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丁飞飞 《广东电子》2009,(12):43-44
当谷歌高层尚在为YouTube如何摆脱亏损而争论不休之时,后来者Hulu考虑的却是如何更能盈利。6月4日,新闻集团数字业务掌门乔纳森·米勒称,其控股的视频网站Hulu可能在近期内开始对某些视频内容收费,缴费用户可以欣赏到不插播广告的电视剧。目前Hulu依靠插播广告已经开始赚钱。  相似文献   

当谷歌高层尚在为YouTube如何摆脱亏损而争论不休之时,后来者Hulu考虑的却是如何更能盈利. 6月4日,新闻集团数字业务掌门乔纳森·米勒称,其控股的视频网站Hulu可能在近期内开始对某些视频内容收费,缴费用户可以欣赏到不插播广告的电视剧.目前Hulu依靠插播广告已经开始赚钱.  相似文献   

苗权  王朔 《电信科学》2015,31(11):153-158
互联网视频呈现出巨大的发展潜力,广告成为视频网站盈利的重要方式。然而,现有的国家相关法律法规对互联网视频广告服务无明确约束,特别是一些强制性贴片广告严重影响了用户体验,引发的纠纷和矛盾日益突出。从当前互联网行业发展的整体环境出发,阐述了视频网站商业模式发展对视频广告服务的影响,并对贴片广告的类型、时长与节目关联度等进行了统计分析,最后结合中国互联网协会的工作实践,提出了加强互联网视频贴片广告服务规范的原则和措施。  相似文献   

当谷歌高层尚在为YouTube如何摆脱亏损而争论不休之时,后来者Hulu考虑的却是如何更能盈利。6月4日,新闻集团数字业务掌门乔纳森·米勒称,其控股的视频网站Hulu可能在近期内开始对某些视频内容收费,缴费用户可以欣赏到不插播广告的电视剧。目前Hulu依靠插播广告已经开始赚钱。  相似文献   

ASIA INNOVATION & INNOVATORS互联网电视平台体验的创新过去几年来,互联网已发展成为一个提供视频的可行平台。这可以从YouTube和Hulu等视频网站的发展看出来。  相似文献   

导语:时至今日,美国国家广播公司(NBC)和福克斯联手创建的Hulu已经成为一台较热门视频网站YouTube功率更大的印钞机。Hulu的制胜法宝是,谁能提供更优秀的内容,谁就是赢家。在传统媒体阵营中,Hulu显然扮演了领头羊的角色。在它的带动下,向来在互联网战场处于劣势的传统媒体已然吹响反击号角。  相似文献   

张炎滨 《世界电信》2012,(11):13-15,6
互联网视频虽然拥有自己独特的优势,但其"草根式"视频内容的广告价值和收益却难与传统优质视频节目内容相比。"电视化"和高品质内容将是视频网站扩展影响、实现盈利的发展方向。与国外相比,我国互联网视频已呈现出非常显著的专业化发展趋势。  相似文献   

Hulu革命:网络视频的帝国反击战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"祸起"两份调查数据 3月12日,国外媒体披露了尼尔森在线VideoCensus一份尚未发布的报告.报告显示,Hulu已经成为美国第二大视频网站,仅次于YouTube,同时也成为网络上最大的专业视频供应商.VideoCensus的报告指出,在美国最重要赛事"超级碗"的广告推动下,Hulu在2月份的流量激增33%.超出了雅虎和MySpace.独立访问用户数增长31%.  相似文献   

2011年年末,国内视频行业双雄优酷和土豆,由于版权问题再起纷争,互指对方盗播自己的独家版权内容,并称已诉诸于法律。曾经有过密切合作的优酷和土豆如今刀兵相见,其背后的苦衷就是中国视频网站正版+广告的Hulu模式面临的共同难题。  相似文献   

随着互联网带宽的快速发展及网民数量的日益增加,网络视频已经成为互联网行业中最重要的服务内容之一,互联网视频行业的市场竞争也愈发激烈。作为视频网站内容生产的新模式,自制栏目凭借成本低廉、交互性强、广告形式多元等优势得到了业界的广泛关注。为了更好地发展自制栏目,众多视频网站纷纷参与并提出品牌发展战略,但目前打造自制品牌栏目的具体路线策略却无章可循,亟须探讨。  相似文献   

With the growth of online video platforms such as YouTube and Netflix, not only the video content market, but also the online video advertising market are growing rapidly. However, as the video content industry expands, the inconvenience caused by video advertisements is increasing, leading to ad-blocking by consumers. To identify the causes of ad-blocking, this study collects consumer preference data using a conjoint survey and estimates the inconvenience cost of advertisements using a mixed logit model. In addition, we performed computational experiments by changing advertising attributes to identify strategies for increasing the market share of online video platform companies. Our results show that the use of personal information affects consumers most seriously, and that platforms can increase market share by reducing the length of advertisements, by reducing the use of personal information, or by blocking all advertising.  相似文献   

The Internet, a truly “on-demand” medium and not bound by geographic location, is a natural sphere for local broadcasters to obtain further branding advantages and additional advertising revenues by providing entertainment, infotainment and shopping services. This scenario could become a reality, provided that the broadband technology allowing for instant and smooth streaming video broadcasting over the Internet is made economically and technically viable for most Internet users. For those individuals who value the “anytime anywhere” on-demand viewing experience, watching webcasts with the use of a PC or a mobile hand-held device (e.g., a video I-pod) is a rapidly emerging trend.

This study proposes to assess the market potential for webcast program offerings as an ancillary interactive service from a local broadcaster. In particular, it evaluates audience interest in adopting webcasting services as a fluid Internet communication technology and the potential factors determining such audience interest. Findings suggest that the Internet users who are most interested in adopting webcast viewing also have the tendencies to: (1) capitalize on the fluid nature of the Internet, (2) seek to satisfy their affective gratification expectations, (3) substitute radio listening with online-radio access, and (4) stay online for a longer duration of time each visit.  相似文献   

《Multimedia, IEEE》2007,14(2):78-82
Sports content continues to generate a global appeal that transcends national, cultural, religious, and gender boundaries. Historically, TV technology's success has been intertwined with the development of televised sports. In the famous words of pioneering TV sports director Harry Coyle, "television got off the ground because of sports." Sports showcases offer a splendid platform to promote new media technologies. During the 2006 FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) World Cup tournament in Germany, major mobile companies launched a plethora of mobile TV services with such offerings as video streaming, text-based services, ring-tone downloads, and mobile blogging proposes a new way of enhancing the commercial value of sports video Webcasts. Clearly, the amount of advertising exposures must be managed to avoid viewers' perceiving them as unnecessary clutter in the video. As with legacy video broadcasting systems staffed by human operators, this check can be easily managed manually. Automatic machine detection techniques, however, can further facilitate advertising content insertion  相似文献   

王春浩 《电视技术》2015,39(8):107-109
时下,一股突破性的技术力量——大数据,正为广告业带来变革.大数据正以前所未有的深度和广度,从广告目标人群分析到营销策略到广告制作,最后到广告的推送,影响着广告产业各个领域.如何更好地运用大数据经营电视广告,已成为摆在传统电视媒体面前的一道新的课题.对大数据在电视广告产业中可能产生的变革进行前瞻性预测,以期对电视广告产业健康发展起到积极促进作用.  相似文献   

高校由于人流密集,用户资源优良,场景丰富,数据业务需求突出,成为了WLAN覆盖的重点区域。本文提出一种普遍可行的高校WLAN建设方案和多种安全策略。  相似文献   

刘越 《现代电信科技》2011,(1):25-28,34
互联网在与社会的互动中不断创新,移动互联网、云计算、微博、网络视频等是互联网与电信、IT、媒体、娱乐相互融合形成的典型应用。融合化、社会化与智能化为互联网发展的主要趋势。  相似文献   

伴随着互联网多媒体应用的快速增长,尤其是在线视频业务的不断发展,传统的流媒体技术由于其单一的编码方式难以适应差异化的用户网络变化,极大地影响了用户体验。分析了当前在线视频业务面临的主要问题,同时介绍了新兴的自适应码率流媒体技术的特点和优势。通过对主流自适应码率流媒体和传统流媒体技术的分析和比较,表明对于OTT业务而言,标准化的自适应码率流媒体技术比传统的流媒体技术更加有优势。  相似文献   

Due to commercial information loss of efficacy, social media advertising introduced skippable formats as an interactive function to attract customers. This empowerment of users could also favor the development of their skills and strategies to deal with online advertising, which may result in a lower advertising effectiveness. A study with 286 YouTube users was carried out to investigate this adaptation process to an advertising format by focusing on pre-roll skippable video ads. In contrast to advertisers’ approach (e.g. improving the persuasiveness of the ad), our research deepens on the ad skipping phenomenon from a human and context based perspective. In favor of an ad avoidance training effect, the findings show that participants previously exposed to a skippable ad are faster in taking the decision to watch or skip a subsequent ad. Participants’ skipping habits and time urgency are also revealed as main determinants of different ad skipping behaviors. This innovative research provides empirical support for the adaptation process leading people’s interrelation with interactive advertising formats. Practical and theoretical consequences are discussed for advancing on this underexplored topic.  相似文献   

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