted images and then on the T2-weighted images. When there is residual abnormal signal on images obtained more than several months after the injury, it is presumed to represent hemorrhage from recurrent tears. In patients with a questionable history of a remote injury, the clinical presentation may be that of persistent pain or a soft tissue mass. In these cases MR imaging may identify the cause of the pain and can exclude a neoplasm by proving that the mass is a hypertrophied or retracted muscle. Thus, MR imaging has a limited, but occasionally important role in selected patients with skeletal muscle tears.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed and validated for the fingerprinting (profiling) and quantitative determination of E- and Z-guggulsterones, the hypolipidemic agents in the gum-resin exudate of Commiphora mukul, currently marketed worldwide as hypocholesterolemic. The method involves extraction of the guggul-resin from either the raw exudate or compounded tablets (or capsules) with ethyl acetate, concentration of the combined extracts and chromatography on a reversed-phase C18 column using an acetonitrile-water gradient. The method has a validated quantitation range of 15-85 microg/ml for E-guggulsterone and 25-130 microg/ml for Z-guggulsterone with a precision of +/-2% S.D. and a recovery of >99.5%. Standard curve correlation coefficients of 0.992 or greater were obtained during validation experiments. The method was applied to six commercial (OTC) products, all of which were found to contain significantly less (in most cases very little or none) of the claimed guggulsterones.  相似文献   

16-Fluoropalmitic acid was synthesized from 16-hydroxypalmitic acid using diethylaminosulfur trifluoride. This monofluorinated fatty acid then was used to make 1-palmitoyl-2-[16-fluoropalmitoyl]-phosphatidylcholine (F-DPPC) as a fluorinated analog of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). Surprisingly, we found that the phase transition temperature (Tm) of F-DPPC occurs near 50 degrees C, approximately 10 degrees C higher than its nonfluorinated counterpart, DPPC, as judged by both differential scanning calorimetry and infrared spectroscopy. The pretransition observed for DPPC is absent in F-DPPC. A combination of REDOR, rotational-echo double-resonance, and conventional solid-state NMR experiments demonstrates that F-DPPC forms a fully interdigitated bilayer in the gel phase. Electron paramagnetic resonance experiments show that below Tm, the hydrocarbon chains of F-DPPC are more motionally restricted than those of DPPC. X-ray scattering experiments confirm that the thickness and packing of gel phase F-DPPC is similar to that of heptanetriol-induced interdigitated DPPC. F-DPPC is the first phosphoglyceride containing sn-1 and sn-2 ester-linked fatty acyl chains of equal length that spontaneously forms interdigitated bilayers in the gel state in the absence of inducing agents such as alcohols.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle's stress equals that of skeletal muscle with less myosin. Thus, under isometric conditions, smooth muscle myosin may spend a greater fraction of its cycle time attached to actin in a high force state (i.e. higher duty cycle). If so, then smooth muscle myosin may also have a higher duty cycle under unloaded conditions. To test this, we used an in vitro motility assay in which fluorescently labeled actin filaments move freely over a sparsely coated (5-100 micrograms/ml) myosin surface. Actin filament velocity (V) was a function of the number of cross-bridges capable of interacting with an actin filament (N) and the duty cycle (f), V = (a x Vmax) x (1-(1-f)N) (Uyeda et al., 1990; Harada et al., 1990). N was estimated from the myosin density on the motility surface and the actin filament length. Data for V versus N were fit to the above equation to predict f. The duty cycle of smooth muscle myosin (4.0 +/- 0.7%) was not significantly different from that of skeletal muscle myosin (3.8 +/- 0.5%) in agreement with values estimated by Uyeda et al. (1990) for skeletal muscle myosin under unloaded conditions. The duty cycles of smooth and skeletal muscle myosin may still differ under isometric conditions.  相似文献   

The development of polymers with different surface properties and surface modifications of intraocular lenses (IOL) should reduce foreign body reactions after implantation by reducing the surface hydrophobicity of the lenses. It was examined how far such surface variations influenced the adhesiveness of bacteria. The most common organism isolated from cases of postoperative endophthalmitis is Staphylococcus epidermidis. For this reason, three strains of this species, the type strain ATCC 14990 and two clinical isolates (8687, 6579 I), with different hydrophobic surfaces, were studied. IOL made of PMMA, silicone, and a copolymer as well as PMMA lenses with modified surfaces (unpolished, polished, silanized, and heparinized) were used. Bacteria were radiolabelled with 3H-thymidine and the adherent bacteria were calculated per mm2 of lens surface. The three strains adhered better to the unpolished surface of silicone than to PMMA. Treatment of PMMA surface by polishing diminished the differences between the strains. An influence of hydrophobic interactions on the adherence of S. epidermidis ATCC 14990 was demonstrated. The adherence of this hydrophobic type strain was clearly reduced by heparinization of the PMMA surface. In contrast, the hydrophilic catheter isolate 6579 I adhered better to modified surfaces. This strain differed clearly in its PFGE pattern from both hydrophobic strains. Hydrophobic interactions play a role in the bacterial adherence to intraocular lenses in vitro and in vivo. Modifications of polymer surfaces, however, can result in rather different effects depending on the bacterial surface composition and properties.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: 4-chloro-m-cresol (4-CmC), commonly used as preservative, has been shown to induce contractures in skeletal muscle specimens from individuals susceptible to malignant hyperthermia (MH). It has been suggested that a defect of the calcium release channel of the skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (ryanodine receptor) in MH susceptible (MHS) patients could be responsible for this phenomenon. 4-CmC was found to be a potent activator of ryanodine receptor-mediated Ca2+ release. The aim of this study was to determine the in vitro effects of 4-CmC on muscle specimens from MHS and normal (MHN) patients, and whether contracture testing with different concentrations of 4-CmC could result in a more precise discrimination between MHS and MHN. METHODS: In this prospective study muscle biopsies were obtained from 40 patients with clinical suspicion of MH. The patients were first classified by the in vitro contracture test (IVCT) according to the European MH protocol. After MH classification, surplus muscle specimens were subjected to the 4-CmC study. RESULTS: Cumulative administration of 4-CmC (25, 50, 75, 100, 150, and 200 mumol/l) produced contractures in a concentration-dependent manner. However, contractures developed significantly earlier and were greater in MHS (n = 17) than in MHN specimens (n = 23). After bolus administration of 50, 75, and 100 mumol/l 14-CmC MHS specimens developed distinct muscle contractures. In contrast, in MHN specimens only 100 mumol/l 4-CmC produced contractures. All contracture levels following bolus administration of 100 mumol/l 4-CmC were attained significantly earlier in MHS than in MHN. There was no overlapping in the range of times between both groups. CONCLUSION: In vitro contracture testing with 4-CmC seems to be a specific method to distinguish between MHS and MHN patients. However, the question whether 4-CmC is an MH-triggering agent is not completely solved. 4-CmC is a preservative within a large number of commercially available preparations (e.g. insulin, hormones, etc.). Regarding the results of contracture testing with 4-CmC it has been suggested that 4-CmC possibly represents a high-risk agent for MHS individuals. To reduce the risk of MH in susceptible patients due to administration of chlorocresols, we recommend avoiding preparations containing the preservative 4-CmC.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle ventricle (SMV) conditioning typically results in reduced muscle performance. This study investigated the effects of progressive SMV resting pressure expansion and dynamic muscle training on SMV pumping capability. SMVs were formed from latissimus dorsi muscle in five goats. Three experimental SMVs were conditioned against a compliant pneumatic implant system. SMV resting pressure was progressively increased as the SMV adapted to each increment. Resting pressure rose from 40 to 100-120 mmHg over an 8 week period of time. Two control SMVs were conditioned against a non expanded incompressible implant. Both experimental and control SMVs were electrically burst stimulated for at least 6 weeks after an initial 2 week vascular delay interval. Results demonstrate that 1) experimental SMVs increased in volume; 2) SMV passive and active (evoked isovolumetric pressure) pressure-volume curves adapted to the increasing or static resting volume; and 3) two of three experimental SMVs generated greater stroke volumes than control SMVs across a range of counterpulsation pressures and electrical stimulation parameters. Progressive pressure expansion using a compliant implant system improved final SMV pumping performance and merits further investigation.  相似文献   

The exposure of amphibian muscle to osmotic shock through the introduction and subsequent withdrawal of extracellular glycerol causes 'vacuolation' in the transverse tubules. Such manoeuvres can also electrically isolate the transverse tubules from the surface ('detubulation'), particular if followed by exposures to high extracellular [Ca2+] and/or gradual cooling. This study explored factors influencing vacuolation in Rana temporaria sartorius muscle. Vacuole formation was detected using phase contrast microscopy and through the trapping or otherwise of lissamine rhodamine dye fluorescence within such vacuoles. The preparations were also examined using electron microscopy, for penetration into the transverse tubules and tubular vacuoles of extracellular horseradish peroxidase introduced following the osmotic procedures. These comparisons distinguished for he first time two types of vacuole, 'open' and 'closed', whose lumina were respectively continuous with or detached from the remaining extracellular space. The vacuoles formed closed to and between the Z-lines, but subsequently elongated along the longitudinal axis of the muscle fibres. This suggested an involvement of tubular membrane material; the latter appeared particularly concentrated around such Z-lines in the electron-micrograph stereopairs of thick longitudinal sections. 'Open' vacuoles formed following osmotic shock produced by extracellular glycerol withdrawal from a glycerol-loaded fibre at a stage when one would expect a net water entry to the intracellular space. This suggests that vacuole formation requires active fluid transport into the tubular lumina in response to fibre swelling. 'Closed' vacuoles only formed when the muscle was subsequently exposed to high extracellular [Ca/+] and/or gradual cooling following the initial osmotic shock. Their densities were similar to those shown by 'open' vacuoles in preparations not so treated, suggesting that both vacuole types resulted from a single process initiated by glycerol withdrawal. However, vacuole 'closure' took place well after formation of 'open' vacuoles, over 25 min after glycerol withdrawal. Its time course closely paralleled the development of detubulation reported recently. It was irreversible, in contrast to the reversibility of 'open' vacuole formation. These findings identify electrophysiological 'detubulation' of striated muscle with 'closure' of initially 'open' vacuoles. The reversible formation of open vacuoles is compatible with some normal membrane responses to some physiological stresses such as fatigue, whereas irreversible formation of closed vacuoles might only be expected in pathological situations as in dystrophic muscle.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study sought to define the ultrastructural characteristics of skeletal muscle in heart transplant recipients (HTRs) in relation to exercise capacity compared with that in age-matched control subjects. BACKGROUND: Muscle structural features seem to play an important role in the limitation of exercise capacity of HTRs long after transplantation. METHODS: The structure of the vastus lateralis muscle was analyzed by ultrastructural morphometry in 16 HTRs and 20 healthy control subjects. Maximal oxygen consumption (peak Vo2) was determined by an incremental exercise test. RESULTS: Peak Vo2 was significantly lower (by 35%) in HTRs. Fiber size, volume density of mitochondria and intramyocellular lipid deposits were not significantly different between HTRs and control subjects. In contrast, the capillary density and the capillary/fiber ratio were both significantly reduced in HTRs (by 24% and 27%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: A normal volume density of mitochondria and a reduced capillary network are the main characteristics of muscle ultrastructure in HTRs by 10 months after transplantation. The muscle structural abnormalities and reduced exercise capacity might be related to immunosuppressive therapy with cyclosporine and corticosteroids as well as deconditioning.  相似文献   

Interaction of two clinical Edwardsiella tarda isolates with HEp-2 cells was investigated. By electron microscopy we observed at 1 h post infection that E. tarda induced formation of extensive plasma membrane projections resembling membrane ruffles. The ruffles did not coincide with adhering bacteria. Only few invading bacteria were seen. Vacuolated nuclear membrane was occasionally observed. Three hours post infection, E. tarda induced a contact-dependent cell lysis, revealing the host cell cytoskeleton and nucleus. Only one of the E. tarda strains was seen residing within the host cell remains. The results indicate that E. tarda-induced membrane ruffles may involve a distinct mechanism of bacterial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that a 16 week endurance training program would alter the abundance of endplate-associated nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) in various rat skeletal muscles. We found a 20% increase in endplate-specific [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin binding in several muscles of trained rats, accompanied by equal susceptibility of toxin binding to the inhibitory effect of D-tubocurarine in sedentary and trained muscles. We conclude that the neuromuscular junction adaptations that occur with increased chronic activation include an increase in nAChR number. Results of experiments designed to determine nAChR turnover also suggest that this effect is mediated by an alteration in the receptor's metabolic state. The potential implications and mechanisms of this adaptation are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that mast cells contribute to the phenotype of dystrophinopathies, but the mechanisms of their recruitment into the skeletal muscle remain hypothetical. The aim of this study is to quantify the presence of mast cells in muscle during the cellular events of myofibre degeneration and regeneration. For this purpose, we compare the mast cell profile in dystrophin-deficient mdx mice in which muscles exhibit spontaneous cycles of degeneration-regeneration from 3 weeks of age, with that in Swiss mice in which muscles were injured either by ischaemia or by notexin injection. Notexin is an A2-type phospholipase that rapidly disrupts myofibre plasma membranes, while ischaemia results in a slower process of degeneration. Both lesions are followed by a successful regeneration. In intact muscles, mast cell counts (mean +/- SEM/mm2) range from 1.8 +/- 1 to 4.3 +/- 1.6. The injection of notexin is far more potent in recruiting mast cells into damaged muscle than is ischaemia (118.5 +/- 13.0 vs 12.3 +/- 1.8/mm2). Thus we conclude that the early disruption of the myofibre membrane could elicit mast cell accumulation in skeletal muscle. This may explain the elevated number of mast cells observed in mdx muscles, as dystrophin deficiency is though to induce myofibre membrane leakage. On the other hand, mast cells are more numerous in muscles of young and adult mdx mice that are allowed to regenerate, than in muscles of older animals in which there is little regeneration and fibrosis develops. In injured muscles, the peak of mast cell number is at the onset of regeneration (by day 3 after notexin injection, and by day 11 after ischaemia), rather than during the phase of myofibre necrosis. Therefore, we suggest that the mast cells, through the effects of released mediators, could contribute to muscle regeneration.  相似文献   

The study of lactate transport in skeletal muscle had until recently been hampered by the lack of suitable sarcolemmal vesicle preparations. Researchers are now at the threshold of developing some very new understandings about the movement of lactate into and out of skeletal muscle with (a) evidence for a lactate transport system in skeletal muscle, (b) the very recent cloning of several monocarboxylate transporter genes, (c) the expression of at least one monocarboxylate transporter protein that facilitates the transport of lactate in heart and skeletal muscle, and (d) the realization that lactate transport can be altered with changes in chronic muscle activity. The MCT1 expression patterns in metabolically heterogeneous skeletal suggests that a primary role of this lactate transporter is to take up lactate into the oxidative muscle fibers where it may be used as a fuel in mitochondrial oxidation. Increments in both MCT1 and lactate transport with training support this role.  相似文献   

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