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传统的风能资源评估只考虑到风能的自然属性,没有和其社会属性结合起来。基于江苏省社会经济发展的需要和当地的实际情况,使用国际成熟的风能资源评估方法,创新性地把风能的自然属性和社会利用结合起来,根据风能资源的季节性变化,以四季平均风速分布作为重要指标,运用GIS技术的空间分析功能,结合风能在本地利用的实际情况对江苏省的风能资源可利用量进行了评估、分析和制图研究。结果显示,江苏省当前可实际开发利用的风能资源量达到146 336.16 GWh,在当地发展风能利用具有极大的资源潜力,可作为能源风险防范的关键技术进行开发。  相似文献   

Renewable energy encompasses a broad range of energy resources. Bangladesh is known to have a good potential for renewable energy, but so far no systematic study has been done to quantify this potential for power generation. This paper estimates the potential of renewable energy resources for power generation in Bangladesh from the viewpoint of different promising available technologies. Estimation of the potential of solar energy in Bangladesh is done using a GIS-based GeoSpatial Toolkit (GsT), Hybrid System Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER) model and NASA Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) solar radiation data. The potential of wind energy is estimated by developing a Bangladesh wind map using NASA SSE wind data and HOMER model. A review of country's biomass and hydro potential for electricity generation is presented. The technical potential of gird-connected solar PV is estimated at 50,174 MW. Assuming that 1000 h per year of full power is the feasible threshold for the exploitation of wind energy, the areas that satisfy this condition in the country would be sufficient for the installation of 4614 MW of wind power. The potential of biomass-based and small hydro power plants is estimated at 566 and 125 MW, respectively. The renewable energy resources cannot serve as alternative to conventional energy resources, yet they may serve to supplement the long-term energy needs of Bangladesh to a significant level.  相似文献   

The growing demand for electrical energy is one of the most important subjects today. Decreasing amount and environmental effect of fossil fuels does not seem to surmount this challenge. Renewable energies give a good perspective to be an alternative to fossil and nuclear-fueled power plants, in order to meet growing demand for electrical energy. Hydropower is well known in this category. Hydrokinetic energy technologies are relatively new than other hydropower systems. In this work has been investigated these kinds of hydrokinetic energy, and given some detailed information about current base of hydrokinetic. It has tried to give some knowledge in order to familiarize with the hydrokinetic turbine and generator. The selection information of a suitable turbine has been mentioned.  相似文献   

The paper provides an overview of the historical development of wind energy technology and discusses the current status of grid-connected as well as stand-alone wind power generation worldwide. During the last decade of the 20th century, grid-connected wind capacity worldwide has doubled approximately every three years. Due to the fast market development, wind turbine technology has experienced an important evolution over time. An overview of the different design approaches is given and issues like power grid integration, economics, environmental impact and special system applications, such as offshore wind energy, are discussed. Due to the complexity of the wind energy technology, however, this paper mainly aims at presenting a brief overview of the relevant wind turbine and wind project issues. Therefore, detailed information on further readings and related organisations is included.  相似文献   

Geothermal energy is the energy contained as heat in the Earth’s interior. This overview describes the internal structure of the Earth together with the heat transfer mechanisms inside mantle and crust. It also shows the location of geothermal fields on specific areas of the Earth. The Earth’s heat flow and geothermal gradient are defined, as well as the types of geothermal fields, the geologic environment of geothermal energy, and the methods of exploration for geothermal resources including drilling and resource assessment.Geothermal energy, as natural steam and hot water, has been exploited for decades to generate electricity, and both in space heating and industrial processes. The geothermal electrical installed capacity in the world is 7974 MWe (year 2000), and the electrical energy generated is 49.3 billion kWh/year, representing 0.3 % of the world total electrical energy which was 15,342 billion kWh in 2000. In developing countries, where total installed electrical power is still low, geothermal energy can play a significant role: in the Philippines 21% of electricity comes from geothermal steam, 20% in El Salvador, 17% in Nicaragua, 10% in Costa Rica and 8% in Kenya. Electricity is produced with an efficiency of 10–17%. The geothermal kWh is generally cost-competitive with conventional sources of energy, in the range 2–10 UScents/kWh, and the geothermal electrical capacity installed in the world (1998) was 1/5 of that from biomass, but comparable with that from wind sources.The thermal capacity in non-electrical uses (greenhouses, aquaculture, district heating, industrial processes) is 15,14 MWt (year 2000). Financial investments in geothermal electrical and non-electrical uses world-wide in the period 1973–1992 were estimated at about US$22,000 million. Present technology makes it possible to control the environmental impact of geothermal exploitation, and an effective and easily implemented policy to encourage geothermal energy development, and the abatement of carbon dioxide emissions would take advantage from the imposition of a carbon tax. The future use of geothermal energy from advanced technologies such as the exploitation of hot dry rock/hot wet rock systems, magma bodies and geopressured reservoirs, is briefly discussed. While the viability of hot dry rock technology has been proven, research and development are still necessary for the other two sources. A brief discussion on training of specialists, geothermal literature, on-line information, and geothermal associations concludes the review.  相似文献   

We examine how energy use at the household level moves with income in Bangladesh. Using the 2010 wave of Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure Survey data, our analyses indicate a U-shaped relationship of both electricity use and other types of energy use (combined) with household expenditure. The findings imply that as income grows households increase their energy expenditure less than proportionally, up to a threshold level of income. Beyond the threshold income, energy use increases as a proportion of income, particularly for electricity use. We identify the threshold (turning point) for both electricity and other types of energy use. Based on the current level of expenditure and its growth, reaching the turning point would require 17years for the former category but only 7years for the latter group.  相似文献   

欧洲海上风电技术的发展现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在使用可靠性及产品质量方面,对海上风机的要求要高于陆地风机。文章介绍了欧洲海上风力发电技术的发展历程,对海上风电和陆地风电投资费用和生产成本进行了比较分析。一些北欧国家发展海上风电的实践证明,2MW级的风力发电技术,最适合应用于浅海和近海水域。它的应用将为今后超大规模海上风电场的建设积累宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

In this study, a ten minute period measuring wind speed data for year 2007 at 10 m, 30 m and 40 m heights for different places in Iran, has been statistically analyzed to determine the potential of wind power generation. Sixty eight sites have been studied. The objective is to evaluate the most important characteristics of wind energy in the studied sites. The statistical attitudes permit us to estimate the mean wind speed, the wind speed distribution function, the mean wind power density and the wind rose in the site at three different heights. Some local phenomena are also considered in the characterization of the site.  相似文献   

Bangladesh is endowed with plentiful supply of renewable sources of energy. Out of the various renewable sources, solar and biomass and to a limited extend, wind and hydro-power are effectively used. This paper, discusses the effective applications of these resources. Bangladesh receives an average daily solar radiation of 4–6.5 kWh/m2. Solar photovoltaic (PV) are gaining acceptance for providing electricity to households and small business enterprises in grid remote rural areas. Under the ‘Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development (RERED) Programme’ a total of 64,000 SHSs will be installed by 2007. So far, a total of 37,000 SHSs with a capacity of about 2.5 MWp have been installed in the country.The next effective source of renewable energy is biomass. Under this category improved stoves, bio-gas plant and bio-mass briquitting are note worthy. The Institute of Fuel Research and Development (IFRD) has developed a number of improved stoves. These stoves save 50–70% fuel as compared to the traditional ones. So far, more than 100,000 stoves have been installed in the users kitchens. The potential of biogas technology is immense. According to an official estimates there is a cattle population of 24 million and poultry population of 75 million. This can produce about 3 billion m3 biogas. The Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) and IFRD are working to install the biogas plants in the rural areas. So far, a total of 19,596 biogas plants have been installed. Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) has successfully under took a research and development work on biomass briquitting technology with a grant from SIDA. By now, this technology has transferred to private entrepreneurs. Currently, about 60 small private enterprises are producing briquettes from rice husk and saw dust.Because the country is flat, hydropower is not abundant. At present, 230 MW is harnessed from the Kaptai dam. Besides, in the southeastern hilly regions a few micro-hydro sites have been identified. Very recently, one 10 kW micro-hydro plant has been installed by LGED at Bamerchara in Chittagong.Wind energy potential is not encouraging except in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. A few wind turbines have been installed as demonstration units. A project is going on for wind mapping of the country by LGED  相似文献   

由于用户负荷需求的多元化和不确定性,单一类型的储能技术已不能满足高品质的建筑供能需要.通过耦合不同类型储能设备,实现多能源协调互补的混合储能技术应运而生.本文在建筑能源应用背景下,首先介绍了混合储能技术的原理,从建筑用能需求角度梳理了混合储能技术的研究进程,指出了现阶段混合储能的主要研究方向.其次基于混合储能的几种常见匹配方式,综述了热能、燃气化学能和电能等多类型能源混合存储技术的应用现状,并根据典型案例介绍了相应混合储能的系统组成、运行策略和系统特点,说明建筑用户的多能用能需求如何得到满足.最后对混合储能系统性能和经济性情况进行分析,提出了评估混合储能系统性能的重要指标和影响其经济性的主要因素.  相似文献   

Bangladesh has been facing a power crisis for about a decade, mainly because of inadequate power generation capacity compared with demand and the ageing infrastructure of many existing power generation facilities. Only 20% of the total population are connected to grid electricity—25% in urban areas and a mere 10% in rural areas where 80% of the total population resides. Currently, most power plants in Bangladesh (representing 84.5% of the total installed capacity) use natural gas—the main commercial primary energy source, with limited national reserves—as a fuel. Electricity supply to low-load rural and remote areas is characterised by high transmission and distribution costs and transmission losses, and heavily subsidised pricing.Renewable energy sources in Bangladesh, particularly biomass, can play a major role to meet electricity demands in the rural and remote areas of the country. The current study indicates that in 2003, the national total generation and recovery rates of biomass in Bangladesh were 148.983 and 86.276 Mtonne, respectively. In energy term, the national annual amount of the recoverable biomass is equivalent to 312.613 TWh. Considering the present national consumption of biomass, total available biomass resources potential for electricity generation vary from 183.865 to 223.794 TWh. Biomass energy potential in the individual districts of the country has been estimated for the planning small- to medium-scale biomass-to-electricity plants.  相似文献   

Previous efforts in rural energy modelling have been reviewed and critically examined. A system-dynamics model of an integrated energy system for farming in Bangladesh has been developed based on Huq's revised model. The model considers energy use in various forms, including food production and consumption. The physical quality of life is also discussed. The model incorporates existing feedback loops, non-linearity, and time-lag characteristics inherent in real world systems. The model has been used to simulate different energetic variables for farming systems in Bangladesh. Implications of policy changes are discussed.  相似文献   

Renewable energy represents an area of tremendous opportunity for India. Energy is considered a prime agent in the generation of wealth and a significant factor in economic development. Energy is also essential for improving the quality of life. Development of conventional forms of energy for meeting the growing energy needs of society at a reasonable cost is the responsibility of the Government. Limited fossil resources and associated environmental problems have emphasized the need for new sustainable energy supply options. India depends heavily on coal and oil for meeting its energy demand which contributes to smog, acid rain and greenhouse gases’ emission. Last 25 years has been a period of intense activities related to research, development, production and distribution of energy in India.Though major energy sources for electrical power are coal and natural gas, development and promotion of non-conventional sources of energy such as solar, wind and bio-energy, are also getting sustained attention. The use of electricity has grown since it can be used in variety of applications as well as it can be easily transmitted, the uses of renewable energy like wind and solar is rising. Wind energy is a clean, eco-friendly, renewable resource and is nonpolluting. The gross wind power potential is estimated at around 48,561 MW in the country; a capacity of 14,989.89 MW up to 31st August 2011 has so far been added through wind, which places India in the fifth position globally. This paper discusses the ways in which India has already supported the growth of renewable energy technologies i.e. wind energy and its potential to expand their contribution to world growth in a way that is consistent with world's developmental and environmental goals. The paper presents current status, major achievements and future aspects of wind energy in India.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between return and volatility as well as the covolatility spillover for energy, foreign currency, and stock markets using the diagonal BEKK model. Using daily crude oil, natural gas, and the coal prices as proxies for energy prices, the S&P500 index as a proxy for the U.S. stock market, and the EUR/USD exchange rate as a proxy for the exchange rate, we find robust evidence for the volatility spillover effects among the three markets. Also, in the 16 out of 20 pairwise relationships in the five markets, there are significant negative covolatility spillover effects. In the four pairs involving coal, there are positive and significant covolatility spillover effects. We conclude that the energy markets and the stock market have stronger covolatility spillovers than others.  相似文献   

There seems to be some question concerning the relationship between irrigation and the price of energy. Did changes in the price of energy actually impact irrigation in the USA? Additionally, the substitution between alternative types of energy seems to be a possibility for irrigation. Whether in fact it occurred is another matter. In this study, an appropriate model is developed and estimated to address the issues. The specific energy types considered include motor gasoline, diesel fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas and electrical energy. The results for 1978 and for 1980 clearly indicate that energy use for irrigation is responsive to the price of energy. Additionally, some substitution between energy types took place during this period. Finally, when the question of the stability of the demand for the various energy types is addressed, the suggestion is that the demand for the energy types considered was stable for the 1978 and 1980 periods.  相似文献   

With the increasing demand of energy and the growing intensity of energy crisis, various smart energy systems are developed on the distribution level, such as integrated energy system (IES). In this article, a trading mechanism among various energy retailers and consumers is designed under the open market environment. The trading problem is formulated as a multi‐leader and multi‐follower Stackelberg game, which is built with the strategy set of energy bidding price and purchasing pattern. In particular, consumer's demand is described with the price elasticity property of demand, and non‐cooperative competition behavior among retailers is analyzed mathematically. To implement the proposed game approach, a distributed algorithm is presented by combining particle swarm optimization (PSO) and interior point method (IPM). Finally, simulation results show that the proposed trading mechanism will contribute to the development of heterogeneous energy market and the overall profit of retailers in the traditional trading mechanism is 37.8% lower than the profit in the proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

With the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) expiring in 2020, the EU needs to revisit its energy technology policy for the post-2020 horizon and to establish a policy framework that fosters the achievement of ambitious EU commitments for decarbonization by 2050. We discuss options for a post-2020 EU energy technology policy, taking account of uncertain technology developments, uncertain carbon prices and the highly competitive global market for energy technologies. We propose a revised SET Plan that enables policy makers to be pro-active in pushing innovation in promising technologies, no matter what policy context will be realized in the future. In particular, a revised SET Plan should include a more technology-specific focus, provide the basis for planning and prioritization among decarbonization technologies, and should be based on a comprehensive approach across sectors. Selected technology targets and EU funding of innovation should be in line with the SET Plan prioritization.  相似文献   

可再生能源与建筑集成技术的发展途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仲继寿 《太阳能》2007,(5):40-43
一前言随着我国城镇化和居民生活水平的提高,人们对室内环境的舒适性要求也越来越高,人均建筑面积和室内舒适度指标的提高促使建筑能耗的快速增长。以城镇住宅发展为例,2005年底,全国城镇人均住宅建筑面积26.11m~2,81.62%的城镇家庭拥有自有住宅,住宅成套率达80.64%。从建筑能耗在社会综合能耗的比例来看,1992年为15%,目前已达  相似文献   

The drastic change in climatic conditions has led to shift towards the review of sustainable strategies in the renewable energy sector. Hydrokinetic technology has various benefits over the conventional methods, which can be helpful in achieving the desired sustainable development. In the present study, an outline for the conversion of hydrokinetic energy along with its challenges has been discussed. The study comprises of three steps involving collection of properties required for site characterization followed by selection of the suitable hydrokinetic device as per the site characteristics and the determination of impact on the flow condition due to device installation. The characteristics of the site govern the selection of the device, its mooring arrangements, and augmentation. The arrangement of devices as a single unit or in an array will have an impact on the flow conditions. The altered flow condition will in turn affect and change the characteristics of the site. This three‐step process is interlinked and will have a cumulative impact on the environment. The influence of environmental impact and cost of energy, which are the two major factors for the success of this technology, are also discussed. Further, various challenges faced by hydrokinetic technology in its development are explored. It is concluded that only the optimization of a hydrokinetic device for its efficiency improvement will not be fruitful until its impact on flow condition is considered for optimization.  相似文献   

Simple frameworks have been developed for estimating the utilization potential of: (a) solar photovoltaic (SPV) pumps; (b) windmill pumps; (c) producer gas based dual fuel engine pumps; and (d) biogas based dual fuel engine pumps for irrigation water pumping in India. The approach takes into account factors such as: solar radiation intensity, wind speed, availability of bovine dung and agri-residues, and their alternative uses, ground water requirements for irrigation and its availability, affordability, and propensity of the users to invest in renewable energy devices, etc. SPV pumps are estimated to have the maximum utilization potential in India, followed by windmill pumps.  相似文献   

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