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Limited energy supply (battery-powered) is a crucial problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Sensor node placement schemes and routing protocols are mostly proposed to address this problem. In this paper, we first present how to place sensor nodes by use of a minimal number of them to maximize the coverage area when the communication radius of the sensor node is different from the sensing radius, which results in the application of regular topology to WSNs deployment. With nodes placed at an equal distance and equipped with an equal power supply, the problem of unbalanced energy consumption in 2-D regular topologies becomes more severe and much more difficult to tackle than that in 1-D chains, though the latter is known as an already quite hard problem. We address this problem and propose an adaptive data collection scheme by employing different communication radii for nodes in different locations to balance the energy consumption in WSNs. In order to achieve the ultimate goal of maximizing network lifetime in grid-based WSNs, we give a mathematical formulation, which shows the problem of maximizing network lifetime is a nonlinear programming problem and NP-hard even in the 1-D case. We discuss several heuristic solutions and show that the halving shift data collection scheme is the best solution among them. We also generalize the maximizing network lifetime problem to the randomly-deployed WSNs, which shows the significance of our mathematical formulation for this crucial problem in WSNs.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,无线传感器网络技术也迅速的被人们熟知与使用,已经成为了现在的一门主要应用技术.无线传感器网络技术的前身是遥感技术,也就是说无线传感器网络技术是由遥感技术发展而来的.本文主要对无线传感器技术在环境应用上的进展展开了简要的论述,希望可以对无线传感器网络技术在环境应用上起到促进的作用,推动相关事业的发展.  相似文献   

Most of the state-of-the-art localization algorithms in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are vulnerable to various kinds of location attacks, whereas secure localization schemes proposed so far are too complex to apply to power constrainedWSNs. This paper provides a distributed robust localization algorithm called Bilateration that employs a unified way to deal with all kinds of location attacks as well as other kinds of information distortion caused by node malfunction or abnormal environmental noise. Bilateration directly calculates two candidate positions for every two heard anchors, and then uses the average of a maximum set of close-by candidate positions as the location estimation. The basic idea behind Bilateration is that candidate positions calculated from reasonable (i.e., error bounded) anchor positions and distance measurements tend to be close to each other, whereas candidate positions calculated from false anchor positions or distance measurements are highly unlikely to be close to each other if false information are not collaborated. By using ilateration instead of classical multilateration to compute location estimation, Bilateration requires much lower computational complexity, yet still retains the same localization accuracy. This paper also evaluates and compares Bilateration with three multilateration-based localization algorithms, and the simulation results show that Bilateration achieves the best comprehensive performance and is more suitable to real wireless sensor networks.  相似文献   

Most of the state-of-the-art localization algorithms in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are vulnerable to various kinds of location attacks, whereas secure localization schemes proposed so far are too complex to apply to power constrained WSNs. This paper provides a distributed robust localization algorithm called Bilateration that employs a unified way to deal with all kinds of location attacks as well as other kinds of information distortion caused by node malfunction or abnormal environmental noise. Bilateration directly calculates two candidate positions for every two heard anchors, and then uses the average of a maximum set of close-by candidate positions as the location estimation. The basic idea behind Bilateration is that candidate positions calculated from reasonable (i.e., error bounded) anchor positions and distance measurements tend to be close to each other, whereas candidate positions calculated from false anchor positions or distance measurements are highly unlikely to be close to each other if false information are not collaborated. By using ilateration instead of classical multilateration to compute location estimation, Bilateration requires much lower computational complexity, yet still retains the same localization accuracy. This paper also evaluates and compares Bilateration with three multilateration-based localization algorithms, and the simulation results show that Bilateration achieves the best comprehensive performance and is more suitable to real wireless sensor networks.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络(WSN)入侵检测方法在离散高维特征的不平衡数据集上检测精度低和泛化能力差的问题,提出一种基于双向循环生成对抗网络的WSN入侵检测方法 BiCirGAN。首先,引入对抗学习异常检测(ALAD)通过潜在空间合理地表示高维、离散的原始特征,提高对原始特征的可理解性。其次,采用双向循环对抗的结构确保真实空间和潜在空间双向循环的一致性,从而保证生成对抗网络(GAN)训练的稳定性,并提高异常检测的性能。同时,引入Wasserstein距离和谱归一化优化方法改进GAN的目标函数,以进一步解决GAN的模式崩坏与生成器缺乏多样性的问题。最后,由于入侵攻击数据的统计属性随时间以不可预见的方式变化,建立带有Dropout操作的全连接层网络对异常检测结果进行优化。实验结果表明,在KDD99、UNSW-NB15和WSN_DS数据集上,相较于AnoGAN、BiGAN、MAD-GAN以及ALAD方法,BiCirGAN在检测精确度上提高了3.9%~33.0%,且平均推断速度是ALAD方法的4.67倍。  相似文献   

May Wong  Demet Aksoy 《Computer Networks》2009,53(12):1967-1979
Sensor networks consist of devices that make various observations in the environment and communicate these observations to a central processing unit from where users can access collected data. In this regard, users’ interpretation of collected data highly depends on the reported location of the sensor making an observation. GPS is an established technology to enable precise location information when deployed in open field. Yet, resource constraints and size issues prohibit its use in small sensor nodes that are designed to be cost-efficient. Instead, locations are estimated using a number of approaches. To date, however, the focus of such estimations was based on individual accuracy of sensor locations in isolation to the complete network. In this paper, we discuss problems with such approaches in terms of data management and analysis. We propose a novel location estimation algorithm called QUAD, quadrant-based localization, to enable representative topology information. In particular, QUAD makes use of relative distances from landmark points to determine the quadrant a node resides in and refines estimations according to neighbour provided information. QUAD makes use of uncertainty levels in estimates to further assist data analysis. Our experiment results suggest significant improvements in individual accuracy prior to optional refinements. Drastic improvements are achieved in the overall topology using refinements.  相似文献   

首先指出网络分割会影响网络连通性,并进而影响网络的通信效率;接着从物理层和MAC协议入手,讨论了导致无线传感器网络网络分割问题的通信因素。为了定量地刻画网络分割,定义了网络分割比,并分析了影响网络分割比的物理及几何因素。通过试验采集的大量数据及曲线族拟合法,建立了一个无线传感器网络的网络分割模型,定量地确定了网络节点数、面积比与网络分割比的数学关系。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the construction of rings overlay in wireless sensor networks and presents an enhanced relay scheme for improving the robustness of data collection through the rings overlay. Rings overlay is a class of multi-path routing structure that exploits the broadcast nature of wireless communication to cope with communication failures. In constructing the rings overlay, we propose a distributed approach to allow sensor nodes to benefit from multi-path routing as much as possible. Our proposed approach only requires sensor nodes to have local neighborhood information. In our enhanced relay scheme, sensor nodes in the ring next to the base station benefit from multi-path routing without having to transmit their data multiple times. Experimental results show that compared with a baseline greedy construction approach and the original relay scheme, the proposed techniques of overlay construction and relay enhancement significantly improve the robustness and accuracy of sensor data collection through the rings overlay.  相似文献   

提出在传感器网络分簇条件下将覆盖性和连通性结合起来,即计算簇头和与它能保持连通的节点的共同覆盖面积——簇面积,并给出了在无线遮蔽环境中,簇面积的计算公式,进一步完善了覆盖性和连通性的研究。还分析了在遮蔽环境中为保证连通性,节点的发射功率所应遵循的条件。通过模拟实验,验证了该分析的正确性。  相似文献   

在室内环境中,墙壁的阻碍和反射会严重的影响无线传感网络中的信号传输特性.针对室内环境中传感节点的部署和应用的环境的特性,研究了无线信号在遇到墙壁反射时的传播特性,推导出了其对应的路径衰减.并基于视距传输和墙壁反射,提出了一种新的室内路径衰减模型.为了验证提出的路径衰减模型,针对室内房间和走廊环境,基于2.4 GHz载波频率,对无线传感节点的路径衰减和遮蔽效应进行了大量的实测实验.实验结果表明:提出的路径衰减模型可以很好地反映无线信号在室内的衰减特性.  相似文献   

传感器网络中鲁棒状态信息融合抗差卡尔曼滤波器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了无线传感器网络中的分布式鲁棒状态信息融合问题. 在局部状态估计层, 基于鲁棒统计学理论提出了适用于噪声相关情况的抗差(扩展)卡尔曼滤波器. 在融合中心层, 针对局部估计相关未知性和不完整性, 给出了不依赖于互协方差阵的稳健航迹融合方法—–内椭球逼近法. 仿真结果证实了算法的有效性: 所提出的抗差卡尔曼滤波器在野值存在情况下, 性能退化远低于传统卡尔曼滤波器(28.6%比428.6%); 所提出的内椭球逼近法获得比协方并交叉法更好的融合估计性能, 且不需要局部估计相关性的先验知识.  相似文献   

Robust state estimation problem subject to a communication constraint is investigated in this paper for a class of wireless sensor networks constituted by multiple remote sensor nodes and a fusion node. An analytical robust fusion estimator using local event‐triggered transmission strategies is derived aiming to reduce energy consumption of the sensor nodes and refrain from network traffic congestion. Some conditions are presented guaranteeing the uniformly bounded estimation errors of the robust state estimator. Several numerical simulations are presented to show the validity of the proposed method.  相似文献   

复杂网络是具有复杂拓扑结构和动力学行为特征的大规模网络,无线传感器网络呈现出多种复杂网络特性,如多跳、自组织特性等,这表明可借助复杂网络理论研究无线传感器网络的拓扑结构和动力学特性。在无线传感器网络的复杂网络特征的基础上建立小世界网络模型。仿真表明小世界网络模型下的无线传感器网络符合小世界网络具备的性质。  相似文献   

A sensor network operates on an infrastructure of sensing, computation, and communication, through which it perceives the evolution of events it observes. We propose a fusion-driven distributed dynamic network controller, called MDSTC, for a multi-modal sensor network that incorporates distributed computation for in-situ assessment, prognosis, and optimal reorganization of constrained resources to achieve high quality multi-modal data fusion. For arbitrarily deployed sensors, a certain level of data quality cannot be guaranteed in sparse regions. MDSTC reallocates resources to sparse regions; reallocation of network resources in this manner is motivated by the fact that an increased density of sensor nodes in a region of interest leads to better quality data and enriches the network resilience. Simulation results in NS-2 show the effectiveness of the proposed MDSTC. 1  相似文献   

A hybrid methodology is proposed for use in low power, safety critical wireless sensor network applications, where quality-of-service orientated transceiver output power control is required to operate in parallel with radio frequency-based localization. The practical implementation is framed in an experimental procedure designed to track a moving agent in a realistic indoor environment. An adaptive time synchronized approach is employed to ensure the positioning technique can operate effectively in the presence of dataloss and where the transmitter output power of the mobile agent is varying due to power control. A deterministic multilateration-based positioning approach is adopted and accuracy is improved by filtering signal strength measurements overtime to account for multipath fading. The location estimate is arrived at by employing least-squares estimation. Power control is implemented at two separate levels in the network topology. First, power control is applied to the uplink between the tracking reference nodes and the centralized access point. A number of algorithms are implemented highlighting the advantage associated with using additional feedback bandwidth, where available, and also the need for effective time delay compensation. The second layer of power control is implemented on the uplink between the mobile agent and the access point and here quantifiable improvements in quality of service and energy efficiency are observed. The hybrid paradigm is extensively tested experimentally on a fully compliant 802.15.4 testbed, where mobility is considered in the problem formulation using a team of fully autonomous robots.  相似文献   

Generally, the lifetime of a wireless sensor network (WSN) is defined as the duration until any sensor node dies due to battery exhaustion. If the traffic load is not properly balanced, the batteries of some sensor nodes may be depleted quickly, and the lifetime of the WSN will be shortened. While many energy-efficient routing schemes have been proposed for WSNs, they focus on maximizing the WSN lifetime. In this paper, we propose a scheme that satisfies a given ‘target’ lifetime. Because energy consumption depends on traffic volume, the target lifetime cannot be guaranteed through energy-efficient routing alone. We take an approach that jointly optimizes the sensing rate (i.e., controlling the sensor-traffic generation or duty cycle) and route selection. Satisfying the target lifetime while maximizing the sensing rate is a NP-hard problem. Our scheme is based on a simple Linear Programming (LP) model and clever heuristics are applied to compute a near-optimal result from the LP solution. We prove that the proposed scheme guarantees a 1/2-approximation to the optimal solution in the worst case. The simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme achieves near-optimality in various network configurations.  相似文献   

介绍了应用于无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks,WSN)中的一种数据传输方案--压缩网络编码(Compressed Network Coding,CNC)。在WSN中,通常应用网络编码(Network Coding,NC)来适应拓扑结构的动态变化并提高数据传输效率。考虑到传感器网络中节点测量值之间的相关性,与随机线性网络编码(Random Linear Network Coding,RLNC)方案中的编码操作与压缩感知(Compressed Sensing,CS)中随机投影操作之间的相似性,CNC方案将CS引入到NC中,通过对测量值数据包以及NC局部编码向量的设计,来解决传统NC译码存在的“全有或全无”问题。在汇聚节点收集到的数据包个数小于网络中源节点个数的情况下,CNC方案仍能以高概率精确重构感知数据。仿真结果表明,在合理的误差容许范围内重构测量值,所需的数据包个数仅为传统NC方案所需个数的一半,与传统NC技术相比,CNC方案将数据传输效率提升了20%以上。  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), senor nodes are usually battery-powered with limited energy budget. The network lifetime is directly related to the energy consumption of each node. Online censoring is an effective approach to reduce the overall energy consumption by only transmitting statistical informative data. However, the network lifetime is not proportionally extended with online censoring, since individual sensor may still suffer from energy shortage due to frequent transmission of informative data or transmission over long distance. In this paper, a parameters estimation problem is considered in WSNs, where the goal is to minimize the estimation error under the network lifetime constraint. Two censoring algorithms are developed, which allow sensor nodes to make decisions locally on whether to transmit the sampled data. The proposed algorithms can extend the network lifetime with little performance loss. Simulation results validate their effectivenesses.  相似文献   

The communication between nodes in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) may fail due to different factors, such as hardware malfunctions, energy depletion, temporal variations of the wireless channel and interference. To maximize efficiency, the sensor network deployment must be robust and resilient to such failures. One effective solution to this problem is to exploit a bio-inspired approach based on Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs). Owing to million years of evolution, GRNs display intrinsic properties of adaptation and robustness, thus making them suitable for dynamic network environments. In this article, we exploit the genetic structure of real organisms to deploy bio-inspired WSNs that are isomorphic to certain GRN sub-networks. Exhaustive structural analysis, simulations and experimental results on a WSN testbed demonstrate that bio-inspired WSNs are resilient to node and link failures and offer better performance than existing solutions for robust WSNs.  相似文献   

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