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The effects of Ti-doping on the decomposition behavior, crystal structure, sintering behavior and dielectric properties have been investigated for the Ti-doped BiFeO 3 ceramics derived from molten salt method. XRD reveals the almost pure phase BiFeO 3 is synthesized in the Ti-doped BiFeO 3 powders. And the particle size of Ti-doped BiFeO 3 powers obviously decreases with the increase of Ti content. However, the sintering temperature elevates significantly after Ti-doping. The DC resistivity can enhance by up to four orders of magnitude (from 10 4 to 10 8?Ωm) with only 5 at% Ti doping. But the dielectric constant is suppressed from 10 4 to 10 2, and dielectric loss obviously reduces with a small amount of Ti doping. The variation of dielectric properties has been discussed from the decomposition of BiFeO 3 phase. The Ti-doping can effectively suppress the decomposition reaction in Ti-doped BiFeO 3 ceramics. 相似文献
High quality SrBi 2Ta 2O 9 ferroelectric thin films were fabricated on platinized silicon using pulsed laser deposition. The optical properties of the thin films were studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry from the ultraviolet to the infrared region. Optical constants, n ∼ 0.25 in the infrared region and n ∼ 2.18 in the visible spectral region, were determined through multilayer analyses on their respective pseudodielectric functions. The band-gap energy is estimated to be 4.14 eV. It was found that the leakage current mechanism of the film was from bulk limited Poole-Frenkle emission to interface-controlled Schottky emission with applied field increasing, and that the breakdown field of the film had a negative linear variation with the logarithm of the electrode area. 相似文献
Polycrystalline samples of Al modified lead lanthanum zirconate titanate [PLZT] with Zr = 55% and Ti = 45%, have been synthesized
by a high-temperature solid-state reaction technique. X-ray diffraction analysis of the compounds suggests the formation of
a single-phase compound with tetragonal structure. Dielectric studies of the compounds as a function of temperature (from
30 to 350°C) at frequency (1, 10 and 100 kHz) show that the compounds undergo a phase transition of diffuse type.The transition
temperature shifts towards higher side with increase in frequency a typical characteristic of a relaxor material. Diffusivity
(γ) study of phase transition of these compounds provided its value between 1 and 2, indicating the variation of degree of
disordering in the system. Measurement of dc resistivity (ρ) as a function of temperature (Room temperature, RT to 350°C)
at a constant biasing field suggests the compounds have negative temperature coefficient of resistance (NTCR). 相似文献
Strontium barium niobate, Sr 0.5Ba 0.5Nb 2O 6 (SBN50) ceramics doping up to 3 wt% V 2O 5 were fabricated by solid state reaction route, starting from raw materials (oxides and carbonates) of analytical grade. The
phase composition, microstructure and dielectric properties were investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electric microscope
and impedance analyzer. The results show that the addition of V 2O 5 improves sintering densification of SBN ceramic samples. The relative density of the samples firstly increases and then slightly
decreases with increasing amounts of V 2O 5 and sintering temperature. With the help of the additive of 1 wt% V 2O 5, the relative density of the sample sintered at 1,280 °C for 3 h can reached 97.2%. Only single tetragonal tungsten bronze
phase SBN exists in all the doped samples. With increase in V 2O 5 content, the dielectric constant of SBN ceramics at both room temperature and in the vicinity of the phase transition temperature
increases significantly and the Curie temperatures ( Tc) obviously shifts to low temperature as well as the dielectric loss remains below 0.06. The diffuseness in the phase transition
is found to increase with increase in vanadium doping level. The addition of V 2O 5 results in an increased grain size associated with rod-like grain growth. 相似文献
The solid solutions of Ba-doped SrBi 2Ta 2O 9 layered perovskite ceramic powders have been successfully prepared via a two-step process using BiTaO 4 as a precursor. The lattice constants of the solid solutions monotonically increase with increasing barium-ion content. The sinterability of (Sr 1–xBa x)Bi 2Ta 2O 9 powders is significantly improved by increasing the barium-ion content. When the specimens with high barium-ion contents are sintered at 1100°C, they thermally decompose to form rod-like grains and the matrix expands, leading to a lower density. The addition of barium ions to SrBi 2Ta 2O 9 also results in significant variation in the morphology of the sintered specimens and the occurrence of c-axis preferred orientation which is ascribed to the anisotropic growth of plate-like grains. The precise control of the barium-ion content as well as the sintering conditions is critical for obtaining densified barium-ion doped SrBi 2Ta 2O 9 ceramics with a pure, layered perovskite structure. 相似文献
Piezoelectric powders and ceramics with the composition of Pb 0.95Sr 0.05(Zr 0.52Ti 0.48)O 3–Pb(Zn 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3–Pb(Mn 1/3Sb 2/3)O 3 (PZT–PZN–PMS) were prepared by molten salt synthesis (MSS) and conventional mixed-oxide (CMO) methods, respectively. The influence of synthesis process on the properties of powders and ceramics were investigated in detail. The results show that the MSS method significantly improved the sinterability of PZT–PZN–PMS ceramics, resulting in an improvement of dielectric and piezoelectric properties compared to the CMO method. The optimum values of MSS samples are as follows: r = 1773; tan δ = 0.0040; Tc = 280 °C; d33 = 455 pC/N; kp = 0.70; Qm = 888; Ec = 10.3 kV/cm; and Pr = 28.2 μC/cm 2, at calcination of 800 °C and sintering of 1120 °C temperature. 相似文献
The aging effects on crystal structures and dielectric properties were investigated in Ba pNd 6−pTi 8−pTa 2+pO 30 (p = 3, 4 and 5) ceramics with tungsten bronze structure. From XRD analyses on fresh and aged specimens, the slight change
of crystal constant was concluded in Ba pNd 6−pTi 8−pTa 2+pO 30 ceramics. Strong aging effects on the dielectric properties were observed in the present ceramics. After aging, a slightly
decreased dielectric constant was observed combined with a significantly reduced dielectric loss in all the three compositions.
These results had been discussed in term of the disorder-order state of ions at A- and B-sites. From tolerance factor and
electronegativity difference, the stability was discussed for the filled type tungsten bronze phase. 相似文献
Fluoride-substituted hydroxyapatite (FHAp) with high thermal and morphologic stability was successfully prepared by a molten
salt synthesis route. XRD patterns and FTIR spectra identified the synthesized powders as FHAp solid solution. The FHAp obtained
with potassium sulfate as the flux showed the rod-like morphology without detectable decomposition up to 1300°C and the flux,
sodium sulfate, led to the spheriodal FHAp. After investigating the effects of salt species on the FHAp morphologies, it was
found that solubility was not the exclusive factor, which affected the morphological development of apatite powders, and the
cations of molten salt species also played an important role. 相似文献
以BaCO3,SrCO3和Nb205作为原料,采用高能球磨工艺制备SBN50陶瓷粉体。球磨后的粉体不经煅烧,直接压片成型,在1250~1350℃下保温1.5~12h可制备出SBN50陶瓷材料,并对此进行了X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜观察和性能测试。结果表明:球磨30h的粉体在1100℃时合成SBN50单相;随着烧结温度的升高和保温时间的延长,SBN50陶瓷的介电常数先增大后减小,晶粒大小呈有规律的变化。1300℃下保温3h制得的陶瓷样品介电常数最高(εmax=1447),居里温度(L)为130℃。 相似文献
研究了锰掺杂对富锆PMN-PZT(铌镁酸铅一锆钛酸铅)陶瓷材料的相组成、微观结构、介电性能等方面的影响,并对实验结果作出物理机理的解释。实验结果表明:适量的锰掺杂有助于陶瓷晶粒的生长,并能有效地降低PMN-PZT陶瓷材料的介电常数和介电损耗,在锰掺杂量为3.0%(原子分数)时,εr:197、tanδ=0.15%,作为用于红外热释电探测器的陶瓷材料具有良好的介电性能。 相似文献
This paper reports lead-free (Na 0.52K 0.48−x)(Nb 0.94−xSb 0.06)O 3- xLiTaO 3 compositions with significantly enhanced piezoelectric properties. The 6% Sb substituted Na 0.52K 0.48NbO 3 was modified by a small amount of LiTaO 3, leading to the formation of a morphotropic phase boundary between orthorhombic and tetragonal phases in the range of x = 0.035-0.04 where the materials show a strong compositional dependence of various electrical properties. Excellent properties of d33 = 335 pC/N, kp = 53%, , Qm = 41 and Tc = 291 °C were obtained in the composition with x = 0.04, indicating that the ceramics studied are promising as a lead-free piezoelectric candidate. 相似文献
Calcium silicates are very stable and good hosts for luminescent materials. These calcium silicates are synthesized using cost-effective agro-food wastes such as rice husk ash and eggshell powder along with doping of samarium oxide [Ca3?xSi2O7:xSm3+(x(%)?=?0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00)] via solid-state reaction method. X-ray diffraction confirms that the Ca3Si2O7 phase co-exists with the monoclinic-Ca2SiO4 phase. An increase in doping concentration of Sm3+ enhances the Ca2SiO4 phase content. Two types of morphology can be seen in the SEM micrographs confirming the presence of two phases. Photoluminescence emission spectra contain peaks in the visible region. Characteristic emission peaks of Sm3+ are present along with strong peaks due to the titanium ions present in agro-food wastes. Commission International de'Eclairage (CIE) co-ordinates correspond to the green region, which is significantly different from the CIE co-ordinates of Sm3+ doped samples derived from mineral oxides. This study presents an alternate use of agro-food wastes for synthesizing visible light-emitting phosphors and presents a mechanism for stabilizing Ca2SiO4 in waste-derived samples. 相似文献
采用NaCl-KCl熔盐法成功地制备了纯钙钛矿相的铌镁酸铅基Y5V电子瓷料,系统地研究了其制备工艺、煅烧温度以及陶瓷的烧结温度、微观结构和介电性能.结果表明熔盐法制备的Y5V电子瓷料粉体不仅颗粒均匀、形貌好、易分散,而且活性高,使得多层陶瓷电容器的烧结温度可以降低到900~920℃,其介电性能要优于传统的二步合成法制备的粉体,十分有利于采用全银内浆,大大降低MLCC的生产成本. 相似文献
Glass nanocomposites (GNC) in the system (100− x)Li 2B 4O 7− xSrBi 2Nb 2O 9 (0≤ x≤30) were prepared by splat quenching technique. The as-quenched samples of all the compositions under study have been confirmed to be amorphous by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) studies. Differential thermal analyses (DTA) suggest the glassy nature of the as-quenched samples. High-resolution transmission electron microscopic (HRTEM) studies carried out on heat-treated samples reveal the presence of platy crystallites of SrBi 2Nb 2O 9(SBN) dispersed in the glassy matrix of Li 2B 4O 7 (LBO). The dielectric constant ( εr) and the dielectric loss ( D) decrease with increase in frequency (100 Hz–10 MHz) at 300 K. The influence of the composition and the microstructure on the dielectric properties of the LBO–SBN nanocomposite has been established. The optical transmission characteristics of these GNC could be varied as a function of its composition. 相似文献
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - Solid state reaction was employed to synthesize the Bi1?xSrxFe1?xMnxO3 (x?=?0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.25) ceramic... 相似文献
Compositions of the type 3PbO-MgO/ZnO-Nb 2O 5 were synthesized by the ceramic route at 1000°C and sintered at 1200°C. Powder X-ray diffraction studies of the 1000°C heated products show the presence of the cubic pyrochlore and the columbite (Mg/ZnNb 2O 6) type phase in the ratio of 3 : 1 for all possible combinations of MgO and ZnO. Further heating at 1200°C led to a decrease in the cubic pyrochlore phase and an increase in the columbite phase by around 10%. Compacted pellets sintered further showed the appearance of the perovskite phase. Similar compositions synthesized using the KCl-NaCl molten salt method at 900°C for 6 h gave a significant amount of the cubic perovskite related phase of the type Pb(Mg/Zn) 1/3Nb 2/3O 3 for all compositions containing MgO. The amount of the perovskite phase was nearly 55% for the Mg rich compositions and decreased with increase in Zn content, the pure Zn composition yielding mainly the cubic pyrochlore phase. On sintering these phases at 1000°C the perovskite phase content decreased. The dielectric constant of the composite materials formed by the ceramic route was in the region of 14 to 20 and varied little with frequency. The composites obtained by the molten salt method, however, showed much larger dielectric constants in the region 40–150 at 500 kHz for various compositions. The dielectric loss tangent of these composites were lower by an order (0.005–0.03 at 500 kHz) compared to the ceramic route. 相似文献
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - A solid-state reaction technique was used to make cerium (Ce) modified strontium manganite SrMn0.9Ce0.1O3 (SMCO). The Goldschmidt's... 相似文献