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The acoustic attenuation, relative sound pressure levels and the equivalent Nikuradse wall roughness under variable flow conditions in a 600 mm concrete sewer pipe are experimentally investigated. The values of the acoustic attenuation are obtained in the case of airborne sound propagation in the dry pipe. A range of values of the equivalent wall roughness is artificially generated by deploying a periodical array of engineering bricks. A novel method of rapid evaluation of the acoustic attenuation is proposed. The method relies upon sound reflections from the adjacent manholes. The results demonstrate that the acoustic attenuation depends strongly on the value of the equivalent wall roughness. This work can pave the way to the efficient methodology for the in-situ, physical evaluation of the equivalent hydraulic roughness of new and existing sewer networks.  相似文献   

A flow past two side-by-side identical circular cylinders was numerically investigated with the unstructured spectral element method. From the computational results at various non-dimensional distances between cylinder centers T/D and the Reynolds number Re, a total of nine kinds of wake patterns were observed: four steady wake patterns, including single bluff-body steady pattern, separated double-body steady pattern and transition steady pattern for sub-critical Reynolds numbers and biased steady pattern for super-critical Reynolds numbers, and five unsteady wake patterns, including single bluff-body periodic pattern, biased quasi-steady pattern, quasi-periodic (flip-flopping) pattern, in-phase-synchronized pattern and anti-phase-synchronized pattern. Time evolution of lift and drag coefficients corresponding to each unsteady wake pattern was given.  相似文献   

竖直较大管径内气液两相流截面含气率实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
截面含气率是气液两相流动过程中的关键参数之一.在大管径流道内的气液两相流,弹状流难以形成,与常规通道相比,其流型特征明显不同.适用于常规通道截面含气率的一般计算方法,对于大管径流道而言,其适用性也较差.本文通过研究较大直径圆管内的气液两相流动过程,寻找适合于过渡尺寸流道内两相流动截面含气率的计算方法,从而建立起完整的、针对各个尺度范围内截面含气率的计算方法.实验选圆管直径为50 mm,介于常规通道和大通道之间;以空气和水作为工质,气相、液相折算速度的范围分别为0.05-2.0 m/s及0.01-2.0 m/s.首先利用获得的截面含气率实验数据,对适用于常规通道和大通道的截面含气率计算模型进行了评价;然后通过分析几类漂移流模型计算方法的分布系数和漂移速度的变化规律,解释了Hibiki-Ishii、Kataoka-Ishii、Kawanishi等几个模型计算误差较大的原因.  相似文献   

City channels often have a smaller width-to-depth ratio in comparison to natural rivers due to the limited land availability. The penetration of the tributary into the main channel can cause the distortion of the shear layer. The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the mean and turbulent flow structure in the distorted shear layer in a discharge-adjustable plexiglass circulating flume. Three-dimensional velocities were collected and hydrodynamics and turbulence characteristics such as mean velocity field, turbulent kinetic energy, Reynolds shear stress, turbulence spectrum, and occurrence probabilities of quadrant events were analyzed. The results showed that a stronger helical cell was formed and extended for a longer distance downstream when the tributary channel had a higher flow rate than the main channel. The maximum Reynolds shear stress and the ejection and sweep events were mainly distributed at the middle zone of the water depth, rather than near the water surface, which were coincident with the shear layer as indicated by the turbulence kinetic energy. No obvious energy concentration was observed, and the power law relations for individual velocity components all had an exponent slightly larger than −5/3 in the flow frequency. The distortion of the shear layer resulted in an increase in occurrence probabilities of ejection and sweep events within the shear layer, which were related to the turbulence presenting vortices induced by wall. If the discharge ratio remained unchanged, an increase in the discharge of both channels resulted in an increase in some parameters, such as velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, and the absolute values of Reynolds shear stress, while the shear layer was distorted to a larger extent as the discharge of each channel decreased. All these results suggested that sediment transport, bed morphology and contaminant transport in the distorted shear layer at city channel confluences may differ significantly from that at natural river confluences.  相似文献   

大中型综合利用水库调度运行将使下游河道水文情势发生较大改变,为避免河流水生态系统功能遭受无法恢复的破坏,需要合理确定工程下游河段的生态基流。在综合分析某水库坝下河段的生态保护需求和服务功能的基础上,通过对常用的生态基流计算方法进行整理与比选,采用Tennant法、湿周法、R2-Cross法、7Q10法和90%保证率最枯月平均流量法等计算了水库下游河段的生态基流。在此基础上,综合考虑下游湿地的生态需水要求、水厂取水、工农业用水等因素,确定了工程下游河段的生态基流量。研究结果可为工程规划设计提供技术支持。   相似文献   

Phytoplankton are an important element in the ecology of lakes and reservoirs and therefore often included in lake monitoring programmes. However, algal distribution is often highly variable in both time and space, thereby posing difficulties when designing lake monitoring strategies. This study describes the spatial distribution of both total phytoplankton community structure and cyanobacterial biovolume during a period of high algal abundance in Lake Mulwala, a water-storage reservoir in Australia. The distribution of phytoplankton is then used for the rational design of monitoring strategies with sufficient statistical power to determine both changes in overall phytoplankton community structure over time, as well as to fulfil statutory cyanobacterial biovolume monitoring obligations.  相似文献   

The Murray–Darling Basin in south‐eastern Australia contains over 70,000 km2 of wetlands and floodplains, many of which are in poor condition. In response, Australian governments have committed to a major restoration program, the Murray–Darling Basin Plan that includes management of 2,750 Gl of environmental water to protect and restore aquatic ecosystems. The restoration is being undertaken within an adaptive management framework that includes monitoring the outcomes of environmental flows in seven river valleys. This paper provides an overview of the 5‐year monitoring project and some preliminary results. Monitoring design considered the Basin Plan's environmental objectives, conceptual models of ecosystem responses to flow, and an outcomes framework linking flow responses to the environmental objectives. Monitoring indicators includes ecosystem type, vegetation, river metabolism, and fish. Responses are evaluated to identify the contribution of environmental flows to Basin Plan environmental objectives and continual improvements in management. The program is unique in that it seeks to monitor long‐term outcomes of environmental flows at the river basin scale. Despite many challenges, the monitoring has become a key part of the adaptive management of environmental flows in the Murray–Darling Basin.  相似文献   

Major river channels have been extensively altered worldwide. The development of restoration strategies for those alterations requires fundamental information, including the use of large deep channels by fishes. We trawled within parallel paths distributed across the width of the main‐channel trough of the Mississippi River to identify how the lateral distribution of fishes responds to variations in flow ranging from 50% to 200% of the annual median, water temperature ranging from 9 to 29°C and commercial shipping traffic ranging from 0 to 9 vessels per day. Among the species we encountered, only shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) were persistent channel residents that remained concentrated along the main‐channel centreline regardless of flow, temperature and traffic. Other persistent residents showed no distinct pattern in lateral distribution, concentrated along the deep channel margins or varied in lateral distribution with flow. Surprisingly, large adult bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), which are conventionally viewed as limnophils, were the second‐most abundant species in our samples and became increasingly abundant within the deep channel trough as flow decreased below the annual median. Clearly, those fishes exploit resources contained in the main channel and are, therefore, better viewed as opportunistic limno‐rheophils. Our results imply the existence of poorly understood food resources in the main channel. We conjecture that re‐creation of free‐flowing secondary channels and features that increase the production and transport of invertebrates in channels can help mitigate adverse effects of channel alteration and commercial shipping. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined use of channel modifying structures (CMS; e.g., engineered rock dikes, channel sandbars) and their associated smaller spatial‐scale habitats (SSH) on lower Missouri River, USA, by speckled chub (Macrhybopsis aestivalis), sicklefin chub (M. meeki) and sturgeon chub (M. gelida) from June through October, 2006 to identify important habitat characteristics that could aid conservation. We sampled chubs primarily in six CMS types: L‐dikes, wing‐dikes, kicker dikes, rootless dikes, channel sandbars and bank‐lines. Ninety‐three per cent of chubs were collected from L‐dikes, wing‐dikes and channel sandbars. Unidentifiable Macrhybopsis chubs (UHY) were less than 35‐mm TL, were collected early in the sampling season and were most associated with L‐dikes where mean bottom current velocity was slow (0.07 m/s). Chubs large enough to be identified to species were associated with large channel sandbars where mean bottom current velocity was faster (0.34 m/s). Chubs from wing‐dikes were more abundant in shallow water (<1.2 m deep) adjacent to bars than in deeper (>1.2 m deep), open‐water areas (p = 0.007). Month accounted for 54% and CMS with SSH 18% of explained variation in chub species distribution and abundance. Our results demonstrate that CMS in the contemporary lower Missouri River channel provide multiple habitats for multiple life‐stages of Macrhybopsis chubs (e.g., nursery and post‐nursery habitats). L‐ and wing‐dikes may provide surrogate nursery habitats for chubs where in‐channel slow‐velocity areas were lost after river channelization. Managing CMS to address life history stages and an ecologically appropriate proportion and distribution of dike to channel sandbar habitats may be critical for conservation of native Macrhybopsis chubs in lower Missouri River. Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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